Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 276 Everything is Fresh

Seeing Qin Zhuangping and Zhao Xiaoyue coming out with a large basket of vegetables, Wen Xu couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, and asked the two of them, "Why are you picking so much?"

Hearing Wen Xu's question, Qin Zhuangping just smirked. Normally, Qin Zhuangping wouldn't pick so many vegetables, it was enough for one plate, but today it was far enough for one plate. ???

Zhao Xiaoyue immediately tilted the mouth of the basket in her hand, revealing the vegetables inside, and explained to Wen Xu: "Teacher, tomatoes, flower melons, and cantaloupe are so delicious. I picked some and prepared to eat them raw in the afternoon." of".

"What kind of life is this little girl living in the city?" Wen Guangsong looked at Zhao Xiaoyue and said with a sigh.

Wen Guangsong felt that seeing a girl who could succeed with a cucumber and a tomato might be so hungry when she was in Mingzhu.

Zhao Xiaoyue said cheerfully after hearing the words: "Master's dishes are too expensive in Mingzhu, how can I eat every day with my salary, so this time I came here to have a toothbrush."

"Okay, let's take it back." Wen Xu didn't want to get entangled with Zhao Xiaoyue on this matter anymore, so she waved her hand directly to signal her to follow her with the basket.

"You guys are busy, I'm leaving!"

After waving his hands to Wen Guangsong and Qin Zhuangping, Wen Xu left his greenhouse and turned to the fish pond.

Standing next to the fish pond, Zhao Xiaoyue seemed a little unable to walk, holding a basket and stretching her neck to look at the fish in the pond, screaming incessantly.

"Master, look at this fish is really big!"

"Master, look at the big fish with the little fish!"


"Master, how do you catch this shrimp?"

Zhao Xiaoyue, who couldn't stop talking along the way, was brought by Wen Xu to the edge of the shrimp pond, saw the pieces of shrimp in the pond, turned her head to Wen Wen and asked loudly, at this time Zhao Xiaoyue turned into a curious baby.

"Wait for me to get the net!" Wen Xu didn't stop at the edge of the shrimp pond, and walked directly to the shed, and took out the net that looked strange to Zhao Xiaoyue from inside.

Zhao Xiaoyue has seen nets before, but she has never seen this kind of net. It is more like a net bag than a net, with two crossed bow-shaped arms, a horn hanging from each end, and a fine-mesh mesh lining underneath. There is also a long bamboo pole with thick bowed arms, and this net bag is hung from the top end.

"How does this work?" Eyes widened curiously, Zhao Xiaoyue walked up to Wen Xu's side, stretched out her finger and poked the mesh lightly, seeing that her finger couldn't be exposed, she asked aloud.

At this time, Wen Xu was not in the mood to explain to her, but opened her mouth and said, "You will know soon."

Carrying the net, Wen Xu came to the edge of the pond, put the heavy end of the long pole on the edge of the pond, and inserted it into the wet mud quite deep, until it could no longer hold it in, and then pulled Hold the rope on the long pole, and slowly put the net into the pond. When you see a group of small shrimps swimming over, you just tighten the rope several times, and the net is under the force of the long pole. Under the action of the arm, it rose out of the water. At this time, there are a batch of jumping river prawns in the net.

"Wow, it's really fun, let me play too!"

Seeing that Wen Xu fished shrimps so easily, Zhao Xiaoyue immediately yelled to catch them herself.

Hearing that she wanted to try, Wen Xin smiled and gave her the rope in his hand, let her pull the rope first, then turned the net to the side of the pond, stretched out his hand in the net and plucked it with his hands. dial,

I fiddled with the shrimps in the pocket net, took out a small net bag with thin eyes from my pocket, and put two handfuls of shrimps in the pocket, of different sizes, and it was enough for two servings by visual inspection. As for the remaining shrimps, I put them back into the pond. I count them lucky today, and they won't be able to eat them!

Seeing Wen Xu let go, Zhao Xiaoyue got the pocket net, and immediately couldn't stop: "Hey, hey, hey!"

Wen Xu couldn't help laughing as he looked at it: "Why don't you reach out to support the moso bamboo pole? What are you doing by letting the pole shake like this?"

"I didn't see you holding the pole." Zhao Xiaoyue opened her mouth to explain herself.

Wen Xu explained: "How long have I been playing this, and how long have you been playing? You don't know how to ride a bicycle. If you see me riding a bicycle without holding the handlebars, you will not hold up the handlebars when you learn to ride? Then you will have to fall all over your head." bag!"

