Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 123: Omission

Byrne, Red Blood Castle, Wizard Tower.

In the quiet laboratory, the atmosphere was very tense.

Centered on a test bed covered with drawings and several parts and models, all the wizards who participated in the design of the floating city formed a neat circle; everyone's expression was extraordinarily dignified, or nervous or It is hesitation; many elderly people who are not energetic are wiping cold sweat while swallowing dry throat to keep calm.

Ain Rand, who was preoccupied, was lying on the table, staring at the drawings without squinting, and from time to time he also picked up the parts and models on the side to compare with the patterns on the drawings.

Not only her, but also Dalton Kander and Harlem van Ashamai on both sides of the substation have a solemn expression; from the beginning to the present, there is no need to leave or talk for three hours. Signs.

In the face of this situation, despite Charlotte Turin's consistent patience, he began to become impatient; instead, Lena de Salion, who was by her side, was still one. The appearance of calmness is obviously already accustomed to the excessive "focus" of the wizards in the laboratory.

As for the court chief Charles, he was stopped outside the door-for people who can enter the wizard tower, Loren made very strict restrictions; in theory, only he, Isaac and Ain Three people only.

The rest, etc., including Dalton ’s mentor, are set with strict thresholds.

It was almost half an hour later, and the little wizard who took a breath took a little time to get up slowly; somehow, in the eyes of the sapphire blue pupils, there were faint colors.

"how about it?"

With a slight frown, Charlotte, who was no longer tolerant, stepped forward and could not wait to ask: "The drawing left by Isaac Grantham ... what is it, it is important for Loren to mobilize than build More resources when floating in the city? "

"This ... I can't describe it well, but it should be a weapon."

Lifting his head, the little wizard looked at Charlotte with a word: "Isaac seems to have designed a very special alchemy device, which can be used to complete a certain idea he has always been."

"And from the drawing alone, he seems to be almost finished." Harlem van Ashamai looked at the model on the table and continued: "Simple and exquisite structure, but can use a very complex magic array . "

This answer did not confuse Charlotte, but made her more hesitant; on her good face, the sword eyebrows were raised: "So they are designing a powerful secret weapon that is ready to be used against elves ... and it is almost successful. ? "

"Yeah ... not right." Ayin frowned and shook his head, hesitating before continuing to say: "Because Isaac seemed to overthrow his idea again ... No, it should be said that there is a better way!"

"As you know, Charlotte, the cost of alchemy settings is generally very expensive-because it will require a long production cycle, as well as expensive or rare materials, and an alchemist for several days or even a year Hard work. "

"But Isaac's new design only requires some very cheap materials, and it is as simple as the production process that even apprentices can complete, but it can release a high-level curse."

"This design is unheard of!"

"In short ..." Dalton Kander took Ain's words and explained to the Countess of the Red Blood Castle still confused: "Isaac will be an alchemy weapon that can be used by almost anyone, The cost is close to the price of two infantry crossbows. "

"With the wealth of the Red Blood Castle ... you can arm three thousand soldiers using this alchemy weapon."

The little wizard and Ashamai nodded silently, and the wizards around them all had a solemn expression.

Charlotte's expression changed slightly and couldn't help but take a breath.

She finally understood why Loren hadn't mentioned this matter with herself, but privately used a lot of resources to support this research.

Three thousand soldiers who can use high-level magic spells ... Even Charlotte, who does not know much about magic, can understand the horror-even if it is the equivalent of three thousand or six thousand knights, it is impossible. Hostile to such forces!

Put it on a battlefield with open terrain, this is simply an invincible existence!

And if only 3,000 people can be armed with the Red Blood Fort alone, then if the resources of the entire Bain can be integrated, a corps of about 10,000 people can be formed ...

"Um ... you seem to have misunderstood Dalton's words again, Count." Looking at Charlotte's more thoughtful expression, Ashamai quickly interrupted:

"Yes, this" simplified version "of alchemy weapons can indeed use higher-order spells, but then its power and performance are weakened!"


"Yes, according to the drawings left by Isaac, it would be good to retain one-tenth of the original power." Before he finished, he was worried that he was splashing cold water.

"Of course, even so, this is still a top-notch masterpiece, a terrible weapon-its existence will greatly change the way of war, the layout and planning of tactics; all the enemies who dare to charge in front of it, the only end It ’s going to die! "

After listening to the answers of the three, he finally nodded his understanding of the characteristics of Charlotte, then raised his head and looked around the wizards with the most elegant and majestic gestures:

"In this case, before the Duke returns from the imperial capital of Golovin, continue to maintain the original condition, and study in accordance with the established route-please apply directly to me for all necessary materials and funds. I guarantee that I have what I want, and everything will be done when the Duke returns. reply."

"I also invite you to take out a few samples as soon as possible to test the true power and cost of this weapon and send it to the palace in secret."

"Finally ... in the name of the Countess of the Red Blood Castle and the Regent of Byrne, I would like to warn you first-you are involved in the principality of the Principality, and any leaks will be regarded as betrayal!" Charlotte With a special look and a sharp expression:

"For loyal ones, we will treat them like blood. For traitors, we will never be lenient ... Not just betrayal, but even such thoughts are not allowed, understand?"

"Ming, understand! Understand!"

The wizards present nodded their heads, and the messy you said to me, and the panic-stricken words weren't even regular.

However, this kind of reaction made Charlotte the most satisfied.

The gaze of the Countess of the Red Blood Castle softened slightly, and hesitantly walked towards the little wizard: "Ain, I know you are busy lately, but if you can, I have a reception with Lena at night. If it ’s empty ... "


As the words did not fall, the door of the laboratory room was suddenly opened, and the anxious and inconsistent court chief Charles walked towards Charlotte as he apologized to the wizard at the door.

