Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 145: 1 lies

The moment Isaac's words fell, the atmosphere was ... awkward;

Quite awkward.

Brandon's voice faintly came from behind the blocked door-knocking on the door a few times and sending the unrequited prince, it sounded like he was very unhappy, and was about to stay outside the door.

The sweaty little wizard was standing on the spot, his expression so tense that he was speechless, his slightly exposed beak teeth biting his lower lip, and the azure blue eyes of the six gods had no Lord, staring at Loren all the time.

Isaac was holding his arms against the door, and looked at Ayn and the dark-haired wizard very curiously, his eyes narrowed with a suspicious luster.


The fact that Ain is actually a witch has always been a very sensitive topic.

For some reason of "traditional prejudice", the wizarding world has always maintained a very exclusive heart for witches-even if there is no evidence to prove that witches have a very high risk compared to witches, prejudices ... are never unreasonable .

And the "tolerance" of the empire and the church against the wizarding class did not open up the witch net: the "Empire Code" expressly stipulates that women should not be exposed to the profession of witches, and offenders deprive all titles and property and deprecate them.

The church directly placed the witches at the same level as "pagans" and "apostates", and they were all tortured.

Even Lena de Salion, with royal respect, can only "understand" and dare not become a wizard, even if she does desire to be a witch.

Therefore, the small wizard can only pretend to be a woman, and even avoid as many occasions as possible. At the same time, he regularly takes the voice change potion specially made by Dalton Kant's tutor, plus a little makeup.

And Ai Yin's appearance is "neutral", so in the eyes of most people, she is just an alchemist with a "slight appearance"-the existence of Isaac has helped her share a great deal. Most "secular eyes" save a lot of trouble.

Under various factors, Ain's true gender has always been a secret-in the Red Blood Castle, only the three who know the truth are Master Loren, Dalton and Master Ashamai.

This time was also a coincidence ... The little wizard who was busy with the maintenance of the floating city and the development of the Jiaoguangsa, apparently forgot to put on makeup and regularly use the voice change potion, and Isaac noticed a very slight flaw.

Just like Loren and Master Ashamai were both accidentally discovered because of their coincidences.

So, I never told Isaac.

But Loren knew.

Isaac ... Although he always pretends to be dismissive of the eyes and ideas of others, he is actually very sensitive-he is sometimes naive like a child, and sometimes too mature.

All in all, if you let him find that his friends "hide him" ... the stimulation to him is definitely not a star.

But this is not the most troublesome problem, because Brandon, Connold, and a group of royal guards and Poe Hussars ... are all outside the door!

These ... are the problems.

Once irritated Isaac could not keep his mind, let Ain's identity be exposed ... The consequences are still second, anyone who holds this secret can use it to blackmail and even threaten himself and his friends.

The imperial nobles, the Holy Cross Church, some brain-powered wizarding colleges, some unwelcome dukes ...

It's not that they're afraid of them, but that it is really at this juncture of "unity with the outside world". Loren really doesn't want to think about it any more, and spends his energy to accompany them to play the game of "fighting in secret."

For some guys whose minds are filled with paste, killing a political enemy they hate is more important than survival.

So ... first think of a statement that temporarily fools past, so that Isaac will doubt but at least not pierce the spot.


"Voice Changer?"

Isaac broke out.

"Yes, that's what happened." With a sigh, Loren, who looked "helpless", slowly raised his head, looking very sincerely at the shocked Isaac and the little wizard:

"Ayin ... is still in the developmental voice change period."

"Wait, wait, wait ..."

Isaac instinctively waved his hands instinctly back, but found that behind him was the door: "You mean ... No, I mean ... I want to express ... I want to ask ..."

"Ain ... how old is this guy ...?"

"I don't know very well, but I only heard a Dalton mentor accidentally say that once." Sighing again, Loren shook his head and deliberately avoided Isaac's gaze: "In short, that is ... 16 or 7 years old? "

"16 or 7 years old ?!"

Isaac's expression was even more shocking: "But I have known this guy for almost eight years!"

"That's the key. It's really not a secret, but I don't know how to explain it ... Since you found it, of course you have to tell you."

"But ..." Isaac suddenly shuddered, remembering something faintly: "But when I first saw this guy, it didn't look like being seven or eight years old!"

"The usual experience, hard life and long-term expectations are indoors, it is easy to make people look more mature than their actual age." Loren gritted his teeth and took a deep breath:

"Isaac, you have to understand that there is no other genius like you, and Ain ... think about the Dalton mentor, will he take a stray orphan as an apprentice for no reason?"

"He took you for no reason, although it seemed that he had another purpose ..."

Isaac's brow jumped: "But I understand what you mean."

Looking at his suspicious expression, whether it was a black-haired wizard or Ain, he was slightly relieved.

Finally ... it was temporarily fooled.

"So ... The reason why I will notice the subtle difference between Ain's voice and the previous sound is that it is due to being in the voice change period and long hours of rest, fatigue?"

"Yes, that's how it is." Loren looked at him with a smile, and the tone was very sincere: "If it comes back, it is worthy of Isaac; if it is not your reminder, I didn't find this."

"Of course, there is a natural insurmountable gap between the real wizard and the caster, especially this subtle insight." Isaac shrugged his arms:

"Anyway, it sounds reasonable."

"Facts speak louder than words."

"Good talk." Nodding, Isaac suddenly looked at the dark-haired wizard with "care": "Ah, yes-Loren, how are you recovering, have you woke up?"

"Uh, I ... woke up."


"Well, really."

"Don't hold on, if you don't wake up, you won't wake up." Isaac chattered uncharacteristically: "Straight, have we both been woken up?"

