It was four o'clock in the morning.

Su Chen, who had returned home, was already a little sleepy.

Although he had slept before, Su Chen didn't mind taking another nap.

After washing up, Su Chen lay on the bed, picked up his mobile phone, clicked on the forum, and prepared to learn about the bounty.

The bounty is related to the beast.

It comes from the official.

To put it bluntly, the official pays players to spontaneously patrol their area, find the beast and kill it, and then take the beast's body to the official to claim the reward.

Su Chen didn't care before, firstly, he had no official channels for the time being, and secondly, he had never seen the beast in reality and didn't know how strong it was.

His avatar in the game was just a mantis.

Although he was very interested in the reward, his own life was more important.

However, after killing a fierce beast today, Su Chen felt that this kind of thing was not impossible.

The fierce beast was very powerful, but at least he could deal with ordinary fierce beasts with his abilities of riding the wind and iron skin.

After searching the forum, Su Chen had a more intuitive understanding of the bounty, and a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"It turns out that if you want to be the person who accepts the bounty, you must cooperate with the official or become an official staff member."

This is a problem.

Su Chen has no official channels to contact.

Although the zoo forum was established by the official, there is no way to contact it on the forum.

And Su Chen has no intention of joining the official.

Therefore, Su Chen's originally quietly rising bounty heart suddenly fell again.

Helplessly, Su Chen could only put down his mobile phone and soon fell into a deep sleep.


The next morning, around ten o'clock.

Su Chen woke up yawning, rubbing his eyes, leaning against the bed, still confused after just waking up.

After a while, he came back to his senses, picked up his phone, and opened the forum with sleepy eyes.

He couldn't log in to the game today because he had died in the game, so he could only take advantage of this free time to learn more about the situation in the game.

As soon as he opened the forum, Su Chen was stunned.

[Dear Shanhaijing players, hello, we are affiliated with the official zoo department. After observation, we decided to cooperate with you and invite you to become a bounty hunter. If you agree, please click to agree below. ]

"Interesting, an official invitation?"

Su Chen looked surprised, and a smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

Yesterday, I thought about becoming a bounty hunter, but I gave up because I didn't have the official contact information. I didn't expect that after waking up, this cooperation came to me.

Am I lucky enough to be favored by the official?

I guess it's unlikely.

I think it's a big data test or something.

After all, as a special group in the city, players are obviously the top priority of official observation.

Su Chen had no doubt that he would be known to the official as soon as he entered the zoo forum.

After all, only players of extraordinary games would deliberately search the forum of the game.

Although he was surprised, it was a good thing for Su Chen, at least he could become a bounty hunter.

Therefore, he nodded in agreement.

The pop-up window did not disappear, but turned into an app download link.

After clicking in, it was an app called "Bounty Hunter".

Click to download, and the download was completed quickly.

After opening, you need to register first.

In addition to the usual name, ID card and mobile phone number, you actually need to explain the incarnation and even take a photo for verification.

Su Chen was a little hesitant, not sure if it would be dangerous to expose the incarnation.

But soon he felt that he thought too much.

"Damn, I'm just a bug incarnation, there can't be anyone targeting me, right?"

After cursing and complaining in his heart, Su Chen decisively summoned his green, no, now it should be said that it is a black mantis incarnation.

Take a photo and upload it.

All done in one go.

Registration was done quickly.

After logging into the software successfully, a forum page similar to a zoo appeared on the phone screen.

Unlike the forum, there are only two or three sections on the software.

The first is reconnaissance.

The second is communication.

The third is exchange.

After a quick look, Su Chen was surprised. "The reconnaissance section can actually detect the breath of fierce beasts within a certain range?"

What is the principle?

Su Chen didn't understand, but he was sure that the specific reason should have nothing to do with the software.

Reconnaissance should be said to be the main function of the software. By detecting the breath of fierce beasts, the strength of fierce beasts can be determined.

From the color, white, green, blue and purple

Black, gold and red.

The further back the color, the stronger it is.

After killing the beast, you can use the shooting function in the reconnaissance section to take photos of the beast's body and the scene and upload them. After waiting for official verification, you can get points as a reward.

Points can be used to obtain the resources you want from the official.

In addition to the points obtained by killing the beast itself, you can also give the body to the official without taking it away to get extra points.

After understanding the general situation, Su Chen clicked into the communication section.

This is a place for bounty hunters to communicate. Here, Su Chen knew what the rat he killed yesterday was. It was called a sawtooth rat, white, and a common beast in the city.

In addition, Su Chen also saw a pinned post for novice bounty hunters. The poster was an id that Su Chen was familiar with.

Liu Er.

As a novice, Su Chen was usually very interested in such posts, so he clicked in immediately.

The following is the content of the post:

"Hello everyone, I am your old friend Liu Er. Today I am posting a novice post for novice bounty hunters. I hope it will be helpful to everyone."

"Let's not waste any more time, let's get started."

"We are all players, and we should know that bounty hunters are different from in the game. Bounty hunters fight in reality, and there is no chance to try and revive in the game. Therefore, after becoming a bounty hunter, the risk is very high. Many players died in the battle with the beast."

"So this post will give players some suggestions to ensure their own safety, a total of three."

"First, after becoming a bounty hunter, it is best to get a handy weapon, such as a firearm. Large ones are impossible, but pistols and the like can be contacted by the official. As long as your identity is innocent, you can basically get it, but you need to buy the bullets yourself. In addition to hot weapons, some special incarnations can consider cold weapons. Weapons, such as monkeys, can consider using sticks. "

"Some avatars have good talents for some cold weapons because of their own special characteristics. This talent will not be displayed on the panel, but is hidden, and after our players obtain the avatar, they will also obtain the hidden talent. Players of this type of avatar are actually better at cold weapons than hot weapons. "

"But whether there is a talent for cold weapons depends on the players themselves. "

"Second, fight more in the game, which will improve the player's combat skills, because the combat experience in the game will be fed back to reality. "

"Third, after killing the beast, the corpse can be taken home to eat, and do not use forced digestion and absorption to obtain evolution points. After expert inspection, the basic attributes can be increased after taking the corpse of the beast. Although it needs to be eaten frequently and the increase is not much, it is also a way to become stronger over time. "

The post does not contain much content, and Su Chen finished reading it quickly.

This post is very helpful to Su Chen.

Especially the cold weapon talent and the fact that the beast meat can increase basic attributes are things that Su Chen had never known. I think it should be exclusive information in the bounty hunter software.

After reading it, Su Chen couldn't help but fall into thought.

"Some special incarnations actually have hidden cold weapon talents!"

Su Chen's thoughts moved, and the black mantis incarnation appeared.

Looking at the mantis incarnation that looked like a ferocious weapon, Su Chen looked thoughtful. "I wonder if my incarnation has it?"

If so, what would it be?

A knife?

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