Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 100: Entourage

In the early morning, the imperial capital of Golovin, the west gate.

The legionnaires prepared in advance blocked the gate, emptied and controlled the surrounding streets; the heavily armed "black wall" set up long walls on both sides of the gate and "respectfully sent" Duke Byrne to Ebden.

The deserted streets, the imperial nobles who were eager to send themselves out of the city, and the posture of "in the face of the enemy" ... are really compelling.

Recalling yesterday that Connold officially announced at the Imperial Parliament that he will serve as the commander of Eboden, and when Brandon is heading to Mount Jufeng, those imperial nobles who desperately applaud with a zealous face but are eager to disappear immediately ...

The dark-haired wizard couldn't help but sigh.

I thought I was "loyal", at least a little bit to reverse the views of the imperial nobles about myself and Brandon ... really, I thought too much.

Of course, this does not mean that there are no supporters of Brandon within the imperial capital, but that their reason for supporting Brandon is because they are too weak ... even if the thirteenth generation has begun, even if Connold has become a new one The emperor, Brandon became the new prince of East Sackland, and nothing changed.

They longed for the outlier Brandon to die on Mount Horfeng. Emperor Connold could marry a woman from a traditional imperial aristocracy, with a reasonable and legal successor;

They longed to be able to die in Ebden, while mournfully mourn themselves, while dividing Bayern again, and set up the governor to turn the thirteen lords into the empire of the empire.

Azores? Monster invasion? Centaur War? dwarf? It's all **** ... The empire is Golovin, and Golovin is the empire; the border of the empire is Golovin's city walls. Who cares about the world outside the wall?

Looking at the Byr Knights already waiting outside the city gate, Loren's expression was a little complicated.

Corona refused the "invitation" of his peers-the reason is not surprising. Of course, as the governor of Eboden, he must first take the first step in the Eboden parliament to make preparations and prepare for war preparations.

After all, Ebden is a free city, and the Wizard ’s Tower is not a tight military organization like the Knights, and it has never been Corona ’s words; it wants to unite the city and obey itself without complaints. Of course, the order must first convince the forces of all parties.

Of course, Loren is not expecting the result.

Fortunately, Isaac had been persuaded by himself and drove the floating city to return to the Red Blood Castle first-this battle is no more unusual than in the past; how many enemies to face, how strong and weak are absolute Unknown, it really can't divide more energy to protect him.

Considering the difficulty of Isaac, Loren can only use the floating city to "threate" him; after all, the person who can really control this "alchemy structure" (a new word invented by Isaac), only He is the one (at least Isaac thinks so).

So since the floating city is going to return to Red Blood Castle, Isaac certainly has to go back-as for what to do after he returns to Red Blood Castle, there is no need to think about it yourself.

Charlotte ... She will definitely understand her ideas and arrange everything.

Yes, it is like that.

Loren is very confident in her.

"Lucien." The dark-haired wizard said abruptly. "Did you say goodbye to your brother before leaving?"

The gray pupil was stunned for a while, his expression awkward for a while, and he still shook his head with his mouth closed: "No ... let's just forget it, I have never been so close to him, and the relationship is not so good."

"Going to him at this time feels awkward, uh ... I mean, I don't know what to say."

Listening to Lucien's tangled explanation, Loren chuckled.

The head of the young flag who followed his own at the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain. If he could follow the original path of his life as nearly 100%, he could become the deputy commander of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain. · De Salion's character, the decisive commander of the empire.

But because of his appearance, this genius with unlimited future is willing to follow behind him; after countless hardships and dangers, he died a few times, and was also impressed by an evil spirit ...

Just to stick to his oath ... Compared to him, his "Turin" is simply unqualified to the extreme.

No, even the surname "Turin" was stolen from the old knight Leonardo Turin.

From the beginning, he was a genuine "counterfeit" knight.

There was a bitter smile in the corner of the dark-haired wizard's mouth.

"Otherwise, let's talk to him after the battle of Ebden." The gray pupil on the side is still entangled: "That guy ... I must be surprised to see that I am still alive. I really want to see that serious book. The look of the guy's eyes is adjusted, um, that's it. "

"If ... if there is no such opportunity, hehe." Luisen suddenly chuckled, and looked up indifferently: "Then don't have to see you again-I can't see this guy anymore, I'm really awful What. "

"Anyway, I haven't watched this guy pleasing to the eye. He doesn't like me as an irresponsible guy; if I can't come back, maybe it's a good thing for both of us."

No, Lucien, your brother Yuli cares more about you than you think.

It's just that both of your brothers were carved out of a model, and neither of them would bow their heads to the other.

"Master Loren?"


"Master Loren, why didn't you talk to Charlotte and Ain before they came to explain that you might become the commander of Ebden, standing on the front line of the Azores invasion?" Lussien glanced curiously. , Faintly mixed with a little cunning:}

"You and Earl Charlotte, and Ain, their relationship must be much stronger than me and ... that guy?"

The dark-haired wizard shrugged: "Don't be kidding, how could I know this-the coronation ceremony was three days ago, and the appointment I got yesterday, how could it be expected a week ago ..."


The gray pupil interrupted abruptly.


"If it's me, it's certainly not possible, but Lord Loren can definitely ... No, it should be said that even what is happening now is definitely in your plan, right."

It was obviously an interrogative sentence, but Lusien, who was burning his eyes, was very sure: "So you have guessed the result of the matter, the coronation ceremony and the floating city are all in the guise, to prevent Charlotte and Ain from coming with them. It was deliberately done. "

"No ... I am not, I am not ... not as powerful as you said."

