The seventeenth seat..." A soft voice came and rang in Su Chen's ears, but that voice shocked him. "You are a human, right?" Su Chen looked up at the ancient tree in front of him. In the middle of the separated tree canopy, the shocking figure came into view, but Su Chen did not care, but looked at the True King in disbelief. "You..." The True King saw Su Chen's inner panic and said calmly. "Don't worry, I have already noticed your identity." "But... it doesn't matter." "Although you are a human, you have a worm shape, that's enough." Hearing this, Su Chen asked with dry lips. "You don't mind?"

"Why should I mind?"

The slender figure shook his head slightly, and a pale claw extended, landing on Su Chen's head and gently stroking. "As long as you recognize your identity as the Insect King, then you are a member of the Insect Nest."

"Besides, among all the creatures in this world, except for the high gods, who doesn't have human blood flowing in their blood?"

Su Chen's expression was shocked.

Such words seemed to symbolize some kind of metaphor.

But it did not continue, but looked at Su Chen and said gently. "Your joining may be destined by fate. A new era is coming. By then, even if you are not there, there will be other creatures that will be favored by the Insect Nest."

"Compared to those unknown guys in the future, I am more optimistic about your existence."

Hearing this, Su Chen was relieved that the True King in front of him did not mind his true body being a human, but he also felt a little confused. "Why is this?"

The True King shook his head, without explanation, just said. "A turbulent era is coming, and many things cannot be said clearly."

"In short, you are too weak now, so get stronger as soon as possible."

"Only by mastering powerful forces can you control your destiny in the coming new era."

New era?

Su Chen's pupils contracted, and he seemed to have guessed something.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the throbbing in his heart and asked. "Is this why you called me here?"

"Not really, I just felt something."

The True King looked at Su Chen calmly and said. "I have checked the memories you uploaded."

"Lord of Gold..."

"Lord of Thunder..."

"These are all powerful gods from the last era. It's just that for some reasons, it is rumored that the Lord of Gold has died, and many golden temples have been buried in the dust of history over the years."

"But now it seems that He has a plan and will be reborn in the future."

"In your memory, I once felt His eyes on you. You are already stained with the breath of gold. You need to be careful when facing the Thunder Tribe in the future."

"Thunder Tribe?" Su Chen heard this name for the first time.

The True King nodded. "They are the followers of the Lord of Thunder, a group of war-loving warriors. In the last era, Thunder and Gold were mortal enemies, and fights broke out between the followers of both sides from time to time."

"The golden aura on you will make them regard you as an enemy..."

"Although they have been silent for a long time, they still exist..."

"After the new era arrives, many creatures will reappear on this land..."

Su Chen opened his mouth and had many questions to ask. The ancient True King in front of him obviously knew a lot of things.

But in the end, he nodded, indicating that he knew, but did not ask.

After all, even if he asked, he obviously would not get an answer.

Then, the True King said again. "Besides, I called you here for another thing."

"Please tell me."

Su Chen lowered his head, and regarded the True King in front of him as an elder.

"You should have something of the gods on you, right?"

God's things?

Su Chen's heart moved, and the next moment a drop of blood containing thunder appeared in front of him.

"Are you referring to this?"

The True King looked at Su Chen deeply and nodded. "Yes, I called you here for this."

"But this is not what I need, but the child."

Under Su Chen's puzzled gaze, the ancient tree under the True King suddenly tore a dark crack, as if leading to a dark space.

In that space, a pair of scarlet pupils opened, accompanied by some excited eyes, as if rushing out, but just as it moved, a pale

The white claws turned into a long whip and lashed out.


A painful scream sounded.

"It's not time for you to come out yet." The True King said lightly.

Hearing this, a complaint came from the crack. "Hey, it's not time for me to come out yet, so why did you open the door? It's too much, even if it's you, I can't forgive you!"

This familiar voice made Su Chen's mouth twitch slightly.

This... seems to be the mother.

The last time I saw her, it sounded like she was locked up from her words.

Now it seems to be true.

But even the mother can put someone in solitary confinement at will, how powerful must the True King in front of him be?

Su Chen swallowed his saliva, not daring to imagine.

The True King said lightly. "You can take a look at what the child has in front of him first."

Hearing this, the mother in the dark space was startled, and then her scarlet eyes fell on Su Chen, and a faint light shone.

"Hey, it's you, little guy, you want... um?"

Just when it was about to say something, its eyes suddenly saw the blood floating in front of Su Chen, and a touch of heat suddenly appeared in its eyes.

"Is this... God's blood?"


The True King said. "Although it is only a drop of blood from the Lord of Thunder, it should be of some use to you."

"Haha, of course it is useful, I love you to death, sister." The mother's excited voice came.

The True King was helpless. "If you really love me to death, don't let your child do such crazy things in the future..."

Then the True King shook his head. "Forget it, let's not talk about these things for now. This thing was brought by this child. If you need it, take out the right item to exchange with it."

