The king's eyes were fixed on Feng, Chen and Kong.

"You did a great job."

Su Chen was generous with his praise.

"Especially you three."

He looked at Feng, Chen and Kong.

Being watched by the king, the three followers were excited and hot.

"It is our honor to fight for you." The three followers bowed their heads and said respectfully.

Su Chen smiled faintly. "You have passed my assessment, and I believe you know what this means."

"So, are you ready?"

Hearing this, the rest of the desert mantises showed hot light in their eyes.

Sha Dun stepped forward and said with excitement. "We are ready, King."

"Very good."

"Then follow me and fight for me."

Su Chen chuckled, cut his left limb, and then gently waved his hand, spilling blood directly on each mantis.

Whether it was a desert mantis or the followers who had evolved.

He wanted to see if the followers who had swallowed his blood would change after swallowing it again.

As the blood fell on each mantis, painful sounds came out of their mouths.

Their breath began to rise.

The changes of the desert mantises were no different from those of Feng Yuchen and others before, so Su Chen's eyes were only on his followers.

With the reward of blood again, the aura of these followers was further improved.

"Sure enough."

Su Chen's eyes flickered, and he said secretly in his heart. "After becoming my followers, you will certainly gain the power of my bloodline, but you will also be limited to my bloodline."

"You can only rely on my bloodline to become stronger."

That is to say, the stronger the Insect King is, the stronger the followers will be.

"I just don't know if they will inherit my other abilities after swallowing my blood again."

Su Chen thought secretly, and the next moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, noticing the changes in Feng, Chen, and Kong.

Feng and Chen had inherited Su Chen's Qianfeng and Tianfa bloodlines.

At this moment, as their auras surged, their extraordinary powers were revealed.

But unlike before, the breeze on Feng's body turned into a whirlwind to wrap it up, and while it was rotating around its body, the green whirlwind was turning into a pale gale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And on Chen's body, blue lightning flashed and raged continuously, turning into thunder of destruction.

Su Chen's eyes were bright. "Is it really possible? Ordinary wind turned into strong wind, and ordinary thunder turned into thunder of destruction!"

"And the strength seems to have improved a lot."

It didn't cross a big level.

But it improved a small level.


Suddenly, Su Chen set his eyes on Kong again, and the changes on his body made Su Chen even more shocked.

"This is..."

"Thunder of destruction?"


Su Chen took a deep breath, unable to hide his surprise.

Kong had inherited Su Chen's strong wind power, and at this moment, in addition to the strong wind power, he actually showed the thunder of destruction that turned into a thunder dragon!

It means that this guy almost inherited Su Chen's two extraordinary powers!

"Good guy, is this a protagonist template?"

Su Chen was secretly surprised, but his eyes couldn't help showing joy.

After all, these are followers who are completely loyal to him. The stronger they become, the greater their help to Su Chen.

Unfortunately, the sound of bangs continued afterwards.

Some desert mantises exploded during the transformation process because they could not withstand the power contained in their blood.

Some followers were also like this.

Su Chen looked around and found that there were only 400 mantises left alive, most of whom were old mantises.

However, there were a few who survived, and Sha Dun, the chief of the desert mantis tribe, was one of them. Although he did not inherit Su Chen's strong wind and destructive thunder, he obtained Su Chen's wind power and thunder power.

After a long time, the mantises opened their eyes one after another.

They had already felt the magnificent power in their bodies compared to the past, and their expressions were surprised.

"So strong."

"Is this the power of the king? I can beat a hundred of my former selves."

"Me too."

"Hahaha, great, I finally became strong."

Sha Dun pressed down

With excitement in his heart, he came to Su Chen and said enthusiastically. "King, thank you for your gift. We will fight for you forever in the future."

"There will be a time when you will be useful to us, but now, you should pack up your things first."

"I am leaving, and you should follow me and live in my world."


Shaqiu had no objection and nodded in agreement. With one order, he asked all the mantises to pack up the resources in the tribe.

Although his strength may not be as strong as Feng, Chen and Kong, he can still manage these mantises under Su Chen.

Su Chen would not care about this. There are too many followers, so naturally he needs a manager to replace himself.

Shaqiu has this experience, which is very suitable.

While the followers were packing up, Su Chen's devouring touch extended out and directly devoured all the poison master corpses on the side.

As for the resources, they were put into his own world, and he was going to let the followers place them in various places in the world later to see if they could change them with some special scenes in the world.

