To put it bluntly, humans are creatures that have survived by stepping on things that are inferior to themselves.

Nobles are superior to commoners, and commoners deserve to be stepped on by nobles.

The World Government is superior to the member states, and the existence of non-member states does not deserve human rights.

The strong should step on the weak, and the weak should be willing to be exploited.

This is the essence of the world.

The superior should be held high, and the inferior should be stepped on hard, so that order can be formed, and people can live in peace under order.

Discrimination is equivalent to peace of mind.

This is Green Bull, that is, Aramaki's true thought.

The power of admiral given to him by the World Conscription is also his goal of pursuing superiority and the purpose of his choice to join the navy.

He is also one of the very few in the navy who sincerely maintains the existence of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons.

So he has always looked down on admirals like Kizaru who slack off, and moderate doves like Sengoku and Kuzan.

"Oh, in that case, how about you, General Aramaki, lead the way to Wano Country?"

Kizaru still had the same wretched expression on his face, tilting his head slightly, looking at Aramaki with his eyes slanted, and said

"Well, although I hate troublesome things, I still enjoy things like crushing pirates to death."

Huangmu acted very conceited.

To be honest, he was originally an unknown top-level strongman. He had not fought many people of the same level to reach his current strength.

He did have the capital to be conceited.

His strength was already at the top of the sea.

Facing the pirate strongman, to be honest, he did not have a clear understanding, he only needed to believe in his own strength.

Seeing this, Kizaru did not say anything.

When Huangmu really faced the group of monsters, he would naturally understand something.

There were monsters at the admiral level, and he would not die anyway if he suffered a loss.

"I will trouble you next, Mr. Yixiao."

Kizaru said to the blind Fujitora beside him.

If Aramaki's arrogance makes people hate him, then Fujitora has gained the respect of everyone in just a few days with his calm character and humble personality.

As long as you get to know Fujitora for a while, even the most arrogant people will not feel disgusted with him.

Even the most arrogant Aramaki showed great respect in front of Fujitora.

This is the benevolent temperament of this man who is as heavy as the earth.

"It's not a big deal. Since I joined the navy, it's my duty to defeat pirates."

Fujitora slightly opened his blind eyes, revealing a white patch inside, and smiled gently.

Then he gently pulled out his staff sword and slashed it in the air a few times. Purple circles appeared out of thin air under the warship.

Fujitora put the staff sword back and held the scabbard and handle of the staff sword with both hands.

The huge warship just floated up.

"One warship is enough, Gion, Kake, you two come up, the others wait here."

Kizaru gave the order quickly.

From the other two warships, Momosagi holding the famous sword Kinkunro stepped lightly on the moon step and came directly to the floating warship, and on the other side, Chaton also came up with a cigarette in his mouth.

From here, it is enough to see that the navy attaches great importance to this operation.

Kizaru, Fujitora, Green Bull, three admirals, plus Momosagi and Chaton, two alternate admirals, this is already a very powerful force.

Except for the war on the top, this is the strongest time for the navy to deploy troops in a single operation.

"No matter how many times I have seen it, Mr. Yixiao's ability still feels extremely powerful."

Kizaru looked at the floating warship and couldn't help but admire it.

Gravity Fruit, this kind of fruit is definitely a strategic-level fruit.

Although his Pikachu Fruit is not inferior to Fujitora in combat, and is even stronger, it is far behind in functionality.

In addition to the legendary pirate Golden Lion, Kizaru has only seen Fujitora who can fly a ship in the sky.

If it comes to the highest quality of floating and the precision of manipulation, Fujitora is definitely not as good as Golden Lion.

But both sides have their own strengths, and both are very powerful fruit abilities.

If there is no Fujitora's gravity ability, who can fly the ship If it was just hovering flight, Sengoku really wouldn't dare to make such a plan.

You know, although the power of three admirals plus two alternate admirals is very strong.

But to be honest, such strength is not enough to deal with the Straw Hat Pirates and the remnants of Whitebeard, not to mention adding a Cross Guild.

And with the ability of gravity, you can attack or defend, maybe you can take advantage of an opportunity.

Now that you can fly, the bad currents in Wano Country will not have much impact.

The warship flew slowly towards Wano Country.

At this moment, in Wano Country.

In the open space between Kuri and Hana no Toshi.

The battle has quickly intensified.

"Ghostly Nine Swords Style Asura draws his sword."