"Of course I know."

The mother responded casually and looked at Su Chen again. "Hey, little guy, this drop of blood is very useful to me. Give it to me. I can exchange anything you need with you. How about it?"

"Of course, no problem."

Su Chen was delighted and agreed without hesitation.

I didn't expect there would be such a good thing. I thought I had a mission to see the True King this time, but I didn't expect it was mainly for the mother.

But it's not bad.

After all, the extra drop of wild thunder blood in his hand is useless. If he wants to trade it, he originally wanted to trade it with other insect kings. If he exchanges it with the mother, it will undoubtedly be better.

Compared with the insect king, the mother of the True King has more good things in her hands.

Seeing Su Chen agree, the mother's eyes flashed with joy. With a whiff, a transparent spider silk flew out of the crack, instantly wrapped the blood and brought it into the crack.

"This is..."

Looking at the white silk, Su Chen was thoughtful.

The true appearance of the mother...

Is it a spider?

While thinking, the mother's excited words rang. "Is this the divine blood? Hahaha, good stuff, really good stuff!"

"Are there any more? I want more!"

"I want more!"

Indistinctly, there seemed to be some madness and roar in the voice.

The scarlet pupils were filled with desire, staring at Su Chen.

A greedy and blazing gaze fell on him, making him subconsciously feel a chill on his back, his whole body stiff, and a premonition of being swallowed.

Fortunately, at this time, a snap!

After the True King waved his pale claws and turned into a long whip to whip down, some clarity emerged in the mother's eyes. As the greed dissipated, Su Chen suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't scare this child." The True King said lightly.

"Ahem, this, this is not too excited..." The mother muttered twice and looked at Su Chen. "Well, sorry."

"It's okay."

Su Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and he shook his head quickly.

He suddenly understood why the mother was locked up.

It looks like... she seems a little mentally unstable.

The mother asked. "Ahem, this thing is very good, I am very satisfied. So, what do you need to exchange from me?"

Hearing this, Su Chen said without hesitation. "My lord, I need a piece of equipment or treasure that is useful to me."

"Eh, equipment?"

Hearing this request, the mother was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect a mantis to need this.

But soon, a white spider silk wrapped something shot out from the crack and landed in front of Su Chen.

"As for equipment, I don't have much, but there are some good ones. With what you gave me, the value of this thing is equal, just right."

"And in my opinion, it is more suitable for you."

The spider silk dissipated, and a piece of equipment stained with blood appeared in front of him.


Seeing this equipment, Su Chen was surprised, and his eyes immediately flickered with blue light, and he checked it out.

The information of the equipment.

[A dragon scale armor stained with dragon blood, once belonging to a dragon man, followed the dragon man to fight in many battlefields, stained with the blood of countless enemies, but in the end, the dragon man died in a war, so that the armor was also stained with his own blood. 】

"Dragon man armor?"

Su Chen murmured.

It looks very powerful, but...why in the eyes of the True King, this thing is suitable for me?

Su Chen looked up and looked at the mother in the crack.

The mother explained. "I roughly guessed the purpose of your need for equipment, and the most suitable one for you is the knife. But in my opinion, your current knife is sharp enough, but the defense is not enough."

"So I took out this equipment."

"However, if you still need a knife, I can replace it for you."

Hearing this, Su Chen suddenly realized.

So that's it!

"Thank you very much, sir."

Su Chen no longer hesitated and directly put the armor into his backpack. Since the armor was more suitable than the sword, he didn't mind trusting the mother for once.

Seeing this, the True King shook his head and said. "Okay, since you have the things, continue to refine your mind."

After that, the crack was about to close.

"Wait, wait."

The mother hurriedly shouted and stretched out two hairy limbs from the crack to prevent the crack from closing.

The True King cast a look.

The mother did not explain, but looked at Su Chen. "Little guy, don't try to lie to me. I smell the breath of another god on you. You must have the blood of another god in your body, right?"


Su Chen touched his nose and did not answer.

He did.

But your nose is too sensitive, right?

Aren't you a spider?

The mother smiled greedily. "Hehe, is it the golden blood?"

Su Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and he said helplessly. "Mother, I do have golden blood in my body, but... this thing is also useful to me."

Hearing this, the mother suddenly realized. "Is that so? No wonder. I was thinking that since it was a task I gave you, if you really completed it, I would exchange the golden blood in your hand with a more generous reward, such as spiritual objects or something. Since you want it, then..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Chen suddenly raised his head and interrupted, asking. "What did you say, sir?"

Mother looked over with a smile. "I said forget it if you need it."

Su Chen shook his head. "I asked the previous question."

"... I said I can exchange it with spiritual objects."

Su Chen took out a drop of blood without hesitation. "This blood was originally prepared for you, sir. You are so polite!"

"By the way, sir, where is the spiritual object?"

Golden blood?

Bah, garbage.

I want spiritual objects!

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