Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 718: New Town

After changing his clothes, he rode Erbai Wenxu out and left the village directly from the door of his house, then turned around and ran towards the golf course in Southwest Village.

When I arrived at the stadium, I found that it was the time when there were many people. Not only the standard stadium, but also the driving range for practice was full of people. From time to time, people from the village could be seen. The eldest daughter and the younger daughter-in-law also played very happily.

"Why did you come here?"

As soon as Wen Xu raised his head, he immediately heard Wen Shigui yell at him.

Wen Xu smiled and said: "I'm in a hurry, if it wasn't for the third brother who asked me to change my clothes, I would have come earlier!"

Wen Shida looked at Wen Xu and said with a smile, "This is the clothes you changed into?"

"Okay!" Wen Xu didn't want to appear on the court with a set of trousers and leather shoes, dressed as if he could be a groom's official, not to mention, it's awkward.

"Okay, stop talking, go in quickly, or I will be urged again." Wen Shiqing looked at the watch on his wrist and urged his brothers.

Just go in, just go in, just like that, Wen Xu entered the stadium with the three elder brothers.

"Let's play a pairing game today. Let me tell you the rules. On the first hole, we form a team with palms and backs. On the second hole, the first and fourth players on the first hole form a team, and the second and third players form a team. Form a team, each time after playing a hole, they will regroup according to this standard. Everyone will count their own points. After the game is finally decided, there will be no chance of losing their heads. It is agreed that the loser will invite Jingya tonight. Xuan Ting Xiangsheng..." Wen Shida saw that everyone had set up their postures, so he began to talk about today's rules.

Playing ball has to be a bit of a trick. Gambling is not allowed in the village. If you are caught, you will be punished very severely. Let alone a villager or a tourist who is caught gambling, you will be directly driven out of the village and sent to the police station for a few days. The result is From now on, you will no longer be able to book a room in Wenjia Village, so everyone can only play with such things as entertaining guests and listening to operas.

As for Jingyaxuan, which is a newly opened theater in the town, the owner is none other than Xu Daxin and Wen Xu. Wen Xu's share in it is not small, because Xu Daxin insisted on bringing Wen Xu, a "local snake", together. Wen Xu couldn't get in the way, so he also invested in a few shares, but he didn't expect the business to be good.

It is said that the opera building is not just for singing operas. In addition to the opera stage, there is also a teahouse. There are storytellers, cross talk, and Pingtan. In short, they are all old things, divided into four venues. , the subject is a theater.

Places like this used to be unpopular, but now this kind of old stuff is more and more popular with everyone. Although the main force is still middle-aged and elderly people, it is obvious that more and more young people are beginning to return to the things of our nation.

It can be seen from this that with the development of our country's economy, our people are becoming more and more confident. When we look back at our own culture, we are no longer dross and no longer belittle ourselves. Instead, we are more and more fond of traditional literature and art and The acceptance of art is also increasing.

These newly built things in the town belong to the characteristic town project called by the state. Now the center of the town is no longer the original place. A new town has been built next to the old town, all of which are Jiangnan buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Many old things can be used It can be seen that the main focus is such an antique town that sells humanistic feelings.

The money spent listening to a cross talk is nothing to the current Wen family villagers.

It is completely classified as hand-stitched, and it is enough to listen to it for a day, mass entertainment consumption. Others can afford it, so how could Wen Xu worry about this? Naturally, he nodded without thinking.

"That's not enough, everyone got up early, not only the cross talk tonight, but also the old Dongxing tomorrow morning!" Wen Shigui added with a smile.

"We're fine, what about you, Shixu?" Wen Shiqing looked at Wenxu with a smile.

Wen Xu smiled and spread his hands: "You think I'm the loser? Today I'm in a fight with my brother!"

"Well, since you'll be fine tomorrow, plus a play in the morning, tomorrow's singing is "Si Lang Visits His Mother", don't be the last one to cover everything, the last one is in charge of tonight's cross talk, plus tomorrow For my son's breakfast, the penultimate one is tomorrow morning's "Shiro Visits His Mother"!"

"no problem!"

The remaining brothers immediately responded in unison.

Now that we have the lottery and the rules, let's start fighting!

It was only after starting this fight that Wen Xu discovered that talent is not as good as hard work, and my half-toned level turned out to be crushing for my elder brothers, who knows I haven’t seen each other for a few months, they are making rapid progress, don’t look at each of them Fighting the world with one pole, the level is improving so fast, the four stinky balls are even on par.

Playing something like this has to be well-matched to be fun, otherwise it will not be fun for both the crush and the crushed over a long period of time. So this four-player game was extremely enjoyable. After four full hours, Wen Shigui took the last place, and Wen Xu changed from the original first place to the last place.

"Yo, Shibie three days should be admirable"

As soon as the ball was played, Wen Xu leaned on the cue stick in his hand and said to his brother with a few jokes.

My brother is also very proud!

He was beaten to death by Wen Xu before, but now after a few months of hard work, he actually got a tie with Wen Xu, and suddenly felt that all three of his elder brothers had improved a lot.

"Our brothers play one game every afternoon, except for the wind and rain, there is almost no interruption. What are you doing? You wandered around all day, and naturally we caught up!"

Wen Shida said very proudly.

At this moment, a childish chuckle suddenly came from the side of the four of them.