Zoro's body was twisted with a red light like a flame. Behind him, a huge figure of Asura with a condensed spirit emerged, with three heads and six arms, and nine famous swords leaving mysterious and complicated traces in the air.

At this moment, Zoro's clothes on the entire upper body were completely torn.

His strong and full muscles were full of scars and blood, but his eyes did not change at all.

The Yama and Ame no Habakiri in his hands, and the Wado Ichimonji in his mouth, had completely turned into black swords.

This meant that Zoro had completely completed his sublimation, the sublimation of the sword in his hand.

As he moved, the spirit of Asura behind him also made the same move.

"What a strong spirit, Roronoa, your spirit in kendo is even stronger than Shanks'."

Hawkeye was no longer elegant at this moment, his black hat had been blown off, and there was a hideous knife scar on his chest.

But he did not show any pain, his whole face was full of excitement and fighting spirit.

What could be more exciting than a swordsman who has been at the top for several years meeting an equally matched opponent?

The stronger Zoro's spirit, the more excited Hawkeye was.

He was staring at the huge Ashura phantom behind Zoro at this moment, and he felt the long-lost feeling of possible defeat.

However, facing this feeling, he was not afraid at all.

He also had the awareness of winning at the cost of life and death.

"Come on, use the sword in your hand to challenge me."

Hawkeye raised the big black sword in his hand vigorously.

Everything in the air seemed to be frozen, and there was only the spirit of the two strongest swordsmen in the world.

"This world is divided into nine heavens. Those who break through all the heavens can become Asuras."

"Asura's Secret Devil Realm Breaks the Sky."

The huge Asura phantom behind Zoro raised one arm, and the huge sword shadow that seemed to penetrate the sky and earth slashed towards Hawkeye.

At this moment, Zoro's figure had quickly disappeared from the spot.

Facing this terrifying blow.

Hawkeye was silent, his expression solemn, holding the big black knife, and instantly turned into a black light, rushing towards Zoro.



Sparks flew from the collision of swords, and the dazzling sword energy swept out like waves.

The huge red sword shadow hit Hawkeye and Zoro, and went straight through without causing any damage.

But this red sword shadow did not cause substantial damage.

This is the combination of Zoro's spirit, swordsmanship, and murderous aura. It cuts not the body, but the heart.

This is the Asura road that Zoro took.

The combination of a tempered heart and a tempered skill.

""Second Breaking Heaven."

Another huge sword shadow fell.

The sword in Zoro's hand became faster and faster, so fast that it seemed to be able to tear the air apart.

"Three broken heavens."

Zoro's sword has turned into a residual image, and the sound has been completely cut off, and no sound can be heard.

Hawkeye couldn't help but frowned.

The swordsmanship is extremely fast and complicated, and the sword shadows that can hit the heart directly, this road is really terrible.

"Four broken days"

"Five Breaking Days"

"Six Breaking Days"

"Asura Secret Technique Demon Realm Nine Breaking Heavens Proof."

As Zoro roared through his teeth.

The sword in his hand was swung more and more frantically, and the speed was extremely fast. In this case, even the future-predicting observation Haki could not see clearly.

Everything can only be resisted by intuition.

Hawkeye had an excited smile on his face.

The big black knife in his hand chopped heavily at night.

If Zoro's attack is like a rainstorm, and each raindrop represents an attack.

Then Hawkeye's sword skills are like a towering mountain, heavy, Heavy, indestructible. (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The collision between the slow and the fast, the simple and the complicated.

One sword against nine swords.

Two great swordsmen standing on completely different sword paths, but they both reached the extreme of their paths, this kind of peak sword collision.

In an instant, they crossed each other.

The dazzling sword wave that was enough to shake the world erupted between the two figures who crossed each other.

Like a dazzling ball of light, it quickly spread out and destroyed everything between heaven and earth.

"Get out of the way, everyone."

Jinbei shouted.

He appeared in front of Usopp and the others in an instant. Facing the dazzling sword wave, he looked solemn and punched.

At this moment, Yamato did not take the opportunity to attack Jinbei, but chose to stand with Jinbei.

After all, she was still Ace's good friend.

Marco also spread his blue flame wings, and Ace's hands were burning with flames.

"Fishman Karate, 50,000 Punches"


""Fire Fist."


Three attacks were launched at the same time, like siege cannons, creating a vacuum in front of them.

The extremely sharp sword wave was blocked.

The sword wave that swept past them ravaged everything around them.

