The old man was very happy.

"Mr. Mantis, as you can see, this is the remains of the carapace left by a dead insect king. It contains the essence of the other insect. For many insects, eating it can strengthen their own carapace. It is definitely a treasure in the eyes of insects."

Hearing this, Su Chen's eyes flickered and nodded. "It is indeed a good thing. What about the others?"

The female spirit put down the remains of the carapace and introduced the others.

"This skull also comes from a powerful insect. I don't know how powerful that insect is. I just found this skull by chance, and found that it still contains a trace of killing will left by the insect before its death. This killing will is very powerful. Just touch the skull to trigger it, and it can be used to sharpen one's will."

"Mr. Mantis should know about insect blood, so I don't need to introduce it, right?"

"But these two remaining treasures are definitely very suitable for Mr. Mantis."

Under Su Chen's curious eyes, the female spirit picked up the green gem and introduced it. "This is a wind gem. A strong man captured a wisp of wind in it, which can make people feel the power of wind."

"If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Mantis should be a green mantis, right?"

"Huh?" Su Chen was stunned and asked in confusion. "What does this have to do with me?"

"Of course."

The female spirit smiled and told a secret that Su Chen didn't know. "The green mantis is also called the wind mantis. It is said that a few green mantises can further stimulate the blood in their bodies and master the power of wind. Therefore, the green mantis is very compatible with the power of wind. With this gem, Mr. Mantis will have a high probability of understanding the power of wind."

"Wind mantis?"

Su Chen looked surprised that the green mantis could actually step into the realm of extraordinary insects.

But unfortunately, even if Su Chen had never seen a wind mantis, he knew that it would be difficult to evolve the blood of the green mantis into the blood of the wind mantis.

But this made Su Chen think of another thing.

Blood map.

"I wonder if the green mantis has an evolved blood map, is it the wind mantis blood map?"

It must be said that Su Chen was very interested in this gem, but after thinking about it, he let the female spirit continue to introduce the last item.

It was a pair of mantis knives.

The female spirit did not speak immediately, but took out a stone and placed it on the counter, then picked up a mantis knife and gently dropped it on the stone.

The mantis knife cut the stone easily, revealing a smooth cut.

Su Chen said in shock. "What a sharp mantis knife, what is this?"

The female spirit said. "Mr. Mantis, this is the body of a wind mantis I mentioned earlier. Although it is just a wreckage, the wind mantis should have been very powerful when it was alive. Therefore, even after its death, its forelimbs still retain its extraordinary characteristics. Not only is it extremely sharp, but it also contains the power of wind."

Hearing this, Su Chen looked carefully and was surprised to find that there was a faint green luster on the blade of the mantis knife.

"Is this the wind mantis?"

Su Chen was secretly shocked.

Even if it is just a wreckage, judging from the sharpness, its strength when it was alive was definitely far superior to his own.

From this point of view, the wind mantis may still have a strong extraordinary bloodline!

It is no exaggeration to say that Su Chen is interested in all five things, but he knows that his wallet does not allow it.

Therefore, Su Chen took a deep breath, suppressed the heat in his heart and asked. "I wonder how much these five things cost?"

The female spirit smiled lightly and said a price that made Su Chen feel cold. "The carapace remains only cost fifty spirit coins, the insect blood cost one hundred, the skull cost two hundred, the gem cost three hundred, and the wind mantis body remains cost five hundred."

Good guy, I thought I had a lot of money and could buy them all.

Now it seems that I thought too much.

Not to mention buying them all, he couldn't even afford the wind mantis remains.

After hesitating for a while, Su Chen could only grit his teeth and make a choice, saying. "In this case, then the skull, the carapace remains and the insect blood."

The other two things are not bad, but they are really unaffordable.

In comparison, Su Chen can only choose something that is more useful to him.

Especially the reinforcement materials that are highly adaptable to him.

"Okay, a total of three hundred and fifty spirit coins, thank you for your patronage."

The female spirit immediately handed over the things Su Chen wanted with a warm smile on her face.

After receiving it, Su Chen paid the spirit coins and left the store.

Without stopping, Su Chen left the spirit tribe and found a deserted place.

He stopped and checked the items he had just harvested.

"I hope I made the right choice."

Su Chen's eyes swept across the insect blood and carapace debris, and directly locked onto the skull in the backpack, and immediately checked the skull's compatibility with his head.

Adaptability: 81%!


Seeing the result appearing in the display box in front of him, Su Chen cheered in surprise.

"Sure enough, I knew this skull would be very suitable for me."

He had thought about which materials to use for head reinforcement before. Since it was a head reinforcement, apart from those difficult-to-determine ore materials, the adaptability of the skull, which was also a head, would not be too low.

For this reason, Su Chen firmly chose to buy this skull.

Now it seems that his choice was not wrong.

As for the carapace, it is actually useful, but not now, but to be used to strengthen the skin after evolution.

"Evolution, it's pretty fast."

Su Chen grinned.

The head material is ready, and the next thing is the chest. It depends on whether the insect heart is suitable.

Without wasting time, Su Chen took out the insect blood and drank it in one gulp.

Su Chen had experienced the effect of insect blood once before. It was really a good thing. After drinking it, his body obviously ushered in a wave of improvement.

After taking the insect blood, Su Chen opened the panel without hesitation, selected the head, and put the skull into it as a reinforcement material, and clicked to strengthen.


A milky white light immediately emerged and enveloped Su Chen.

It was like soaking in a hot spring, giving people an incomparable sense of comfort.

However, the strengthening time ended soon, and this feeling faded.

[Strengthening is successful, you have gained the ability: Tenacious Will (passive). ]


Opening his eyes, Su Chen felt the changes after strengthening for the first time.

His mind was clear, and he felt smarter.

His thinking was faster than before.

At the same time, in terms of senses, he could see and hear farther than before.

After the strengthening, a new ability was obtained. Su Chen was looking forward to it and clicked to check it out.

[Tenacious Will (Passive): Your will is extremely strong and will not be easily shaken. ]

"Another passive ability, not bad."

Although it doesn't seem to have any use, it is still an ability after all. You can not use it, but you can't do without it.

With a thought, Su Chen clicked on his attribute panel again and checked the brand new attributes.

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