The door of the training camp.

When Su Chen came here again, just like last time, he could hear the sound of spiritual training from time to time.

As soon as he came here, Su Chen saw the little one lying obediently at the door of the training camp.

"Boss, you are here."

The little one also saw Su Chen and ran over with a smile.

"Well, I came a little late. How are you here?" Su Chen asked with a smile.

The little one nodded repeatedly. "Yeah, with the spirit coins you gave me, there's no problem. I've even found a place to live, and I can live for a long time."

"And I've also sold the iron and gold you asked me to sell."

As he spoke, Little Bit took out ten spirit coins.

"Only ten?"

Su Chen took the spirit coins, and was a little surprised that he sold less.

Little Bit explained. "Because there are fewer insects that need this kind of thing, only some spirit people who want to make equipment need it, and although iron and gold are rare, they are not particularly precious, so these are the only ones I can sell."

"That's right."

Su Chen nodded. After all, iron and gold are not a particularly rare material, and it's not bad to have ten spirit coins.

"Boss, are you going to go out and explore next?" Little Bit asked curiously.

Su Chen nodded and asked. "Well, what? Do you want to come with me?"

He didn't really want to take Little Bit with him, because the last opportunity was a little dangerous, and he might not be able to protect Little Bit's safety.

But Little Bit shook his head and said with a smile. "No, Boss, I just said that if you find any valuable but unnecessary materials outside in the future, you can give them to me to help you sell them, for free."


Su Chen looked at Little Bit unexpectedly, noticing the joy in his eyes, and asked with a smile. "What? Do you know how to survive in the spiritual tribe?"

Although he gave Little Bit some spiritual coins, it was only enough to live for a while, but he couldn't live forever. Although he had some ideas in the future that he could ask Little Bit for help and continue to support him, it would undoubtedly be better if Little Bit could be self-reliant.

Little Bit nodded and said happily. "Hey, you've figured it out, Boss. I walked around the tribe today and found that there are many weak insects like me who are not happy living here, so I plan to call them to form a scavenging group with me."

"Scavenging group?"

"Yeah, just explore some non-dangerous places, pick up some things that can be sold, and collect pollen on the ground, looking for tree nectar, flower nectar, honey, etc. Many insects in the tribe will buy them."

"Not bad, you have an idea."

Hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help but nod and praise.

Although the process will be more difficult, it is indeed possible.

Not to mention the underground, just the vast forest on the ground, what Xiaobutian said is absolutely indispensable. With the map of the spiritual tribe, you can find some of the closest and safest places to the flower fields and walk to the ground, and come back after collecting nectar and pollen, which can avoid danger very well.

If there are enough insects, the profit should not be small after one trip, but it will be very troublesome to manage.

But Su Chen believes in this.

But he still said to Little Bit. "I support you. If you encounter any problems, you can also come to me for help."

"Yeah, thank you, boss."

"You're welcome. Maybe I will trouble you again in the future." Su Chen smiled.

Little Bit smiled embarrassedly. "If you need me for something, I will be very happy, hehe."

Hearing this, Su Chen shook his head and laughed, and said nothing more, preparing to say goodbye to Little Bit.

But at this time, a surprised voice came from the training camp.

"Mr. Qing?"


Su Chen looked at the voice, and a familiar figure came into view, which made Su Chen's face show surprise. "Lin?"

"It's really Mr. Qing."

After confirming that it was Su Chen, Lin strode out of the training camp and said happily. "I thought I saw it wrong, but I didn't expect it to be you."

Su Chen said unexpectedly. "I didn't expect you to appear in the tribe. Didn't you go out?"

Lin replied. "I just came back and was about to go home. I didn't expect to meet you. I want to treat you to a meal to repay you for saving my life. Do you have time?"


Chen said a little embarrassedly. "No need, right? After all, you have already paid me."

Lin smiled. "Payment is pay, but dinner is also necessary."

In response, Su Chen could only decline, saying that he had already eaten and had something else to do.

