Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 103: 1 group

"I'm sorry, this is the result of my poor supervision; I ... I didn't expect this to be the case."

With a heavy sigh, Corona frowned and said, "When I proceeded to deal with it, things were beyond the control of the Free Council."

"This is not your fault, Master Corona." Loren shook his head and interrupted the old man's self-blame: "If it was not for the Secretary of the Army to withdraw the Empire's legions, these mercenaries would not dare to rebel; this sudden No one can predict the incident. "

The empty Freedom Council, at this moment only he and Corona were there.

After hearing that Eboden was about to encounter a massive invasion by overseas enemies, one-third of the nobles had begun to flee, one-third of them hid at home, and the remaining one-third was arranged to fill it. Two-thirds of the vacated positions and positions no longer have the manpower for meetings.

After communicating with Corona, Loren finally figured things out.

The first is to urgently rush back to Corona in the city of Eboden. Through the Liberty Council, Connor I issued a comprehensive war mobilization order, which caused a frenzy of citizens to flee, and even fled the city like crazy with many rich people and nobles.

Corona chose to acquiesce, for a reason similar to Loren's idea at the time-the probability that Ebden could hold it was too low, and there was no need to drag the whole city to death.

But this chaos has made the three mercenary regiments in the city see some kind of hope of making a fortune.

They first pretended to agree to the conditions of employment of the Liberty Council, and at the same time controlled several key fortresses and urban areas in the name of "maintaining order in the city"; then they suddenly took the floor price when preparing for handover, doubling the commission.

Cash, and credit and substitutes are not accepted!

At this time, the three mercenary regiments have united and controlled most of the strongholds and city defense facilities in the city. A very small number of city defense troops were also disarmed and expelled without defense, or turned into resistance. Corpse.

Things are changing at this time.

But it's too late to deal with it.

A large number of merchants ca n’t take away their shops and goods, but they will definitely take away the real money and even sell everything they can. The result is that in the warehouse in the city of Ebden, all kinds of materials are abundant, but gold The stock of Heyin is very small, and it is not enough to pay the amount requested by the mercenaries.

Therefore, although Loren has been comforting Corona all the time; both of them knew that this was the result of Corona's misjudgment ... at least, he should bear most of the responsibility.

Corona is a wizard, he is not a politician and businessman like the Bellini family; even if he becomes the governor of Ebden, he cannot change the fact that he is a wizard; this means that when he thinks about the problem, he must It is to weigh the pros and cons of one thing from the perspective of a wizard.

Therefore, he could not control the mercenaries of Ebden as the Bellini family. The direct result was that the forces of the mercenaries who lost control quickly expanded to the point where they could not be easily contained.

In other words, when the Bellini family who took control of the trade and the noble class in the city, the military power fell, and the leader of the wizard tower became the ruling officer, this situation in a sense is already doomed.

While the two were talking, the door of the parliament hall was opened, and the cold-faced Lucien escorted three people into the hall, surrounded by five demon hunters.

The three people have different expressions.

A fierce and fierce, a complexion, and a grinning, unknowingly.

The three men were brutally pressed on the chair by Lucien and the Demon Hunter.

"That ... can I drink for the cup?" The grinning mercenary head pointed behind him, looking curiously at the dark-haired wizard: "Suddenly he was woken up early in the morning, and he was greeted so enthusiastically by this little brother, It's really thirsty. "

"Yes, but not now." Loren raised his mouth slightly: "According to Byrne's rules, the negotiating parties can only raise a glass to celebrate when they shake hands and make peace."

"That's fine! That means you don't plan to make a courtesy with us guys; Lord Corona is here, and you mentioned the rules of Byrne, so ... you are the Duke of Torino. "Smirking, the mercenary stared at Loren with a frowning eyebrow:

"So according to the rules of the empire, I'll introduce myself too. My name is ... Hey, forget it, you probably don't want to know the name of my little bastard, just call me" Poisonous Snake "-three servants At the bottom of the Corps, the weakest and the least planted, the group of guys taught by you at the city gate are my people! Hahahaha! "

"And this one next to me is very scary at first glance. The guy who looks like a villain is the boss of" Black Blade ". This incident is also his head ... Well, anyway, I am not the first!"

The head of the fierce "Black Blade" snorted coldly, and looked like he gritted his teeth.

"And this one is not very easy to look at, it is the leader of the blood of silver, the strength is the strongest among us, and the man is also the most able to fight among the three of us-anyway, I can't fight! "

The squinting "Silver Blood" was motionless, and the wolf-like eyes fixed on Loren without squinting.

In a few words, the two sides knew each other.

"Very good, after the polite words are finished, then let's start to discuss the business." Master Corona, who was standing between the two people, clapped his hands and slowly said: "The purpose of the three people here should already be known. ; We emptied the Freedom Council today, hoping to reach an agreement in private ... "

"Our condition is only one."

The "Silver Blood" sitting in the center of the three stared at Loren only, and said coldly: "Let's fight, but double the commission."

"Otherwise?" Loren asked rhetorically.

"Otherwise we will always occupy the port and the fortress of Ebden, and then wait for the Azores' army to hand over the city to them!" The grinning "Black Blade" stared at the dark-haired wizard with a fierce expression:

"Either the city or the money ... Lord Duke, please pick one!"

But Loren just shook his head and looked at the three of them unbelievably.

"I said ... shouldn't you think that the Azores are a race that is very easy to deal with?"

"Okay, even if you succeeded in reaching an agreement with them, what's next? Are you planning to leave the city, or are you loyal to the Azores? I have dealt with them, and you don't have to think about the latter. impossible."