"King, we have packed up."

The followers moved quickly, and soon they came to Su Chen and were ready.

Su Chen didn't waste any words, and opened the entrance to the world with a thought.

"Go in, you will live in it from now on."


The followers nodded respectfully, and stepped into it one by one.

In a blink of an eye, Su Chen was the only one left in the nest.

"It's almost time, let's strengthen here before going offline."

Su Chen took a deep breath, sat down, opened his backpack, and checked today's harvest.

Earth Energy Core, Killing Skull, and... Blood of the Sacrifice.

Three materials.

Among them, Su Chen had checked the Earth Energy Core before, and it was suitable for strengthening his chest.

As for the remaining two.

Su Chen's eyes flashed with expectation, opened the attributes, and checked them one by one.

[Killing Skull, head adaptability: 93%! 】

[Blood of the priest, adaptability of internal organs: 95%! 】

"Hahaha, they are all suitable."

Looking at the results in front of him, Su Chen couldn't help laughing out loud, full of excitement.

He now only has three parts to be strengthened, namely the head, chest, and internal organs.

In the past, these are all parts that are difficult to find suitable materials for strengthening.

I thought it would be the same this time.

But I didn't expect that I would get them all today.

It means that he can start preparing for evolution!

"The desert is really a good place, hahaha."

"And the adaptability of the blood of the priest is so high!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with excitement, and his eyes fell on the blood of the priest in the backpack.

This thing is not Yunkong's blood. Strictly speaking, it should come from the priest.

According to the previous introduction, although the priest is the name of Yunkong's civilization, it mainly comes from the spirituality called the priest in the void.


It is not a creature, but a force. Only after merging with life can it truly become a life called a sacrificer.

It must be said that this is a powerful civilization.

And it seems to have obvious malice towards humans.

Su Chen has been considering passing this news to the official. After all, when the rift is fully opened in the future, the official will be the main force. With this information, at least the official can be prepared.

"Speaking of which, it is no wonder that those insect kings are excited about the arrival of the era."

Su Chen murmured, and he completely understood why.

For the insect kings who are eager for power and attempt to evolve, there is simply no better time than this.

Ancient life, powerful civilization.

These creatures may have the materials that the insect kings desire.

In the past, these existences were hidden and existed in their own world, making them difficult to find.

But with the arrival of the era, they all walked out of their own world.

Although he was afraid of the sacrificer civilization, Su Chen also felt extremely excited through the blood of the sacrificer.

"There should be a powerful existence above the clouds. After killing it, I wonder if I can get the blood of a more powerful sacrificer..."

"In short, the sacrificer civilization..."

He remembered the name of this civilization.

When he becomes stronger in the future, he will go there.

In addition to the sacrificer civilization, he also has a lot of other civilizations.

Expect something.

If the priest civilization can let him get the blood containing the power of space, then other civilizations may be the same.

Thinking of the power contained in those civilizations, a trace of greed flashed in Su Chen's eyes.

He took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and then collected his mind and focused his eyes on the attribute panel in front of him.

"Let's talk about the future later."

"Now, let's strengthen it first."

Looking at the three materials in the backpack, Su Chen did not hesitate and started to strengthen his head directly.

Before going to the Australian Rift tomorrow, strengthen everything. In this way, it will be safer and prepare for evolution.

Maybe in this trip to the Rift, all the needs for evolution can be gathered.

As Su Chen's thoughts moved, the strengthening began, and a milky white light immediately enveloped him.

Strengthening began.

At the same time.

Insect nest.

Under the huge ancient tree, Youlan arrived, facing the gradually opening tree canopy, and lowered his head.

Then, the soft voice of the True King sounded.

"Have the seats for the Insect King been filled?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then go and prepare for the meeting. A seat for the True King has been filled."

"At my invitation, another old friend will come and become the new True King."

After a seat for the True King was filled, another True King is about to appear?

Upon hearing this, shock flashed in her dark blue eyes, but she quickly suppressed it, nodded respectfully, and turned away.

Her figure gradually disappeared here.

On the ancient tree, the crown did not close, and a huge and slender pale figure slowly extended out, with huge wings spread, and sharp and thick centipedes waving like dragon claws.

The perfect body went straight into the sky.

A roar resounded through the insect nest.

Like a dragon's roar, like an insect's cry!


Two updates today, take a day off, play games with friends, and relax.

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