This was the two strongest swordsmen on the sea, gambling their lives on a decisive blow, so powerful that it was frightening.

"Who's winning?"

"It must be Zoro."

Usopp and Nami were very nervous.

"No matter who wins, both of them are the world's number one and number two swordsmen. This is definitely a duel that every swordsman will remember for a lifetime."

Vista said in shock.

As a swordsman, he was also a great swordsman whose sword realm was so strong that even Hawkeye praised him. When

Vista saw the swordsman duel between Hawkeye and Zoro, he was extremely shocked.

As a swordsman, that was the highest realm.

When all the smoke and dust dissipated.

Two figures appeared in front of everyone.

The phantom on Zoro's body had completely dissipated. He put his hands behind his back with all his strength. Yan Mo and Tian Yu Yu Zhan were like two wings, stretching straight to the sky.

On the black blade, drops of blood dripped along the blade.

Zoro's body was covered with scars, and drops of blood soon gathered under him into a small pool of blood.

On the other side.

Hawkeye stood with a knife.

The blood drops sliding down the big black knife dripped a small pit on the ground.

His arms were covered with blood.

The state of the two people at the moment was already extremely tragic.

Both were seriously injured enough to lose their lives.

"Who won?"

Usopp asked in a very low voice, as if he was squeezing out his teeth.

"Who is it?"

Chopper and Crocodile have stopped and are looking at Zoro and Hawkeye in the distance.

This battle for the world's greatest swordsman. The wonderful sword duel is definitely enough to shock anyone.

This is a precious memory. Looking back on it today after countless years, it can still feel like the battle happened yesterday.

"Who is the world's greatest swordsman?"

Even Sanji and Walder looked over here.

No one dared to breathe, fearing that it would interfere with this great scene that would go down in history.

However, there was still no movement on both sides.

Suddenly, Vista's pupils shrank and he said in shock:

"Both of them have lost consciousness."

Vista was so shocked that he could hardly speak.

After the two swordsmen had swung their strongest slash, they completely lost consciousness.

It was only their awareness, their pride, and their will that supported their bodies, allowing them to maintain the posture of standing and swinging their swords, and they did not fall down even when they lost consciousness.

"What kind of will and consciousness do these two people have?"

Bista opened his mouth wide, his voice was trembling, and he was almost unable to speak with excitement.

He even felt like crying at this moment.

This was the pure will of the swordsmanship of the two greatest swordsmen in the world. It was really touching.

"They both need to stop the bleeding immediately."

Chopper looked at Zoro and Hawkeye and rushed over.

Both were seriously injured and the amount of bleeding was terrible. If the bleeding was not stopped in time, even with their monster-level bodies, it would be fatal.

"Really, is this the final result?"

Crocodile did not stop Chopper's action, but looked at Hawkeye, who was smiling even though he had lost consciousness, with a cigar in his mouth, and said lightly

"What a joy (Zhao De), Hawkeye bastard."

The battle for the world's greatest swordsman came to an end.

No result was reached.

But in the hearts of all the spectators, each of them deserves to be called the world's greatest swordsman.

Whether it is swordsmanship, will, or consciousness, these two sword geniuses who were born for swords, pure sword masters

"Has the winner been decided over there? The winner will be decided here too, Straw Hat Boy, you are too weak."

Barrett laughed wildly.

He pushed the power of the Fusion Fruit to the extreme. The terrifying Armament Haki and the huge four-armed robot beat Luffy without any chance to fight back.

Even with the awakened rubber body,

Luffy's injuries were still visibly serious.


A heavy kick landed directly on Luffy's stomach, sending him flying and smashing a small mountain into pieces.

"Is that all? Straw Hat Boy."

Barrett yelled.


Pushing the huge rock away with one hand, Luffy stood up.

Although he was seriously injured, his eyes were very calm, and there was even an exaggerated smile on his face.

"I have developed the second and third gears. The combination of the second and third gears plus the domineering power formed the fourth gear. Later, I developed the fifth gear."

"But I have never been very clear about what the fifth gear is like."

"Until just now, I figured it out. Gear 5 is not a gear change for me, but a new me, equivalent to the original me."

Luffy laughed and said,"I am such an idiot. I didn't realize this until now."

"What do you want to say?"

Looking at Luffy who was laughing happily in front of him, Barrett suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. He suddenly felt that there seemed to be something different about Luffy in front of him.

"Next, enjoy, Barrett."

Luffy laughed happily, one hand on his knee, the other fist on the ground

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