Shameless Warlock

Chapter 136 Hands-on


In the dark wine cellar, a slender gecko suddenly crawled out.

It lay quietly on the cold floor, waited for a while, then quickly found a small crack, and left the cold wine cellar.

Even a powerful bloodline ranger will naturally be affected by the bloodline of cold-blooded animals. As the saying goes, there are advantages and disadvantages. Elliott understands that since he can enjoy the life extension technique of the gecko's tail, he will naturally be subject to some restrictions and influences .

"In the form of a gecko, staying in an environment that is too cold for a long time will cause many sequelae, and even cause brain trauma..."

This thought flashed through his mind, and his movements became even faster.

It is not difficult to sneak into the mansion of the four princesses.

Although Evelyn is the lord of the Ice Wind Territory, she also has a lot of talents under her command, and the Watcher Fortress is even more tightly guarded.

But for the elites of the Ninth Manor, at most it only takes a little extra effort to get in.

Elliott, who is a shapeshifter, has a more prominent advantage in this aspect. After completing the initial test, he only followed a fruit and vegetable cart and successfully sneaked into the core area inside the castle.

"There are detection magics all over here..."

Elliott carefully crawled across the dead corner between the two well-hidden gems of true knowledge, without revealing any abnormal aura.

"It seems that Her Royal Highness has talents who are proficient in alchemy..."

He looked back at the alchemy magic circle engraved behind the two true knowledge gems, and the more secretive supervision spells on both sides of the aisle, and felt a little tricky.

With this level of detection magic, it is really difficult for him to achieve his goal alone.

Fortunately, he still has helpers.

"I hope that woman is not bragging..."

Elliott is very confident in himself. He is a professional combination of a blood ranger and a conspirator. His extraordinary blood gives him a strong sense of danger. He can detect any signs of trouble at the first time, and then take countermeasures ; But for the ability of that peer, he is somewhat drummed.

Although he learned from the materials of the Ninth Manor that the woman whose registered name is Happy has a good resume, and Elliott's perception ability has not seen her details; but he still hates the feeling that the risk is out of control .

This feeling reminded him of the last story where his carefully arranged conspiracy turned out to be a pawn of the gods. This incident had a particularly huge impact on Elliott, and in the face of absolute power, his conspiracy obviously could not Playing the role of the main island, if it weren't for those gods and devils who have their own ghosts, Elliott's proud strategy might not be worthless at all...

"Damn... I seem to be a little distracted today."

"I should forget about these things. Mediocrity won't help at all."

Elliott took a deep breath. He was faintly worried that he might have spent too long crawling among the cold castle stones with the body of a gecko, so that his mind was a little distracted, and his imagination appeared.

This was almost impossible in the past.

"I hate winter...or the north."

He didn't dare to use any buffing spells, he could only increase the speed of action.

Fortunately, the distance was not far away. He had already been familiar with the map given to him by Happy, and soon, he arrived at the place agreed upon by both parties.

Next, he doesn't have to do anything, just wait for Happy to send Evelyn here.

This was planned by both parties long ago.

Happy is in charge of getting Evelyn, sending Evelyn to Elliot without touching any warnings, and Elliot will leave the rest of the matter to him, after all, he is the mastermind of the plan.

"With the security capabilities of this castle, I'm afraid the only way to avoid alarming the guards is to use deception."

"What excuse does this woman want to use to trick that princess here in the middle of the night?"

Elliott was deeply skeptical about this, but he himself didn't have a good solution. If he didn't try Harpy's method, the probability of success would be less than 30% if he did it directly.

This is also an important reason why Elliott is willing to let the other party participate.

Of course, this does not mean that he can absolutely trust the other party.

Even in the Ninth Manor, he didn't trust anyone, including the weirdo who kept a house full of cats.

Therefore, he prepared a series of escape methods. After the Wildfire City incident, he thought that he had completed a transformation. Compared with the hearty implementation of the conspiracy, he realized that surviving is a more important thing.

He reflected that he was a bit too defensive with the ability to cut off the gecko's tail. The real master should always be hidden behind the scenes. However, during the Wildfire City incident, he couldn't help jumping out and almost became the devil's food.

"This place is really hard to escape, but where there are shadows, there must be a curved surface that connects to the shadow world..."

Before Harpy brought Evelyn, Elliott quickly used the specific specialty bestowed by the Ninth Manor: surface communication.

