Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Seven hundred and thirteenth chapter things are not going well

After returning from the girl Hang Chen, Wen Xu, who was not very familiar with it before, is even more difficult to handle now. The three children happen to be one for each of the three. The teacher really doesn't care. He goes to the village office every day, except for breastfeeding. When I come back, I will go back and deal with the affairs of the village at other times.

Not to mention Wen Xu, even Xiao Yao can't get in his way, but now this brat spends more time with Mr. Shi, that is, Wen Xu can see him every morning and evening, and spends almost all other days endorsing at Mr. Shi's place. Practice calligraphy or something. In addition, he played wildly with a bunch of village children. Generally speaking, Xiaoyao's life is still very happy, he is cheerful all day long, and he doesn't see the gloomyness before.

It's not that Wen Xu doesn't have something to hug, these days Shi Shangzhen assigns Wen Xu the task of hugging Lao Bai, because as soon as this old thing is put down, it will immediately bite several girls and run around the yard, that posture is determined He wants to drive his own children out of the house so that he can monopolize the Wen family.

Just finished eating today, Lao Bai's hissing and the cries of a few little white weasels instantly resounded throughout the yard, Wen Xu didn't need anyone to notify him, and immediately rushed to the yard by himself to pick up Lao Bai, While stroking his hair, he was preparing to walk out of the yard.

Before he reached the door, he immediately heard something happened behind him, and the sharp howl of the fishing cat rang out. When Wen Xu turned his head, he saw two old fishing cats with furry hair and their tails raised high. Patrolling back and forth in the yard, a few little fishing cats meowed and looked pitifully at their angry parents. Every time they tried to get off the wall in the yard, they would immediately be beaten by their parents. Can and pitifully fled back to the wall.

"Could you please be quiet, this thing hasn't been settled yet, you guys are in trouble again!" Wen Nuan saw that it was not good, and the fishing cat chased away its cubs, and immediately said angrily.

When spring comes, these wild animals will naturally drive their grown children out of the house to live independently, and at the same time continue to reproduce their children. This is the law of nature, and wild animals obey this instinctively. living standards.

Only at this time did Wen Xu feel that raising a wild animal is really troublesome, can't he live with He Meimei like a house cat? At this moment, Wen Xin thinks that the two big fishing cats and Lao Bai are really not moving!

Thinking of this, Wen Xu immediately patted Lao Bai's forehead in his arms twice to relieve his hatred.

"What are you doing?"

At this time, Shi Shangzhen also finished his meal, and when he went out of the room, he tied a scarf around his neck and asked Wen Xu casually.

"The fishing cats are chasing away their cubs too." Wen Xu pointed at the two old fishing cats that looked crazy all over the yard, and then nodded at the pitiful kittens on the wall.

Shi Shangzhen took a look and said lightly: "Isn't it enough to send them out? When you go to Menliuwan later, ask and see who wants the little fishing cat and take one home!"

Seeing that Shi Shangzhen was about to go out after saying a word, Wen Xu immediately groaned twice and stopped her.

Seeing her looking at him with a puzzled face, Wen Xu said: "The fishing cat's problem is easy to solve, but what about these things?" asked the little white weasels.

"Wait, it will be resolved soon," Shi Shangzhen said.

"I've been waiting for a few days,

Have you and Xu Yue made up your mind, can't I, a big man, have a son who doesn't hug him all day long, and walk around the village with such a thing, right? "Wen Xu complained.

Shi Shangzhen said: "Xu Yue and I have made almost the same rules, but now the distribution is a bit difficult. In this village, there are either brothers or nephews. There are only a few mothers left in this first litter, and they are raised by one person. Other people will definitely have opinions, and besides, we still want to comprehensively analyze the conditions of each family to see who is suitable and who is not, and it is not something that can be decided by talking about it.”

Hearing what the daughter-in-law said, Wen Xu immediately frowned like a twist: "People say that she was pregnant for three years, it really makes sense!"

"How to say?" Shi Shang was really surprised.

Wen Xu said: "A cub has millions, what conditions do you consider? Whose family has such a cub that can't be used as a biological parent? Even if you say it's foster care, and then put all kinds of conditions , Including the sale of the little brat at the end, it all belongs to you, apart from all of this, the share between the two of you and the breeder is less than 30% to 70%?"

"How can we be so black-hearted, we don't expect this to make money, we just want to start some business, Xu Yue's business has not improved much so far, and we just find something to do when we are free. It's almost just for fun. Besides, didn't I just say that they are all brothers and nephews, and giving them a little bit of petty profit can last for a while, but it is not a long-term solution. We think they have worked hard to raise them. Responsible for sales, the money earned is half to half," Shi Shangzhen said.

I don't know when, Shi Shangzhen was also influenced by Wen Xu, and started a small business 'for fun'! This is the so-called one who is close to vermilion is red, and one who is close to ink is dark.

Hearing what the daughter-in-law said, Wen Xu nodded secretly in her heart.

For the couple, the money in the family is enough, they are not big spenders, they don’t chase after luxury cars, and they don’t have the mind to chase the richest man. No amount of money matters much. , to benefit the villagers is actually common prosperity.

Wen Xu opened his mouth and said: "Then the matter is simple. Use the village radio to announce that those who are interested in raising a few little female white weasels will come to the small square in front of the village office to draw lots. If you get lucky, you can only complain." If you are unlucky, you can't blame others!"

"Drawing lots again, isn't this a little too hasty?" Shi Shangzhen felt that he and Xu Yue were going to enter the high-end pet market at home and abroad, and now being associated with lotteries is not a bit of a drop in price.

"Then do you have any good ideas?" Wen Xu glanced at his daughter-in-law.