"Charles, what are you doing ?!"

Charlotte, who was interrupted suddenly, frowned, looking at the court manager who came towards him with some embarrassment: "This is the secret laboratory of the Wizard's Tower. The Duke gave the order himself, even me ..."

"I'm terribly sorry, Count, but this news can't be delayed!" Charles handed the letterhead's shoulders violently undulating, trying not to let his breathing affect what he said:

"The letter from the imperial capital of Golovin was sent by the thirteenth generation emperor, Connold I personally-along with it, as well as the returning horn castle floating city!"

As the words fell, the surrounding Ashamai and Dalton showed thoughtful expressions, while the little wizard and Lena stepped forward, staring nervously at the letterhead in Charlotte's hands.

"The floating city returns to the sea, does that mean that everything went smoothly in the negotiations?" Charlotte was the most calm one at the moment, calmly putting the letterhead in his hands.

The court director nodded.

"But the Duke didn't come back ... that means something changed." The countess's eyes flickered: "Why did he have to stay in the Imperial Vault of Heaven?"

"It's because ... Earl, you will understand it when you open the letterhead." The court manager who wanted to explain something came to a halt, sighed, and raised his head solemnly:

"In addition, the Duke is not in the imperial capital now."

"Oh, where is he?"



On the walls of the old castle covered with morning mist, the cold black wizard on the back suddenly sneezed.

"The weather has been getting colder recently. Keep warm, Lord Loren."

Although Lucien, who was behind him, was exhausted, he couldn't help but show a playful smile: "Even if someone is nagging, you can't catch a cold."

This guy ... revenge is really strong, so I mocked him once.

Looking back helplessly, Loren shook his head and turned his eyes to the direction of the inner castle.

After the explosion last night, the inner fort, except for a little burnt black and damage, hardly saw any signs of violent impact and vibration, and it still stands.

After the rest, the legionary soldiers who came to the defense were gathering the dead bodies with the remaining mercenaries-including the remains of the leader of the Black Blade mercenary.

Loren couldn't help but sigh.

The death of Black Blade really did not meet his expectations; although he died in the hands of elves, he still could not get rid of himself.

As for the soldiers of the Black Blade Mercenary Corps, they are very silent about the death of their leader, and they still choose to continue to fulfill the previous contract; and before the new leader is elected, they are willing to be temporarily commanded by the blood of silver.

Probably for them, the contract promises that their salary and the board and lodging treatment provided by Ebden are more important than the life and death of a leader?

When things turned out like this, Loren could only think in the direction that was beneficial to him as much as possible-after all, he was really inseparable from the nearly 20,000 mercenaries now, otherwise he could not insist on reinforcements at all. arrival.

Looking back, Loren suddenly found that there was no person beside him: "What about Isaac?"

"He was too tired, so he went back in advance." Luisen shrugged, looking meaningfully at the busy mercenaries below: "The mercenaries who survived in the castle did not want to disturb him, just after he fell asleep. He was lifted back with a stretcher—presumably in this way, thank you for avenging the dead brothers? ”

Loren nodded: "What about the elves?"

"One-third of the imperial warriors in Neibao escaped, and the rest were buried under the ruins in Neibao. It would take some time to dig out all of them." Gray pupil answered very seriously:

"As for those who want to break the chain, most of them are dead-although they were attacked, but the casualties we paid are not small; the narrow terrain is not conducive to the demon hunter, the casualties are close to one to one, and still let Several guys escaped. "

Speaking of this, Lussin ’s expression was a little sad, but he still stood up: "The only luck is to have captured their leader-the chief aide of the governorate, and killed the culprit of His Majesty Eckhart II, Ya Lisandra! "

This "surprise" surprised Loren a little.

Then he suddenly remembered something.

"The ... the female elf named Alexandra, was that the one you let go before?"


Gray pupil's expression was embarrassed: "Is there any connection between these two things?"

"Nothing, nothing ... I just mentioned it casually, don't think too much!" Loren waved hands again and again, and the smile was very brilliant: "In short, she will give it to you, and work hard, be sure to dig out all the intelligence from her mouth-just If you can do this, you can use any method. "

"Either way ... you, what are you suggesting?"

"No, no, I didn't imply anything, I just said that she gave it to you-was such an important captive captured by you, was it all wrong to give it to you?"


"Don't be‘ me ’anymore, become‘ us ’as soon as possible, erm ... Come on, Lucien!” The black-haired wizard gave a thumbs-up and showed an expression of “I am optimistic about you”.

"..." Lucien.

"By the way, there is one more thing I haven't told you." After a full five minutes, the gray-eyed boy slowed down: "Several strange wing hunters are cleaning the battlefield, there is something very strange Thing. "

"weird things?"

"Yes ... Eugen, who was defeated by you and then slashed again ~ ~ Lucien said:" His body is gone. "

Ok? !

The body was gone ... Loren's expression froze.

"It was discovered by a very careful demon hunter ... Because he is the leader of the enemy, he also carefully looked for a period of time, and it is indeed gone." Gray pupil added:

"I could find it in the evening yesterday, and it disappeared in the early morning this morning-if you guessed right, it should have been taken away by the enemy who fled."

"Can you be sure who it is?" Loren frowned, and a bad hunch was spreading in his heart: "Are you sure you have taken everything away, and there is nothing left?"

"No, the other party packed it completely-but there are still some pieces of clothing and internal organs left in the pit." Luisen shook his head. "Probably just wanted to bury him or return it to his relative Category?"

Probably ... the dark-haired wizard thought secretly, but he always felt that he had missed something.

What exactly is it?

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