Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 155: growing up

When shimmering into his eyes, Loren and the little wizard realized that they had come to the cave exit unconsciously.

Outside the cave is the summit of Jufeng Mountain.

At the beginning of the morning sun, the sun hadn't even climbed halfway up the mountain—in other words, they climbed from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, which was useless for an hour.

But the dark-haired wizard, who was extremely tired and exhausted, didn't care about it at all. He sat and sat at a place in the mouth of the cave, and the words of the silver dragon still echoed in his mind.

You will be impressed with him-this is Brandon's original words, actually in a word.

And not in the way you imagined.

There are two things that the dark-haired wizard is particularly concerned about-although it was only for a moment, judging by the silver dragon's disdain for the Azore elves, at least in his eyes this "elven invasion" is not special important things.


Judging from the actual experience of Loren, this war has reached the point of being a war, and it is possible to destroy the country after a defeat ... Why are the dragons not paying attention, even to the elves who have powerful powers? Disdain?

This is just a dragon that has just died in battle against the elves!

Well, if it can be interpreted as "the pride of the dragon", it despises both elves and humans, or they know some secrets that they and the empire don't know ...

Who is the "coward" hiding behind him?


If so, does it prove that they knew each other in the past?

If it is true, does it mean that this is not the first time-Rogan wearing a hat and Roland the Black Duke have all reached a contract with a certain evil **** to fight with the dragons?

But why, he knew he must come back?

No, more importantly, why would he know that he came, must represent Asriel?

Outside the cave, the cold wind blowing from the top of the mountain continued to flow in, mixed with the sparse white snow, dyed golden by the dawn.

Ain, who was also embarrassed, leaned carefully beside him, and glanced anxiously at the pensive dark-haired wizard, and he stopped talking several times.

The tired Loren couldn't help but raised his mouth.

"Ask if you want."

The dark-haired wizard said lazily, his eyes turned to the corners of his eyes. "You must have a lot of things you want to know ... otherwise you are not Ain, but Isaac we know everything."

"It's not that arrogant man!"

In a word, the little wizard who was "offended" blurted out, but hesitated and snorted, turning his head deliberately. "There is nothing I want to know!"

"What's more, even if you ask, you big liar will only compile a bunch of stories to lie to me, and asking is also a white question."

Talking to herself, her voice is getting smaller and smaller

"I swear, won't you lie to you this time?" With a lazy smile, Loren raised his right hand. "What do you ask me?"

"I don't believe you!"

"Then I will say it directly. If you want to listen, just listen."

"Don't want to listen, don't say it!"


"No, you are not allowed to say it!"

"Even if it's fake, can you listen to the story?"

"Do not listen!"

"But you won't let me say it, I want to say it again."

"It doesn't work if you want to say it, no!"

The two went back and forth and quarreled for almost a quarter of an hour.

Looking at the little wizard who was bulging with cheeks and begging his mouth, the dark-haired wizard "fluttered" and laughed.

Ain, who was "irritated," flushed angrily, but seemed to be infected, and could not help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth; he snorted and turned his head to the side, no longer looking at him.

"Hey, you two are here!"

With a hint of surprise, a very familiar voice came from deep inside the cave.

With a long sigh of relief, without looking at the expression of sigh of relief or helplessness, the black-haired wizard with a tired face looked in the direction of the sound source.

I saw the embarrassment, as if I had just fallen off a cliff, and then limped under the beating of the imperial palace, and ran towards them; Is intact.

The nose and blue eyes were swollen, and the hair was messed up into a bird's nest. There was still a sun-like smile on his face. From a three-step leap, he opened his arms and rushed to Loren!

Then he lay flat and fell a step away.

Face first.


Listening to the crisp voice, Loren and the little wizard shuddered at the same time, their frowning frowns were curious, and they looked at the guy who was suspected of having killed himself uneasy.

"How can you do this?"

A lion raised his head and raised his head with dusty face. Brandon looked at the two dissatisfiedly and scared them trembling again.

"As a friend of mine at this time, shouldn't I pounce on it in a tacit understanding and hug me to feel the surprise of each other's survival?"

No, I'm afraid my current physical condition will not be able to withstand your rocket head.

Loren said quietly in his heart.

With a slight cough, he was slightly short of breath and bowed his head silently "... Sorry."

Upon hearing the apology, the expression of His Royal Highness immediately changed, showing a contented smile. "Well, just know the apology, I forgive you!"

The little wizard on the side pressed his lips tightly and lowered his head quickly.

The dark-haired wizard, who was also tolerant of smiles, desperately pressed the corner of his mouth.

That's right, this is probably one of the reasons why his relationship with Brandon is so good; in some things, the prince is really the memory of the fish, and it can be forgotten in a blink of an eye.

"Okay, let's be honest."

Beating the dust, patting his face, Brandon climbed up and stared at Loren in a "very serious" posture. "Milasis has told me, she said you met Enzo, and reached a certain Some ... agreement? "

The black-haired wizard raised his eyebrows.

He sneaked a glance at Ain next to his eyes, and the little wizard who had turned his head curled up in a ball, pretending to be resting; but he couldn't bear the urge to be curious and tried to erect his ears.

Really ... I still want to know.

"Although I took a bit of risk and almost swallowed it, but ... you are right."

With a weary sigh, Loren smiled a little helplessly. "Silver Dragon Enzo, he seems to be very dismissive of the Azores, and does not think that these long ears will be any trouble."

"But he agreed, and he will join when necessary to help us win this war."

Brandon nodded solemnly, which was almost the same as the answer he got last time; his gaze was still on the dark-haired wizard, and he said to continue.