However, Su Chen was also curious about Lin's mission, mainly because Lin was wrapped in bandages in many places at this time, and looked wounded, so Su Chen couldn't help asking.

Lin did not hide this and told the truth. "After you, Mr. Qing, saved me, I returned to the tribe to recover from my injuries. I heard that something happened on the border and wanted to send a team to investigate the situation, so I went. There... was a big thing."


Su Chen noticed this word keenly.

Lin explained. "Mr. Qing, have you bought the map of our spiritual tribe?"

"Yes, is the border also shown on it?"

"Yes, it's over the iron ore area."

Su Chen was startled, thinking of something, and said in surprise. "Iron ore area? Black bugs?"

"Hey, Mr. Qing, do you know about this too?" Lin was also surprised.

Su Chen explained that he had saved a spirit outside the tribe before, and Qing suddenly realized it. "So it was you who saved Ye, no wonder."

"That's right, the iron ore area is the border between the Insect Forest and the Beetle Kingdom. It has always been very stable and is also an important source of iron ore for our Spirit Tribe, but for some reason, a large number of black bugs have appeared there recently. With the iron ore area as the center, it spreads to various areas of the Insect Forest."

"Those black bugs are not only powerful, but also polluting. Once injured, the wound will corrode and be difficult to heal, and the injured will fall into madness."

"In short, the situation there is terrible and troublesome. After investigating some situations, I hurried back to report to the elders and let the elders find a way."

Hearing this, Su Chen's heart moved, and he thought of the polluted blood in his backpack. Although he didn't know what it was, it might be helpful to the Spirit Tribe, so he told Lin.

"Polluted blood? The blood that pollutes life and makes it degenerate into madness, until it becomes a monster without reason?"

After listening to Su Chen's introduction, Lin frowned, as if he had thought of something, his face changed slightly, and he said gratefully. "Master Qing, the information you provided is very helpful. I have to report it to the elders immediately."

After saying that, Lin was about to turn around and leave.

Su Chen hurriedly stopped him and asked. "Wait a minute, I have something else to ask you. Do you know a squirrel named Songzi?"

"Songzi? Of course I know. It went with me to the iron ore area to investigate the situation. It is in the training camp. I will help you call it."

"Okay, thank you."

Su Chen nodded, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes.

Good guy.

This task that has delayed a lot of time is finally going to be completed.

When I took on this task, I sensed the opportunity, and I didn't know what I would get later.

Su Chen watched Lin go away, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

After a while, a squirrel in the training camp came closer from afar. It looked similar to a normal squirrel, but smaller, but with sharp claws on its limbs. It was cute and a bit fierce.

"Are you Lord Qing?"

Songzi walked out of the training camp and saw Su Chen, with a puzzled look in his eyes. "Lin said you were looking for me, is there something?"

Su Chen nodded and told the truth. "Well, when I came to the tribe before, I passed by Songlin and met your mother. She asked me to find you and tell you that because you haven't been home for a long time, she is very worried at home and hopes you can go home quickly."

Hearing this, the fierce aura on Songzi's body suddenly dissipated completely, and instead became extremely flustered.

"Oh, it's over. I forgot that I've been away from home for a long time because of the mission. Mom must be worried about me."

"No, I have to go home immediately."

Matsuko hurried to the training camp.

Under Su Chen's surprised eyes, it seemed to think of something and hurried back to thank him. "Master Qing, thank you for telling me such important news. This is a map I got by chance. Just treat it as a reward. I hope it will be useful to you."

After taking out a map and stuffing it into Su Chen's hand, Songzi quickly walked into the training camp.

The hurried look made Su Chen's mouth twitch slightly.

However, looking at the map in his hand, Su Chen's eyes also flashed with doubt.

With curiosity, Su Chen opened the map, and the line of words that came into his eyes made his pupils shrink, and his face was

A hint of surprise appeared on his face.

"This is..."


9,000 words yesterday, 8,000 words today, which can be considered as continuous updates, please give me a free gift~

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