The world is in chaos, and the world is in chaos.

"The Rift?!"

A representative of a small country looked deep, and he had obviously heard of this name.

"Yes, it is the Rift."

"In fact, we have been collecting information on the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and because of this, we have some understanding of some situations."

"We don't know what the Rift is specifically."

"But it is clear that the Rift is a battlefield. When each era comes, the Rift will appear, and when the era ends, the Rift will disappear."

"The arrival of the era will make countless civilizations in the game begin to look for the entrance to the Rift, fight with other civilizations in it, and even invade our world!"

Take a deep breath, the representative of Daxia said seriously. "In the past, Daxia players entered a secret realm. It was a world with a fantasy background and power. In that world, there also appeared a game with a different name but the same content."

"In that secret realm, we learned that the world was destroyed."

"And this morning, our exploration team found traces of that world in the crack."

"From this, we can judge that this game has appeared in many worlds before us, and there are also passages leading to the rift in their world."

"And entered it and fought with other civilizations. As for whether the result of destruction is related to this, we don't know."

"But one thing is certain, the appearance of the rift passage has given the civilizations in the game a way to enter our world!"

"Lizardman, only the first, but not the last!"

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the entire conference room was solemn.

Everyone felt that a huge mountain was pressing on their hearts, which was extremely heavy.

The more they knew about the game, the more they knew what a huge crisis this was.

A national representative took a deep breath and said. "In fact, we expected this, but... we didn't expect it to come so soon."

Everyone nodded subconsciously in agreement.

Yes, everything happened too quickly and too suddenly.

Leaving them no room to prepare!

After a long silence, a representative asked. "So, what is your purpose?"

The representative of Daxia said directly. "My purpose is very simple, that is to tell everyone, from now on, don't waste time on the intrigues between us."

"Because, the war is coming!"

After the voice fell, the atmosphere in the conference room condensed.

The representative of Daxia did not end his speech, and continued:

"There are only two hundred cracks around the world, which means that there are two hundred entrances to our world in the cracks!"

"And the civilizations in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, as far as we know, are more than five hundred!"

"What kind of concept is this?"

"Even if half of them are neutral, half are friendly, and the rest are full of malice, there are still more than one hundred civilizations left!"

"If they all find the entrance to the cracks leading to our world..."

"You should all know the consequences!"

"So, the purpose of this meeting, although it is related to Australia, the real focus is... cooperation!"


In the office, smoke rose at some point.

Some people lit cigarettes one after another and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, someone asked. "Then...what about Australia?"

"Australia is not a problem at the moment. Although some lizardmen are indeed powerful and can resist thermal weapons or even be immune to their damage, judging from some videos, nuclear weapons can still cause devastating blows!"

"Lizardmen, strictly speaking, are not a powerful civilization in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. We are capable of dealing with them."

"But we should also understand that this is just the beginning of the crisis!"

Hearing this, some small countries breathed a sigh of relief.

But regarding the cooperation, they still fell into silence.

After a long time, the representative of the bald eagle spoke. "I need to go back and discuss."

"Me too."


"Okay." The representative of Daxia had no objection. "But I hope, as soon as possible."

Everyone nodded.

Then he walked out of the meeting room with a serious face.


Official affairs, the public naturally have no way of knowing.

Even though Su Chen just learned about Australia from Tang Wei, he didn't get much.

From Tang Wei's mouth

, Su Chen learned that the news from Australia was basically blocked, all videos and photos were sealed!

All combatants and refugees were under control.

In order to avoid causing panic on a global scale, except for some news revealed by the official, all other news was blocked, and even Tang Wei was not clear.

"But once the result comes out, won't it make people more panic?" Su Chen asked.

In response, Tang Wei's answer was: "Wait and watch the news tomorrow. Things over there will end tomorrow. More importantly, the higher-ups want to take this opportunity to let people know that there is danger approaching, but at the same time, it will also give people the confidence and courage to face the danger!"

At this point, the call ended.

Su Chen also fell into deep thought.

"Will it end tomorrow?"

"So it seems that countries should take some actions against Australia."

This made him feel relieved.

At least from this action, Australia does have many secrets, but for the officials of various countries, it is not a big problem, which is enough.

