Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 93: Unexpected "guest"

Deathly silence.

Connold was motionless, and his face was as cold as ice; Duke Nolan Odd still laughed arrogantly, and unabashedly opposed the four eyes of His Royal Highness.

In addition to Loren and Yuli Wiltz, even the two thick lines of "Look at the bustling, not too big", also closed their mouths nervously, and four pairs of eyes kept at the ends of the round table Moving constantly.

This is no longer the tip of the needle against Maimang, but can see the blood flying!

"Cough! Cough cough ..."

After a long while, Corona coughed several times, interrupting the embarrassment stiffly.

"Cough cough ... Since His Royal Highness Connold also belonged to the royal family of DeSales, this kind of problem is really sudden for the Crown Prince." Corona's difficult pretence said indifferently: "As the Crown Prince, His Royal Highness must hang the empire's safety in his heart at all times. Why would he think of letting others bear such heavy burdens for himself? "

"Naturally! In terms of legal principles, the imperial throne should belong to His Royal Highness; but since it is to be elected, it may be up to the Dukes to see if there is a more suitable candidate than His Royal Highness Connold, and we can discuss it again!"

Corona's meaning is straightforward-the premise of this discussion is no longer to recommend the emperor, but to propose other candidates to see if there is anything better than His Royal Highness, which can compete with His Royal Highness.

That is to say, you do n’t have to worry about it anymore, and the candidates are no longer attached with any premises.

After a few words, Connor's expression improved slightly.

Nolan Odd still had a greasy smile on the corner of his mouth, a look that he had mastered.

Feeling a lot relaxed in the hall, Master Corona took the lead and recommended the military minister of the former front cabinet, Severin de Salion.

The reason is also very simple-as the elder members of the royal family today, although they are sidelined, they have rich military experience and many military battles; in the subsequent Azores invasion, he will definitely need his experience.

Yuri Wiltz, the leader of Elmans, abstained; in his view this kind of thing was purely nonsense, meaningless and of no practical effect ... and he hated nonsense and gossip.

Ruben Frid intended to stand up, but under the eyes of Yuri Wilcz that was really capable of killing, and after being caught by the dark-haired wizard several times, he finally gave up.

Despite her disregard, Salika Jonah recommended the long princess Fitlonay de Salion. The reason is simpler-she is a woman, but more like a man than most knights.

Nolan Oder didn't change his face, he recommended Brandon de Salion ... because Brandon was the dragon rider, and the dragon was the primary prerequisite for Arles to submit to the empire.

Of course, all of his real purpose was present ... It was clear who was recommended, whoever wanted to be nauseous and Connor anyway.

"My point of view is still the same-for today's empire, His Royal Highness Connold de Salion is the most suitable person in the empire."

The dark-haired wizard who didn't change his face said plainly: "The reason and reason ... I have explained it very clearly in the previous" Empire Declaration "."

"And my thinking is the same as that of Duke Yuli Wiltz, there is nothing to talk about this matter; the coronation ceremony as soon as possible, so that the empire has an emperor, is the top priority!"

Corona's expression twitched her lips, and she said nothing, but blinked at the dark-haired wizard.

"So ... the final decision is in your hands again, His Royal Highness." Nolan Odd, who smiled again, turned his attention to Connor:

"Look, because of the loyalty of Duke Byrne, now you only need to open the gold mouth, and no one in the empire can have someone who can compete with you."

Facing the aggressive gaze of the Duke of Arles, Connor, who had a pale face, stood there without a word.

The atmosphere that Master Corona finally eased became repressed again.

It was a dilemma again ... Loren, who looked dull, looked away at Nolan Odd.

If Connold says any name, it proves that he believes that there are more suitable princes than him in the empire;

If he chooses himself ... this troubled Duke of Arles will certainly take the opportunity to make trouble.

So, Connold de Salion, how can you reverse the situation that is almost dead ...

"Brandon de Salion."

Connor, staring at the water, stared at Nolan Odd, and said the name clearly:

"If it were me ... I would choose Brandon de Salion."

At this moment, the hall of the Knights was real, deadly still.

From Master Corona to Salika Jonah beside Loren, they were all stunned, opened their mouths in amazement, but were speechless.

At this moment, Nolan Odd finally couldn't laugh anymore, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Everyone present ... No one expected Connor to say that name!

Loren, who was always silent, suddenly felt something faintly, staring at Nolan Odd with a startled look on his face.

No, there is fraud here ... Even if the Duke of Arles wanted to block the Dessalines family, he would not deliberately seek death in the heavenly palace; still said ...

"Yes, if it were for me to choose, I would choose Brandon de Salion."

Connold, who didn't care about his surroundings, continued to say: "The reason is equally simple. He is the last dragon-controller in the royal family, the second heir to the empire, and he should have the right to become the emperor. qualifications."

"Especially at this critical juncture, a dragon-controller ... will bring great security and confidence to the empire and all the soldiers who are about to fight the enemy; when the dragon spreads its wings, the dragon flame burns the earth. For a moment, everyone will believe that the empire will win, and DeSalle ... will win. "

"So I recommend Brandon de Salleone to become the thirteenth emperor of the empire; but ..."

Connold spoke sharply, and his indifferent and solemn eyes swept across the face of each duke at the table: "Dear distinguished dukes, you seem to have forgotten one thing, forgot a person."

"That is we still live in the twelfth generation, and the emperor of the twelfth generation ... Your emperor, choose me to inherit this empire!"

"So the Duke ... you can recommend any one of De Salion to compete with or fight against me, to recommend the truly suitable person in your heart, the person who can bring you benefits."

