Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 136: Naive girl


The blizzard that swept through the air turned into an ice blade and struck the black-haired wizard; before the time to dodge, the right side of the ink blue dragon had spread out, blocking it like a shield in front of the black-haired wizard.

"Thank you!"

Thanks on the side, Loren's figure has flashed from the right side of the dragon wing, and the "bright silver" and "dawn" big swords with gray-blue sword awns hit the snow hiding behind "Eugen" one after another. Pulling, the elven girl who couldn't dodge hastily fled.

[No need. 】

Aioliite's voice sounded in the ear of the black-haired wizard, and the slightly arrogant voice sounded more like a 14-year-old boy-perhaps because of the injury, the tone was still a bit rushing.

[You are what Milasis said, the man who went alone to the Dragon King City and got the Dragon King Tower? 】

"That's right." Loren shrugged with a bitter smile: "Accurately, I only got a part of the" truth "-the person who really inherited it was Isaac Grantham ..."

Before he had finished speaking, the blasting ice vapor had struck him and swept all the way to Loren.


The ink blue dragon roared, and the open mouth of the blood basin was aimed at Eugen, and the flood-like dragon inflammation swallowed his broken body instantly.

The flames dissipated, and only the pool of pus on the ground and a broken knife left the figure of the chief warrior of the court, even the bones were melted.

But the next second, the dead Eugen with no **** left, once again stood Qilian from the "pus", picking up the long knife on the ground like a puppet, twitching and rushing to the black Hair wizard.

【What exactly is going on? ! 】

Aioliite growled angrily, and his amber pupil exuded agitated emotions.

"The detailed explanation will be unclear for a while, in short, this guy can't be easily killed-because he is already dead!" Loren said patiently.

【so what should I do now? ! 】

"I don't know very well, but the only solution now is on the female elf." The dark-haired wizard raised the "Dawn" sword with one hand and pointed the tip of the sword at the snow who was still dodge: "In short ... it was she who brought this dead guy back to life. "

[So as long as she is killed, this guy will not be born again, right? ! 】

Probably ... the black-haired wizard frowned slightly, without agreeing or denying.

Sheila's warrior way "puppet show" ... or the puppet show after opening the "state of mind" is different from any one he has seen before, and she can't feel the star power in her.

Even Eugen, who "resurrected from the dead," is like this-obviously squandering a lot, but in addition to the snow storm released by the other party, his void response is not as strong as a wizard apprentice. Very weird.

Could it be said that this is the characteristic of the opponent's "Samurai Way", but why is she so special?

"..." Warrior's Way "... the way of cultivation known as the Azores is a necessary path for a warrior to sharpen his mind and shape his character ..."

"... sharpen the mood and shape the morals ... at least in our sixth generation, the so-called" Warrior's Way "should be a far cry from the current gadgets mixed with weird abilities ..."

Does the information Isaac found have anything to do with this particular samurai approach?

But the ink blue dragon apparently misunderstood his meaning, and regarded silence as the default; his wings spread into the air, and then pounced directly on the elf girl.

"Oh? Wait a minute--!"

Loren hurriedly wanted to stop drinking, but it was too late; in the roar, the smoke that burst from the dragon's landing on the ground had covered Aioliite and Shira's figure at the same time.

Almost at the same time, the twitching "Eugen" had left the black wizard who was still stunned. The long sword waved, and the roaring snow storm had rushed to the dragon.

boom----! ! ! !

Aioliite in the smoke perceives the movement of the figure, and looks back at the dragon's blaze, and the snow and ice instantly change the steam to swallow "Eugen"-just a little bit, and even a black-haired wizard "swallowed" together.

Lorren, who was able to avoid Longyan, was hiding behind the sword of "Dawn", looking at the scene in front of him, his mouth twitching.

Even if the character is impatient, it is a little simple, but the dragon ... is still a dragon.

The speed of reaction, intuition, physical quality and dragon inflammation beyond the power of high-order magic spells ... The tens of meters of the vast wild beasts are indeed inherent war machines and can compete with evil gods in the food chain king!

To make a rough comparison, although the giant blue dragon named "Aioliite" may be younger than Milasis, its strength may even be above it.

The irritable and impatient character makes him more interested in directly rushing to fight with the enemy directly, rather than exerting maneuvering and "long-range advantages" like Milassis.

Far away was affected by Long Yan, and the frontal fighting with the "zero distance" contact with the dragon; although they are all dead, but the fear of being deterred is completely one by one.

boom--! ! ! !

Just as Eugen stood up again, Aioliite had curled up the dragon's tail, with a horrible sound like tearing air, and directly flew out his unsteady body!

The stunned Loren even tranced his eyes—although the picture was terrifying, but looking at the "Eugen" flying like a cannonball to the sky, there was really a sense of "I will come back" comically.

It's just that unlike some villains that have turned into meteors, the body of the "Chief Warrior of the Court" Eugen, who flew to the dome, had disintegrated at the top, and turned into countless fragments scattered in the sky.

In this way, even if it can be resurrected, it will take some time?


Among the ruins, the ink-blue dragon Aioliite surrounded by flames lifted the dragon's head, raising the sky roaring-trembling the air, even the towers and houses were trembling, making all the people still in this city at the moment People can clearly feel his coercion.

This is the power of the dragon!

The closer you get close, the more you can feel how unparalleled this power is; any sane normal person will not consider confronting them head-on, let alone kill them!

The figure of the elven girl could not be found in the smoke, but the dragon Aioliite no longer cared; the amber dragon eye turned and stared at an elven warship moored at the Jewel River ferry.

