Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 147: So hungry for power


The icy words came from outside the iron window, and the elf warrior with hands and feet locked in chains looked back subconsciously.

The gray-eyed teenager who saw the expressionless face stood outside and stared at her, holding the iron window; the glorious eyes made the cell seem a bit cold.

"It's you again." Not only did the chief lieutenant of the governor's face who was familiar with his face not only felt nervous, but he also sighed with relief, and he sneered a few words: "Why, Lord Lord Byrne can't find the second one who can take care of me The jailer, let his guard personally take care of this? "

"Yes, I am responsible for your supervision. It is the power granted to me by Lord Loren." Lucien nodded slightly, without denying:

"But it's my own consideration to appear here."

Alexandra stunned slightly, her hands shattered by her shackles gradually tightening.

Finally ... is it about to begin?

"Then just come, the warrior of the human empire." Alexandra drew her knees together and took a deep breath with her head raised:

"In the name of Azores, I will never let down the love of the eagle king, and will not insult the honor of being a warrior ..."

"Do not."

Before she finished talking, the gray pupil continued: "I'm not here to torture you, I'm here ... for another thing."


"Tell me a digression first. Remember what happened before leaving Ebden? Do you know ... what is the blood sacrifice?"

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the elf warrior with a stagnation expression dimmed in an instant, and she instinctively bit her thin lips.

Blood sacrifice ... Of course, she would not know what this "noun" represents.

That was a nightmare that was enough to destroy everything.

It is like a raging flame, as long as it is ignited, it will devour all creatures regardless of the enemy-but this is not the most terrible, the most terrible is the consequences of doing so, it is really possible to lead an evil **** to the world.

That's really scary.

"I, of course, know what that is, and I am not going to defend anything for His Royal Highness Rodria, but ..." Even if the whole body trembled, Alexandra continued to gritt her teeth:

"This, this is also a last resort-if you let the battle continue, it will only cause greater casualties on both sides; your desperate defense forces your Highness to have no choice but to use this too radical. The way to come ... "

"Come and kill us completely, and then take away the land and city that belong to us." Luisen snatched coldly:

"Is that right?"

The elf warrior lowered her head and dared not look directly at his eyes, the tangled expression was extremely painful.

"All in all ... I am not here to reprimand, or to condemn you for not doing what you did." Gray pupil said lightly:

"I'm coming ... even saying that the reason why I have to capture you is to ... for another purpose."

Another purpose?

Looking at the gray pupil behind the iron window coldly, his elf warrior suddenly widened his eyes and was shocked.

"Samurai Way."

Without waiting for her cranky, Lucien already revealed the answer:

"Your samurai way ..." Guerrilla Arrow ", I want to know what the secret is."

Said, the gray pupil looked at the elf warrior behind the iron window from beginning to end-the cold and rusty shackles restrained the wrists and ankles that had been worn and scabbed many times. Under the damaged clothing, you can still see wounds that have not completely healed.

"To be honest, I can ask people to prepare food for you, bath water, and change of clothes." Lucien paused, closing his eyes, and said with some difficulty-this was the first time he "interrogated" someone else:

"Including your injuries, I can also find a doctor for you ..."


With eyes rounded, Alexandra, who was already bloodless, was full of roar but full of breath, sneered: "Do you think that this kind of intimidation and temptation can shake a samurai ?!"

"Imperial people, I admit your victory, and I am willing to be your captive, but do not think that you can humiliate me!"

The words fell, and the angry female warrior closed her eyes and sat in danger, looking like an awe-inspiring man.

The stunned Lucien frowned and shook his head slightly: "You misunderstood, I wasn't trying to ask for anything--in fact, the Duke had captured an elf warrior and got everything before the battle of Ebden intelligence."

"Your country, the army, the system, and even the warrior way ... is no longer a secret, and the Duke has even mastered the way to deal with it."

"Then why do you know from me, Lord Bane's personal guardian?" With a sneer, Alexandria pretended to look like a proud look:

"Don't you think that there is a samurai who is weak and incompetent, and all the Azores are greedy for life and death?"

"I do think so." Lucien nodded very "honestly".

"You ...?" Alexandra Sandra's expression was clenched and her teeth were stunned.

"But, what I want to know is not just how to deal with this kind of power." Sighing, the gray pupil holding the iron window crouched down halfway, leaning his head slightly to keep his head level with the elf warrior:

"I want to know more than this."


"Isaac, arrogant, busy, arrogant, idler who has nothing to do with things, Lord Grantham ... what on earth do you want to do?"

In the floating city laboratory, the little wizard turned unusually calmly and looked at the hips against the wall. Without a formal Isaac, he raised a cylinder that resembled a wand in his hand:

"Say, otherwise I'll let you pay the price for disturbing me to do the experiment-to use this simplified version of the new Jiaoguangsaber as the target for the experiment."

"Don't I tell you what I did ... I'm here to apologize to you, Ain!" Isaac spread his hands, looking sincerely:

"Also ... well, put down that thing in your hands-what might be the power of my design, I am still very clear, be careful and accidental."


Raising his eyebrows, Ai Yin narrowed her eyes and smiled in the corner of her mouth: "Disturb me for the experiment and have to increase my workload-this is a way to apologize!"

"Yes, that's it!"

Isaac's eyes lit up, and he snapped his fingers, "New ideas, new plans, new experiments-we are wizards, Ain, for a wizard, there is more to you than this. Excited things? "

"Thinking about the past few years, the happiest thing for us is not the days when we were exposed to new knowledge while at Wimpar College? So is there a better way of apology?"

