The cave is full of hidden dangers.

In the cave.

Su Chen shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Instead, he looked at Tang Wei and asked. "Do you know how to get out of this spiritual ruins?"

Tang Wei shook her head. "I don't know. Generally speaking, there is no exit in the spiritual ruins. Basically, we will be excluded when the corresponding time is reached."

"In this regard, it is different from the secret realm in the game."

Hearing this, Su Chen suddenly realized and asked. "How long will it take?"

"Usually three to five days, and a few spiritual ruins will take about a week."


Su Chen nodded, that's good, so he doesn't have to find the exit himself.

After all, this place is much larger than the flesh and blood secret realm, and the environment is more lush. If you really want to find the entrance, it will probably take a lot of effort.

"So what are you going to do next?"

"What do you mean?" Tang Wei was stunned for a moment and asked. "Aren't you going to join us?"

"What should I do with you?" Su Chen asked unhappily with a twitch of his mouth.

Waiting for you to hold me back, right?

"Ahem, since you're here, I'm going to join you next."

Tang Wei smiled embarrassedly and said. "But if you don't join us, what are you going to do next?"


Su Chen glanced at the depths of the cave. To be honest, he wanted to go to the depths of the cave as soon as possible.

But thinking of some of the information revealed by the old orc when he communicated with him before, he decided to give it a try for the time being.

No matter how much of the information the old orc said was true or false, there was one thing that successfully aroused Su Chen's curiosity.

That is, the golden blood can usher in changes due to the increase in quantity.

He planned to try this.

At least ten drops of golden blood, he only needs eight drops. It just so happens that this place is in the mountains, there are many giant beasts, and it is easy to find.

It won't be too late to go deep into the cave after collecting enough golden blood.

And most importantly, he also wants to see what the purpose of the beast players is.

Thinking of this, Su Chen immediately looked up and said to Tang Wei. "Next, I might look for some giant beasts nearby to hunt, and then I might go deep into the cave."

Tang Wei nodded. As for the giant beasts, it is normal for Su Chen to want to hunt them with his strength, but deep in the cave...

She frowned and said. "Are you sure you want to go in? To be honest, I always feel that those orcs are a bit weird."

Su Chen looked surprised. "Why do you say that?"

Tang Wei said after brewing her words. "Let me put it this way. During the time we were captured, they didn't do anything to us, and didn't even ask us anything. It was as if they simply wanted to capture us, without any other purpose."

"When we were captured yesterday, at night, I heard some orcs saying things like 'atonement' and 'escape'."

"Now that I think about it, it feels like they captured us to attract other people. Anyway, there must be some purpose."

"Is that so?" Su Chen's eyes flickered. Sure enough, it was almost the same as he thought. These orcs did have some purpose.

"That, big brother, Captain Tang."

At this time, a human player came over and seemed to have heard the conversation between the two. He said under the gaze of the two. "I just heard the conversation between you and Captain Tang, so I think the news I heard yesterday may be useful to you."


"Yes." The man nodded and said. "I also happened to hear the orcs guarding us yesterday. They said that it's almost time to pay tribute to the God's body."

"God's body? Pay tribute?"

Su Chen and Tang Wei were both stunned for a moment, and looked into the depths of the cave again.

The word "God's body" is easy to understand, the body of God. Could it be that there is the body of the Lord of Gold in the depths of this cave?

As for paying tribute, it is also easy to understand. It's nothing more than offering tributes.

But paying tribute to the body, why does it feel a little weird?

Tang Wei asked. "Did you hear anything else?"


The visitor shook his head.

Tang Wei waved her hand, and the visitor left.

Then, she looked at Su Chen and frowned. "If I was not sure before, now I am very sure that these orcs do have ulterior motives."

"Maybe it has something to do with the so-called God's body."

"Maybe they want to lure us into the depths of the cave and offer sacrifices to the God's body."


Maybe. "

Su Chen's eyes flashed with a thoughtful look, and he smiled. He didn't deny or confirm, but just walked out of the cave.

The sun fell on his body, making him feel warm.

Su Chen took a deep breath, waved to Tang Wei, and told her some information about the beast players he had received before.

After listening, Tang Wei was immediately incredulous. "Do you think those beast players got some information about Lingxu before it was opened?"

"How is this possible?"

Su Chen said calmly. "It doesn't matter whether it's possible or not. It's not important. You will know after waiting here for a while."


Tang Wei looked over and said in surprise. "Do you think they will come here?"

