Shameless Warlock

Chapter 179: Lao Tzu Is Not Some Urban Soldier King

One kilometer away from the ancient city of Xidian, in a temporary base.

The leaders of the special group and the Ninth Department were exchanging opinions quickly. In the not-so-open tent, although there were no harsh words, the conversation still reached a deadlock from time to time.

If Xu Nan hadn't played the role of lubricating oil very well, he doubted whether Lao Hai and Xue Beicheng would have remained cold and violent in silence.

Both sides tried to give their men a bigger role in the rescue.

At this time, Xu Nan finally understood why Zhang Jian appointed him to be the liaison officer.

Dare to love is a way to smooth things over.

That's the only benefit of having a high charisma value. Although it won't be enough to turn Major General Xue into a corner, at least it can make the opponent's attitude better.

Xu Nan is very dissatisfied with this positioning!

Can I just be a social butterfly? Although he's a good courtesan, that's all.

Finally, after a war of words, the two sides reached an agreement for the time being.

The operation was still carried out in cooperation between the two parties, but a detailed division of labor and cooperation was carried out: the special team was responsible for the investigation and pursuit of the cultists, while the people from the Jiubu were responsible for the rescue of tourists and the summoning of the cultists near the ancient city of Xidian A sweep of wandering monsters.

Because heretics were involved, Qianmang Society still recruited many scholars with professional knowledge to provide advice. One of them was a well-mannered middle-aged man who was said to be a theological expert.

"I once lived in the city of scholars in the general world for two years, mainly studying ancient theology."

The expert pointed out: "Actually, the current general gods are not the first batch of gods since the birth of this world. According to the statistics of the City of Scholars, the ruler of the general world has changed at least three times."

"According to the current clues, the badges and marks on those cultists can basically be determined to be blood worshipers, which are well-known believers of the ancient seven gods."

"Maybe everyone will be confused. Generally speaking, gods and beliefs are exclusive, and few believers of gods will act at the same time. But the ancient seven gods are an exception, because although they are seven evil gods , but when they were about to be killed, they took advantage of the vows and covenants they had made during their lifetime, and chose to live and die together to continue their lives. In this way, the ancient seven gods are actually a relationship in which one prospers and the other loses. City of Scholars There are not many records about them. The only thing that is certain is that their kingdom of God is basically shattered, and the Seven Gods themselves are like candles in the wind, unable to protect themselves. The reason why there are blood worshipers is because the general gods tried to When killing the Seven Gods, some of the flesh and blood of the Seven Gods entered the mortal world, affecting many creatures with weak willpower, among which humans are the most."

"According to the speculation of the scholars of the Academy City, every action of the Blood Worshipers is guided by the ancient seven gods. It is said that if the blood worshipers are exhausted, the ancient seven gods can only wait for their fall. And the purpose of the blood worshipers' actions is basically to work hard for the resurrection of the ancient seven gods..."

Xu Nan listened carefully.

This expert obviously knew a lot about the ancient gods. Although his knowledge could not directly help solve this problem, at least it gave the special team and the Ninth Ministry people a general idea.

After all, what they are facing is an enemy from another world, and they are also cultists who are very rare in other worlds.

"Resurrection... the ancient city of Xidian, what resources are there for them to fight for?"

"The ancient seven gods are now in a state of dormancy and suspended animation, and only some very shallow consciousnesses are calling for believers. Speaking carefully, they are much weaker than the previous Tiamas... Tiamas did not use any drastic means. Invading the earth, what is the reason for the Blood Worshipers?"

Xu Nan fell into deep thought. He vaguely felt that the Blood Worshipers might be plotting a terrible conspiracy.

He even wanted to go back to Lost Paradise to buy information, but unfortunately, the task was too tight, and he couldn't get out of it. Before he could think about it for a long time, the rest of the people had already finished their preparations, and they called Xu Nan to get ready to go.

This made Xu Nan very upset.

What about making yourself a social butterfly? Do you want to fight monsters in person after socializing? Doing two jobs for one person?

He looked at Lao Hai seriously: "I don't think this is right."

"At least the salary and bonus must be doubled."


Outside the ancient city of Xidian, two groups of people from the special group and the nine departments took action in full swing.

The team of the special team was led by Zhang Jian, who arrived late. He was promoted to the branch manager of City H in the recent job transfer, half a level higher than Lao Hai. As a super-bug profession like a swordsman, although he is in a high position, he is used to fighting in person when encountering danger.

After all, this matter is related to the status of Qianmang Society and the special team, and they cannot be sloppy.

To Xu Nan's surprise, there were quite a few familiar faces in this special operation: Zheng Xie, he finally didn't ride a kangaroo this time, and I don't know where he put his mount; Jiang Yuanchi, Senior Sister Jiang In fact, she didn't join the special team. She was called in temporarily to help. After all, she is also a very outstanding character in the mage department; and Xu Nan's partner, Liu Erdao, a third-level ranger, has amazing combat power up.

