Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 142: "Winners"

The flames dissipated and the snow and ice melted.

Only the sea breeze rolled up with the tide, blowing Eboden with only the broken walls.

Because of the last "retrospective" spell launched by Corona before he died, all the abnormal conditions in the entire Ebden-all of which were infested by the power of the void for a little bit of existence-were all restored to 130 The state of the year ago.

One hundred and thirty years ago ... let alone a human being, even an elf could not have been born!

The blood sacrifice just completed was completely dissipated under Corona's "correction", and there was nothing left; fortunately, there were no more people left in the city, so there was no person involved.

The only unlucky egg is a small group of elf troops that haven't come out of the city yet-because almost every elf warrior has a certain void reaction, at least as a wizard apprentice.

Since then, they have been regarded as "abnormal conditions", and back together with the body of the evil **** back to 130 years ago ...

So now Ebden is a veritable "empty city"-nothing but ruins and ruins.

After going through the "Dragon Attack", "Blood Sacrifice", and "Recalling the Curse" in turn, the elven army with fearful pavilion was always stationed outside the city and dared not come near; until the moonlight came, it gathered the remnants and officially entered Eboden.

After some cleaning, the elf warriors cleaned the ruins of the Nine-Mounted Wizard Tower and cleared the direct road from the port gate to the Wizard Tower, finally finally controlling the Ebden port and city.

But that's all.

When the Eboden defenders retreated, they cleaned up extremely cleanly, without leaving any excess weight; and the things that could not be taken away were turned into coke in the previous bombing.

The spoils ... there is really only a port and a ruined city.

The bloodless little prince woke up from a coma, wrapped tightly in a warm blanket, barely opened his **** eyes, and looked up at the starry sky.

Too much blood loss, sleepy and tired, and to spend the night in such a cold and broken place ...

All of them, thanks to the Duke of Byrne, given by Loren Turin.

I do n’t know what happened to him now. I ’m so tired that I should be a little bit worse than myself?

Twenty days of game, from the first contact to the most intense confrontation, the two sides constantly played their own cards, took out unexpected tricks, one after another plans that exceeded each other's expectations, and pushed each other again and again to death the edge of……

It's true, I have obviously wished the other party to die, but I couldn't help but want to care about him, for fear that he might have an accident.

This probably ... is a tacit understanding and **** between "old enemies"?

The little prince couldn't help laughing, and frowned.

No ... not caring, but reluctant.

Such enemies and opponents can only exert their greatest value and reap the greatest surprises when they are defeated by their own hands and watch him fall into the abyss of despair.

In case, if he is an accident, he dies in an accident; or is killed by another stupid and stupid teammate, and falls into the hands of one of his brothers ...

Isn't that a slap in his face? !

Just with this possibility flashing in his mind, the little prince couldn't help but shudder all over his body, as if eating something disgusting.

"His Royal Highness ..."

The embarrassing chief wizard of the imperial court, Anson Zade, approached with his broken arm, hesitated and nervously looked like a little prince who was thinking about something unexpectedly.

"Say whatever you want."

The little prince still looked up at the stars, his lazy expression was very impatient.

"Yu Ting ... and all your samurai under your ..." The white-haired elf boy with his broken arm twitched his throat very carefully, choosing words that would not offend His Royal Highness: "Everybody's emotions ... a little depressed."


Slightly for a moment, the little prince slowly lowered his gaze, looking at the elven boy in front of him with a smile; that strange look made Anson Zade kneel down on one knee in panic, bowing his head and daring not to look again.

"The mood is a bit depressed ... that is of course." The little prince said softly with a smile:

"Yes, we won the battle of Ebden, battled the three-headed dragon, and succeeded in killing one of them ... I wrote this matter as a battle report and sent it to my father. I dare say that none of my brothers Believe."

"It's us who wins, and the winner is us-with less than one-tenth of the casualties, in the siege battle, almost four times the enemy was annihilated, so why ..."

"Such a victory, but tastes of failure?"

The white-haired elf boy dared not answer, let alone refute, but just lowered his head and pursed his lips tightly.

"Because our enemy is a guy who can turn around in adversity--because our enemy did not think from the beginning how to defeat us and block us; but how to hold us as long as possible while holding the city, Cause us more casualties. "

Rubbing his eyes tiredly, the little prince whispered to himself: "Because our hope of seeing the city once and for all is close to our eyes, it is actually a trap buried by the other party, which makes us experience the pain of being frustrated again and again. . "

"He used this method to keep the lives of most soldiers and civilians under his command, while keeping us out of the city for twenty days ... Ha."

"So let ’s say, if it does n’t count the last dragon I desperately killed-that should be an accident, at least for Loren Turin-our victory may not compare to his Worth mentioning. "

"Because the goal was completely different at the beginning, we and he are both winners in this siege battle, but ... his victory may be more dazzling."

The silent white-haired elf boy couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"Thinking of this, everyone's mood can be understood. After all, when you see the enemy succeeds, anyone will feel depressed." Slightly exhaled, the little prince was very disappointed:

"But that's okay, because then the enemy will temporarily halt the flag and will not dare to attack us; and we have time to rest and spend the next winter-wait for the spring of the coming year, and then follow the gem river to the enemy's capital March. "


The little prince's reply surprised Anson Zade.

The enemy will not attack ... why?

Obviously, morale is low, and the weak elf army is unable to fight anymore, and can't keep this port city at all.

But he didn't dare to say much, he could only bow his head.

The exhausted little prince did not seem to want to explain, and immediately shifted the topic to another thing: "Yes, Yu Tingji Xiela ... Did anyone find where she is?"

"No." Anson Zade, who bowed his head, replied: "We sent two teams of samurai to search-wizard towers, fortresses, city walls, ruins, sewers ... everywhere we could find, we couldn't find them."

