Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 119: Sin is so deep


The fierce impact sound reverberated in the chaotic battlefield of the ancient castle. The gray pupils calmly shot down the "invisible" arrows, and the short sword in his right hand crossed a silver awn in the air.

There was another crisp voice, and Alexandra gritted her teeth, barely parrying, and the figure flashed out of three steps with a little panic.

Compared with her, Lucien seemed very unhurried-in less than two minutes of confrontation, he had gradually figured out the "routine" of this female elf.

Although the skill of the sword is superb, her reaction is completely unable to keep up with the rhythm; and she is obviously not good at dealing with more than two enemies at the same time, so in a sense, her two-handed sword technique just restrains her.

The only thing that is hard to find is her "guerilla arrows" that she can't see, even without a shadow, and she can only dodge and parry by her body instincts; Arrow's trajectory.

But for ordinary demon hunters, this female elf is still very dangerous; even in order to reduce casualties, Lucien must find a way to haunt her as much as possible, and then find an opportunity to complete the kill.

Of course, this is not to say that the opponent is weak; on the contrary, Lusien did not dare to underestimate the female elf, the long double-edged Azore sword like a war bow is also very strange to him.

Not only that, because of the advantage of the number, there are constantly elf warriors rushing up to cover her. Once in a situation of distraction, her invisible "guerrilla arrow" will become very tricky; It is also difficult for the demon hunter, whose number is inferior, to allocate manpower to assist itself.

Before finding a good way, first find a way to fight with her, and then solve as many "reinforcements" as possible to reduce the pressure for other demon hunters.

Anyway, when the 1,000 soldiers finished the siege, they lost.

Just when the gray pupil made up his mind, a loud noise suddenly came from behind.


Lu Sien stumbled and almost stumbled. The figure of the elf warrior on the opposite side shook, unfortunately missed this good opportunity for a sneak attack.

But it is not just them that are affected ... All the humans and elves in the old castle looked back "in tacit agreement", stunned and stunned.

Among the scattered smoke, half of the city walls were left with only half of the ruins, the two towers above the walls collapsed and only the ruins, and the wall stacks were almost turned into powder.

All the protective walls, towers, and fortifications directly above the tower were all smoothed out, leaving only a bare roof of the tower.

While the earth and rocks were falling, the burning golden-red tongue was still shaking, rising like a vortex over and over the wall again and again.

In the flames, you can vaguely see that the two figures are still interlacing back and forth; one of them is wielding a large sword, which is very conspicuous.

Surrounded by the legionnaires, the commander of the legion, who had just kept calm and kept giving orders, had the same expression as the soldiers around him at the moment; his face was full of disbelief.

A pair of eyes, staring at the figure fighting with the elf with one hand waving a two-handed sword in the flames.

Then ... that really ...

Is it really, really, something human can do? !

Loren Turin, no, not just him, but also the black Duke Roland ... and the Duke of Byrons of all generations;

Are they human ... or monsters? !

The stunned gray pupil took five seconds to wake up, then turned around without hesitation and rushed towards the wall.


Sparks bloomed, and Alexandra, who wielded a double-edged long knife, stopped in front of him; Lucien's sharp-eyed right-handed short sword slashed, while the female elf left a wound in the abdomen, and the sharp blades of both hands were also by her. Stuck stiffly.

"Lucien of the Wings of the Sky, do not want to leave!" Strongly enduring the pain of the abdominal wounds, the frowning chief adjutant of the court was cold and sweating, and he was very difficult to parry the strength of the two hands of the gray pupil:

"Your opponent is me!"

With a raised eyebrow, Lucien's right-handed sword was popped out; but the female elf warrior apparently had already guessed this trick, and while dodge, the long knife on one side slashed down, forcing Lucien to retreat.

The gray pupil's eyes flashed a bit of consternation, not because he was repelled, but because the other party would choose close combat; this is equivalent to giving up her greatest advantage and fighting herself in the most unfavorable way.

Just to stop yourself?

"And, I advise you not to expect to save your master now." Alexandra, who had endured the injury, said with difficulty, her eyes were very complicated:

"Although I don't know what method he used, Master Eugen, who was completely irritated ... is no longer an ordinary means to prevent existence, he can only calm himself down, otherwise no one can stop Master Eugen."

"If you want to save your master, unless there is a miracle, it is impossible."

The voice fell, and the expression of the gray pupil shivered slightly.

"Isn't it possible?" The next second, Lusien's mouth re-smiled: "Then I tell you, Lord Loren is the best thing ..."

"It is impossible to create!"



The golden-red flames rolled up flatly, sweeping towards the dark-haired wizard with an unmatched momentum and a rolling heat wave.

On the narrow city wall, it was absolutely too late to dodge ... While crossing the big sword, Loren opened his left hand in front of him, and a "primitive force shock" hit out without seeing it.

The next second, the fire was gone, and the intact black-haired wizard left only a residual image on the spot, dragging the sword with one hand towards Eugen.

The wave of the air that was blasted by the force in turn formed a short barrier to protect yourself. This was the skill that Loren mastered when fighting with Ariel (Asriel) in the sewers of Ebden. One of the spells.

But Loren, who "experienced" Eugen's strength, could not help but sigh with emotion in his heart-whether this guy's spiritual power or the use of the power of the void, it has already reached the level of evil god!

Whether it was Midel or Lori before, although they used the power of the void to match their own skills, none of them can squander like him; from the beginning of the battle to the current use of the force of the void is close to dozens of high-level The level of the curse, but never tired!

However, this does not mean that he has no weaknesses; in fact, his weaknesses have been exposed by a guy named "Rute Infinite" with practical actions.

That is speed.


The moment the big sword fell, Eugen's hurried wave of flame was also crushed by the "dawn" big sword forged by Mithril.

