Shameless Warlock

Chapter 173: The Sadness of the Ancient God

The Eastern Kingdom, the capital of Renxenberg.

In the elegant tea room of the palace, General Howell was having a drink alone. There was no one around, even the guards in charge of guarding the place quietly retreated to a safe enough distance. It is said that after the old king was assassinated, General Howell was heartbroken. This is his daily way of grieving.

At this turbulent juncture, no one dared to offend this powerful general.

In the tea room, Howell sat quietly for a long time. Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

In other places in the tea room, several virtual figures flashed past. Although those figures could not see the specific shape clearly, they could make steady and clear voices.

Including Howell, there were six of them. But there are seven cushions prepared in advance in the tea room.

"Quellas succeeded."

Someone said: "But I am still very worried. Will the frost giant really return? Is the goddess really deceived by us? Our plan..."

Howell put down his teacup and said calmly:

"Everyone, why did we establish the Blue Clothes Sect?"

The other five were silent.

"For freedom," someone said, but it sounded forced.

"For power." Someone also said bluntly: "Mysaila's teachings are not in the interests of the kingdom's development, and it also violates our purpose of strengthening our strength. The Church of the Ice and Snow Goddess is gradually eroding the secular authority of the Eastern Kingdom, and the so-called divine will is becoming more and more powerful. It's like a joke, who knows if those gods care about what happens in the Northern Continent..."

Everyone has their own opinion.

At the end, Howell smiled:

"It seems that everyone has their own ideas, which is normal. As long as we have common interests, we can sit down and cooperate well. This time, Lan Yijiao is our perfect masterpiece."

"No matter how the Ice Goddess responds, whether Quel'Lath succeeds or fails, whether or not the Frost Giant returns... none of this matters anymore. The important thing is that we have succeeded. We are a great team. Let's see who we have!"

"Mr. Quelrath, he is a very smart and ruthless man. He is willing to sacrifice everything for the revival of the Kutlin people; in terms of the establishment of the Blue Shirt Sect, although he has hidden his identity, he has not done anything. power, but his existence is the reason why Lan Yijiao must be established."

"Mr. Stendhal, the lord of Xueyuan City, debuted as a young genius in the military department, but was kept in cold storage for many years just because he violated the interests of some powerful people. He didn't show his true talent until he was assigned to Xueyuan City. Compared with an eighth-level swordsmanship master, what is more valuable is his political acumen and military talent."

"Ms. Cintrila, a socialite from Renxenberg, everyone thinks that you are just a slutty girl who misses Vanity Fair, but they don't know that the information you have acquired over the years is enough to subvert half of the Eastern Kingdom. The gathering of us people, without Ms. Cintrila It's almost impossible to do interspersed connections. In addition, you also have the most outstanding army of dead soldiers in the Eastern Kingdom. Amazing ability."

"Mr. Nubia..."


Howell praised his six partners without hesitation. These six people are well-known people in the entire Northern Continent, but now they are reunited for some reason and secretly contribute to a certain purpose.

Lan Yijiao is just their first work.

"As for myself, I'm just a nobody with some ambitions." Howell smiled self-deprecatingly: "But it doesn't matter, I am very confident in our business, I think everything is developing well and on the right track .”

"As I've said before, we've succeeded."

"All obstacles have been cleared, all we need now is to wait quietly and wait for the outbreak of war."

"Some people may worry that a civil war that lasts too long will affect the national power of the Eastern Kingdom. To be honest, I don't think so. I think only through the pain of bloodshed can the blood of the people in the North be awakened. We are in the false peace It has been silent for too long, numb for too long."

"It's been so long that we have almost forgotten that there is a country waiting for us to conquer beyond the northern border!"

"Our soldiers once drank horses in the jungle of Elphalia. If it weren't for the so-called divine will, we would have conquered the entire secret land of Elphalia! And the most ridiculous point is that it was the divine will of the church that started the war; the one that ended the war , and they too."

"It's time for us to make our own decisions."

Having said that, Howell silently replaced the tea in the cup with bright red wine.

