Shameless Warlock

Chapter 184 Black Silk Maid Dress?

"I have a question, Mr. Xiaocheng Song."

Song Ying's voice came suddenly.

Xu Nan's first reaction was to ask around!

How could there be someone else hiding in your own room? In order to ensure absolute safety and privacy, he has searched using the Superspirit Vision!

However, there was no one around at all.

Lorna's face was surprised and wary.

Suddenly, a small mosquito flew over from the door panel, landed on the ground, and with a bang, it showed its prototype.

"Druids are still useful."

She didn't look like she was showing off.

Xu Nan pinched her nose, a little resigned.

Obviously, Song Ying's concealment ability surpassed Xu Nan's anti-reconnaissance skills. The most amazing thing is not the skill of turning into a mosquito, but the ability of the other party to avoid her superspiritual vision!

This is the first time that Xu Nan has suffered in related fields after he advanced to the Apostle of Desire.

At the same time, he was also somewhat dissatisfied with his slack:

"A ghostly place like Xueyuan City, where the mosquitoes come from in the world of ice and snow!"

"Sure enough, it's still not sensitive and vigilant enough."

He gave Lorna a wink, and Lorna left without hesitation.

She thought Song Ying was simply looking for Xu Nan.

To Xu Nan's surprise, Song Ying did not stop Lorna from leaving.

"She can't see the flow of information. At most, she can only hear the conversation between Lorna and me..."

Thinking of this, Xu Nan felt much more at ease.

He knew that Song Ying's search for him must be related to Song Xiaocheng. She mentioned it before, and when she met Lorna later, she might have a way to confirm Song Xiaocheng's identity.

But the initiative should still be in your own hands.

The only thing Xu Nan needs to consider is the relationship between Song Xiaocheng and Song Ying; for a long time, the mother-child relationship between the two seems a little strange to Xu Nan. Let's talk, how can his mother be a fierce girl too?

So for Song Ying, Xu Nan never let go of her guard.

Even if she is Evelyn's confidant, Song Xiaocheng's mother.

"There is a problem to talk about."

His attitude tends to be cold.

Song Ying didn't mind either, she just looked into Xu Nan's eyes for a long time before asking lightly:

"Any news about my son?"

"No." Xu Nan firmly denied.

He wanted to use this to test Song Ying's reaction.

Unexpectedly, Song Ying just said "Oh" and didn't continue to ask.

This is the end?

He was a little dumbfounded, looking at Song Ying.

The latter seemed to be thinking about something, and suddenly asked: "That girl just now seems to be my son's girlfriend?"

Xu Nan shook her head:

"Your son's girlfriend is prettier than her. Her name is Qi Zijun. She is currently staying at my house..."

Suddenly he couldn't continue speaking.

Song Ying stared at him strangely, as if asking "Why is my son's girlfriend at your house".

Xu Nan coughed and barely explained:

"We are all good friends."

Song Ying seemed taken aback, her eyes became even weirder, as if to say, "You young people really let go."

Well, this misunderstanding is getting deeper and deeper.

Xu Nan didn't know how to explain it, but Song Ying seemed to know very little about Song Xiaocheng's current situation, and it seemed that it was just a coincidence that she appeared at this time.

He was actually very hesitant to tell Song Ying about Song Xiaocheng's current situation.

After all, I am just a fake father, while others are the real mother, who more or less have the right to know.

Song Ying asked a few more insipid questions, but they didn't get the point, Xu Nan felt a little itchy instead.

At last, as if ready to leave, she said:

"If you meet that brat, tell me something."

Xu Nan raised his spirits: "What are you talking about?"

"Don't be stupid," she said.

Xu Nan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking:

"What if... I mean, what if, already done?"

He was referring to Song Xiaocheng's seizure of the Fear Throne.

Song Ying's eyes changed slightly, but it was not particularly obvious. Facing Xu Nan's hypothesis, she pushed open the door quite neatly and said:

"Then try to live as long as possible."

After saying this, she left.

Xu Nan was puzzled, what happened to the mother and son? Love playing charades? He vaguely felt that Song Ying didn't seem to be ignorant of Song Xiaocheng's situation, but from her specific words, it seemed that she lacked understanding.

He couldn't help chasing it out, but at the end of the corridor, he saw the backs of Lorna and Song Ying crossing each other.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that Song Ying's back had a sense of sadness.