This spell allows people who leave their marks in the shadow world to quickly find the link surface between the material world and the shadow world, and it has a miraculous effect when escaping.

"No problem." After confirming the safety of the curved surface, Elliott breathed a sigh of relief.

He stretched his movements, pressed against the wall, and suddenly lifted the transformation technique.


He opened the shadow cloak, completely disappeared into an invisible state, and stepped on the curved surface with one foot. If something unexpected happened, he would naturally walk first.

Having prepared for all this, Elliot fell into a long wait.

He blocked his chaotic thoughts and entered a subtle standby state. This is one of the talents of the blood ranger, which can make him enter the hunting state like a beast, reducing the consumption caused by meaningless thinking; of course, there are also some shortcomings. When some problems require a lot of calculations, it will be prone to downtime.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Suddenly there was the sound of low footsteps in the corridor not far away, and Elliott's ears moved. It was two women, both of whom were wearing cotton slippers, so there was only a slight rubbing sound. Well, one woman deliberately dragged her footsteps. , so the friction sound is louder.

"It's that woman... as agreed, indicating that the plan is as usual."

Eliot stuck to the wall calmly, waiting for the opportunity to come.

From the corner came the low voices of two women talking:

"Why did this happen all of a sudden? Those three tarantula plants suddenly went berserk and attacked other potions? Are you sure it's not a hallucination?"

"Forget it, I still have to go and see for myself, thank you for reminding me."

"Huh? You seem to be bleeding, you go and bandage it first, no, no, no, I'll just go and have a look..."

The two seemed to shirk, but Evelyn still couldn't stand her maid in the end. The two walked out of the corridor and came to a relatively open courtyard.

This is the only way to the potion garden, and it is also the location chosen by Happy himself. Elliott checked, and her selection was spot on, without any issues.

At this time, Elliott did not relax, but became more vigilant.

Two women in pajamas had quickly appeared in front of Elliott's eyes. Because of his infrared vision, his first impression was two groups of flames burning at night. It was not until he walked in that Evelyn's Under the illumination of the magic light, he could clearly see who was coming.

"no problem……"

"It's time to do it."

Elliott appeared behind Evelyn like a ghost, and was about to hit a standard sap, but at this moment, "Happy" took the lead and hit Eve with a fast, precise and ruthless hand knife. Lynn's neck.


Under Evelyn's surprised eyes, she didn't fall down in response. A layer of light blue light erupted from the necklace on her chest, and the terrifying power of ice shot out instantly, covering every inch of her body. It condensed into a thick magical frost!

【Guardian of the Frost Witch】!

Eliot recognized this constant spell, and couldn't help cursing inwardly: Idiot!

Happy's attack was blocked, and Evelyn's reaction was quick. She immediately tore off the buttons near the sleeves, and for a while, the siren blared!

Her second action is to prepare to cast an instant spell

It's a pity that her action can no longer be completed.

Because Elliott is faster than her!

The moment Happy missed, a stone shining with dark purple luster suddenly appeared in Elliott's hand. Holding the stone, he spoke in a deep, fast and clear voice:

It was a strange language, a bit like the language of purgatory, simple but effective. All the permanent spells on Evelyn's body were invalid, and even the spells she was going to cast instantly were temporarily sealed.

At this time, Happy didn't say anything, and made up a hand knife. Poor Evelyn instantly collapsed on the ground, and Elliot resisted and threw it on her shoulder.

"You left as planned."

"Leave it to me, don't worry, I won't monopolize the information on this mission."

Eliot ran away without saying a word.

There was a commotion in the city lord's mansion, and the voice of a guard came.

Happy hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and quickly disappeared.

She should have left through the surface of the Shadowlands.

Eliot took a deep breath and quickly left the courtyard with Evelyn on his shoulders.

Despite a little mishap, his plan was a success. Happy's actions are not unreasonable, after all, this woman looks very strong, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to prove herself.

"It's a pity that she doesn't seem to have much experience dealing with mages."

In all fairness, Elliott was satisfied with the opponent's performance today.

At least she managed to trick the target out.

Elliott even thinks she could be one of his partners if she does well next.

After all, he also needs some good helpers.

"Damn, my attention has been diverted again..."

He shook his head, forcing himself to concentrate.

Passing through an arch, he hid Evelyn in the grass, then half-kneeled down, took out an ancient scroll, pressed it on the ground, and then began to chant a paragraph of ups and downs.


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