Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 158: "Self-assertion"

Passing through the gate of the Red Blood Fort Palace, the gravel road at the foot is like the mood of the dark-haired wizard, rugged and ups and downs.

Especially when staring with strange eyes.

From the moment of entering the palace, all guard knights, servants, maids, clerks ... Everyone was secretly or staring at him with an inexplicable expression.

Of course, similar situations have happened in the past, but at that time it was "this guy is really pitiful";

But now their expression is "this day has finally arrived";

As for how to understand it, it is really an endless story ...

The dark-haired wizard with twitching corners of the mouth stopped outside Charlotte's room, thinking about how to explain to her this time-whether it was an apology and a confession of mistakes as soon as he came up, or a way to lie, Fool around for the time being.

It's a pity that he didn't wait until he made up his mind to open the door.

"Squeak ~~~"

There was a soft rotation of the door shaft, and the head of the Principality, Charles Glenwell, holding a bunch of scrolls, lowered his head and walked out of the door until he saw the figure before going down the steps.

"You ... Lord Duke?"

Charles raised his head violently, with a surprise on his face, "How do you ... come back so quickly?"

Hearing this, Loren's expression was a bit more embarrassing.

In an awkward atmosphere, of course, you can only change the topic if you want to open the situation.

"Xia ... well, Countess Red Blood Castle, is she ... inside?"

With a somewhat pleased look, Loren asked tentatively.

"Yes, of course!" The noisy Charles nodded and replied, "The time you left, the Earl has been doing business in the study, or meeting the lover in the round table hall, there is very little time Go back to your room and rest. "

He said that, Loren was more embarrassed, and he didn't know how to take the conversation.

They stared at each other for a minute.

"Or ... would you go in and chat with the count?"

After holding back for a long time, Charles still said this sentence, and at the same time he was watching the dark-haired wizard with the expression of "exhaustion". "Anyway ... coming here ..."

Yes, all come here ... can I still run?

Where to run?

"... Okay."

Loren smiled happily, not nervous at all.

The Principality of the Duchy no longer talked to open the door. When he left, he could not help but glanced secretly at the dark-haired wizard with a determined expression, and walked into the door of Charlotte's room like he did on the battlefield.

The first thing that caught Loren's sight was the mountain of parchment scrolls in the room.

As the Principality of the Principality, Charles did not deceive or exaggerate any fact to Loren, the number of documents alone is enough to prove this.

Although the Principality of Byrne has regained unity, and Loren has been doing his best to perfect centralization since becoming the Duke, after the concentration of power, it is impossible for those who can really exercise power to change out of thin air.

Reality is not a game. A capable and loyal courtier cannot be changed with just a mouse click.

The Empire has subordinate Houses and cabinets for administrative affairs, while Byrne has only a round table parliament. The immediate consequence is that the matter he has to deal with, the Duke, has grown exponentially-and during his long absence, all It was crushed on Charlotte alone.

No matter the size of the matter, you have to ask.

One can imagine ... what kind of burden she is carrying.

In the sound of rustling writing, the figure behind the desk sat quietly at the table, calmly and meticulously reviewing each piece of parchment scroll, and the full cup of tea was gone.

"Loren, are you back?"

The Countess of the Red Blood Castle, who inadvertently looked up, showed a surprised expression on her face.

The black-haired wizard who didn't dare to talk, just grinned reluctantly.

She was really not angry at all.

But the more this is, the more nervous Loren is.

The quiet time lasted for an hour, and Loren stood in front of the door for an hour, silently watching Charlotte process the "immediately ready" document.

Being meticulous, even the speed at which the quill brushed seemed to add a slowing effect.

That's right, she must have done it on purpose.

But if this would let her breathe away, it was Loren himself who was relieved.

After another half an hour, Charlotte, who finally put down the quill pen, picked up the teacup and sipped, only to realize that it was cold. The dark-haired wizard who had reacted quickly took the wine bottle in the study from the side, poured a full glass and handed it to her.

"When I received the news, Charles told me that the team had just arrived at Fort of Fury."

Taking a light smile and taking the wine glass, Charlotte had a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, and the blinking eyes seemed to be Wang Qingquan.

"Um ... yeah, it's not a bit ... can't wait, so ..."

The nervous Loren smiled stiffly, and there was a bit of pleasing on his face.

Carrying the teacup, Charlotte turned and looked at him with a smile, listening quietly.

But she was so, Loren did not know what to say.

The knight in the castle, Charles, the sudden celebration ... and, um, Charlotte in front of me.

Everyone seems to be a little abnormal today.

Loren, aware of a hint of danger, suddenly became alert.

"Sorry, I was wrong this time!"

Under Charlotte's surprising comments, Loren had no warning and apologized bluntly.

"you are wrong?"

The Countess of Red Blood Castle sitting at the table tilted her head in doubt.

"Yes, I shouldn't have agreed to Brandon without saying hi to you, go to Jufeng Mountain and negotiate with the dragons, uh, no, no ..." The dark-haired wizard shook his head again and again, how earnest and sincere his expression

"It should be more forward. I shouldn't have agreed to preside over the battle of Eboden without telling you the whole story. I even dragged it to let Connold write to you first and didn't remember to notify; there are ..."

"and also?"

Charlotte's eyes widened and flickered.

"Yes, there is! There is ..." Loren's voice fell abruptly, looking at Charlotte's expression carefully, and his heart was particularly uneasy. "The reason for not telling you is that ... well, I am afraid you will not agree. ... "

But the result was far beyond his expectations.

Not only was Charlotte not angry, he smiled indifferently, as if it was just something trivial.

"So, I mean ... I mean that I had to come back early because, um ... mainly to admit mistakes, and then confess that these are my own mistakes ..."