"But please ask yourself, your choice ... whether to save the empire, or to grab the empire before the invasion of the Azores, and drag it into a **** called" split ", invincible hell?"

"Exactly as our Duke of Loren Turin described."

Before the round table, there was no one who spoke differently.

The dark-haired wizard still didn't open his mouth, and his dark pupil locked on Nolan Odd's body, his expression fluctuating.

It turned out that ...

From the appearance of Nolan Odd to the time he began to make troubles at this meeting, when all kinds of congestion were added to Connold, Loren had always had an illusion ... This Duke of Arles, 80% had already joined Brandon De Salion reached some kind of agreement.

And the performance of the other party is a good proof of this-whether it is to interrupt Connor's rhythm, or to propose the so-called "one person, one vote, elect the emperor", it seems that it is constantly creating momentum for Brandon and weakening Connold's voice and influence in this Knights meeting.

But now it seems that this meeting of the Knights of the Royal Swords is a double-edged play directed by two people ... The contradiction between the Principality of Arles and the royal family has a long history and can be an excellent target; Nolan Oder first made it difficult, You can stop everyone else's mouth.

The governor of Ebden on the side of the wizard, the Duke of Lottery swaying between the church and Byrne, the ever-neutral Julie Wiltz, seeing the lively and unsuspecting Salika Jonah ... and Duke Byrne who supported Brandon, Loren himself.

Connold de Salion, he used this method to put the six principalities with completely different interests in mind. There is nothing to say-to retreat and advance, use the "great justice" to suppress people ... It is almost the same routine as Loren. .

The only difference is that Loren targets only him Connor, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince used this trick to suppress all the dukes and even the entire empire!

At last, Loren's eyes became more and more dignified, and he pressed his hands on the armrests of the chair, and the green muscles were exposed naturally.

"Who else, do you have any objections?"

Indifferent questioning students sounded under the ceiling of the Knights Hall.

The only answer was silence.

The dukes of different faces no longer spoke, and the most joyous Nolan Odd, who had just jumped, was surprisingly silent at the moment.

"Since you have no objections, as the supreme emperor who will be crowned as the thirteenth generation of the empire, I hereby solemnly declare ..."

With an unquestionable tone, Connold de Salion ... at this moment, like the Supreme Emperor, said to the Dukes present:

"From this moment, from the northernmost cut-off mountain of the empire to the southernmost rock fortress; from the dense forest of the deep forest to the great green sea of ​​the Centaur ..."

"In the territory of the Sacrament Empire, all the land with the three dragon flags, all the villages, all the towns, all the castles, all people-no matter how old or young, regardless of gender, must obey the call of the empire, and Invading enemy forces are fighting! "

"Since the Azore elves have started this war, then we will accompany them to carry out the war to the end; until the blood is exhausted, the smoke is wiped out, and the national broken tribe is killed!"

"Let me remind you again ... this is no longer a battle of defending the country, a battle of dignity; but only one of the two coexisting ethnic groups can continue to rule the world until the end comes!"

"Anyone who betrays this war will no longer be an enemy of the empire, but an enemy of our entire ethnic group-betray the war, betray the emperor, betray your group."

"And I assure you that for those who have abandoned the ethnic group ... the empire will be between them and let them completely disappear from this world!"

"No flesh and blood!"

The heavy words fell, leaving only echoes floating in the hall, but still exuding **** murderousness.

No one spoke, and the dukes around the round table could even hear each other breathing.

Until the next second ...


The gate was knocked open.

The people in front of the round table turned back at the same time, looking at the figure who came in with amazement.

Connold's complexion was blue again.

The dark-haired wizard closed his eyes and sighed helplessly.

Originally thinking that I could solve this matter with the least cost, did I finally get to this point?

"Yoyo, everyone is here."

The frivolous words, with a touch of randomness; staggered, step by step into the hall.

"It's really sorry to break into your chat so suddenly; but ..."

He slowly raised his head and looked at Connor de Salion with a childlike smile:

"You seem to have forgotten me, my dearest brother Connor de Salion."

"Invade the Azores and be crowned the supreme emperor of the thirteenth generation of the empire ... so many important things, how can you not invite me?"

"Or, dear brother, have you forgotten my little brother who is not obedient ... forget?"

He didn't care about the stunned eyes around him, he looked provocatively at Connor, and he didn't forget to throw a glance at the black-haired wizard.

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Loren watched Brandon's performance quietly.

"Why are you here?" Connor said indifferently: "According to the arrangement of the father and emperor, you should now be in Poi, in the barracks of the Eastern Expedition."

"Yes, but I'm here now, and I'm standing right in front of you." Gently snapped his fingers, and the proud embarrassed prince opened his arms with disapproval. He sneered disdainfully: "Don't pretend to be silly, I Dear brother, as long as anyone raises his head, he should know that I am here; or do you think you can have a second dragon-controller besides me in this world? "

This is tantamount to clarifying the words thoroughly, without any further disguise.

"Even so, this is the headquarters of the Knights of the Royal Sword, and only members of the Knights can participate in this meeting." Connor said sternly:

"Brandon, you ... are not qualified to stand here!"

"Yeah ~ ~ But I'm here now, and there is just a seat here." Brandon laughed more and more arrogantly: "So now, my dear Your Royal Highness, what are you going to do with me? "

Connold's expression became increasingly ugly.


His Royal Highness rushed into the chair, and his blood-red pupil was sharp like a sword, sweeping across the faces of everyone around the round table.


"Since this is the case, there is only one thing I can do ..." Connor coldly said:

"The Royal Sword Knights, disband now!"

The dukes of different looks all got up and turned away from their respective positions.

In the dead hall, there was only one black-haired wizard.

… And some complacent prince.

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