Seeing Zhao Xiaoyue put his hand on the bamboo pole, Wen Xu lowered his head again, and kept picking and picking in the shrimp pocket. This time, Wen Xu used a fine net for convenience, prawns and The shrimps got mixed together, because the big shrimps had to be boiled in salt water, and the small shrimps had to be fried with leeks, so while Zhao Xiaoyue was playing, Wen Xu squatted beside him to pick up the shrimps.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Looking at Zhao Xiaoyue's frantic look, Wen Xu couldn't help but want to laugh. Controlling such a net depends not only on strength, but also on skill, and skill is something that is impossible to master.

Although it's not too complicated, it's still a bit difficult for a girl like Zhao Xiaoyue who doesn't have much strength in her hands. When the net is in her hands, she's in a state of being in full swing. Wen Xu is watching it like a monkey show. Mouth cheerfully while picking shrimp while having fun.

After trying about 20 times, Zhao Xiaoyue successfully sank the net into the pond. After lifting it up, there were only a few shrimps on the two-meter square net.

"Master, master, I caught shrimp, look!"

"Well, yes, it would be nice to practice a few more times, but don't practice today, and come to practice when you have time. Now let's catch a chicken and go home to cook."

Wen Xu put the picked shrimps into two pockets, stood up and said to Zhao Xiaoyue. If this girl is allowed to continue practicing, let alone lunch, it will be a question of whether she can have dinner, so Wen Xu praised her and prepared to leave.

Zhao Xiaoyue nodded and was about to close the net. Seeing that Wen Xu was about to reach out, Zhao Xiaoyue quickly waved her hand and said, "Master, you rest, I'll come!"

Just like that, Zhao Xiaoyue carried the big net with difficulty, put it back into the shed according to Wen Xu's instructions, and then took the initiative to rescue the chicken.

"Move faster, how can you catch it like this, I think you run slower than a chicken!" Wen Xu stood by the side of the shed, leaning on the wall with one hand while guiding his female disciples on the spot.

This female disciple was unlucky at the beginning of the teacher, and her hands and feet were too inflexible. It was impossible to chase the chickens with her waist bent and her hands outstretched. You must know that these chickens raised by Wen Xu are so strong and clever, how can they be a person who often sits in the office? Even if the people from Xudong Company come over, they have to catch them early in the morning while they are in the nest.

"Stuck in the corner, stuck in the corner." Seeing Zhao Xiaoyue chasing the chicken unconsciously, Wen Xu pushed a little rooster to the corner and immediately pointed at the little cock standing in the corner, directing Zhao Xiaoyue to catch that one.

Zhao Xiaoyue also saw this little rooster at this time, stretched out her hands as if seeing little Luo Li's strange uncle, opened her arms with a salivating look on her face: "Little rooster, little rooster, don't run, don't run, I'm coming!"

Hearing this, Wen Xu almost didn't laugh aloud. Seeing her confronting the little rooster, Wen Nu couldn't help urging, "Okay, what are you talking about with the rooster? Reach out and grab it."

Zhao Xiaoyue actually said convincingly: "I'm trying to appease its emotions!"

Hearing that she was so reasonable, Wen Xu said: "Have you calmed down?"


After finishing speaking, Zhao Xiaoyue straightly stretched out her arms and crossed at the little cock in the corner. The fork that Wen Xu said was really forked. This girl didn't even know how to put her arms together. The little cock also flapped its wings and flew up. Seeing the little rooster flying up, Zhao Xiaoyue subconsciously didn't reach out to grab it, but put her face behind her, and her whole face shrunk into a ball, afraid that the rooster would jump at her. Eye.

How can such a shape catch a chicken?

The little rooster that had already flown stepped on her arms with both feet, then stood on her head, leaving behind a pile of chicken feces in an instant, then flapped its wings and jumped away.

Feeling something on her forehead, Zhao Xiaoyue subconsciously stretched out her hand to touch it, and immediately said disgustedly: "Ai acridine!"

The whole thing happened so fast that Wen Xu didn't react at all. When Wen Xu came back to his senses, Zhao Xiaoyue's head was already covered with chicken feces.

"Hurry up, hurry up and wash up!"

Wen Xu suppressed a smile, and took out a water ladle from the shed.

"How do you wash it?" Zhao Xiaoyue was crying at this moment.

At this time, seeing the little rooster strolling around a few meters away from him, he couldn't help saying bitterly: "Master, kill it today!"

"Okay, you go wash the chicken shit on your hair first, I will definitely catch it, you eat two more pieces of chicken today" put the scoop in her arms into her arms, and walked towards the little cock warmly past.

