Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 207 Annoyance and Joy

The continuous light rain seems to be so endless, and what annoys Wen Xu even more is the follower Professor Chen who comes to his small courtyard on time every day. This guy comes from the town every morning, and goes back to the town from Wenjia Village at night. , has persisted back and forth for five days. It made Wen Xu feel extremely annoying, but Wen Xu still had no way to beat him, and this guy didn't go into the yard, but the mentality of reporting early and asking for instructions every day, and bowing at night kept lingering in front of Wen Xu's eyes. In the past few days, Wen Xu has a deeper understanding of the adjective "fly in the ear!"

I went out wearing a raincoat today, arrived at the B\u0026B and just finished taking part in the lottery. Wen Xu got the original top spot of her house as she wished. Not only that, the area is almost half larger than before, almost occupying a whole circle , and the remaining small land was assigned to Shi Shangzhen as the village director's 'ration field'.

After the land is painted, Wenxu's side is ready to start planting. Generally speaking, rice planting starts in March on Shuijiangnan, but now it's the end of May. Obviously, it's too late to plant rice at this time. Yes, but Wen Xu obviously didn't take it seriously, and raised the rice seedlings in the space yesterday.

Generally speaking, the cultivation of rice is quite technical. It is not only about picking the rice seeds. After the rice seeds are selected, they are still germinating and waiting until the rice seeds are broken and white. The thickness of the nutrient soil, and the gaps between the seeds, etc., in short, it is estimated that the job cannot be done well without technology.

But once Wen Xu's space is deployed, the method is so simple that it is outrageous. If a breeding expert sees Wen Xu's breeding like this, he will probably bang his head against the wall in shame. Qingxu's method is very simple. Throw the rice seeds into the space water and soak them. There is no such thing as a gap between the seeds. Just grab a handful of rice seeds and throw them into the ladle filled with space water, and then watch helplessly. Seeds grow from seeds to sturdy seedlings about a palm in a few breaths. Later, Wen Xu himself disliked that the water-ladle breeding method was too slow, so he went directly to the bathtub to breed. In less than half an hour, he finished breeding the seeds in his own three-acre terraced rice field. Not only that, but also with Shi Shangzhen The seeds of that small land were also bred.

"Mr. Wen is back!"

As soon as he arrived at the door, Professor Chen, who was wearing a raincoat, bent down to ask Wen Xu with a warm smile. He looked like a eunuch in the palace who greeted the emperor. He stood in front of Wen Xu. The body feels a little short.

Wen Xu sighed, and said to Professor Chen: "I said, Mr. Chen, your stalking method may work on women or others, but it really doesn't work here, because of what? Because we The two have different ways and do not conspire with each other! It’s not the feeling between us that I don’t want to be friends with you, but the difference in principles of life, don’t you understand?”

Professor Chen's complexion didn't change at all. This thick-skinned one is worse than the city wall. A normal person should at least blush when he hears Wen Xu's words, even if he doesn't cover his face and walk away, but this The current state of mind is called Gao, with a calm expression on his face, if you don't know his face, Wen Nu would definitely think that this is a master of Taoism.

"Mr. Wen, I was wrong last time. I didn't come here for anything else. I just wanted to apologize to you. I hope you can give me a chance. Last time I was indeed deceived by lard and became greedy." Read, I don’t deny this, but now I realize my mistake, so I came here to apologize. It’s up to you whether you accept it or not, but it’s up to me if the apology is not in place, sir. Well said, the gentleman is magnanimous, I was a villain last time, but this time I came here with a calm heart!"

Professor Chen said very solemnly,

If it is an ordinary person who will be confused by his identity and this "honesty", and will be moved by this guy as soon as his heart softens, but who is Wen Xu? It can be said that he has seen through the heart and lungs of this guy. That old saying of his also raised an old saying in his heart, that is: Dogs can't change eating shit!

Seeing what he said was plausible, Wen Nu didn't bother to talk to him any more, stepped into the courtyard, and then closed the door with a bang.

As soon as the door was closed, a sneer flashed across Professor Chen's face, and he thought to himself: Wait until I get what the fuck I want, and I'll deal with you little bastard!

He wanted to deal with this little bastard Wen Xu in his heart, but for a while, Professor Chen didn't think of any way to deal with Wen Xu. As for hiring murderers to kill people, how could Professor Chen do it with his IQ? He didn't do this kind of business at all, he knew that even if he paid for it, he would be blackmailed with this matter in all likelihood! Although now Professor Chen can't wait to feed Wen Xuling to the bastard! But so far, I have only used YY in my heart from time to time, to give myself a little spiritual satisfaction.

Wen Xu went into the yard, and picked a few white-striped watermelons from the space when she felt that nothing was wrong.

As for this white-striped watermelon, Wen Xu planted it gropingly here. Anyway, at the beginning, he planted it with normal watermelon seeds, and then a small white-striped watermelon the size of a fist grew. But I found that the melon seeds were big, black and bright, and really delicious, so I started to cultivate them in the space, and slowly picked the big ones. Because of the speed of the space, after more than 20 generations, they became This is what it looks like now.