He raised his glass high and solemnly said:

"For the Kingdom of the Rhine."

"For the Northern Expedition."

The other five people chanted in a low voice.


The virtual image disappeared, and Howell drank the red wine in his hand as if a little tired, and finally sighed softly:

"For Caesar."


The bedroom of the frost giant is close to the Kingdom of God.

In front of the Son of the Dark Moon, Quellas did not hide his hole cards, but revealed all the secrets in one go!

The pious faces of Lan Yijiao represent the power of faith that is ignited.

These powers of faith will turn into the purest divine fire, igniting the godhead of the frost giant, coupled with certain ritual cooperation, it is really possible for Quellas to resurrect the frost giant.

What's even more frightening is that Quelrath's ingenious arrangement allowed the followers of the Blue Shirt Sect to mix into the goddess camp.

This will lead to a very extreme phenomenon, and the power of faith of the goddess of ice and snow, Myrcella, will be seriously tainted.

After the frost giant is reborn, it is very likely that it will be born directly in the kingdom of the ice and snow goddess!

When the time comes, it will be difficult to say whether it is the goddess who ordered the guest to be chased away, or the frost giant who will occupy the magpie's nest.

"Mr. Quelrath... really amazing."

Instead of becoming angry from embarrassment, the son of the dark moon showed a humble and studious look.

He sighed and scratched his head: "You're so right, I just don't have a good brain, and I often can't calculate others, so I haven't become a god for a long time..."

Quellas seemed to know the Son of the Dark Moon very well. After confirming that he had no chance of gaining the godhead, this fellow would basically not attack in a rage like everyone else.

In this way, he would have no enemies in the frost giant's bedroom, and he could concentrate on the resurrection of the frost giant.

Quelrath is in a bad state right now.

He is not a god, he is just a descendant of the frost giant blood. The kingdom of God is so close, he forcibly propped it up by burning the blood of the gods.

The Son of the Dark Moon had already seen this, but he admired Quellas for willing to sacrifice himself in order to revive his ancestors.

However, it can be seen from the fact that he endured humiliation and was placed in the Ice Goddess Church for so many years, and it can be seen that resurrecting the frost giant may be the only obsession of this descendant of Atsam.

This is the only reason he lives. As long as he can see the birth of that scene before he dies, he will definitely leave happily.

The more the Son of the Dark Moon thought about it, the more he admired him, and the more he thought about it, the more sad he felt: he was also a newborn ancient god, why didn't he have such a reliable descendant? Not to mention that there are no descendants, it is not so reliable to find a guardian who looks very clever.

The son of the dark moon felt so uncomfortable that he almost cried directly.

He put away the Kingdom of God on the ground, and quietly observed the operation of Quelrath.

He has the mentality of learning. If he learns more now, he will have the opportunity to become a god in the future, so as to avoid embarrassing operations.

"I'm running out of time."

"After the Kingdom of God is close at hand, it will no longer be able to hide from Myrcella's eyes."

"Please wake up, great frost giant!"

Quellas held the pebble over his head and began to chant a series of ancient and complicated incantations.

The kingdom of God is shrinking, but the power of faith emerging from the kingdom of God is getting more and more surging!

Not only the Lanyi Cult, but those Kutlin who believed in the Frost Giant and Atsam also seemed to be inspired by Quellas, and began to chant the Frost Giant's real name involuntarily.

At that moment, the sky of the entire Northland was covered with a blue glow!

Quelrath's body began to burn.

A large amount of power of faith poured into the cobblestones, and the fire became more and more intense. Eventually, the cobblestones began to melt and turned into a puddle of almost jelly.

It steamed up and down in the divine fire, pulled and changed in the spell of Quellas, and gradually took shape in the memorization and silent recitation of the people in Kutlin... It was an extremely rough face.

Yellowish faces swelled out of the cobblestones, and what had started as a mist turned into a ghostly figure.

Appearing with him, there is also a cloud of gas with a similar color but a different shape.

Two spirit bodies, one big and one small, just appeared within the Kingdom of God within a short distance.