Pretending to be unintentional, Wen Xu walked up to the little rooster, bent down suddenly, and in a flash of lightning, he pushed the little cock down to the ground. The other chickens beside the little cock were also startled by Wen Xu's action , one after another clucked and ran to the side.

He reached out and grabbed the little rooster, and lifted the two wings in his hands like this, Wen Xu signaled to Zhao Xiaoyue: "Okay, I caught it, you hurry up and wash the chicken shit off your head , I will just take a shower, and when you get home, you can wash your hair well with washing water!"

Zhao Xiaoyue, with a lump of chicken feces on her head, walked to Wen Xu's side, reached out her hand and slapped the little rooster lightly, then walked to the edge of the pond with a ladle, reached out to scoop up water and flushed the head.

After a few ladles of water went down, Zhao Xiaoyue shouted by the pond: "Master, is there any more?"

Wen Xu walked over to take a look, and almost washed away all the chicken shit, so she nodded and said, "Okay, there's no more!"

Hearing what Wen Xu said, Zhao Xiaoyue shook her head vigorously a few times, then put it on her shoulders without tying it up, and followed Wen Xu back home.

Arriving at the intersection of the B\u0026B, Wen Xu first went to the check-in point of the B\u0026B, got the key for Zhao Xiaoyue, and then the two went home to prepare lunch.

On the first step home, Zhao Xiaoyue took her luggage back to her hut to take a bath, and Wen Xu, after smearing the chicken's neck with a knife, poured a small bowl of blood on the unlucky little cock and threw it on the ground After letting it struggle, it started to boil water and poke chicken feathers to prepare lunch.

Wen Xu was sitting on the terrace at the door of the hut, hiding in the shade of a tree, choosing vegetables, when she looked up, she saw Shi Shangzhen walking towards her.

"Hey, why is it so early today? You have a conscience, and you know how to work?" Wen Xu smiled and made fun of Shi Shangzhen.

"I'm here for a walk. I heard that your female apprentice from Mingzhu is here. I'm quite curious. You IT youth still have the idea of ​​bringing apprentices?"

After Shi Shangzhen finished speaking, he stretched his head and looked around, probably looking for Zhao Xiaoyue.

Wen Xu didn't think much about it, and said with a smile, "She is taking a bath in her room, and she insisted on catching chickens, but in the end the little rooster pulled some shit here."

Having said that, Wen Xu stretched out his finger and touched his head.

Shi Shangzhen was quite surprised when he heard this. It is not something ordinary people can do to prevent chickens from shitting on their heads, so he asked with a smile, "What a coincidence?"

Seeing Wen Xu nodded, Shi Shangzhen pulled a chair and sat opposite Wen Xu, bent down and reached out to grab a dozen or so leeks, and gently stroked the dead leaves and sundries with his fingers until the roots and leaves of the leeks Clean, this is a good choice.

"What are we eating today?"

"Dried shrimp with leeks, salt water river prawns, braised chicken nuggets..."

After reporting the name of the dish, Shi Shangzhen asked, "Did two prawns fall into the prawn nest?"

"If the guests want to eat, they just crave the small river prawns in the river." Wen Xu said with a smile.

While the two were talking, Zhao Xiaoyue came out of her hut. Although she lived next door, the balconies of the two houses were not connected, and there was an aisle more than two meters in between.

"Hello, my name is Zhao Xiaoyue, and I am Master Wen's apprentice"

Seeing Shi Shangzhen, Zhao Xiaoyue introduced herself again.

"Hello, I'm Shi Shangzhen, the village director here." Shi Shangzhen raised his head and smiled at Zhao Xiaoyue, and then introduced himself.

"Master, the director is so beautiful."

"You're pretty too"

Seeing the two women flattering each other, Wen Xu felt that she lowered her head and continued to choose the dishes in her hands.

Soon, Wen Xu deeply understood a sentence, women never realize that they love each other, just three short sentences, within two minutes, Shi Shangzhen and Zhao Xiaoyue chatted through the railing, from cosmetics, Clothing has been talked about the price of Pearl. Talk about everything.

Seeing that the two women were talking so enthusiastically, Wen Xu decided not to disturb their chat, took the leeks he had chosen, picked up the little rooster, and went to the cooking place to start cooking.

The offal of the little rooster, Wen Xu can't throw it away after seeing it. Anyway, there are a lot of leeks, so I fried them with leeks, so today's lunch dish became five dishes and one soup, three people five dishes and one soup standard plus Wen Xu's craftsmanship is really unmistakable, the two idlers who were eating straight could not stop nodding.

"Master, the director said that he can help me rent a cheap store."

As soon as the meal started, Zhao Xiaoyue reported the good news to Wen Xu with a smile on her face. 8

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