"As for the former ... I can guarantee that as long as you leave with your front feet, the legion of the hind-foot empire will arrive--then the empire will do its utmost to wipe out your traitors even if you don't recapture Eboden."

"That's our business, you don't need to worry about us!"

Black Blade sneered: "Let's think about yourself first, Lord Duke-lost Ebden without waiting for the army of elves. How will your emperor punish you?"

"So you are going to be hard?"

"Yo, did you find out?"

The "surprised" Black Blade smiled directly and even applauded.

The gray pupil standing behind Loren looked so ugly that he was about to push the **** down to the ground, but was held down by the dark-haired wizard.

"Hey, hey ... friends, friends; calm down, everyone calm down!" Seeing the atmosphere getting more and more tense, the grinning "venomous snake" quickly stood up and interrupted: "We are here to negotiate, not to quarrel; our The goal is to reach an agreement that satisfies both parties, isn't it? "

"So please don't rush this way again, Blackblade boss; then ... Hi, Lord Duke and Lord Archon, you also saw it."

The viper twisted his waist and rubbed his hands with an embarrassed smile: "We are a bunch of little **** and big bosses, and we happen to have Eboden's city defense and the most powerful army in our hands, enough to defend all the fortresses and city walls. ; And the only thing that can make our gang bosses obedient ... "

"It's just shiny gold coins and shiny silver coins, that's all."

"But there is not so much cash in Ebden, the price you have opened is too exaggerated." Corona looked at him and said very simply: "At most you can only pay the price you said at the beginning, or you are willing to use it Goods come to the top. "

"Sorry, but we are not merchants; satin or fine wines have given us a bunch of big bosses, and it can only be ruined." The viper shook his head again and again, with a smile of "I'm sorry", and then the words turned:

"But ... if the distinguished Duke of Byrne is willing to represent His Majesty the Emperor and use his honor as a guarantee to reach an agreement with us to guarantee that we can pay our full commission after the war-our gang boss can still accept the temporary Only half of the commission. "

The words fell, and the grinning viper continued to rub his hands, but his eyes stopped on the dark-haired wizard.

Almost at the same time, the other two mercenary leaders turned their eyes around.

Pressing and holding Loren of Lucien, it is still an unsmiling look.

The other party's thoughts are basically the same as they expected.

To put it simply, the heads of the three mercenary regiments intend to make a "long-term sale"-they know that Eboden can't afford that much money, and they also know that Eboden needs 20,000 soldiers in their hands, So I meditated on the ground and wanted to extort blackmail from my "fatty sheep".

If they agree, they will continue to blackmail themselves with various reasons in the following battles;

And as long as they refused once, or the war situation changed, the group of people may rebel at any time, join the army or arch of the Azore elves to let out of the city, and the fire line turned in;

In any case, they have already received the first commission, so this "buy and sell" is absolutely stable and not compensable.

"Sounds like a good idea." Facing the three mercenaries looking forward, Loren smiled slightly:

"... for bandits and blackmailers."

Black Blade looked startled, and the blood of silver narrowed his eyes.

Only the poisonous snake, still the grinning look.

"I can promise you some conditions, but it's not this kind of unilateral extortion." The black-haired wizard said coldly: "Don't be mistaken, you and the clutter under your hands are not so important to me."

"Ah ... I don't quite agree with this point." Viper smiled lightly: "After all ... this is a fair negotiation, the purpose is to reach an agreement that everyone can accept ..."

"I said, don't get it wrong."

The dark-haired wizard stared at him, his eyes fixed, and said sharply, "I am looking for you, not to compromise with you, but to make you accept my 'agreement.'"

"Otherwise?" Asked the grinning viper this time.

"Do you want to keep us here, or do you want to cut us off one by one, or what kind of wizardry magic do you use to control our brains?"

"Although it is not appropriate to say so, it seems that the idea is too simple, not us big bosses, but you, Lord Duke!"

"Do you think the three of us walked in with such a big swing, and there was no preparation for negotiating at the wizard's site?" He smiled, and the poisonous snake shook his index finger up, pointing pointedly behind him:

"Before we came, we told our people that if we didn't go back within a day, or suddenly the caliber was not the same as before, they would still execute the order we gave; unless you take out twice the commission, you will never agree! "

Corona on the side heard the words, frowning instinctively.

But the dark-haired wizard was not surprised, but instead showed a very ... confused expression.


"Why ... I don't understand such a simple thing, it will make it difficult for us big bosses, Lord Duke." The viper shrugged helplessly: "That means whether we can go back or not, our people will still ... "

"No, I mean ... aren't we making an appointment?" Loren frowned, staring blankly at the poisonous snake with a confused expression: "At this time ... shouldn't you stand up and oppose me?"


"You, what are you talking about, we only met for the first time today, Lord Duke; how could I cooperate with you ..."

"Ah! I know!" The dark-haired wizard suddenly realized:

"Isn't that the guy who sent me back ~ ~ Didn't tell you what I said?"

"What, what?" The poisonous snake chuckled and spread his hands: "If you mean the fool who was scared by you under the gate, he really told me what you said ... No! All of us. "

"Everyone?" Loren's expression was even stranger: "How could this kind of thing tell everyone, it needs to be known to others ... even if your people know it?"

"Know what?" The black blade next to it couldn't help but talk more.

And Loren pretended to be a viper and answered him: "Knowing that I am with you!"

The voice gradually fell.

The viper sniffed the corner of his mouth, his expression ...


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