After returning home, Su Chen took a bottle of iced cola from the refrigerator and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

With a click, the cola was opened.

After taking a sip of the cold carbonated drink, Su Chen picked up his mobile phone and entered the forum to learn more about evolution while waiting for the official staff to deliver the insect heart to his door.

In terms of searching for information, Su Chen is already very good at it.

Enter the forum, search for Liu Er, click on the homepage, and look for past posts.

Soon, a post titled "On the Difficulty of Evolution" came into view.

Click on the post, and the opening is an introduction to the two types of evolution.

[As for evolution, everyone knows that there are two types, one is blood map evolution, and the other is random evolution. 】

【These two evolution methods have caused many players to be confused and they don't know how to choose. Today I will introduce the differences between the two evolution methods. 】

The next is the key point.

【First is the evolution of the blood map, which is also the evolution method chosen by most players. I believe that players who evolve in this way should more or less understand the troubles of the evolution of the blood map. 】

【The evolution of the blood map requires not only the corresponding blood map, but also the collection of materials, equipment, treasures, etc. written in the blood map. After collecting the above materials, you also need the evolution land of the corresponding environment, the land of high temperature of fire, the land of extreme cold and darkness, etc. It can be said that it is very troublesome. It may take several months to gather these together, but they are indispensable. 】

【Of course, compared with random evolution, the evolution of the blood map has its own advantages, that is, safety. As long as everything is gathered, you can evolve safely and become powerful. 】

【However, the evolution of the blood map, strictly speaking, is a return to the ancestors of the blood. I think everyone knows that the avatars of today's players have a trace of rare extraordinary blood in their bodies. The way to evolve the blood map is to activate this rare extraordinary blood, and then further improve it to the original appearance of the blood in ancient times. 】

【In this process, the most troublesome thing is that the blood map you need is very unlikely to be obtained, and it will take a lot of time. 】

【Of course, the important thing is that the evolution of the blood map is safe enough. I believe that for many players, this is the most concerned. 】

"Is the evolution of the blood map actually a return to the ancestral blood?"

After reading the introduction of the evolution of the blood map, Su Chen nodded thoughtfully.

He understood the meaning. In simple terms, the avatars in the game are like some wild animals now, which evolved from some dinosaurs, saber-toothed tigers, etc. in ancient times, and the evolution of the blood map will gradually evolve them into their original powerful posture.

What about random evolution?

Su Chen continued to read down:

【After introducing the evolution of the blood map, the next thing is random evolution. 】

【Random evolution is actually only different from bloodline evolution in two ways. One is that it does not require a bloodline. In addition, the materials, treasures, equipment and even the evolution site required for other evolutions can be found in the same way as the bloodline, but there is no need to fix it. It all depends on your choice. 】

【The second is that it is not safe enough. Once the evolution fails, the strength will be permanently reduced, and even the bloodline will be affected, resulting in the inability to use the bloodline evolution method. 】

【For example, a foreign player turned into a wild boar with a thin trace of flame pig bloodline, but the player did not choose the bloodline evolution, but evolved randomly. Unexpectedly, the evolution failed in the end. Not only did the strength decline, but the failure of this evolution also completely dissipated the flame pig bloodline in his body, and he could no longer use the flame pig bloodline for evolution, so he could only stick to the random evolution method. 】

【Therefore, it can be seen that random evolution is completely based on luck. If you are lucky enough, you will be invincible, but if you are unlucky, it will be very uncomfortable. 】

【Of course, the advantages of random evolution are also very obvious. The evolution of the bloodline map allows the incarnation's bloodline to return to its ancestral roots. But random evolution is different. It will create a new and powerful bloodline from scratch based on the materials, treasures and other items selected by the player. This way of evolution has an infinite future and more potential! 】

The post is not much, and Su Chen finished reading it quickly.

After closing the post, Su Chen had a complete understanding of the two ways of evolution.

"Bloodline map evolution is a conservative choice, while random evolution is full of twists and turns, but once successful, there will be a bright future."

To put it bluntly, one is

Inheriting a family business, or starting from scratch.

Starting from scratch is risky, but once successful, it is possible to build your own business empire and surpass the inherited family business.

After understanding the difference, Su Chen raised the corner of his mouth and smiled slightly. "Sure enough, random evolution is the best choice for me."

As a bug, if you want to narrow the distance between yourself and other players, or even surpass them, what other choice is there?

Random evolution is the best choice!

Although there are risks, thinking of his previous idea, Su Chen felt that it might not be impossible.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Are you here?"

Su Chen collected his thoughts and quickly got up and opened the door. A slender figure entered the field of vision, with a delicate face, a good figure, and wearing pink and white casual clothes.


Su Chen squinted his eyes immediately. Sure enough, when a beauty appears, it will make people feel pleasing to the eye.

"Hello, is this Mr. Su Chen?" The woman smiled and said.

Su Chen nodded and said. "It's me, who are you?"

The woman extended her hand and introduced herself. "I'm Tang Wei, the captain of the third team under the Jiangcheng branch of the zoo department. I'm here to give you an insect heart."

"Zoo Jiangcheng branch?"

"Captain of the third team?"

This series of department names made Su Chen stunned and asked in confusion. "Are you so short of people? It's just a delivery, but even the captain is out?"

"Hehe, people are indeed quite short, but I came to deliver something to you this time because I want to talk to Mr. Su Chen about other things."

Tang Wei smiled. "But the door is not a good place to chat, I wonder if Mr. Su Chen can let me in to talk in detail?"

"Sorry, of course."

Su Chen was confused, but still made way for Tang Wei to enter the house.

After coming to the living room, Su Chen got a bottle of water for Tang Wei, sat opposite her and asked in confusion. "Captain Tang, who are you looking for?"

Tang Wei said with a smile. "There's no rush for this matter. Let me give you the things you exchanged, Mr. Su Chen."

After saying that, Tang Wei waved her hand and took out a thumb-sized amber from her backpack.

Is this the insect heart I exchanged?

Su Chen's eyes lit up and he quickly took it and put it in his backpack.

【You got the material: insect heart. 】

Finally got it.

Su Chen was pleasantly surprised and immediately checked the adaptability of the insect heart and chest.

Under the nervous mood, the display box that only he could see popped up.

【Insect heart, chest adaptability: 72%. 】


It really works.

The adaptability is not very high, but for Su Chen, it is completely enough!

Su Chen's emotions were expressed on the surface, which made Tang Wei notice it, and she couldn't help but smile. "It seems that Mr. Su Chen is very satisfied with this material."

"Ahem, it's okay."

After hearing Tang Wei's words, Su Chen came back to his senses and thought of Tang Wei sitting opposite him.

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Su Chen asked. "Captain Tang, I got the materials. Can you explain why you came to me now?"

He was a good citizen, but he was actually visited by the captain of the official team. It was inevitable that he was curious.

Hearing this, Tang Wei nodded, drank a sip of water, and went straight to the point without hesitation.

"Since Mr. Su Chen asked, I won't waste words. I came here to invite Mr. Su Chen to join the zoo."

"What do you think, Mr. Su Chen?"

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