Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 737: Nowhere to Send

"It's all your fault!" Guang Jue began to accuse Guang Heng.

"It's your fault!" How could Guangheng admit it.

"It's your fault!" Guang Jing looked at her two elder brothers, and decided to blame the one she pointed at.

Obviously Guangjue is now a one-on-two.

After the three little things couldn't make sense, they quickly moved their hands. It was originally a one-on-two, but it developed into a war of the Three Kingdoms. The three little things were tumbling on the ground. Mom complained.

Wen Xu acted as if he hadn't seen it, and Shi Shang really couldn't see it very quickly. He walked over and slapped one of them up, and after a slap, he carried them to the stairs and stood there, not allowed to move.

Standing for a minute, the three little things still didn't talk to each other. Everyone saw others with their mouths curled up and their chins raised, as if I didn't like you. It didn't take long in the blink of an eye, and I didn't know who started. The three Little thing, you tickle me, and I tickle you, standing in the corner and giggling while playing around.

After packing up her things, Wen Xu went into the warehouse to search, found a roll of iron wire, twisted it into three pieces with pliers, and each piece could be rolled into a shape about 20 centimeters round. Bend the iron wire into a circle with pliers, then took it out of the warehouse and went to the yard, put the iron wire in my hand on the couch, went to the wild bamboo pile in the backyard, picked three thumb-thick bamboos, and cut them into pieces. The length of about two meters is in my hand.

When I returned to the yard, I found that Niu Niu and Ke Ke had arrived with Shen Qi and Zhou Lifeng. The family of four was dressed almost like parent-child attire. Everyone was wearing water boots, and they were all in the same color. Yi Yishui'er is particularly eye-catching in pink. The lower body is beige thick cloth trousers, and the upper body is a pink jacket. The only thing that is not uniform is the hat. Both children are blue with small wide-brimmed cloth caps. Shen Qi It was a straw hat, while Zhou Lifeng was an electrician's hat. He was the poorest of the four.

"How about it?"

Zhou Lifeng saw Wen Xu enter the yard, and opened his arms to Wen Xu to signal.

"Anywhere is fine, but this hat is too ridiculous, why wear an electrician's hat, I'll find you a straw hat to wear later, the brim is too narrow, it's not suitable to go into the forest" Wen Wen asked with a smile.

Without waiting for Zhou Lifeng to answer, Niu Niu noticed the bamboo pole in Wen Xu's hand, and said, "Uncle Wen, our sticky pole is broken!"

Wen Xu smiled and raised his hand: "Here, this is the new sticky pole prepared for you, you think uncle doesn't know that your pole is broken!"

This old child, even if you throw them a shovel, it might be broken by you in a few days, let alone the sticky bamboo pole, which Wen Xin cut down several times in the summer last year. Bamboo, make sticky sticks for these two little things, no need for them to say that Wen Xu has already made experience, no matter how good it is, it is a one-off.

Zhou Lifeng looked at the bamboo pole in Wen Xu's hand and said, "What kind of pole is this?"

"The sticky pole is used after dark. I know that monkeys will come out in the evening, and they will climb very high in the middle of the night. Children need this thing, but adults generally don't need it." Wen Wen explained a little .

Zhou Lifeng looked very interested. He wanted to interact more with his own children, so he said, "I'll learn how to do it!"

"Very simple!"

As he spoke, Wen Xu took the bamboo pole and came to the side of the couch, and used a long awl to open up the joints between the bamboos from one end of the bamboo, and then used a knife to pin a small groove at the opened end, and then put the newly bent Insert the two straight ends of the round wire ring into the bamboo, and finally use a small piece of cloth or a small rope to fix the wire for a while.

Zhou Lifeng knew it at first glance, it was really nothing technical, so the remaining two Wen Xu were naturally handed over to him, and he went into the room and began to change clothes and boots.

In this season, if you go into the woods to catch monkeys, you need boots, because now there are snakes hiding in the woods, most of them are non-poisonous, but there are one or two that are poisonous. The toxicity is not very strong, but in case of everything, it is better to wear thick pants and boots, or it will be troublesome if you take a bite.

Just as Wen Xu came downstairs, Shi Shangzhen immediately stopped him: "Wen Xu, take your son with you!"

Looking back, Wen Xu found that the three little things were already in a ready state, and each of them had gloves on their little hands. As for the head and other places, they had already been wrapped in a small leather coat , the face was exposed outside, and it was covered with a layer of insect-proof net.

"As for what? It's like being attacked by biochemicals!" Wen Xu felt that his daughter-in-law was making a big fuss.

"Don't worry about it, I don't have time to watch them at night, so you take them to catch Zhizhi," Shi Shangzhen said.

Wen Xu thought for a moment: "Why don't you send them to Grandpa?"

"Grandpa is teaching Xiaoyao to learn general history, how can I take them with me when I have time, and how can the three of you make people safe! Now no one wants it anymore," Shi Shangzhen said again.

The three little ones were so happy when they heard that they were going out to play. They all grinned and looked at their father with a smile.

"Dad, I am very obedient!"

"I am also obedient!"

"I am more obedient than my two brothers! I am a good boy!"

Wen Xu curled her lips: "You are all good children, there are not good children in this world! It's okay, it's okay, don't be loyal and obedient, let's go together!"


Hearing that Wen Xu agreed, the three little things ran out of the yard cheering.

When Wen Xu and his wife arrived at the yard, Niu Niu and Ke Ke each held a child by the hand, and they were already outside the yard.