[Just now, did the first incendiary bomb aim at me come from that ship? 】

While saying this, Aioliite narrowed his eyes slightly-the huge dragon's head actually showed an expression of "trepid".

"Yes, that's the flagship of the Elven Fleet." Facing this "Dragon Boy" who was not obedient and tough enough to add, Loren could only nod and answer: "Not only just now, when the enemy bombarded the target before. Are based on its goals ... "

Not finished, the black-haired wizard who suddenly realized what he was looking at suddenly raised his head: "Wait, what do you want to do?"

[End the war-! 】

At the next moment, Aioliite's wings spread horizontally, and his huge body slammed on the ground, leaping out of thin air.

The tremendous vibration and the violent wind like flying sand and rocks walked away the surrounding embers directly; Loren had to put up the "Dawn" sword in front of him to resist this unstoppable force.

After a minute, the wind became thinner; Loren lifted up and saw Aioliite, who was soaring, fluttering towards the Gem River ferry, and the fire and rain fell in the lead gray sky.

Really, why don't you like to listen to others' opinions one by one?

Loren was really distressed.

Of course, the reason is not completely incomprehensible-if any human or elf possesses the power comparable to a dragon, he will pretend to be a "savior" or something like that?

It was like the "Chief Chief" Eugen, who was dead and pulled up as a weapon and shield. His fate is so miserable.

With a weary sigh, the dark-haired wizard turned his gaze back to the ruined battlefield in front of him; his eyes closed slightly, and then he snapped his fingers gently.

High-order spell, spiritual vision.

The transparent ripples spread to the surroundings. When passing the ruins of coke burnt by flames, a petite body hiding underneath shivered unconsciously.

Oh ... it was originally here.

Opening his eyes, Loren's face showed a very kind smile.


The "Dawn" sword, which was hit head-on, deliberately crooked a little bit and fell beside the elf girl hiding place; almost at the moment when the sound of earth and rock crackling sounded, the humble ruins moved slightly.

"So ... do you plan to come out on your own, or do I catch you out." Loren said coldly and expressionlessly:

"Kind and innocent elf girl, His Excellency Shira?


Looking at the scene that had just passed by, the elf warrior Alexandra, who had a blank brain, spent a few seconds to figure out what happened.

The chief of the courthouse ... My own Eugen master, was burnt into coke by the dragon, and then was flew into the air ... broken.

This is what protects humanity ... Is the power of the dragon?

The tranced elf samurai trembles unconsciously, her hands and feet cold, as if it was not Eugen that was just swallowed by flames, but herself.

"Hurry up, don't stop!"

Impatient scolding came from behind, and Alexandra, who had returned to God, looked at herself with her hands and feet locked in chains. She turned her eyes back to the gray pupil who was urging her, and she did not care about the right finger With his own sharp blade.

"I said ... won't you protect your Duke?" Alexandra silently said, "I remember, you said you were his personal guard."

"Because I am his escort, I have to stay here-beware of your despicable villains and sneak attack on the retreating soldiers and civilians." Lusien said very coldly:

"And, you seem to have misunderstood something."


"Master Loren, he never needed my protection, and he never needed anyone's protection-and I am not his guard, but a knife in his hand."

Silently looking at the explosion in the distance, Lussin's eyes were a little complicated: "All I have to do is obey every command and every task."

"As for protection ... that's just my incompetent guard, every time I act on my own initiative."


Dang ---

The delicate and small Azore knife fell to the ground and fell into a pile of rubble.

The petite elf girl was stepped on by her dark-haired wizard, and her delicate and soft neck was tightly attached to the blade of the "Dawn" sword-as long as Loren exerted a little force under her feet, her head would become two pieces with her body.

The sluggish Shiraz couldn't keep the smile before, and looked at Lorren's indifferent expression with a horrified expression, sobbing in a low voice.

At this time, she is no longer the second court of the imperial court, no longer the invincible elf warrior ... At this time, she is just a helpless elf girl shivering in front of the evil.

Fear ... helpless ... imitating ... These words that should have been experienced by her enemies were all added to her now.

"Snow and Serra are just simple and lovely girls. Serra has never and never actively hurt others. They are all ... It is the order of His Royal Highness ...

Loren's right foot exerted a little pressure, bringing her neck closer to the blade.

"To say one more word, I will let you and Eugen end together."

Faceless Loren said coldly: "From now on, what do I ask, what do you answer ... do you understand?"

The elf girl nodded desperately.

"So, the first question."

The dark-haired wizard raised his left index finger: "Why is your warrior's way different from others', and there is no trace of the power of the void?"

"How can this simple girl like this one ......!"

Feeling the soles of the chest's sudden force, Shira screamed: "People really don't know! I didn't lie to you! When the puppet show was handed over to others by His Royal Highness Rodria!"


Loren's expression was slightly stunned.

"Yeah ~ ~ This is the Rodría Palace ... the conspiracy arranged, everything is his plan-including the simple and lovely girl who makes people go to such a dangerous place and kills ... all his fault! "

Seeing Loren fall into contemplation, the elf girl quickly said: "From the negotiations a few days ago to today, everything is a conspiracy he designed, the purpose is to lead you and your reinforcements out, and then unify the network! "

"His Royal Highness is not just to capture Ebden, he is to destroy Ebden and kill all humans in the city!"

"Oh, right! He still wants to be a dragon slayer!"

"What did you say ?!" A cry of exclamation, Loren violently and subconsciously; the elf girl desperately trying to keep her neck out of the blade blushed and could no longer answer his question.

Of course, she no longer needs to answer.

The flying dragon Aioliite has arrived over the Jewel River ferry, turning the crowded river into a sea of ​​fire.

The sky has changed color!

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