Generally speaking, this white-patterned melon can grow up to ten catties, and a ten catty melon will have about seven to eight taels of large melon seeds, so Wen Xu here planted it to get the seeds, and then fried them as melon seeds to eat!

The way to get the seeds is also very simple. Wen Xin peeled off the skin of the melon and kept it for the chickens. The skin of this melon is very thin, but the skin is very hard, like rubber. If there is no room for the top Damascus knife, It's really not easy for Wen Xu to cut it. Put the remaining melon flesh on the sieve, and then keep kneading the melon soil until the melon soil leaks down along the mesh of the sieve, then all the melon seeds left on the sieve.

Wen Xu was rubbing her hands high when she heard the ringing of the phone.

Picking it up, he smiled and connected immediately: "Hey! Why did you get up so early today? You woke up before noon!"

"Why is it so early? You are already on your way, and you will arrive at your house in two hours!"

"Why are you here today?"

Hearing Zhuo Yiqing's words, Wen Xu was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

Zhuo Yiqing was very unhappy when she heard this and said: "What's the matter, you don't like it, if you don't like it, Cousin Daxin and I will go back!"

"No, no, I just think you don't tell me, I'm not prepared at all!" Wen Xu said hastily.

Zhuo Yiqing said: "What preparations do you need? If there are any mistresses and mistresses in your place, just kick them out and tell them that the main house is here!"

"Okay, I'll tell you right away!" Having said this, Wen Xin jokingly called out to the outside: "Hey, those in the bedroom, hurry up and pack your clothes and leave, the genuine lady is back!"

After Wen Xu finished speaking, she became happy first.

"I won't tell you anymore, I'm driving!" Without waiting for Wen Xu's answer, Zhuo Yiqing kissed the phone and hung up.

Hearing that his girlfriend was coming, Wen Xu suddenly felt hot and hot all over his body, picked up the melon seeds and took two bites of the not-so-appetizing melon seeds before calming down.

After calming down, I even started to work harder. After washing the melon seeds, I drained the water and let it dry. At this time, I made a small pot, put it in a frying pan and poured some space into it. The grains of sand started turning over like this, waiting for the sand to warm up, Wen Nu poured the dried melon seeds into the pot, stirred them, and then just watched the small stove fry the melon seeds.

Originally, Wen Xu thought that Zhuo Yiqing would arrive in two hours, but the melon seeds hadn't been roasted yet, so Wen Xu heard his girlfriend's voice from the courtyard door: "Open Sesame!"

Wen Xu immediately left the pot house, and said repeatedly: "Why did we arrive so soon, didn't we say two hours, it's only thirty minutes now?"

Zhuo Yiqing said: "I just want to kill you so don't be in a hurry, let's see if you have done bad things behind my back!"

After arriving in the pot room and putting down her things, Wen Xu immediately grabbed his girlfriend, and Zhuo Yiqing also took advantage of the opportunity to hang her two legs around Wen Xu's waist, and the two hugged and kissed for a long time.

While kissing, Wen Xu asked, "How long will you stay this time?"

"No matter what, I will stay for a month." Zhuo Yiqing felt the warm enthusiasm here, and said with a smile: "I'll kill you!".

"Then kill me now?" While talking warmly, she picked up her girlfriend and wanted to hug her in the main room.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

At this time, Xu Daxin just walked in, and when he saw the two looking like they wanted to crush their opponents, he immediately left the room and said repeatedly: "I'll come back after you guys finish chatting?"

Zhuo Yiqing slid down from Wen Xu's body: "Come in, tell him about your plan first, and explain to him how many cubic meters of various types of wood you need."

Hearing what Zhuo Yiqing said, Xu Daxin walked in cheerfully. This guy was not polite, he just pulled a stool and sat down, and began to explain the detailed plan to Wen Xu.

Hearing what Xu Daxin said, Wen Xu felt that he had taken this matter too seriously before. Besides the wood, Wen Xu had prepared millions of dollars. Now that Xu Daxin said, construction and wood processing The cost was about two million yuan, which was far lower than his budget. Thinking about it this way, Wen Xu felt that he had to buy the gold himself.

"When can I start working?"

Wen Xu stared straight at the blueprint of his new home on the table. Wen Xu's new home was not like that kind of luxurious villa, it was thousands of square meters at every turn, but a small wooden house of a few hundred square meters, but it was very charming, simple and elegant. It is not simple, it is more simplified than other houses in the village, but it reveals a very high style everywhere.

Xu Daxin said: "Look at the wood, if it is extremely dry, I will ask the over there to work a little overtime. It is estimated that the construction can start at the beginning of next month, and production will be carried out while construction is going on. If everything goes well, it will be completed on the 20th of next month! "

"Then what are you waiting for!" Wen Xu patted his thigh: "I'll go find wood tomorrow!"

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