Nowadays, 99% of the players in the world need time to grow.

Even him.

Only with enough time can you become strong!

Thinking of this, Su Chen's eyes flashed with contemplation.


A desert land has many ancient ruins.

There must be treasures in the ruins, right?

There must be evolution materials suitable for yourself, right?

"It seems that the Beetle Kingdom has to be dealt with directly tomorrow, and there is no delay."

"In addition to the game, we also have to collect materials in reality."

Thinking of this, Su Chen hurriedly ate dinner, then entered the Bounty Hunter app, clicked into the treasure house, and checked some strengthening materials suitable for the abdomen.

Compared with other parts, strengthening materials for the abdomen are easier to find in Su Chen's opinion.

Because in terms of input material strengthening, the first thing he strengthened before and after an evolution was the abdomen.

Strengthening the abdomen is related to the way to obtain evolution points, and the materials required are not complicated and rare, and it is easy to find.

At this time, after looking around, Su Chen quickly found a suitable material.

[Big worm gastric juice, strengthening material, suitable for abdominal strengthening after secondary evolution or above, highly versatile, suitable for abdominal strengthening of more than 80% of the incarnations currently known, points required: 1,000! ]

"Not bad, very cheap."

Looking at the introduction and the price, Su Chen showed a look of joy on his face and immediately clicked to redeem.

Looking at the estimated delivery time, it was exactly tomorrow morning.

He was very satisfied.

In this way, after the strengthening is over tomorrow, you can enter the game and head towards the capital. If everything goes well, you can take down the capital within a day.

After all, the beetle kingdom is different from the human kingdom. There is only one capital, which is the capital. The rules and order in all aspects are also different from those in the human kingdom. In addition, it is another extraordinary world. As long as the strength is strong enough, it is not difficult to take down a kingdom in one day.

Putting down the phone, Su Chen began to put Xiaobai in the room again, and then walked into the yard and began to refine a potion to enhance his poison sense.

That is the formula obtained from the previous poison master secret record.

It's not that troublesome to refine. Just put some materials into the poison water with appropriate dosage and mix them. As long as the dosage is right, it will be successful.

"It just so happens that I have to deal with the poison master tomorrow. If the poison insect body of those poison masters is really successful, the poison will also threaten me."

"And the hypnotic poison..."

Su Chen murmured, not very worried about the hypnotic poison. Although that thing can hypnotize living beings, it is not too scary.

If it can really hypnotize any living being, the poison master will not be just a small role in Youlan's eyes. To put it bluntly, the current monarch of the Beetle Kingdom is too weak to be hypnotized.

However, it's better to refine the potion just in case.

Taking a deep breath, Su Chen immediately took out a bunch of materials and tried it.

"Let me see..."

"First, grind the poisonous bead into powder..."

Su Chen picked up a purple poisonous bead. He could feel the itching of his skin when he held it in his hand. It contained toxins, but because of the poison sense, he was not afraid.

At this moment, with the power bursting out, he squeezed hard and the poison bead shattered directly. Then he rubbed it into a fist and the poison bead turned into purple powder.

"In addition to the poison bead, the black heart soil should be as much as possible."

"After that..."

"Take out the hundred poison water... 50 milliliters..."

"Put the poison bead powder in it, shake it three times, and let it stand for one minute.

Add the black heart soil and let it sit for a minute..."

"After that, quickly add the gold poison...wood poison..."

"Finally, let it sit for another hour..."

An hour later.

"It's done!"

Looking at the black and purple liquid in the glass bottle in his hand, Su Chen's eyes flashed with joy. He nodded secretly and said with self-satisfaction. "Not bad, it succeeded in one go. It seems that I have the talent to be a pharmacist. I can think about it more in the future. ”

“It’s the color of this potion…”

It’s purple-black. To drink this stuff, you still need to do a lot of psychological preparation.

Fortunately, Su Chen had drunk the poisonous water before, so he could accept it. Therefore, after swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he drank it in one gulp.


Su Chen retched instantly.

Fuck, it’s so hard to drink!

It’s like drinking sewage!


Su Chen raised his right hand and clearly saw that the purple-black liquid began to flow around his body under his skin.

After a while, a needle-like pain that swept through his body suddenly emerged!

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