Pulling the corner of his mouth, the dark-haired wizard smiled bitterly: "Lucien, you seem to have misunderstood me."

"Maybe, but I know that you are a very caring friend, and a person who is particularly cautious." As if he didn't hear Loren's excuse, Lusien continued:

"So I can imagine that the only reason for you to do this is that you have no absolute certainty in this battle of Ebden, so you are protecting your friends in this way ... you don't want them to be hurt."

"From Dragon King City to Cloud Summit ... No matter how many times others have said it, Lord Loren, your character has never changed."

Looking at his serious and stubborn look, Loren really didn't know what to say.

"Lucien, you are also my friend."

"Yes, so I am honored to be standing behind you all the time." The gray pupil said more, the expression was more serious: "This is not only because of the oath, but also because I am your friend-I can not watch Holding my friend ’s back, I lost my protection. "

"And you don't want to leave me; Elleman's little man only has the advantages of running fast and being stubborn enough; even if you want to get rid of me, I will find a way to keep up."

The dark-haired wizard chuckled helplessly.

Under the "crowding" of the soldiers on both sides, the group finally arrived under the city gate; the two thousand byrne knights who had accompanied them had gathered and were ready to leave.

Eckert, Earl of the Fury Castle, led the war horse forward and handed the reins to the hands of the black-haired wizard, his stiff expression slightly strange.

"The two thousand Brian Knights have all assembled, and you can start at any time, Duke." Eckert said in a deep voice: "In addition, there are some guard knights in the floating city, who are also preparing to join in. I agree."

The dark-haired wizard nodded, staring at Eckert, standing still in front of himself, still talking, "What's wrong?"

Eckert nodded slightly, his expression growing weird.

"On the matter of going to Ebden, in addition to those guarding knights ... there are people who want to come together."

"Is there anybody?" Loren frowned slightly. "Is those alchemists? It's no wonder that being able to see the Nine-Mang Star Sorcerer's Tower is indeed a big deal for a wizard; otherwise, I will persuade ... , Isn't it? "

Earl Eckert nodded vigorously.

"Then ... that's the dwarf artisan of Floating City? I remember that they have no interest in magic and other things. Does Floating City give them excitement and want to see the Nine Stars Wizard Tower?"

Earl Eckert shook his head solemnly.

Isn't it?

Looking at Eckert's somewhat embarrassed expression, the expression of the dark-haired wizard changed, and suddenly thought of a possibility: "Shouldn't you say ..."

"it is me!"

At this moment, a breathless figure directly drilled out of the Bayern Knight who was in front of him (he could not push it away), an arrow struck directly in front of Loren, and his eyes were rounded:


Ok? !

The black-haired wizard suddenly fell into a daze.

"I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect that my younger brother of Loren actually cheated on me this day! And I still use this kind of reason that sounds stupid. I try to flick me back!" Isaac shivered in anger. , As if I heard something unbelievable:

"What else do you say" I can't do it except me "," Only you can "," This is nothing to do "-I am so self-righteous, is there no one in the eyes ?!"

Isn't it? !

Of course, this sentence Loren also talked about in his heart.

"That ... you know I didn't do it on purpose, mainly because of the cause; this time we went to Ebden not for the wizard tower, but to resist the invasion of the Azore elves-in a place like this on the battlefield, I think there really is no ... … "

"There is no place for me to show my talents? Oh ... Brother Loren, you really still have a misunderstanding about the scope of the senior's ability."

With the left hand behind his back, Isaac with his index finger raised in his right hand made a "tuck" sound, a posture of "I knew you would say so":

"Yes, I did n’t have much interest in these in the past, but now it ’s not what it used to be; other cities may be really unsure of me, but Ebden ... This place is a natural fortress built for me, I can What you do, you ca n’t think of breaking your head! "

"The most important thing is, don't forget, I'm a wizard."

"A real wizard; it's not a trick, not a craftsman or thinking about how to use this to make a fortune."

"Sister Loren ... How can you let a wizard watch the wizard's birthplace fall, and sit idly by in the back?" Isaac stared at Loren violently:

"In Lina's words, such a thing is simply unheard of, and it's justified!"

The expression of the dark-haired wizard was a bit tangled.

"Actually, I also agree to let His Excellency Isaac Grantham walk with you." Coughing twice, the Earl of Eckert said: "You told us that the Azores use the 'Warrior Way' Enemies in battle, and the only thing we can fight against are the wizards. "

"That being the case, how can you give up the empire's leading wizard genius and advise you next to you?"

"The empire is second to none ... No, it should be the world's top genius. That's right! There are no ancients and no comers, the first genius wizard of the empire!" Isaac nodded frantically aside ~ ~ It ’s because the floating city has returned, you just want me to go now, and I ca n’t go either-either throw me in the capital or take me to Ebden, there is no third way! "

Isaac, with his waist in his arms, took it for granted. There were quite a few distributions of Langdon's attitude.

How did these two guys get together?

However, Eckert also made some sense. Isaac would certainly help himself a lot; but the problem is that he is on the battlefield and defending the city. It is too much to protect him ...

"Just do it, don't think about it any more! The army of Azores is coming, Ebden is in danger, and Isaac Grantham will become the savior of the empire as these thirteen generations arrive!" The poetic Isaac was so excited that he danced loudly:

"The audience has arrived, the curtain has opened ... The following two sentences of Loren were what you said last time, oh, right!"

"Cry for the catastrophe, release the dog of war--!"

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