Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 131: Black dot

"It's really a tough opponent, like a group of ants."

At the top of the tower on the east wall of Ebden, swaying the wine glass in his hand, the little prince looked at the battlefield under his feet with great interest.

The red blood wine in the glass was the loot robbed by an elf warrior. It is said that he paid a dozen samurai casualties in order to occupy the warehouse-but for the little prince Rodria, it was this **** wine slurry. , Really cool, very appetizing for him.

There is nothing more pleasant than the beauty of wine.

"Surrounded by all sides, a battle of trapped beasts ... Under such harsh conditions, it can actually make the morale of the samurai under the rainbow, exhausted but more courageous ... Loren Turin, what a terrible guy, you say, Anson? "


The chief wizard of the imperial court, Anson Zade, bowed his head and tremblingly said: "But no matter how terrible he is, it is already your defeat under His Royal Highness-either escape or die, once the last fortress is broken , There is no third way! "

"There is no third way?"

The little prince shook his head regretfully, licking away the wine stains from the corner of his mouth.

Loren Turin ... He persisted until now, because there is still a third way.

For five days, he didn't give him any breathing opportunity-not to mention that the morale did not collapse, they should have been exhausted and alive, but now they still stood in front of the fortress and blocked their army.

I will not mention how he did it ... it can still arouse morale in despair, and the enemy prince who has resisted the corner has also seen it, but it is not the appearance of "morale as a rainbow" in front of him.

Loren Turin and his army, they are not desperate at all.

The battle has reached this point, they still feel that they can win.

I thought that as long as I persisted, I would win!

This is not what the negative corner stubborn should have!

Although I saw only one side, the little prince felt it; Loren Turin was not a deceiver who was going to die like himself, and was going to drag himself up and down with himself; nor was it a noble man full of brains and fierce, ready to die with loyalty .

He is a craze who is extremely calm and extremely cautious-whenever he becomes crazy and emotional, it is when he is most calm and cautious.

So ... he insisted that he would not retreat until now, which means that there is still a support army; as long as he appears, he can reverse the situation and decide the victory.

There is no sign of the presence of an army outside of Ebden, so there is no trace of it ... Therefore, it will not be the legendary "200,000 army of His Majesty the Empire".

What exactly is that?

Putting down the glass, and looking at the battlefield in a stalemate again, the little prince's expression was a little irritated.

For twenty long and uninteresting days, this battle has changed from the beginning to become a bad situation for both parties who are more patient.

Forget it, this guy won't surprise you any more ... it's a step ahead to ensure victory.

"Your Excellency Anson, your sister-I mean the chief of the court, what about Lord Lori Zade?"

Asked the little prince without looking back.

"Sister Sister ... uh!" Anson lowered his head sharply: "Chief Yu Ting has gone to the front line by your order and vowed to cut off the head of Duke Byrne!"

"In that case, then please help Lord Lori Zade." The little prince said coldly:

"You have to ... make sure nothing is wrong."


With a backhand, he blocked a knife that pierced the face door, and looked at the right hand of the blindfolded elf girl who was comparable to the residual image. The black-haired wizard bowed his head almost instinctively, avoiding the sharp second knife.

The icy blade swept close to the lower jaw, and the head of the "Dawn" of Loren's right hand, which did not lift his head, had already been raised above his head, and he made a split.


The masonry of the floor shattered, and the elven girl who was forced to retreat completed the dodge in a blink of an eye, and turned around; the backhand of the right hand held the knife handle, ignoring the arrows that were constantly striking her, and drew the knife to Loren .

The black-haired wizard dodged, while nervously watching the surrounding battle, frowning.

Not good, very bad ...

The dark-haired wizard in the opponent's knife can clearly feel that the purpose of this great great granddaughter of Harlem van Ashamah is not to kill, but to be entangled; to ensure that he has no time to care for him, and he does not release the spell. Time can only be exhausted to cope with her stormy blade.

