Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 739 Treacherous

1 Yu Yao and Xu Daxin not only came to his house to catch monkeys, but also took up his own place, insisting on catching monkeys with him. Fortunately, the ones in the woods here are pretty good. Wen Xu gave up after catching more than a hundred of them, and kept two of them to continue catching them in the woods. Zhou Lifeng's family.

Zhou Lifeng heard someone talking from Wen Xu's side, and after waiting for Wen Xu to come over, he asked, "Who is it?"

"Yu Yao and Xu Daxin, these two guys have nothing to do. I heard other children yelling to catch monkeys, and they came here to catch monkeys at their own leisure, and they even took my treasure land!" Wen Xin said with a smile.

Zhou Lifeng said: "Where is your treasure land? Ours is the one here. Don't even mention the place where Niu Niu and Ke Ke chose. Cicada Monkey picks a lot more than us!"

Zhou Lifeng praised his own child.

Ke Ke is a person who doesn't boast, and when he praises, he will cock his tail, and his face will be full of color immediately: "You are so stupid, it is easy for monkeys to crawl out in places with soft soil, so at this time, you must look for soft soil. Some soil, if you want it to be hard, you have to wait after the rain, there will be more monkeys every night from June onwards!"

The girl was talking, when she suddenly saw her father holding a cicada monkey that was obviously smaller and was about to put it in a plastic bag.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The girl hurriedly stopped Zhou Lifeng's movements.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Lifeng immediately stopped his hands in mid-air.

Niu Niu looked at it and immediately said: "I know that monkeys belong to Jin Zhi, they can't be eaten! How many did you put in?" The little guy ran to his father while talking, and went to the monkey with his flashlight. In a plastic bag.

Zhou Lifeng scratched his head after hearing this and said, "How did I know that there are different sizes, I thought it was a smaller cicada monkey!"


Just go back to pick it up at night. It's not that this thing can't be eaten, but some people are allergic to this little cicada, and it's very powerful! " Wen Xu said.

"Hey!" The little girl looked at her father with helplessness on her face and said, "I can't do this well, and I don't know what to do when you get old?"

Xiaodasi's words immediately stunned the five adults around. Zhou Lifeng was speechless when he came back to his senses and was made by his own daughter. Wen Xu and Shen Qi were directly amused.

While laughing, Shen Qi stretched out her hand and patted the back of her daughter's head lightly: "You little man! When your father gets old, he will come to live with you!"

Ke Ke thought for a while, pointed at his elder brother Niuniu and said, "Let's go live at my elder brother's house!"

Zhou Lifeng covered his face and remained silent. Seeing his daughter dislike him so much, he couldn't help sighing, and then said to Wen Xu and Shen Qi, "I'll go say hello to Xu Daxin and Yu Yao!"

After hearing this, Shen Qi said, "I'll go with you!"

Both of them left, so Wen Xu had to stay and take care of Niu Niu and Ke Ke. In fact, the two little things don’t need to be taken care of. Catching cicada monkeys is a kind of pediatrics for the two of them. .

Zhou Lifeng and his wife came back from a walk, and the two families decided to withdraw from the team. This food is good enough to eat fresh, and it is unrealistic to really expect to eat it as a meal.

At the entrance of the village, Shen Qi asked Niu Niu to share a little of the cicada monkeys in her bag to Wen Nu.

"You have a lot of family members. Don't look at the little ones, you like to eat this. Don't be too polite!" Seeing that Wen Xu wanted to refuse, Shen Qi said immediately.

Niu Niu also said obediently at this time: "Uncle Wen, take it, we still have a lot at home, and besides, we can catch more if we want to eat!"

Ke Ke didn't know what to say next to her, she just couldn't help but nodded while humming.

Zhou Lifeng also said at this time: "Take it, let the children know that sharing food is also a good thing!"

"Okay, then I won't be polite!" Wen Xu took the small bag from Niu Niu's hand, then squatted down to face Niu Niu and Ke Ke, and solemnly said thank you.

Just like that, the two families separated at the entrance of the village, and Wen Xu returned home with the child in her arms and the big flower Erhua.

Shi Shangzhen had already gone to bed, and when he saw Wen Xu coming back, he couldn't help complaining, "Why are you coming back now? Do you see what time it is?"

"Knowing that you like this, I caught some more!" Wen Xu smiled and shook the bag in his hand at his daughter-in-law: "The little bag was given by Niu Niu and Ke Ke, and I was held back by my sons. I can catch more."

Seeing Wen Xu holding the child in one hand and shaking the bag in his hand with the other, saying that he liked it so he caught more, he couldn't help but feel sweet, and walked over to take the child: "This thing can't be eaten if you are full." , just eat a few of them and try something new!"

"No, Dahua still has two on her back, go and hug one, and give the rest to me!"

As Wen Xu said, he put the cicada monkey in his hand on the table, and then reached out to hug the second child, Guangheng. He took off his jacket and everything, put on his pajamas and put them on their respective small beds.

The three little things didn't wake up from the beginning to the end, they just closed their eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The husband and wife put the child down and covered the quilt, standing side by side beside the child's bed, smiling and looking at the three sleeping little things.

Shi Shangzhen looked at the three lovely sons, his heart melted a little, and he said softly to Wen Xu: "In a blink of an eye, the children will be able to run around."

"Our children are smarter!" Wen Xu also looked at the three children proudly.

It's not a warm bragging, but it's true. People's children are more than one year old and can't say a lot of things clearly. The three babies in my family can already express themselves clearly, and they can even sue. I don't know if it's the Lao Dao's constant nagging every day, or Wen Xu's side is affected by the space, the three children grow up much faster than ordinary children, and now those who say they don't know when they are two years old must believe it.