"No, I am sober now."

"Not bragging?"

"No." Looking at Isaac, who was not normal, Loren suddenly had a bad hunch.

"Since it's sober ..." Isaac's complexion suddenly changed, squinting and staring at the face of the dark-haired wizard:

"Then why do you lie to me?"

"..." Loren.

"..." Ain.

"I just thought it was an accident, but now it seems to be more than I thought!" Isaac, his eyes widened, looked particularly wronged:

"My friend, my best friend, actually joined together to hide one thing from me, it is simply intolerable!"

"And what is more intolerable is that they not only concealed, but also tried to deceive me after being pierced by me!"

"Isaac, we didn't mean to deceive you." Loren sighed, his expression tangled incomparably: "Yes, I just ..."

"Don't want to tell me the truth!"

When I was anxious to steal the black-haired wizard, Isaac's expression became more annoyed, and he directly picked up his wand: "What is the thing that makes you hide from me to the present, and still think I should not know?"

"It's not that you shouldn't know it, but everyone shouldn't know it--including me, but also because of a ... well,‘ accident ’.

"That should also be ... um?" Isaac raised his eyebrows, his expression slightly improved: "That is to say, this matter belongs to Ain ... a private secret?"

Loren closed his eyes and nodded helplessly: "It can be said."

"So ... until now, only you know—and it was because of an accident? To be honest, don't lie to me!"

"Because of the accident, then ..." The black-haired wizard flattened his mouth, very tangled: "Mr. Dalton and ... Master Ashamai also know."


The wand fell to the ground.

Isaac opened his mouth wide and was so shocked that he could hardly speak.

Grievances are almost written on his face.

"Even ... even Master Ashham is in front of me, knowing the secret of my best friend?"

"That was an accident."

Although this is indeed the case, Loren himself feels that this explanation is particularly unconvincing.

The atmosphere in the room became very subtle.

The always-silent little wizard blushed, struggling in the blue eyes.

The dark-haired wizard couldn't help closing his eyes.

That's right, the one who really hesitated and hurt was not himself, nor Isaac, but Ayn.

Only after real personal experience and experience can we truly understand this world that resembles a "middle-age feudal society", and is deeply malicious and prejudiced against certain classes and genders.

Charlotte ran around for the future of the Turin family and Byrne, and even gave up herself; but in the eyes of the "traditional Baier", she ruled the Principality in the name of others, but she must not become the Duke of Byrne .

Because she is not "he".

Salika Jonah, who won the title of Duke with the Battle of the Centaurs in the Great Green Sea, but ended up surrounded by all kinds of gossip and rebellion-without the support of Brandon and Loren at the same time, she even The position of his Jonah family leader was not stable.

Because she is not "him".

Fitronai de Salion ... Even if she had been inside the empress's empire, she had a higher level of disgust with the princess than Brandon-they loved the princess and respected the princess, but would rather support Brandon than be willing Support her.

Because she is not "him".

The church despised wizards, the rich despised the poor, the old nobles despised the new nobles, the emperor despised the outliers ... The reason for this prejudice and vicious empire that did not fall into civil war relied on the evil gods in the north and the dragons on Mount Jufeng.

Because in the eyes of evil gods and dragons, humans are no different from ants.

Ridiculous, but cruel.

The dark-haired wizard looked up at Isaac and decided to try another more bizarre answer-even if I could not be deceived by Isaac, it made him feel cheated by himself, it was better than letting Ain ...


At this moment, the little wizard suddenly spoke with a slight tremor in his voice: "It's pointless to continue to hide now-you're right, I shouldn't hide from my friends ..."

"Ayn, you ..."

"Loren, listen to me!"

The little wizard made a steal and then looked at Isaac solemnly: "Loren has only one reason he has always lied, in order to protect me."

"Protect you, what protects you?" Isaac stunned, a very incomprehensible expression: "Are you very special, very dangerous-don't tease, Ain, you are just an alchemist, I also Just a wizard. "

"Although I hate this kind of rhetoric, the world still despise the wizards, even the church spit at most on us, rolled their eyes and said two sneer words-well, unless you are a pagan or witch.


Ain sighed softly.

"Um ... yes, what?" Isaac's expression stiffened.

"I mean, you guessed it."

Taking a deep breath, the little wizard's words made Isaac completely frozen:

"I ... was a witch."

At that moment, the atmosphere in the room became dead again.

Slowly closing his eyes, the dark-haired wizard lowered his head.

While looking at Isaac, who was speechless, the expressionless little wizard took off his headband, letting his long hair fall behind him, and taking off his coat:

"If you don't hear clearly ~ ~ I can repeat that ... the vocabulary again, but it doesn't mean anything else, just don't want you to misunderstand."

"It's not intentional to hide from you-just like you said, in the eyes of the empire and the church, the witch is no different from the pagan."

"Even if it's for your safety, I don't want you to know ... so that at least when the accident happens, you can still be the one who knows nothing."

The stunned Isaac was standing there, unable to say a word-neither knowing how to answer, nor knowing what to ask, completely turned into a piece of wood.

"If you think I'm cheating, deliberately concealing and not telling you out of distrust ... Then you think about it that way, and I don't plan to argue anything anymore."

The pretending calm Ain lowered his head, trying to cover the crystals of the corners of his eyes, and raised a bitter arc of the corners of his mouth: "As you said-so stupid, only a little smart me, I do n’t deserve A friend of the talented Isaac Grantham! "

The voice fell, and the little wizard who whimpered slightly raised his head again, pushed open the door blocked by Isaac, and strode out of the room.

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