Even if you look at her body shape, you can guess that this "Yu Ting Chief" is not an endurance player. Her movements have only become fierce and fierce in the first quarter of an hour. Her dexterity has become simple and fierce, and she is blindly pursuing speed.

But the opponent's hysterical offensive still forced Loren to avoid his edge and constantly dodge to find opportunities.

The fighting power of the defender of Ebden has reached the limit. As long as he drags himself, so that the elf army can be pressed as soon as possible without interference, the collapse of the whole line is sooner or later.

A faint "primitive impact" hit the blade, evading the fatal blow, Loren looked at the pale face of the blindfolded elf girl, and cold sweat was like rain swaying from her forehead-obviously, her name The "heart-cutting" samurai way is not a small load on her.

But as long as the "heart slash" is not lifted, all the means of attack have little meaning to her; whether it is flames or arrows, it will be cut by the cane-like Azores long knife, only the blade made of Mithril In order to barely contend with it.

The lights are almost exhausted, and they are still entangled with themselves desperately ... What a terrible woman.

The dark-haired wizard shook his head, put his "dawn" behind his back, and exerted force on his feet, rushing at her.


The heavy impact sound was accompanied by a spark, and Lolly, who had just shot down the two Rotel bow shooters, was too late to dodge, and could only raise a long knife and use the back of the knife to parry.

In an instant, the petite body shuddered with the falling "dawn" sword, and the floor tiles under the sandals burst into a spider-web-like crack, and backed away uncontrollably for a distance.

Even if the blade could be blocked, but the inertia and strength could not be blocked, Lori's wrist and arm tremble, obviously damaged.

The elven girl wanted to dodge, but the sharp blade of the big sword stuck the blade-if she dared to cut the long blade away, the blade of "Dawn" could divide her from the right shoulder down in two seconds.

You can't hide it at last.

With the left hand of the "caster" holding down the hilt, the next second, the body of the Mithril Great Sword came bursts of "wailing", and Loren was expressionless.

High-level magic spell, the original impact.


In the roar of the explosion, a white beam hit the figure of the dark-haired wizard.

With smoke and explosive fire, Lolly reluctantly avoided the cleaved sword "Sword Qi", the sleeve of her right arm was broken, and the bruised white tender arm was exposed to the air.


Dragging the dazzling light, a white-haired teenager who resembled the elf girl appeared on the battlefield without looking at it, and a "bright light sword" was thrown directly at the black-haired wizard.

Another explosion exploded, swallowing Loren.

"I'm fine!"

The indifferent Lolly slowly stood up, holding the right hand of the knife handle close to his body, and dared not move: "Don't care, he is still alive!"

Still alive? !

The elven boy raised his head in surprise, and in the diffuse smoke, there were traces of explosion on the "Dawn" sword that was hit twice by the "Jiaoguang sword", and the turbulent heat wave dyed the middle of the sword body with a dark red.

The figure standing behind the big sword with one hand holding the sword still stood upright; coldly, looking at the sisters and brothers as if looking at prey, the ghost twitched the corner of his mouth.

The elven boy couldn't help twitching his throat, his expression stiff.

After the chief deputy of the court was "missing", he has been the deputy officer of Prince Rodria, reporting the war to His Royal Highness. It can be said that he has witnessed all the battles with his own eyes ... In a sense, he has also witnessed all the dark-haired wizards. fighting.

From the tenth day on, the "Commander Eboden" has been fighting on the front line for ten days and ten nights. He has not rested even once. It should be half a dead man who has run out of light.

But when he stood in front of himself, Anson always felt that he was about to die.

This guy ... is he a monster crawling out of hell? !

"Why not plan to go together?"

Loren looked relaxed, and since the opponent showed no signs of hands-on, he was also happy to have a few minutes of rest to relax his tired nerves:

"The chief warrior and wizard of the imperial court ... um, it's really confusing ... In short, the two should be the only trump cards left by His Royal Highness."

"At the same time, if I can't take down my head, it will make His Royal Highness's face hard to hang." Sneering, the dark-haired wizard narrowed his eyes and stared at the sisters and brothers at the same time:

"Even worse, the two teamed up against me ..."