Almost the next second, Eugen, who suddenly looked up, found that Loren, who had missed a sword, did not retreat, but continued to pounce on himself by inertia. There was more than one Mithril dagger in his left hand.

"May the void ... be with you!"

Eugen, who had his pupils shrink suddenly, finally raised his long knife at the last moment, barely blocking the gray-blue swordmands that were split vertically; there was a trace of "familiar" fear in the expression distorted by anger.

"You shit! Let me go ..."

When the words didn't fall, Loren suddenly turned his wrist and turned the blade of the sword into the masonry of the wall under his feet. Then, with the axis as his axis, the "dawn" sword dragged by his right hand had waved forward again.


The tip of the big sword against the ground pulled out a brilliant spark, leaving a striking mark on the black bricks baked by the fire.

The next second, the gray-blue swordmand had followed Loren's figure and approached his face again.

Facing the nearly continuous and extremely fast offensive of the dark-haired wizard, Eugen finally began to panic; he realized for the first time that this kind of taste of being beaten by the enemy ... what it was like.

No, this is not the first time;

The shoulder that lost his right arm was painful, evoking some of Eugen's very painful memories he didn't want to remember.

Sky Vault, night watchman, Rut Infinite;

That ... miscellaneous;

Humiliated himself and made the entire governor's court shameful, forcing him to have to negotiate with the jerks of the imperial court for compromise;

correct! And Lucien, Lucien of the wing of the sky;

The chief of the magistrate's court had to bow down and serve His Royal Highness to regain the glory and shame ...

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"

Eugen, who roared in the sky, was choking, and his sword was horizontal.


Flames swept up around his body.

Feeling the sudden rise of heat waves around him, and the elusive emptiness of the elves, the dark-haired wizard with an indifferent expression backed off a little later, stuck the edge away from the flames.

But this time it was obviously not just beside him, but even the surrounding air began to change-the rolling heat wave swept through the entire castle in a blink of an eye; dramatic changes, from elves to human faces It was full of consternation and fear.

Obviously it is the season of severe winter, and they are at least tens of meters away from the city wall ... but under the heat wave, it seems that they are standing in the crater!

"Very good ... Lorren Turin, you are the first human to make me angry to use the" mood state "-usually, I will not squander such a powerful force on the enemy."

Eugen, who had his eyes on fire, slowly looked back, and his greasy expression had become extremely distorted: "Too powerful will only make them fear and weak, making them completely desperate, and making the battle uninteresting. "

"But for you ... I want you to taste the desperation-feel my anger, Loren Turin!"


Flames erupted from the blade, covering the entire blade.

"I'm going to beat you down, tear you up, and torture you fiercely--I want everyone to see your tragic death and hear howling before you die!"

"I ... Eugen! I want you to regret and anger me!"

The dark-haired wizard stood expressionless, as if he hadn't seen his crazy and twisted expression.

The raging flames of the tide, disappearing from the blade without a trace; but the void response of the blade not only did not fade, but became stronger; the cold blade also turned into a bright golden red.

Eye-catching and extremely dangerous.

"My" state of mind "is not like Middle's lower gangsters, it can only be confined to a small area;" Eugen's voice became much more hoarse, with a dark and terrible breath:

"On the contrary, only when the" Mental State "is turned on can the" Wonderful Sky "be truly used by me and become my own strength."

"Like this knife, even after gathering flames, it can even melt Mithril! The raging anger can't even control the dragon!"

"Go to death, Loren Turin!"

The next second, Eugen raised his long sword and rushed towards the black-haired wizard.

The burning fire on the city wall, like his tentacles and claws, rushed towards Loren from all directions.

The heat wave swept through the dark-haired wizard, but his expression was calm.

Chakal, Eugen ... Are the beasts' thinking similar?

While meditating, Loren slowly raised his left hand; at the same time, the gray-blue six-pointed star had appeared at his feet.

In addition to all the places he just smashed or touched with his "dawn" sword ... either simple or complex gray-blue runes flashed one by one on the city walls.

It ’s not accidental to intercept Eugen on the city wall, of course, there is also a little bit of luck ... But since the castle is a bait that Loren has already set up, how can there be no trap?

boom--! ! ! !

The sound of flames burst, echoing in Loren's ear.

Everything dissipated ... There wasn't even a little ignition seedling left, only smoke filled.

The stunned Eugen's eyes widened, like a soul out of his mind, and his eyes were so dumbfounded.

His power ... is gone.

Mood, warrior's way ... the ideal sky ... the double fire and ice ...

I can't feel it ... I can't even feel a little bit of power.

The flames dissipated, leaving only the knife in hand, and the dark-haired wizard who was looking at him opposite him.

My strength ... Was he sealed and taken away by him?

No, it's impossible!

How can I be a samurai wielding a sword for righteousness, how could he be robbed of power by mean and subtle villains and villains?

No, I will not accept this ending! Do not accept!

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"

Eugen, who had twisted cheeks, twitched all over his body. ~ Waving his long knife with only one arm, he tried his best to pounce on Loren.


The big sword made a split and didn't wait for his blade to touch Loren ... it would never be touched.

The icy body of the sword ripped open the strong armor, cut off his flesh and blood, smashed his bones, and cracked all the organs in the abdominal cavity. The black wizard was splashing all over the body, full of them.

The lower body stayed on the wall, and the upper body fell into the ditch outside the city wall-mixed with the debris of the city wall, the bones of the soldiers, and a pile of unclear debris. It was everywhere.

Looking at the only two legs left, the dark-haired wizard sighed.

"It's a sin to hurt you, it's unforgivable?" Loren whispered to himself:

"Sorry, then I'm afraid it's already unforgivable."

When the words fell, he kicked Eugen's corpse to the wall.

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