Xu Nan watched them get into the car and leave with resentment on his face. Before leaving, Zheng Xie asked him how Xiner was doing... Naturally, he was slapped back by Xu Nan's slap in the air by Bileg.

The special team will enter from the fire exit on the west side of the ancient city, where they found traces of the activities of the cultists. The preliminary investigation results also show that the cultists seem to be arranging some rituals there!

"Okay, Xu Nan, we should go too."

General Xue Beicheng changed into a battle uniform, and his face was still calm and calm. Just like Zhang Jian, whether it was for Xue Beicheng or his immediate boss Wen Zipi, this was a battle that made the name of the Nine Parts famous, and there was no room for loss!

Xu Nan's job has changed from a liaison officer (social butterfly) to a consultant (tour guide) who cooperates with the soldiers of the Ninth Ministry to rescue the hostages...?

After all, they still have Qin Lele as an internal response, and General Xue felt that with Xu Nan's help, things might be easier, so he formally invited Zhang Jian to let Xu Nan cooperate with them temporarily.

Zhang Jian meaningfully chose to agree, and then secretly told Xu Nan to take care of the overall situation.

At that time, many professionals in the tent looked at Xu Nan with weird eyes, Xu Nan was so angry, if he didn't want to find Qin Lele earlier to ensure her safety, he would really quit!

Are you really addicted to using your looks?

This face-seeking society is really sad!


In the dark sewer, Xu Nan followed General Xue's footsteps and moved forward quickly.

The rescue personnel of the Nine Departments were divided into three groups. Xu Nan's Group A consisted of nine people. All of them were said to be professionals from special forces.

After all, it has been peaceful for so many years, and there are very few lunatics like Blood Worshipers who dare to hold more than 50 people hostage. If it weren't for the interference of divine magic, helicopters and snipers would have killed them in the morning.

Fortunately, the magical enchantment of the Blood Worshipers also has loopholes.

After careful research, the people of Jiubu found an old sewer in the ancient city of Xidian, from which you can go straight to the back alley of the haunted house where the tourists were caught.

Their goal is to rescue the tourists without disturbing the blood worshipers as much as possible. The task of killing the cultists was given to the special team.

However, just in case, General Xue still made a lot of back-up preparations.

In the whole process of organizing, Xu Nan couldn't help but lament the importance of professionalism.

Although everyone in the Qianmang Society has experienced training camps and is also a professional with extraordinary strength, compared with the soldiers, they are always inferior. It can only be said that many things cannot be developed overnight.

Even in the efficient march, Xu Nan obviously has a very good physical fitness, but he can't keep up with the rhythm of the Jiubu people.

"Take a break for three minutes." General Xue ordered suddenly.

There was a sharp turn in the sewer ahead, and they had entered the ancient city of Xidian, which was actually at most 800 meters away from the ghost.

"Contact that friend of yours." General Xue said in a low voice, "Let her observe the situation without disturbing the Blood Worshipers as much as possible."

Xu Nan nodded.

Qin Lele replied half an hour ago, and the actions of the special team were also carried out with the support of Qin Lele's intelligence. In the ancient city of Xidian, she found some cultists performing some kind of ritual, but she didn't dare to get too close. After all, such rituals often carry a very strong aggressiveness, even if the Flying Thief has a strong stealth ability, it is easy Be seen through.

Under Xu Nan's persuasion, Qin Lele returned to the basement of the haunted house to accompany the calm Ms. Fang.

"What's the situation now? I need you to provide some information about the haunted house."

Xu Nan quickly sent a message.

[Qin Lele: Wow! Xu Nan, are you finally coming here to be a hero and save the beauty? You must know that I have endured it for a long time, those blood worshipers look very weak...]

Xu Nan chuckled: You, Qin Lele, are the school belle of the Foreign Language Experimental Middle School, but I'm not the king of urban special forces. I'm not interested in bloody and boring dramas like heroes saving the beauty!

I'm just a courtesan!

Just be responsible for your job.

"Speak up! I'll ask you about the situation in the haunted house!" Xu Nan asked.

[Qin Lele: That's how it is in the haunted house! Where a group of people are sleeping together, there seems to be only two or three idiots in red clothes guarding them, I really think I can fight back! 】

[Wait, there seems to be strange footsteps, hehe, could it be those two stupid guys? I gonna go see……】

A bad feeling rose in Xu Nan's heart. In the next second, his phone vibrated:

"Xu Nan, please..."

Xu Nan was startled suddenly, he didn't care what happened, he pulled up the magic carpet and rushed!

He couldn't imagine what would happen to Qin Lele...

"Follow up!" Although General Xue didn't understand what happened, he still responded quickly.

"Yes!" The other seven spread their legs and prepared to run.

They thought they could keep up with Xu Nan, but in the blink of an eye, they couldn't even eat Xu Nan's exhaust.


Xue Beicheng was also a little dumbfounded.


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