Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 140: Light running through the battlefield

Just less than a minute apart, the second "light" was like a dazzling meteor in the sky, straight toward the position where the black-haired wizard and Eugen stood.

Just comparing from the void reaction, this time it is probably about five to ten times more powerful-in other words, the blow that directly erased Eugen from this world ...

Actually ... just a test shot of this "thing"? !

Judging from the distance, the shooting position should be a few hundred meters above the ground. Even "transcendental perception" can only vaguely see the outline of the floating city, indicating that the distance between him and himself may be more than two kilometers.

The "Clarion Fort" floating city has a range and power that is so unrealistic as a void weapon, plus two kilometers away, it can actually be accurate to a short distance of more than ten steps between himself and Eugen, and hit him sideways. The chief of the opposite court ...

Don't even think about it, who is the person in the floating city ... Loren already has an answer in his mind.

But he was too late to be happy, and while the opposite Eugen had just stood up, he panicked and ran away in the opposite direction of the wizard tower.


Behind him came the sound of Eugen's roar, and the chief of the courthouse wielding the long sword had accelerated to catch up; the dark-haired wizard had no effort to turn his head back, and ran straight ahead with wide eyes.

Because that light has already flown towards this side!

The Eugen behind him was chasing more and more, and Loren, who could not shake off, could only look horrified, feeling the force of the void that was so indescribable and quickly approaching.

To make a simple addition and subtraction, it is about ten levels of "Turin Fire" exploding in situ.

To come, to come, to come ... to fly over! ! ! !

Unable to think about it, Loren rushed forward and slammed forward with his body. He lay on his head and hid in a pit in a collapsed ruin—presumably a cellar or a basement.

This is it!

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh possible !!!!!!!!!"

The screaming Eugen jumped up, holding the long knife in his hand to the motionless Loren, his body stuck in the air.


As if suddenly, the light that suddenly turned on was taken from the corner of the dark-haired wizard's eyes. The dazzling light made him close his eyes quickly, but he could still feel the strong light outside his eyes.

And what he saw in the last second was Eugen ’s leaping figure, which was engulfed by the light-skin, muscle bones, internal organs, knives in his hands ... The light was like the melting magma, pulling him from the inside Eat clean outside.

The ruins and rubble were shattered, and the snow and flames melted and dissipated ... The entire world became particularly clean.

That is pure white color.

The dazzling light flashed through, but the vibrations and explosions continued to blow around the ears-just like being completely surrounded by the explosion, Loren even had the illusion that the whole world was shaking.

After a few seconds, the vibration finally stopped

The dark-haired wizard lying in the pit waited another full minute, faintly feeling that the light had disappeared; after repeatedly confirming that there was no next third round of shooting, he slowly opened his eyes and got up.

Tinnitus, numbness, imbalance ...

But these "aftermaths" are not really terrifying-everything that is in sight is completely smoothed out by the flickering light.

If the ground is "clean", let alone rubble and rubble, even the floor bricks and feet underneath the feet have been smeared into "one piece", smooth enough to leave no traces of bumps and pits.

As for an elf named "Eugen", it disappeared without a trace, and even a little bit of scum and slurry remained, as if it had never appeared.

And this ... is just the weapon in the floating city, the power of one shot!

There was no explosion, no loud noise, no warning.

Two kilometers away, the white light flashed and instantly smoothed everything.

The unshakable dark-haired wizard twitched his throat and looked in a trance in the direction of the floating city in the sky, his expression extremely complicated.

You ... what kind of thing did Isaac make?


Outside the city of Ebden, the retreating Ebden defenders and civilians were also in a mess.

At the moment when the white light burst in the sky, everyone fell to the ground in horror, and even many timid people directly left the team and fled, just like the panic before the end of the day.

After Eckert, Earl of the Fury Castle, saw that it was the floating city of Lord Duke, and ordered the Bion Knights to communicate down, the wilderness was overflowing in the ocean of joy and joy.

As for the elven army, which had been exhausted, they resolutely chose to retreat at the moment when they saw the light flash, which greatly encouraged the morale of Eboden ’s soldiers and civilians.

Obviously it was a last resort, but the atmosphere of the march suddenly became "as if we won".

"Jiaoguang Sword ... Is this the Jiaoguangsaber?"

Brandon, who turned down the dragon's back, murmured in his mouth, staring at the floating city hovering overhead.

Looking sideways, Isaac next to him didn't know when he was so excited that he squatted on the ground with his head cried, his nose full of tears and tears all over his face, like a child-yes, it was tears of extreme joy.

"Successful, successful, successful ... Idiot Ain, I actually made the sample with only half of it. I was really a genius ... Such a simple condition can be successful, it is really my vision ... "

Perhaps it was because of over-excitement, and the arrogant craze who was crying screamingly was incoherent.

But Brandon didn't dare to bother him, and even looked at Isaac.

There is no doubt that the "light" that just passed through the sky is the masterpiece of this crazy-looking guy beside him.

How to describe it?

If Brandon was only curious and excited when he saw the floating city ... now, there is a little bit of fear.

Two kilometers away ... no matter what the "Jiaoguang Sword" is, its range and power are beyond imagination.

Mounted on that floating city, it is so perfect that no more perfect combination ...

Destroy the enemy where the enemy cannot see ...

This, this unheard of ideas and means, the horrific weapon power ...

Barely squeezing out a smile, Brandon patted the dragon Milasis, a noble dragon girl, with a very affectionate expression on his side. Debris.

Even her ... even the dragon that deterred the empire felt a hint of threat from that weapon.

That's right, it's just such a combination. In fact, it is a ballista with a very long range and great power ... With the speed of the dragon, as long as the dragon is pulled away, it can't be shot.