While answering, the elf boy still secretly watched the little prince's expression.

To be fair, he was the last person who wanted to see Shiraz back ... This elf girl who always pretended to be "simple and cute" was actually a hundred times more terrible than the former imperial court sub-Middle.

This is not to say that it is inferior to her, but that Midel has a bottom line and scruples in doing things, preferring to use non-violent means to solve problems; and Shella ... just the opposite of him, there is no lower limit.

Such a guy, even if he is his own, is a huge threat.

"Oh, forget it." The little prince waved his hand very carelessly, as if to say something worthless: "Anyway our lovely Miss Sylla is particularly good at hide and seek, what she might be hiding now Place, ready to startle us. "

hide and seek? probably……

Anson Zade couldn't help but twitched.

Recalling the "high-level curse" that detonated the entire Ebden before and even the blood sacrifice was smoothed out, it is really difficult to imagine how the sinister and vicious girl could escape.

"Therefore, before Miss Shira returns to join us, let's be busy with something more meaningful." With a yawn, the little prince pointed to the direction of the gem river ferry in the distance:

"For example ... salvage a dragon that I killed."


"Got it, let's go ... well, send two more people to stay behind, be sure to take care of him."


Standing outside the door of the dark-haired wizard's room, the frowning Crown Prince pinched the bridge of his nose to keep himself awake.

When Grumto returned from the scarlet dragon, Loren had passed out and was unconscious. After twenty days of hard work, his body and mind were exhausted to the extreme, and Brandon did n’t even dare to imagine changing to Can you persist for so long?

After Loren was in a coma, Brandon immediately took over the retreating Eboden defenders and civilians; for this result, no matter whether it was Eckert the Earl of the Fury or the wizards of the wizard tower.

It would be better to say that after losing the only commander-in-chief, they rescued their East Highness Prince Saklan in the posture of the dragon master, which was their only hope.

Not only that, on the road of retreating all the way south, there were constantly broken soldiers around the town, refugees who avoided the war joined, and the scale of the team was further expanded. It was only one hundred thousand in one afternoon.

Originally, Brandon was worried that so many people would attract elves, but he finally found that he was too worried-the elf army was exhausted, morale fell to the bottom, and there was no power to fight.

Next, as long as he took the 100,000 people out of the Principality of Ebden step by step, the retreat was considered a success; the Count Eckert, the wrath of the fortress, and the wizard family with the wizard tower appease the people. Not difficult.

The real trouble is the price paid for this battle of Ebden.

The Nine-Mang Star Sorcerer's Tower is fragmented;

Lorenz Corona died of misfortune;

Ink dragon Aioliite ... became the spoils of the Azores.

This kind of thing was replaced by Brandon's fear of not even thinking about it.

The advantage is that the death of Aioliite will definitely anger the dragon clan of the Torch Peak Mountain, so that they will join the full-scale war of the elf invasion;

The dragon is very careful, especially the behavior that hurts the members of their ethnic group, it is easy to cause strong retaliation from the whole family.

The disadvantage is that they will also hate themselves-just like the sixth generation of the "sage" Brandon I, because the sacrifice of his dragon in the Battle of the Blood Skeleton, causing the Dragon Clan of Jufeng Mountain to hate him In the end, the two grandchildren lost the qualification of the dragon master and almost lost the throne.

You ... well, your own son and grandson (if it really exists), will probably become an unwelcome object of Mount Jufeng?

Thinking of this, Brandon couldn't help but sigh, approaching the edge of the floating city wall and looking down, the lonely expression suddenly softened a lot.

The retreating large army camp that came at midnight was already a little bit of sparks; the people spontaneously built their own temporary camp around the military camp, and the Poe Hach cavalry riding the war horse and the few remaining soldiers were patrolling around. , Search all the supplies you can find.

Although there are many sacrifices and heavy casualties, but at least not nothing is not obtained ... If you want to get it, you have to pay first, do n’t you?

Becoming an emperor "contrary" to Connacht ... Whenever thinking of this sentence, Brandon couldn't help laughing.

It's really ... all this time together, this guy is still as cautious as ever, fearing that he will abandon him immediately after becoming the emperor.

Obviously friends ... What can we worry about between friends?

"Your Highness."

While Brandon was stolen by himself, the observer in the floating city suddenly interrupted him: "The hussars below heard the news that they had encountered the light sentry cavalry of the empire's outpost and were rushing towards here."

Oh, so fast?

Brandon's expression was a bit unexpected. He had originally thought that Brother Connold didn't want to care about the life and death of the Eboden people-it seemed that he was still kind of human.

"How many people ... I mean total strength, and where is their main force?"

"This ... the other party didn't say it, just ordered us to stop and prepare for the response immediately, waiting for the legion to arrive." As he said, the expression of the observer's hand suddenly changed, and it seemed like he was courageous:

"Also ... His Majesty Connold I ... also among the outpost cavalry!"

Brother Huang is here? !

His stunned prince ~ ~ could n’t help but look back at the direction of the cavalry rushing to the forefront of the temporary camp under the banner of the Iron Crown. His majesty came and cheered.

"This is really ..." Brandon couldn't help laughing, but only sneered: "The shouting on the battlefield hasn't stopped, and the peach pickers can't wait."

The observer on the side lowered his head, desperately pretending he didn't hear it.

"Now that we are here, let the soldiers let go of the road and greet our great Majesty Connold I." Brandon shrugged, adding as if suddenly remembered:

"Oh, just say your Highness ... The Prince of East Sackland is too busy with business affairs to meet him in person, but also looks at His Majesty Haehan, and then ..."

"Please come up and see me by yourself!"

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