He looked at Lorna: "Is there anything else?"

Lorna nodded and said quickly, "God once told me to be careful of a woman named Song Ying."

"I forgot to tell you..."

"What's the matter? Your face seems a little ugly?"

Xu Nan looked at Song Ying who stopped in the corridor with embarrassment.

Fortunately, she didn't stop for too long, she only stayed for about three seconds, and then disappeared from Xu Nan's sight after saying "little bastard!"

"What a strange pair of mother and son."

Xu Nan looked at the innocent Lorna, and sighed softly.


After sending Lorna and Song Ying away, Xu Nan counted the rewards of this mission energetically.

After looting the treasures in Ron's tomb, the councilor-level task is automatically completed, and the binary star core that Orpheus only requested by name has been sent away by Xu Nan. This thing is a hot potato in his hands. Only in the hands of the top management of the park can it exert its due effect.

And the result judgment came out, the quality of the binary star core was confirmed to be correct, and the task rewards were naturally issued.

It is worth mentioning that after confirming the authenticity of the binary star core, Offi invited Xu Nan to have a meeting, which is said to be about Ron's tomb itself; Nan was somewhat excited and curious.

Because he knew that what Offie wanted to talk to him must be a very important secret.

In addition, to Xu Nan's surprise, when it started, [Awakening of the Blood Mage] has completed 20% of the progress!

Judging from his previous departure from the Ice Wind Territory, Evelyn didn't seem to want to cause too many disputes. Her final choice was similar to her mother's, rejecting the blood mage's inheritance.

What changed her mind?

Xu Nan didn't know. After all, too many things happened after he left the Watcher Fortress. We can only speculate that the assassination of the old king stimulated her, maybe her mind changed.

This is a good thing for Xu Nan.

"Let me see the true attributes of the heartthrob suit!"

"There are additional mysterious rewards."

Excitedly, Xu Nan took out the reward for the councilor-level task from the passageway of Paradise Lost.

In addition to the heartthrob set, there is an additional reward, the packaging is quite exquisite, but when Xu Nan worked hard to open it, he found that it was just a [three-day reading coupon of the big library]!

With this reading coupon, you can read any materials in the big library for free, and the time limit is three days.

This result made Xu Nan a little speechless. He once suspected that Offee was holding a grudge because he took away his heartthrob suit, and secretly replaced the extra reward with this little gift that was better than nothing.

It's worth thinking about, though.

Although Ron Warlocks are ignorant, the price of the book vouchers in the big library is really high, which is enough to show the respect of the lost knowledge for the knowledge they stole... Xu Nan often needs to consult information, and it takes a lot of money When it comes to library permissions, I can only pay with tears and pain.

Recently, he had just harvested a batch of alchemy items from the Arcane Empire. If he wanted to fully grasp them, he really had to go to the big library.

As we all know, the ones who understand the alchemy system of the Arcane Empire the most must not be themselves, but the great Paradise Lost.

Closer to home.

Compared to the book coupons that don’t distract one’s mind, the basic reward heartthrob set is very delicately packaged, and it comes in a heart-shaped rose gift box. Those who didn’t know it thought it was a token of love from someone.

Xu Nan quickly opened it.

"If I remember correctly, the heartthrob set is a six-piece set, but each heartthrob has different parts."

"I just don't know what kind of set Orpheus collected..."

"It's better not to be too handsome..."

With that in mind, he opened the last packing box.

The black and white skirt with lace came into his eyes just like that.

Xu Nan was silent, and the air in the room seemed to drop several degrees.

Well, it is indeed a six-piece set:

Headbands, skirts, collars, wristbands, shoes, tails...

The veins on Xu Nan's forehead twitched wildly. For a moment, he actually had the urge to destroy Paradise Lost!

Because what was displayed in front of him was a set of over-the-standard black silk maid outfits!

"This shit..."

"Offie is a pervert. What was in the mind of the alchemist who made this stuff back then!"

"How can I wear it out!"

Xu Nan couldn't help but clenched his fists and let out a low growl.

Although it is not a problem to occasionally wear women's clothes for the sake of profit, but he is not a guy who wears women's clothes every day, okay?

Not to mention such an extreme maid outfit.

The style of the clothes is relatively simple, but in fact they are quite formal maid outfits. Xu Nan compared them and found that they matched his figure perfectly. He once suspected that this was Ophelia's spoof.

However, when he saw the attributes clearly, this idea was dispelled.