"Besides that, he didn't anger us too much because of Aioliite's death, at least what I saw was this." Loren whispered. "You're right, this leader of the dragon family, It ’s really impressive. "

"Well, this is good news!"

With a frown, Brandon's expression stretched a little. "The goal of this trip to Mount Jufeng is half done!"

Loren nodded in favour.

Yes, in this case, as long as the dragon is not turned into an enemy, it is already a thank-you.

As for getting the exact promise of the dragon ... that can only be regarded as an ideal goal, and neither of them expected to persuade the other party to agree to a meeting.

"Say ... how about Isaac and Lucien?" His relieved prince, finally finally cared about other things, looking around. "Why didn't I see them, haven't they come out yet?"

"It has come out, and it came out in front of us."

Loren languidly said, "Isaac found the flaws in the road of trial and successfully completed the trial ... Now it is said that he is in the dragon and is being treated by the dragons along with Lucien."

"So Lucien and Isaac are together, you and Ayn ... interesting."

Squinting and thinking of something, Brandon's face was a bit complicated, and he said to himself, "It turns out that's how it is."

Looking at the thoughtful, but not like His Royal Highness, who was about to explain, the dark-haired wizard was very wise and did not ask.

"What are you going to do next?" Loren deliberately changed the subject

"Enzo's attitude towards us is not bad. At least there is no deep hostility and confrontation. It should not be difficult to persuade him to make some attitude and support."

"Then when this meeting is over, you should be your Prince of East Sackland-how to deal with the unobedient nobles in your territory, killing them?"

As soon as the words fell, he saw Brandon's eyes trembling.

"Um ... it's possible."


"Yes ... it's just possible." Frowning frowning, Brandon looked at the snow drifting outside the cave, his expression a little fascinating. "My thoughts are still the same as before, but ... a little change."

The expression remained unchanged, and Loren raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"If I want to be the true Prince of East Sakland, it ’s impossible not to kill, otherwise it ’s just a puppet with a title, not to mention that they should also die ... But if too many people are killed, the consequences will also be very serious. . "

With his back to the black-haired wizard, the voice of His Royal Highness was unexpectedly smooth.

"The most direct is that it will weaken the war potential of the empire-the more stubborn nobles, the more they prove that their strength and foundation are deep enough to kill them, and the East Sackland can fight three points less. one."

"Even if I can immediately arrange for the Ebden nobles who follow me, mercenaries and rich merchants to occupy their territory, this group of people cannot provide much military and financial resources in a short time, greatly weakening me and the strength of the empire."

"So I planned this way." The look was indifferent, and Brandon added, "It must be a murder to kill, but it cannot be murdered like a mob-the guilty ones are to be tried, the sinful are to be punished, and those who are able to cooperate must be punished. . "

"As for the deserters who become bandit robbers ... The middle-level commander cannot stay and must be replaced, but the officers and soldiers at the bottom can recharge the army, torture or whip, they have to be turned into obedient soldiers. "

"Batch a group like this, pull a group, kill a group ... you can control the gap ... well, within one-fifth to one-tenth, there is enough room to make room for the refugees."

"Basically think of these for the time being, and others have to look at the actual situation."

Scratching his head, Brandon looked a little embarrassed and looked at Loren "My Excellency Wizard Advisor, what else can I add ... uh, what is your expression?"

The dark-haired wizard was dumbfounded.

This, this guy in front of me is really Brandon?

Brandon, who knows that there is no good ending, but also wants to deliberately with his brother at the Boundary Mountain Fortress? !

The Brandon who made his own claim in Ebden and evolved into one of the fuse of Ebden? !

As long as he is happy, he poke out Brandon who doesn't care. !

Do n’t he pretend to be Connor? !

"Uh ... no, nothing!"

Looking at Brandon's increasingly unhappy expression, Loren smiled reluctantly. "It's just a little curious, how do you ... how do you think of this?"

"I mean, um ... mean, that is ... um ..."

For a long time, the dark-haired wizard never thought of a more euphemistic term to describe it.

"Meaning that Brandon was absolutely happy and how he came, it was impossible to think of these ... right?"

Pulling the corner of his mouth, Loren smiled awkwardly.

"I didn't say that."

"That's what you mean!" He grumbled angrily, with a meaningful expression on His Royal Highness's face.

"Just like water will flow, people will also change; no matter how cute the bear children are, there will be a day when they grow up."

"Especially ... when he understands what he wants--he will start to understand things, how to weigh the pros and cons, and choose a more sensible rather than arbitrary way of doing things."

In the crimson eyes, another stubborn figure reflected.

A man who once dreaded his head and paid special attention to the eyes of others, but finally summoned up his courage.

Loren was stunned.

What excites him?

Brandon shrugged. "Never mind, don't say this ... let's think about it first, how to continue to negotiate with Enzo and other dragons, this is the purpose of our trip; and ..."

Before the words fell, the screaming wind suddenly rolled up from the outside of the cave; the three people standing at the entrance of the cave looked up.


Along with a loud noise and the shaking of the ground underneath, the dragon Milasis landed steadily in front of them, bowed down the dragon's head, and looked at the dark-haired wizard with inquisitive eyes. Oh, my dear Queen Mirases, you finally think of me! Did you come here to pick me up? This is really ... "


Brandon, who didn't wait for a surprise, threw himself up and hugged, and Milasis waved his wings casually, hitting the poor prince directly to the side.

Face first ... once again.

Who will come to you specially?

Without looking back, the dragon let out a lazy groan, staring at the dark-haired wizard.

At the order of Enzo, Mount Jufeng welcomes the honorable Duke of Byrne to visit. We have prepared a rest place and food for you and your companions. Please do n’t be polite.

For friends who are about to fight side by side, Jufeng Mountain cannot help!



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