As I danced, Isaac “handed” the parchment scroll I had organized into the hands of the little wizard: “This is the material I have already organized, you can check it out first!”

"Is there any place to criticize and correct? Despite saying that you don't care too much about the friendship and relationship between us-of course, the materials I have compiled are unlikely to be wrong, but ..."

"The Way of the Samurai?" The little wizard interrupted his bragging in surprise, and put the "Jiaoguang Sword" aside under Isaac's bewildered gaze:

"Don't you always despise the use of the power of the void by those elf warriors, why would you want to study this?"

"Yes, I despise ... to be exact, it's contemptuous." Pouting, Isaac shrugged his shoulders: "But Lucien wanted this, and as a friend, I felt that I had an obligation to help him fulfill his wish. "

"What's more, if I don't help him, this stupid boy must come by himself, and then on a certain day we don't know, he becomes a bunch of octopus monsters with tentacles-even in order to avoid this scene, I must help him."

"You care about him so much?" Ain was a little surprised: "I ... I always thought you only care about yourself."

"Of course I care about my friends, including you and Loren ... well, and Lena." Isaac retorted quite naturally:

"Also, I also hate tentacles and slimy things-so I have to help him!"

Isaac continued: "So, in order to ensure that neither of these things will happen, we must design a more perfect way of using it. After Lusien masters the core theory of the samurai way, he can be safer. Use this ... well, superpowers. "


"Never possible!"

Without waiting for the pupil of Grey Eyes to finish, Alexandra categorically rejected: "I will never teach you the method of" Samurai Way "to you, nor will I teach it to any empire, do not be delusional. Now! "

"Not to mention that even if I agree, you will never be able to master it-this is the power that only the pure and noble elves can have, which symbolizes the purity and nobility of the samurai, and it is also a commitment to protect ... promises that we will exhaust To bet on life and even the soul, guard the majesty of His Majesty the Eagle King! "

"An Empire ... it is impossible to have this kind of power!"

"Do not."

The expressionless Lucien gently spit out the word.

"No?" The elf warrior frowned: "Hmm ... don't you think I'm just bluffing, or am I wrong?"

Shaking his head, the gray pupil narrowed his eyes:

"No ... you have no bluff, you are just too ignorant, Miss Alexandra."


"Don't be nervous, and then think about what I said before calmly and calmly." Lucien said coldly: "The first time I didn't kill you, it was to give you a favor-the second time I caught you alive, to master The power of the "Samurai Way". "

"You are the chief adjutant of the governor's court and his apprentice. Among the elves I know, it is almost the only warrior who can systematically teach me the samurai way; even if your own strength is not enough, at least in theory it is absolutely enough. Now. "

"And all I need is these ..." core theories ", and with these I will have smarter people to help me master this power."

"And, this power is not as special as you think." Lucien said quietly: "In fact, it is probably less than a hundred years since its birth, and the history does not even exceed the length of the wizard in the empire."

"The samurai way a hundred years ago was nothing more than a group of" elves "who used the Azores long sword to exercise their mind and body. There is nothing special about it, and there is no superpower."

"A lot of nonsense!"

Alexandra interrupted angrily: "The truth you said is just your imperial opinion!"

"Maybe, but this is how our history books describe the Azores." The gray pupil continued to whisper: "Refer to your" Wizard System "and think about the so-called" Samurai Way ", but It ’s a poor imitation of our imperial wizard. ”

"Open the river again at Xinkou!"

The elf warrior retorted: "The warrior's way has nothing to do with the wizards of your empire. That was when the eagle king mastered the fight against the invading monster ..."

Before he finished speaking, the furious Alexandra suddenly sobered: "Are you saying my words ?!"

"Half the answer is correct, I just verified the other person's conjecture." Lucien admitted without hesitation: "Now it looks like he really guessed it."

"At the same time, the samurai way is not a" power that only elves can master. "Anyone can learn it, but it may be more demanding."

With wide and fierce eyes, Alexandra squeezed her lips tightly without saying a word, but stared at the gray pupil outside the iron window, hoping to smash him into pieces.


The loud noise of the metal collision echoed through the cell-the sudden force of Lucien broke the bolt of the iron window.

The next second, before waiting for the elf warrior to react, Lucien broke into the cell and grabbed her neck with one hand. The tall female elf was picked up by the small man with one hand and hit the wall with "bang!"


The words were stuck in the throat, and the two pupils of Alexandria only felt the suffocation-the palms holding the throat were as firm as iron tongs, and the delicate neck seemed to be pinched off on the next side.

"If you have to kill you ~ ~ and find the answer from your corpse ... it doesn't matter, anyway, all I need is the power of the samurai way."

"As for whether the method is humane ... I really don't care at all."

Lushen, who desperately raised his right arm, said lightly without raising his head: "My second life was given by Lord Loren. All I have to do is get more power and not be thrown by his footsteps. under."

"Samurai Way, Evil God, Magic ... It doesn't matter, as long as it's power, I will try my best to fight for it."

As he said, the gray pupil's right hand gradually exerted force, and the suffocating elf warrior struggled like a dehydrated fish; but no matter how he punched and kicked, he remained motionless.

"So ... you will tell me the core secret of the" Samurai Way "and give me a gift-and to thank you, I will not hurt your name and even guarantee your safety."

"After you lose the use value, I will try my best to fight for you to a certain degree of freedom in front of Lord Loren until the end of this war."

"Do you understand it?"

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