A heartthrob six-piece set indeed.

【Glamourous Set】

[Quality: Magic]

[Parts: six random pieces]

[Basic effect: Charm 4; Constitution 2]

[Constant Spell 1: Force Shield]

[Constant Spell 2: Supersonic Flight]

[Constant Spell 3: Master Alchemist]

[Perfect Special Effects: Overwhelming Country and Overwhelming City]


After confirming the style of the suit, Xu Nan was unable to complain about the rest.

Although it is also a very strange thing why a set of maid outfits will increase physical fitness.

But the constant three spells are quite common.

The force shield is a good means of self-defense, it can offset the attacks of many evocation spells, and it can also effectively avoid physical damage.

Supersonic flight is a high-level spell that allows the suit itself to function as a magic carpet. Compared with the magic carpet, the advantage is that it is more flexible and faster. The disadvantage is that the maintenance time is shorter and it needs to be recharged for a long time.

Master Alchemist is a passive spell, which proves that this suit is indeed prepared for alchemists. This passive spell can increase the wearer's alchemy judgment level by about 3 levels. It can be said that it can play a very powerful role in alchemy.

The only concern is do any alchemists really wear maid outfits while doing their jobs?

In addition, the most amazing effect of the heartthrob set is [Overwhelming Country].

[Overwhelming country and city: Special effects require 25 points of charm. Make a Will roll against all creatures around you every 60 minutes, and the loser will become your licking dog. 】

The dog licking suit is hammered...

Xu Nan closed the box feebly, and even began to dream. When he opened the box again, there was a set of serious clothes inside.

"It's actually a maid's outfit... You can change to another style at will, even if I recognize the beggar gang's outfit."

"Actually, the maid outfit is fine, why is there such a thing as a tail!"

"Although my characteristic is shame, I can't do such a shameful thing as tail stuffing!"

He gestured to his body while holding the clothes, and sighed.

In all fairness, the attributes of the heartthrob set are really good.

In the general world, clothes with magical attributes are very rare, and most of them are magic robes made by wizards. Complete sets of equipment are extremely rare, which is why heartthrob sets are so rare.

4 points of charm is like a tiger with wings for the current Xu Nan, and it can be piled up to 30 points of charm after a while, which is the realm of super gods!

The super high charisma also has many benefits for the warlock's bloodline advancement. In many cases, this influence is subtle and not easy to see, but it really exists.

The bonus physique at 2 points also greatly increased Xu Nan's combat ability. As for the special effects... Xu Nan didn't want to collect a lot of licking dogs.

Occasional use is fine.

"Forget it, I don't usually wear this kind of clothes."

He thought for a long time, felt awkward, and finally decided:

"If there are special circumstances in the future, you can wear it..."

Xu Nan is a pragmatist, but he must also consider the inconvenience caused by the appearance. As the majestic city lord of the unknown city, he can't be regarded as a pervert, right?

After packing up the heartthrob suit, Xu Nan tidied up and went downstairs.

Coincidentally, Geralt was also downstairs waiting for him.

After a night of recovery, he seemed to have regained his strength, and his mental state had changed somewhat, but Xu Nan couldn't say exactly what changed.

"Got to go?"

He said hello.

Geralt nodded, grabbed the black cat by the neck with one hand, and held timid little Jasmine with the other:

"According to the teacher's instructions, go to the violent sea to have a look."

He still hasn't changed his habit.

Xu Nan glanced at Little Jasmine, this girl obviously didn't know what happened in the Frost Giant's bedroom.

It is said that she is Quellas's cousin, and logically, she is Geralt's aunt, but when the two stand together, their seniority is completely confused.

"Bon voyage, stay safe."

Xu Nan didn't talk too much nonsense, just reminded Geralt to pay attention to the descending body, and don't let her escape.

As for the others, I believe Geralt can handle it well after going through this incident.

After all, he is already a god on earth, although there are very few believers.

The two parted ways outside the hotel. As for Ben Frank, he had already greeted Xu Nan, and he slipped away last night.

Xu Nan waited in Xueyuan City for several hours, and when the Gray Tower administrator rushed over from the Watcher Fortress, he ended the journey of the Ice Wind Leader.

Open the unstable portal and return to the unknown city!

"I don't know if there will be any troubles in the unknown city without the city lord sitting in it."

He muttered in his heart, and stepped into the portal.


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