And with the slow and bulky speed and sensitivity of the floating city, catching up with the dragon is something you do n’t even need to think about: it is probably too late to shoot a few shots, and it will be directly broken down by the dragon.

But the dragon ... has only thirteen heads ...

And this thing ...

As long as this person beside me is still there, there are sufficient materials and sufficient funds ...

It is no surprise that he made hundreds or thousands.

"Huh? Brandon, what are you looking at?"

Isaac, who was beside him, didn't know when he had stood up. He wiped the nose and tears with his sleeves indiscriminately, and looked inexplicably at His Royal Highness like a god.

Suddenly for a second, Brandon hugged Isaac, his nose full of tears, and held him particularly tight.

"Nothing, Isaac, nothing." His Royal Highness's tone was particularly sincere:

"I just suddenly felt that you could be my friend ... too lucky!"

"Ah ... I haven't seen it before. Your mouth is so sweet!"

"No, no, you won the prize."

Seeing the two people's glue-like appearance, the giant dragon Milassis snorted and turned the dragon's head over with a disdainful expression.


"After the shooting point is detected, the target is accurately hit-no injury to Duke Loren, he is still alive!"

Resisting the excitement, a wizard who was in charge of observation directly exposed half of his body from the observation deck and shouted below.

In a silent floating city, everyone first glared nervously; just a few seconds later, the entire "Chornhorn" burst into thunderous cheers!

"Long live Duke Byrne ———— !!!!!!"

In the boiling sound, the wizards hugged the knight's neck, the demon hunter hugged the dwarf's bucket waist, one by one, silly, hysterical shouting, celebrating the moment just now.


Wiping off the sweat on his forehead, the little wizard finally breathed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the crowd cheering with excitement.

Finally ... I finally got there at the last minute.

Thinking of myself over the past few decades, Ain has a particularly unreal experience-fearful, nervous, even talking, and even breathing feel wasted time, for fear of an unpredictable problem due to one of his mistakes.

At last, all the tension disappeared at that moment.

For a moment when the "Jiaoguang Sword" was set up, the little wizard had a very special touch, as if it was not a cold weapon in front of him, but an extension of his body.

She knew that this was the "side effect" caused by the power of the void created in the "Jiaoguang Sword" on her spiritual temple, but she couldn't help thinking about it.

The long launch tube seems to be part of his arm;

The observation mirror in front is your own eyes;

Clearly separated by two kilometers, and still overlooking the ground from the air, but Ayn felt that everything seemed to be in front of her eyes, as long as she raised her hand you can touch the nasty guy.

It was this illusion that caused Ain to "target" against the dark-haired wizard and aim at the enemy, letting the shooting trajectory "pass" past Loren-she felt this way, she must not make mistakes, must Can hit the target.

Faintly, there is also a little bit of "revenge" in it.

Let this big bad guy leave people behind and take risks on your own again and again; since you like adventure so much, let you experience what is the real "margin of life and death"!

Thinking like this, the corner of the mouth of the little wizard could not help but burst out a proud arc.

"Your Excellency Rand!"

While everyone was still cheering, the observer at the top of the watch tower suddenly leaned out again, shouting and shouting below:

"The army of Eboden is sounding the rally number right below, begging us to approach Eboden, invade the enemy, and help them!"

"Also ... His Royal Highness Brandon de Salion, Prince of East Sacran, and his dragon Milasis are also below!"

Help ... Is it to protect Loren and the rest from retreating from the city?

The little wizard under a little thought nodded, and his expression immediately became serious: "Understood, everyone is ready to let the" Hornhorn "floating city move closer to Eboden at half speed, and the" Jiaoguang Sword "begins to fill! "


A uniform shout sounded, and the wizards, soldiers, and craftsmen in the floating city all began to act together-although the "Ein Rand" rarely issued orders to them, and there seemed to be no "majesty". Language.

But when she ordered, everyone would still subconsciously obey and regard her ideas as her goal.

Just like Lena de Salion said-Ain's body has a charm that can't help but want to help her achieve her goal; just lead by example, and it can drive everyone.

The floating city in the sky began to move, slowly but extremely firmly approaching the direction of Eboden; standing directly behind the "Jiaoguang Sword" launch tube directly opposite the "city gate", the delicate Mithril core had begun to blink gray and blue Colored light.

Through the magic circle that Isaac hooked on the floating city, the "Jiaoguang Sword" was almost supplemented by a steady stream of firepower and "ammunition"; in theory, even the maximum power can be rounded every quarter of an hour and hit the day and night!

Of course, the consequence is to completely destroy the magic circle in the floating city, and then complete a free fall in the air.

"At the goal, the floating city begins to hover--!"

"The launcher is activated, and the magic circle charges the" Jiaoguang Sword "-!"

"The anti-stress magic array is activated, ready to activate the high-level magic spell," Fortitude is like ice "-!"

"The magic circle starts ~ ~ The last countdown--! Five, four, three, two, one ..."

"Everyone enters the bunker, hold it tight, and be ready to turn on the emergency device at any time-"

"It's ready, everyone is on standby!"

"Jiaoguangsaber, ready to launch!"

At the end of the last cry, the entire floating city regained its silence, holding its breath from top to bottom.

Everyone's eyes turned to the little wizard, and the two alchemists who were debugging beside the "light sword" also made room for her silently.

Gently holding down the launch switch, Ayin kept her eyes close to the observation mirror and looked at the elves soldiers who had panicked under the gate in the field of vision and took a deep breath.

Loren Turin, you always look down on the big villain ...

This time, change me to save you!

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