"His Duke Byrne!"

The blindfolded elf girl preemptively opened and stabilized Anson Zade beside him.

"Today's battle was against the previously agreed behavior-but it's about Azore's righteousness. It's really helpless." Even though the same lamp was completely dry and scarred, Lori Zade still had a milky voice. Totally calm:

"But ... there is still a way to save."

Loren didn't answer, just glanced at the battlefield next to the corpse and plasma, screaming and roaring, and the cold smile was full of irony.

"The **** battle on the 20th, your army has fully proved your bravery and sacrifice spirit. It is meaningless to continue this battle, so ..."

"In this regard, I answered your Highness Prince five days ago. I will repeat it now!" The black-haired wizard interrupted her roughly:

"As long as you want to fight, then I will accompany you-as long as you want to fight, as long as you fight, until you are all smashed and broken!"

"As a result ... it's nothing but a ruined city, and they all die!"

Faced with the unkind Loren, the elf girl shook her head: "I'm not satire or humiliating you, but I am seriously negotiating with you."

"I mean, your purpose has been achieved."

"Twenty days of perseverance, no matter what the empire and the emperor behind you want to do, you and your samurai have sacrificed enough time to sacrifice."

"If you continue, you can only increase meaningless deaths and injuries-for you, for His Royal Highness, even for the Empire and the Kingdom of Azores, to consume excellent warriors in meaningless offensive and defensive warfare , A huge loss for everyone. "

"Now that the goal has been achieved, why should we continue?"

This time, replaced by Loren silent.

The elf boy on the side stared at the every move of the dark-haired wizard—for fear of this monster-like guy, who would suddenly burst out and pounce on him regardless of the consequences.

"Therefore, I am here again on behalf of His Royal Highness Rodria to ask you for peace to end this Ebden war." As he said, the blindfolded elf girl stood up:

"But if you still refuse to give up, then I will bet my life here to fight you dead until one of them falls down-even if I want to give up the glory of the warrior, I must defeat you for the eagle king and His Royal Highness! "

Looking at Lori Zade, who was almost filled with "Decisive" on his face, Loren slowly closed his eyes and gave a snap.

High-order spell, spiritual vision.

With his eyes closed, Loren stood motionless, with the invisible transparent ripples centered on him, expanding outwards, all the way to the boundary of the wall of Ebden, even slightly further away.

Without considering keenness, this high-level enchantment can detect a wide range, otherwise it will not be given to Loren by the Zahn family as a treasure.

The elf sister was suddenly nervous.

After a few seconds, the dark-haired wizard opened his eyes slowly, and a confident smile appeared at the corner of his calm mouth.

"Very good proposal, but sorry, I refuse."


When the words fell, the long knife in the elf girl's hand gently pulled out a little, and the cold Hanman leaked from the gap between the scabbard and the handle.

On the side, Anson Zade also quickly raised his hands, dazzling white light blooming at the fingertips.

"Very good, have you decided not to die?" The face of Loren raised his lips without changing the color, as if completely relaxed: "Then as a return to the advice you just gave me, I will also give you a suggestion Alright-look back, there are surprises. "

Surprise, is it his reinforcements?

Carefully glanced at the elder sister beside him, the elf teenager Anson slowly turned back; but behind him there was nothing but the sky.

But in less than half a second ~ ~ his pupil suddenly shrank suddenly.

Well, that would not be ...

"Anson, what's wrong?" Lori, who noticed her brother's strange appearance, looked back slightly and clenched the knife guard cautiously. "Is the enemy's reinforcements here, or ..."

But the elven boy didn't speak, and he was desperate to suppress his inner fear; looking back, Xiang Zheng sneered and stared at his dark-haired wizard, and then grabbed his sister's wrist.

"Run! Run!"

"Anson, what happened ..."

"It's too late to explain, just follow me!"

The horrified elven teenager lowered his head, daring not to look further into the distant, endless grey sky, and the faint black spots.

That black spot ...

The shadow of the dragon!

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