"If they really got the information about Lingxu, they will definitely come here in the end."

Su Chen said affirmatively. "Although I don't know what the purpose of those beast players is, I can be sure that the most precious treasure in this Lingxu is probably in the deepest part of this cave. "

"Is that so? I see."

Tang Wei nodded, and immediately made a decision, saying. "In that case, I'll take them here to wait and see when those beast players will come."

"It's just right, I can explore the area with them and continue the mission of Lingxu. "


Su Chen smiled and nodded, saying. "If you find the location of the giant beast, you can also tell me."

"No problem."

Tang Wei nodded and sighed. "I thought about hunting the giant beast with them before, but the giant beast is too strong and is no match for it. Among the players who entered Lingxu this time, I'm afraid you are the only one who can hunt the giant beast. "

Su Chen smiled, but did not deny it.

There are many players entering Lingxu this time.

But in fact, the top players did not come in.

For example, those players who have evolved more than three times.

Su Chen did not know the specific reason, but he knew that players who have evolved more than three times basically have not entered Lingxu again.

He was too lazy to dwell on these things. After making an agreement with Tang Wei, he turned and left, with his wings extended behind him, and flew directly into the sky.

After he left, Tang Wei also summoned the rest of the players, and a team of two began to carefully explore nearby.

Su Chen did not care about these things. He had only one goal next.

It was the behemoth.

The mountains were huge, enough to accommodate some behemoths hiding in them.

Su Chen was flying in the sky, but because of the lushness of the mountains, Because of some giant trees towering into the sky, it was difficult for him to see the situation in the mountains.

He could only fly for a while and then landed in the mountains again. Then he closed his eyes and activated his own talent to perceive with his talent.

For a while, different feelings came from different directions.

Some directions made him feel huge waves in his heart.

Some directions made him feel slightly happy.

Some directions made him feel no fluctuation.

There is no doubt that those directions that caused huge waves and even had a faint sense of palpitations were the directions where the giant beasts existed.

Just as Su Chen was about to open his eyes and head towards the direction where the giant beasts existed, suddenly, his heart jumped, a palpitation arose spontaneously, and a trace of joy from the heart rose.

"What is this?"

Su Chen suddenly opened his eyes, looked in one direction, and kept looking up, and finally locked on a towering mountain that went straight into the sky.

"Is it there? "

He confirmed the location.

What made him feel something was at the top of the mountain.

It was just this feeling...

"While I might be in danger of falling... there was also something precious that was extremely useful to me!"

For a moment, Su Chen hesitated.

This place was not like a game. If you fell, you would really die and could not be resurrected.

If it was a game, he would probably go there without hesitation. If he died, he would die. He would be a hero again after resurrecting tomorrow.

But Lingxu was different after all.

Just thinking of everything he saw in the flesh and blood secret realm.

Thinking of the broken world in Wang Li's broken memory, the wailing world under the erosion of the supreme existence, the hesitation in Su Chen's eyes disappeared and turned into determination.


"Maybe there is a risk of falling, but this world is like this, isn't it?"

If you want to keep climbing and become stronger, how can there be no risk?

It's just a slight possibility of falling.

What's there to be afraid of!

"Even if I can't beat him, can't I run away? "

Take a deep breath, Su Chen thought, and Wang Wei swept all around.

A rustling sound was heard.

In all directions, huge

The insects appeared in Su Chen's field of vision and lowered their heads towards him.

"Go, find the giant beasts in this mountain range, keep an eye on them!"

Su Chen's vision swept across the insects and he ordered in a deep voice.

After that, he waved his hand.

All the insects nodded, left quickly, and soon disappeared from his field of vision.

Then, Su Chen no longer hesitated, extended his wings behind him, took off, and flew directly to the distant peak.

At the extreme speed, Su Chen soon arrived under the mountain and began to fly upwards.

After a while, violent thunder exploded around.

The surrounding vision turned black, and thick dark clouds enveloped the towering mountain.


Screams came from all around.

Su Chen turned his head and looked. Before he reached the top, he saw some giant birds covered with thunder in some nearby dark clouds, swooping towards him.

These are not giant beasts, but they are also powerful, like level 4 or 5 beasts, and they possess extraordinary power.

Facing these giant birds, Su Chen's hands appeared blue wind in one hand, and the lightning gathered in the other hand, turning into a lightning blade.

"Really, don't waste my time!"

He said impatiently, waving his two swords, and a series of slashes suddenly broke out, as if turning into a storm, sweeping away...

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