Tears welled up in Quelrath's eyes.

Even at this moment, his legs have been burned to death, and the divine fire has already ignited his ankles!

His divinity is not enough to support him to ascend to the Kingdom of God, even if it is a temporary transcendent realm like the Kingdom of God.

But he was ecstatic.

Because he finally met these two men he had promised to fight for his life.

He did it!

frost giant.

Hero Atsam.

"Great god frost giant!"

"Honorable hero Atsam!"

"Your blood descendant, Querlas, is here calling for your obedience. Please revive and revive in my God's Kingdom..."

Trembling, Quellas uttered the final incantation.

At that moment, the two spirit bodies trembled suddenly.

Countless materials that Quellas had prepared in advance in the Kingdom of God were melted into the divine fire and disappeared.

The frost giant opened his eyes.

He looked dazed and dull:

"Recovery? Resurrection?"

Quellas was stunned for a moment, but he understood that the remnant spirit of the frost giant hidden in the godhood is very incomplete, only the instinct of the frost giant, without the complete personality of the frost giant, only by relying on the power of faith, relying on thousands of Only the beautified impression of the frost giant in the believer's memory can reconstitute the complete soul of the frost giant.

Although it is debatable whether the resurrected frost giant is still the ancient frost giant, but at the very least, the resurrected frost giant is a god who will protect the Kutlin people.

that's enough.

"I have already prepared the divine fire for you. Your previous godhead, kingdom and power are all here."

"As long as you want, you can be resurrected now!"

"Great frost giant, we need you, your people miss you all the time..."

Quellas said emotionally.

The son of the dark moon who was watching the play next to him couldn't help but began to wipe his tears quietly. Looking at his descendants, he was so touched.

The heroic spirit of the frost giant was silent for a long time, and then he seemed to be relieved.

He walked half a circle around the kingdom of God, quietly staring at the bedroom, his expression became much more complicated.

"This is my tomb."

"I remembered some things, some happy and some sad."

"It's just that I don't understand what you're doing."

"I'm dead, fallen, gone forever."

The frost giant looked at Quellas with some puzzlement.

The latter's face was extremely ugly.

He didn't expect that the frost giant, who he had worked so hard to revive, would say such words after waking up!

But Quelrath was still a man of rapid change.

He quickly said: "Someone remembers you! Your people haven't forgotten you!"

"The death of a god is not the real death, only when you are completely forgotten, is the real death."

The frost giant frowned, and said after deliberation:

"There is some truth to what you said."

"But what does it matter to me?"

"I am the God of War in the north. Heaven and earth gave me life. I fought to the death for this heaven and earth. Before I fell, I experienced too many battles. It was a long period of time that cannot be described in words."

"I fought for too long, until the end, I burned all my blood and fell down."

"At that time, I was finally free. I was too tired, too tired, too tired..."

"But I am not ashamed of this world, and of my people."

Quellas was stunned as he listened to the frost giant's narration of the tragic war in ancient times, and his heart became more and more blocked.

"But you are a frost giant, you are our god!"

He was a little incoherent.

The frost giant's spiritual body began to no longer solidify, and a warm smile appeared on his rough face:

"God, you will be tired too."

"Thank you for remembering me."

"But now, I just want to rest. Letting me sleep here is the best reward for me."

After all, its spiritual body dissipated quietly, some of it merged into the godhead, and some of it drifted away on its own initiative, leaving the Kingdom of God, and dissipating in the bedroom.

Quellas was completely stunned.

In the bedroom, there was an untimely cry suddenly:

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo? ..."

The Son of the Dark Moon was obviously touched and let out a whimpering cry.

Song Ying probably thought he was ashamed, so she ran away long ago.

Quellas ignored them, but grasped Atsam's spirit body like the last straw.

"And you?"

"You are the hero of the Kutlin people, and we will also remember your deeds in our hearts!"

"Are you going to abandon us like the frost giant? We need a hero like you!"

Atsam's spirit turned around slowly, looking a little numb.


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