Shi Shang really thought for a while, and finally shook his head: "Really not!"

"That's how it is done! By the way, I'll let you know by the way when I'm waiting to shout the loudspeaker. If anyone wants to have the little fishing cats, they will send someone over to hug them. There are only a few of them in total. Is it too early or too late!" Wen Xu thought for a while and added the fishing cat.

Shi Shangzhen responded: "Okay, I understand!"

After speaking, he opened his legs and went out the door. Wen Xu hugged Lao Bai and walked out of the door. He walked through the small stone road at the door. Immediately, the addiction to riding a horse came up, and he found a corner to let Erbai out of space.

Erbai Wenxu in the space naturally wouldn't foolishly get a saddle for it to carry on his back, so Erbai was barebacked in the space, and Wenxin had to put on saddle bridles and the like.

Putting on the bridle requires your hands. As soon as Wen Nu let go, Lao Bai immediately slid home. The good guy’s four legs were kicking like a hot wheel, and the rat shadow could not be seen as soon as he slid. Even Wen Wen He didn't even have the effort to raise his hand to send it into the space.

Wen Xu hurriedly fixed Erbai's bridle and put the saddle on his back, then rode Erbai to the gate of the yard. When I got to the gate of the yard, I saw this guy chasing a few children outside the gate again.

Grabbing Lao Bai again and slapping him a few times 'hardly' by the skin of his neck, Wen Nu was about to mount the horse.

"elder brother!"

Upon hearing this voice, Wen Xu secretly thought something bad!

Sure enough, before Wen Xu got on the horse and escaped, the girl Hang Chen came to the door with a bang, stood in front of Wen Xu and stretched out his hand to grab Erbai's bridle.

"Brother, didn't you hear me calling?"

"No, I got dizzy after catching Laobai. Why don't you stay in the house and watch what your little nephew is doing when you have nothing to do?" Wen Xu said blankly, pretending that he didn't hear the girl calling him.

He said so, but his body consciously retracted the foot that had stepped on the stirrup. Wen Xu knew in her heart that the girl called herself at this time, and there could be no other things. Every time she called herself the happiest, there could only be two situations, one was when she was short of money, and the other was the current situation: she wanted to ride a horse .

"Little nephew is asleep"

Sure enough, after the girl finished speaking, she stretched out her hand to grab the rein from Wen Nu's hand, and Wen Nu tightened her grip slightly, and she slapped her hard.

"Wait, I'll tighten my girth tighter, remember don't ride too fast, don't act like a lunatic when you get on the horse..." Seeing the girl about to get on the horse, Wen Xu immediately stopped her, then stretched out her hand and began to tighten Got a girdle or something.

The girl has the temperament to run wildly after getting on the horse. For a young person like her, she has a more flamboyant personality, and if she has a beautiful horse, she probably feels sorry for her age if she doesn't run.

"Brother, take a video of me while I'm riding, and I'll put it in Moments," Hang Chen said.

"Okay, but you have to slow down!"

At this moment, Kung Fu Wenxu tidied Erbai's whole body up and down, and also carefully checked all the buttons and the like. If it was Wenxu himself, would he care, because Erbai's speed is at most a small Running fast, there are very few opportunities to gallop, but this little cousin of his family has no warmth at all.

After speaking, he put Hang Chen on Erbai's back, and Erbai immediately began to shake from side to side.

"Okay, okay, let someone else use this trick again, can you be better than Lai Pi?" Wen Xu saw that Erbai was about to throw the girl off the horse, and immediately rubbed gently from head to chest to comfort her a few times .

Wen Xu is afraid of this little cousin, if Erbai doesn't let her ride, she will be entangled for two days because of this matter, how could Wen Xu suffer from this. The tricks used to deal with Shi Shangwu are useless to Hang Chen at all, Shi Shangwu can't hold back his face, and he doesn't have the time to whisper such nonsense in his warm ear all day long, but Hang Chen has, And be patient!

Holding the girl on the horse's back, just as Wen Xu let go, she heard her shout: "Drive! Erbai, let's go!"

All of a sudden, Erbai's whole body sank slightly, kicked his hind legs on the ground, and immediately soared into the air, and was already more than one meter away when he hit the ground with one hoof.

Wen Xu only felt a gust of wind blowing across her face, and when she looked at the horse again, it was already a few meters away.

"Be careful, ouch!"

Just as Wen Xu yelled at Hang Chen to be more careful, he let go of Lao Bai and fell to the ground. When Wen Xu lowered his head again, Lao Bai disappeared.


After Wen Xu cursed in a low voice, she arrested Lao Bai first, held it in her hand, and ran towards the south of the village.

After leaving the village, I saw Hang Chen riding around on horseback from afar. This speed is not slow. The wind brought by Erbai almost made the girl's hair float into a straight line. One can imagine how fast this is. Soon.

"Brother, brother, hurry up and take a picture for me!" Hang Chen saw Wen Xu's head raised, and immediately flashed the rein with a distance of about ten meters away from Wen Xu, and sat on the horse proudly while pointing at Wen Xu Shouting to him to hurry up and take pictures.

What else could Wen Xu do, she took out her phone to take a picture!

Unexpectedly, the girl was not satisfied after taking pictures several times, either because she disliked the blurry photos, or because she disliked not taking pictures of herself beautifully. In the end, Wen Xu turned her head and went back to the village with Lao Bai, no matter how the girl shouted behind her. Not going back.


As soon as I entered the village, I heard Shi Shangzhen's voice coming from several loudspeakers in the village: "Hey, hello, let me inform you that there are people who want to raise white rats, come to the village office at four o'clock in the afternoon. Draw lots at the gate to sign the contract, if someone wants to raise a little fishing cat, just send someone to the house to hug it..."

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