Everyone looked back and found a little girl about ten years old carrying a leather golf bag and holding a young man in his early thirties with one hand. It seemed that they should be father and daughter.

"Father, they are really boastful. They play so badly. It's really interesting to brag about each other after the game!" The little girl pointed at the four of them with her little finger.

The man immediately stopped his daughter, and then apologized to Wen Xu and the others: "I'm sorry, the children are talking nonsense, you guys don't take it to heart!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and trained his daughter: "Don't be so rude, children!"

"It's okay, kid!"

Wen Xu couldn't help but blushed a little, because he had seen his father and daughter playing, not to mention the father, but this little girl alone would probably be able to match up to two or three of him.

What's more, what they said is true. Wen Xuman has played less than ten games even if he is full. If you say he can get better, it is just because of his better ball feel. As for Wen Shigui, he has learned a lot from the coach. Day, after a few days, I felt that I had figured it out, and I also began to think that the coach's fee was high. My brothers played wild tricks, how could they play well just by groping?

So what the little girl said about flattering each other is really not wrong.

Wen Shigui and the others did the same, blushing and wryly smiling and said: "The child is right, we just have fun when we are older."

In the end, the old man couldn't help but excused himself.

The man couldn't stop apologizing several times, and then he took his little girl and left quickly.

As soon as the little girl left, the few of them couldn't continue bragging about each other shamelessly, so they packed up their equipment and got on their own horses to go home.

When Wen Xu got home, he immediately started cooking. After eating, he said something to Shi Shangzhen to listen to cross talk with his brothers in the evening, then drove around the door of each house to pick up a few brothers, and drove towards the town .

Now that the new town has moved to the south, motorized vehicles are prohibited from entering the new town from 6:00 in the morning, and even if they go in, they have to drive out at this time.

From six in the morning to one in the morning, there are only rickshaws or flatbed carriages in the whole town during this time. This kind of car costs ten yuan to get on the bus, and it is more expensive for a single person. Anyway, people in this town don't know how to ride it. Almost all the people who like this tune are tourists.

The car cannot enter the town and can only be parked in the outer parking lot. The four brothers stopped the car and walked towards the town while chatting.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, but the whole town was lit up. Lines of linear light source lights almost outlined the outline of every house, and from time to time, I saw patches of surface light dyeing the entire wall. With the change of light, the wall also presents a colorful effect. The whole town showed a different kind of brilliance.

Although the houses are not high, the tallest is four floors, but the night town reconstructed by three kinds of lights, points, lines and planes, shows a completely different visual effect from the ancient ones in the daytime. It seems that it still has a little aesthetic illusion.

Now that the lights are on, it is the peak time for tourists to travel. Regardless of whether they live in a small town or a nearby homestay, they all choose to come to the town at this time to experience the customs of Ming and Qing Dynasties.

If a folklore or historian is to judge, there are almost no qualified ones in the town, but such a dress satisfies the curiosity of ordinary tourists. Just like what the designer of the small town said, for tourists, they don’t need to reproduce the original folk scene, but need to express the Ming and Qing styles in their inner imagination. the best.

Wen Xu admires this designer very much. Since the opening of the whole town this spring, it has welcomed batch after batch of guests immediately. Although it is not as good as the flow of people during the Ice and Snow Festival, it can still be regarded as a tourist attraction for the county. The economy has added another important item.

The four of them walked and strolled, and came to the door of Jingyaxuan leisurely.

"Yo, the four masters are here?"

Before the four of them stood still, a man dressed as a mistress greeted him with a smile. This mistress was dressed very distinctively, and generally followed the characteristics of the Ming Dynasty. At the beginning, Xu Daxin planned to use melon skin hats and vests. Clothes, but Wen Xu sees braids on TV all day long, so I can’t let this thing be placed at the door of the house. As a man who has received the education of the new China, who the fuck is it? Wenxu didn't do it, so he resolutely changed to the adjusted Ming Dynasty costumes. I didn't expect this to be done. The reverse is different from the ones introduced in some places. It is obvious that the people's love for pigtails and braids is no match for Wa Leng. The beauty of hats and Confucian scarves, soon the whole street has this style, except for tourists, it seems to be integrated into the picture of Ming Dynasty life imagined in everyone's mind.

"Are there any seats at the cross talk place?" Wen Xu asked.

Xiao Er knew Wen Xu, and knew that this was his boss, but there were too many people today, so he said with embarrassment: "Let me ask you, there are too many people in this scene today, and at this moment The performance has already started, I don’t know if there are any good seats!”

"If not, let's wait for the next game, or watch something else first." Wen Shigui said with a smile to Xiaoer who was welcoming guests at the door.

Xiaoer replied with a smile: "My lords are considerate, please go in!"

After speaking, he shouted towards the inside: "Four masters!"

Following Xiao Er's roar, another person immediately came out of the room to welcome the four of them inside, and first led the four of them to the hall. This is a place for entertaining guests, usually reserved for those who missed the show.

As soon as Wen Xu and the others settled down, a little girl wearing the same Ming Dynasty costumes came over with a tray, quickly served two plates of melon seeds and hanging stove peanuts, and a cup of tea was placed in front of each of them. After filling the cups of the four people with the teapot, he blessed the four people and left with the tray.

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