"Dahua Erhua!" Wen Xu yelled at the bear's den, and Dahua Erhua came to Wen Xu with her fat butt twisting.

Wen Xu pointed at the children at the door, and two big female bears ran over.

"Wow, Dahua Erhua has grown so big!" Zhou Lifeng couldn't help sighing when he saw Dahua Erhua stand up now.

Every time he sees the second flower of the big flower, he sighs, not only him, even Mr. Jia sighs when he sees the second flower of the big flower, wild black bears can't grow very big, crescent bears are also Asian bears , is actually a very small bear, with a weight of about 150 kilograms. When the brown bear is far from small, the female brown bear can grow to 250 kilograms, but the big flower and the second flower are not the standard of the black bear. It is considered a big guy by standard measure. I haven't weighed it carefully in the past two months. When I weighed it before the Chinese New Year, it was already 285 kilograms. You must know that the big flower and the second flower are female bears.

"I can eat and sleep, and I don't have anything to worry about all day long. What do you do if you don't grow up stupid?" Wen Xu explained with a smile.

Zhou Lifeng then asked: "Isn't it right for the big flower and the second flower to be in love this year? How do you want to solve this problem?"

When Wen Xu heard him ask this question, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. I have to say that Wen Xu really hadn't thought about this question. The Erhua Dahua will definitely find a partner when she gets old, but with their physiques, the average male The bear was probably trembling with fright before he saw it.

"I really haven't thought about it, anyway, let's talk about it later, there are quite a few bears in the woods, there is always a suitable one," Wen Xu said casually.

Shen Qi interjected at this time: "It's really weird. The fishing cat in your family gave birth to a litter or two last year. Others, like Lao Bai, haven't given birth to cubs, right?"

"It's true that Lao Bai never gave birth. As for whether the scum and the orange cat have ever had cubs, I really don't know." Wen Wen smiled and added: "What's the matter, you are also waiting to hold Lao Bai's baby." cub?"

"We don't have that kind of skill. The two in the family will be too noisy. Besides, there are two wild boars that big. The yard will be difficult to raise soon. Lifeng and I are discussing how to feed them in the yard. Let's build a bigger nest, alas, I don't know what to do if this continues!" Shen Qi said with a smile.

The two wild boars in their family are also getting bigger and bigger, and they have already weighed over 150 catties. If it weren't for these two things that are very clean, the big and small ones are not pulled at home, and they often like to take a bath. It is estimated that no one can enter Zhou Lifeng's small villa yard, thinking about how it would feel if their yard became a real pigsty?

Even if wild boars like to be clean and have no peculiar smell, as their size gets bigger and bigger, there will be more and more troublesome things. The most critical thing is that the family is now reluctant to sell them or eat them, so they let them go. They came back after half a day, and the caretaker of the house is a good hand. Let's put it this way, the two wild boars have become a member of their family

"Build a bigger circle in the backyard," Wen Xu said with a smile.

"Can you go away, it's almost dark! You guys are so annoying!"

The adults still wanted to continue chatting, but the two children at the door were not happy, Niu Niu looked at the adults who were chatting in the yard with a disgusted expression, and complained.

Zhou Lifeng smiled after hearing this and said, "Here, here we come, I'm making you anxious!"

"If you don't hurry up, the good position will be taken up by others." Ke Ke also pouted.

Wen Xu smiled and said, "Come on, come on!"

Just like that, Niu Niu Keke walked ahead with the three little guys from Wen Xu's family, while the three adults followed behind and chatted slowly while walking.

"Uncle Wen, where are we going to snare?" Niu Niu stopped in front of a locust tree forest and turned to Wen Xu to ask.

Wen Xu took a look and said, "Just here!"

The snare refers to looking for spider webs, and then using the ring on the pole to stretch the spider web on the ring, it is very simple to buckle the iron ring against the spider web, because the spider web is sticky, hang it directly on the iron ring, then There is a spider web in the middle of the hoop. Because we are catching monkeys, not all spider webs are suitable for use. We need to find a kind of long-legged spider with a little bit of white body. Sticky, the most important thing is that this kind of spider silk will melt soon after it touches the water. Knowing that monkeys eat, it is more convenient to use this kind of spider silk to stick it down and wash it.

Because this kind of spider seems to like the locust tree very much, everyone will gather their webs in the locust tree. Of course, it's not that there are no other forests, but there are not as many as in the pagoda tree forest.

Since it was decided to snare the net here, Wen Xu and his group naturally went in.

After walking for a while, I heard a child talking, and I didn't even need to look to know that this group of boys also came here to collect spider webs. As for what they were doing, I didn't need to ask. At this time, there would be nothing else except catching cicadas.

After passing through these small things, I first made a web, and there was no useful spider web on the way. After walking for about five or six minutes, Niu Niu and Ke Ke's mouths were flattened.

At first glance, Wen Xu felt that he should change places. It would be a dream come true for his group of people to run past a bunch of brats, so he opened his mouth and said, "Let's go, let's go to my forest, there are too many brats here." .

Hearing what Wen Xu said, Niu Niu and Ke Ke, who were leading the way, immediately stopped what they were doing and nodded in agreement.

But the three little things from Wen Xu's family were not very happy, because each of these three little things now holds a stick in their hands, watching others sweep the grass, they 'beat' grass to play like that, and now they play I was just happy to hear that I was leaving, how could everyone be happy.

In the end, Wen Xu had no choice but to pinch one with one arm, Zhou Lifeng helped pinch one, and finally pinched the three little things that were full of fun out of the locust forest.

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