"Okay, which family doesn't think their children are good!"

Shi Shangzhen chuckled, turned his head and patted Wen Xu's chest: "Let's go, let the child sleep!"

Wen Xu directly grabbed his wife's hand, and the two held hands so sweetly to the door, turned off the light and walked back to their room.

As soon as he entered the door and was about to do some activities, Wen Xu suddenly remembered that the cicada monkey hadn't been dealt with and immediately said: "Wait a minute, I'll go and deal with the cicada monkey before I come up!"

Wen Xu really wants to spend some time with his wife now, but if the cicada monkey doesn't deal with it, he will probably have to eat cicada tomorrow morning, and the whole night's work will be in vain.

Shi Shangzhen said with a smile: "Let's go together!"

So the young couple went downstairs holding hands again, and started to wash the cicada monkey together. After washing it, they put it directly in a glass jar and coded it with salt. It won't peel off anymore. If it's salted to death, the skin will fade away.

After the matter was done, Wen Xu hugged Shi Shangzhen without any warning, and then carried it on his shoulders.

Shi Shangzhen was startled by Wen Xu, and immediately said: "Put me down quickly! Put me down quickly!"

Wen Xu smiled and said, "It's so easy!"

Carrying the daughter-in-law and walking upstairs, after the young couple closed the door, they naturally had to do some 'trifles'.

It may be because I did too many "trifles" the night before, and I woke up a little late in the morning, not only a little late, but also a little pain in my waist.

"Ouch! If someone else really can't deal with you, it's just a juicer!" Wen Xu flirted with the daughter-in-law sitting in front of the dressing table.

Shi Shangzhen was blushed by her husband, turned around and spat at him: "You're just a juicer, go play with it!"

A warm and weird smile: "Okay, I'm a juicer! I'm a juicer!"

"Spit!" In an instant, Shi Shang really understood what her husband meant, and spat at him again with a smile: "There is no time for seriousness!"

The couple were laughing and laughing, when they heard the scum in the yard yelling a few times, Shi Shangzhen stood up slightly, stretched his neck and looked into the yard.

"Why did Yu Yao come here early in the morning? What's the rush?"

Hearing what my daughter-in-law said, Wen Xu immediately remembered what she said yesterday, and said with a wry smile: "I'll go, I asked him to come this morning, who asked him to come so early!"

As she said that, Wen Xu rolled over from the bed, and began to put on her clothes.

Shi Shangzhen asked casually: "What's the matter?"

Wen Xu explained while putting on his clothes: "The last time I was hunting wolves, I picked up a slate with ghost-drawing runes written on it. I know he likes these things, so I said I would show them to him. I happened to catch the monkey last night. It's time to meet..."

After a brief introduction of the matter, Wen Xu almost got dressed, walked over and kissed his wife on the forehead, then ran downstairs and touched the stone slab out of the space.

Seeing Wen Xu come out, Yu Yao immediately showed a smile on his face: "I thought you didn't get up?"

"You also know that it's early now?" Wen Xu sneered at him with a smile, and then handed over the slate in his hand.

"Look slowly, I'll make you a pot of tea here!"

When Yu Yao got the slate, he immediately showed a look of fondness for it, and when he heard that Wen Xu wanted to make tea for himself, he immediately said: "No, no! Can I take this thing back to look at?"

"Okay, by the way, what is written on it?" Wen Xu looked at the slate curiously and said.

"It seems to be a scripture!" Yu Yao said.

"Scripture? It turned out to be a monk!"

Wen Xu thought that the scriptures referred to Buddhist scriptures. Even if he didn't believe in Buddhism, Wen Xu knew that some scriptures were written in Sanskrit, so he thought these things were in Sanskrit.

"It's not a monk's scripture, this is not Sanskrit, it looks like ancient Persian script to me! It seems to be cuneiform script! I once read a Zoroastrian scripture, which is similar to this!" Yu Yao said.

"I don't care what it is. If you want to take it back to read, you can take it back and read it. Remember, this is the property of the village library! Don't lose it to me!" Wen Xu said.

Originally, Wen Xu wanted to give it to you, but when I heard about Gu Boqi, I felt that even if it was worthless, it was a bit too expensive. It was some kind of cuneiform script, so I decided not to give it away, and verbally expressed that I would donate it to the village library.

"Okay, okay, I get it! Why do you have so many good things in the library of your village!" Yu Yao muttered.

The books donated by Wen Xu alone have already made this rural library famous. Now you say that you study ancient Chinese, but you have never seen the books here, or you have read the reprinted edition. You are embarrassed to say You are a master, the books in the Wenjia Village Library provide another source for many historical events that were tampered with and destroyed by the Manchu government and its slave literati, such as Ji Xiaolan, who whitewashed the Qing government and belittled the Ming government an explanation or statement.

Let's put it this way, relying on those books, the occupancy rate of the small stilted buildings over Liyu Bay can reach 30 to 40% a year!

Usually in the ivory tower to the level of an old pedant, how can I save a little money! So from the completion of the library, scholars have been invited to read it. Of course, if you want to see it, you have to rent a house first. As for those who want to watch it without money, and even offered to set up a tent, Wenjiacun is not a charity organization, and they are not allowed to come in.

So when Yu Yao said that this thing was written in cuneiform script, Wen Xu immediately changed his words and changed his words from sending to borrowing. Wen Xu didn't talk about the location of the small stone house that he originally planned to tell him now.

At this time, Wen Xu was thinking in his heart, if he could dig out the oil and water, he would go back to the village, if he couldn't, then he would give him a favor. I have to say that the current Wen Xu is quite 'treacherous'.

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