"No, these are my faults."

With a light and elegant smile, Charlotte lightly interrupted the dark-haired wizard eager to admit his mistake.

The stunned Loren wanted to continue, but after seeing her calm but irrefutable eyes, he stopped talking.

"You know ... Every time you make a claim before, I will be very angry, thinking that you have betrayed the tacit agreement between the two of us, or violated the promise you promised ..."

Charlotte spoke leisurely and couldn't help but laughed at herself, "Every time, it will make me irritable, demeanorless, or even irrational-well, I wish I could kill you with a sword."

Loren, who didn't know what to say, could only laugh with him.

"But now I have realized that I am no longer the same as before." She turned around and gently lowered the glass. "Ein Rand, he awoke me completely with some sincere feelings."


The black-haired wizard was startled.

"Yes, it's your best friend, Ain Rand." Slowly stood up, Charlotte walked to Loren calmly, smiling gracefully. "With my actual actions, I understand that I am wrong. Where did it go? "

"Our Duke of Loren Turin is a person with strong subjective initiative-he will carefully balance and judge the pros and cons before he makes a decision; but once he makes a decision and wants to discuss with you ... … "

"That's not really to discuss with you, but to tell you his decision; whether he accepts it or not, he won't listen to your suggestion anymore."

Lorren smiled awkwardly, watching her look closer and closer to herself.

"Similarly, people with strong subjective initiative are generally extremely confident; they will never take the initiative to ask others for help unless necessary."

Charlotte spoke softly, but his eyes were extremely strong. "As a friend of the Duke Byrne, we must understand our position in his heart; forever, never can be higher than him, and become a being that he can be needed . "

"Charlotte, you seem to have misunderstood something; I never ..." Loren interrupted quickly.

But the countess of the Red Blood Castle ignored it.

"So, we can't expect him to speak up, or hope for his change, we must adapt."

Charlotte, who raised his chest, finally stood in front of the dark-haired wizard and raised his head to meet his eyes. "If you want to help him and become the one who fights with him on his shoulders ... you must be active and not passive."

"Similarly, if you want to keep up with his pace, you must run faster than him!"

Loren was speechless.

All the explanations and lies were blocked by her eyes in her throat.

"So ... whether this is the battle of Ebden or the trip to Mount Everest, you are right-the former has earned Byrne a high reputation in the empire, and the latter has encouraged the thirteen knights of Byrne Ambition. "

Looking at the dark-haired wizard who couldn't speak, Charlotte, with a chuckle, continued: "Since the tenth generation, Byrne has never been as united and loyal as he is today.

"For nearly a hundred years, they have finally found a duke who is worthy of their trust and follow, a hero who can bring them glory and greatness-your decision, unite the whole Baine."

"So I said, you're not wrong; it's me, it's the past, I don't know enough about you, and regard your compromise as our mutual understanding."

The black-haired wizard was startled.

"Do you have any other questions?"

Asking softly, Charlotte, still intent, stood still in front of him, staring at him directly.

"Uh ... yes, there is one!"

Trying his best to restrain the tension, Loren said, "About ... um, wedding ..."

"Ah, you mean the wedding ... yeah, I prepared it."

With a slight smile, Charlotte said unhurriedly, "It just happened that while the news of your victory in Ebden came, I concentrated all the noble knights of the thirteen leaders into the blood Fort.

"As I just said-as your friends, we can't wait for you to come to us, but to take the initiative, get ahead of you, and do all the things that should be done."

The dark-haired wizard widened his eyes.

"So, that said ... well, you mean this wedding ..."

"Of course it's yours-more accurately, it's the wedding of Duke Byrne." Charlotte, who couldn't suppress his inner joy anymore, showed a very happy smile.

"I have thought about it for a long time. If you make full use of your glorious victory; after thinking about it, there should be no more suitable way than a wedding."

"As you know, the Bayern people love heroes and liveliness; taking advantage of a glorious victory to host your wedding will not only make them feel proud, but also consolidate this support and establish a very stable The **** of the knights makes them follow you more assuredly. "

Charlotte said more and more excited. "This is a rare opportunity. We can take advantage of this wedding and pass many bills that were difficult to pass in the past, recast the rule of the Turin family, and even better!"

"For example, you have always wanted to implement the" land inspection plan "," calling the standing army plan "," resident round table parliamentary plan "-Bayern people worship heroes and are passionate about heroes; so at least for now, no one dares to violate There is no better time for your will and ideas than now! "

"One opportunity, we can really turn Byrne into the Torn family's Byrne; revival is no longer an issue we are considering, but to push the Turin family to a glory that has not been imagined in previous generations!"

"Lay your authority and push your prestige to the highest point, so that the entire Byrne can become your help in the next wizard war."

"It even surpassed the royal family of DeSalle in one fell swoop and became the hero of saving the empire-for your future generations, to win the foundation to capture the empire ... is not impossible!"

Looking at the ecstatic Charlotte with radiant eyes, the dark-haired wizard couldn't even insert a word except for a laugh, and could only wait for her to finish silently.

"... So, in order to take our victory one step further, you arranged a wedding for me?" Loren didn't know what expression to use, UU reading could only ask dryly.

"Yes, this is the best way I can think of." The countess nodded slightly. "I'm sorry I didn't notify you in advance, but this is also for your consideration-just as you didn't tell me that you went to Mount Jufeng. I think the same. "

"Oh." With a sniffle in his mouth, Loren smiled stiffly. "But ... you know, there must be two talents in the wedding. One cannot hold the wedding."

"Yes." Charlotte nodded characteristically.

"So ... you have another person?"


"Female ... I mean, is it a lady?"






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