Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Seven hundred and fiftieth chapters wedding dress

The reason why Wen Xu asks this question is because he thinks it’s a little too incredible. This place is about as big as five or six football fields. The conditions here are not the same as in the past. Even if you want to build such a place in the depths of the forest now, it’s not a lie. It’s just a matter of talking about it. It’s hard to imagine how the engineering conditions in ancient times would be like this. Didn’t you see that the radar station on Pingdingfeng has been built for more than a year? The speed of the demon is still so, let alone the level of technology in ancient times.

Hearing what Wen Xu said, Old Man Qian immediately smiled and nodded Wen Xu: "How is that possible? In my opinion, this place should be a natural extinct volcanic crater. These Zoroastrian believers have used this terrain to transform it, that's all. But having said that, even if it’s just a renovation project, it’s not enough in ancient times.”

"Old Qian, old Qian, hurry up and take a look!"

Suddenly there was a joyful voice, and one could tell that the person who spoke must be on something that excited him.

Wen Xu followed Lao Qian and walked in the direction of the voice.

When Wen Xu walked over, he found that he couldn't squeeze in at all, because the four old men and Fatty Yu had already covered the door of the small stone house, not only others but Fatty Yu's figure, and one person almost occupied the inside one third of the space. Let alone going in, even if you want to poke your head out to have a look, it won't work.


Wen Xu stood at the door, leaning on the stone wall, tiptoeing his head and looking inside, only to see that the inside was either dark with stones or the backs of several people's heads.

The people inside are very excited now and don't have the time to care about warmth, they are whispering about something inside.

"What did you find?" Xu Daxin walked over at this moment, looked inside and asked Wen Xu.

Wen Xu pointed at the human wall in front of her, and said with a smile, "I didn't see anything either!"


gold! "

At this moment, Yu Yaozi's cheerful cry came from the crowd.

As soon as he heard the word "goldware", Wen Xu immediately stood on tiptoe and grabbed old man Qian's back to look inside: "There are still things made of gold?"

"Oh, Wen Xu, I said it's not like you haven't seen gold before, what are you doing picking me up, okay, okay, I'll let you get well, you're about to smash this old bone into pieces" old man Qian couldn't stand Wen Xu's words Feeling fond of watching the excitement, she quickly straightened up and walked out of the small stone house sideways, giving up her seat to Wen Xu.

Wen Xu is now very curious about gold utensils. Although Wen Xu has a lot of gold in his own space, they are all pure gold bars, and the gold utensils found in this small stone house are much better than gold bars of the same quality. But they are all antiques.

Wen Xu's height is quite an advantage here. Standing at the old man Qian's place, he can see the situation inside clearly, but because the light inside is too dark, he can only see the old man Sun wearing gloves digging out of a hole on the ground. There was a small square box with dirt on it, and at the same time there were two small bowls at Old Man Sun's feet.

"Is it gold?"

Wen Xu asked.

"Golden, with Zoroastrian symbols on it," Fatty Yu happily replied.

Wen Xu asked again: "How many more? How did you find these things?"

"I don't know if there are any other places. There are not many here, that is, four or five pieces of gold. As for now, it is even simpler. As soon as Teacher Li entered the room and turned over a stone, the small bowl was exposed." , look, there is a gap made by the stone!"

Hold! Wen Xu thought inwardly: This shouldn't be my buddy's stuff in the first place, I am the first person who has been here, and I also came in to see why I didn't think about turning over a stone to have a look, what a mistake!

However, Wen Xu couldn't help but feel better when he thought that this was the property of the village, but after thinking about it again, he felt that it seemed a bit unrealistic. No one would grab a few stone slabs, and it would be hard to say that gold products appeared. up.

Thinking of this, I turned my head and looked at the so-called Tower of Silence behind me. This feeling immediately became more and more real. Such a large-scale ancient architectural relic must not be set up by a small mountain village in Wenjia Village. It is estimated that it can only be suppressed for a while.

I made a wedding dress for someone else!

Thinking of this, Wen Xu suddenly felt a little upset, but after thinking about it for a while, he looked away: This thing has nothing to do with him, so what kind of mind am I, the ruins are here, Wenjia Village was originally the beneficiary!

After thinking about it, Wen Nu didn't look at it, and walked out of the room with her hands behind her back, smiling.

Old man Qian saw Wen Xu coming back with a happy face, and joked with him with a smile: "What's the matter, are you addicted to watching it? Don't look at the golden bowl and golden basin again?"

Wen Xu replied: "It's just a fresh look, I thought it looked like our bronze ware, who knew it would be like that!"

Old man Qian knew that Wen Xu's understanding of cultural relics was only valuable. At this level of the country, he was too lazy to say anything to him. Xu Daxin and Wen Xu nodded slightly: "The old man, let me have a look!"

After old man Qian finished speaking, he had already arrived at the door of the stone house.

Xu Daxin saw that old man Qian went to look at antiques, so he didn't have the mood to stay here anymore: "Let's go down together?"

"Go down?"

"What are you doing here? Are you planning to dig antiques like them?" Xu Daxin joked warmly with a smile.

It was only then that Wen Xu realized that what Xu Daxin said was going back to the camp, so he smiled and said: "What did I say to go down! Let's go, it's no big deal to stay here anyway, let's go back and have dinner early and take a nap Feeling big is the real thing!"

So the two raised their feet and walked towards the winding mountain road going down.

Just two steps away, the two saw Xie Yan lying on a big rock, lying sprawled all over, looking very comfortable.

"Xiao Xie, I really enjoy it, but isn't it a bit inappropriate to bask in the sun this day?" Xu Daxin said to Xie Yan with a smile.

After getting along for a few days, everyone in the team likes Xie Yan, because this girl has a refreshing energy no matter what she talks or does. Who doesn't like a man with a work ethic like a man?

Hearing Xu Daxin's voice, Xie Yan put her elbows behind her back and propped her body up: "Brother Xu!"

Just when I was about to speak, I saw Wen Xu and added a sentence after that: "Wen Xu, you are here too!"

"Hey, this is strange. I came up after you, and how could I not be at the crossing where you held on?" Wen Xu teased with a smile.

After hearing this, Xie Yan smiled and didn't answer, but asked the two of them, "Are you ready to go down?"

"Yes, why don't you go down if you have nothing to do?" Xu Daxin asked casually.

"Look at the sunset!" Speaking of this, Xie Yan stretched out her finger to the sun that was already drooping a little and said, "Look at the sunset here, it must be very beautiful!"

Hearing what Xie Yan said, Xu Daxin turned around and looked towards the west, and nodded immediately: "It's still Xie Yan who will enjoy it, this place is really beautiful to watch the sunset!"

Wen Xu also turned her head at this time, put her hands on her eyebrows and looked towards the west, then nodded and praised: "Indeed! This is a good place to watch the sunset."

The place where Wen Xu and the others stood was almost the highest point in the west direction, and the sky above was vast and boundless. Needless to say, the sky above the forest rarely had clouds, so when you looked up, it was blue, blue, and transparent. , blue Chun, only one color but it is a long time to see.

Below is the undulating forest sea and green waves. Whether it is the forest sea or the trees, the colors presented are changing, or they are illusions. Just a green, nature can give countless different color senses, not to mention Dotted on the undulating peaks in front of you is the colorful realm.

You don’t need to look at it, just think about how magical it would be when the sunset sprinkles its golden light on the beautiful scenery in front of you, which makes people look forward to it infinitely.

"Tonight, let's move the dining table here to eat!" Wen Xu said his decision.

"Good idea!" Xu Daxin also agreed here.

"I agree with both hands!" Xie Yan said and raised her hands.

After speaking, the three of them remained silent. They stood and looked around, admiring the woodland scenery here. While watching, they took out their mobile phones to capture the beautiful scenery.

"Hello, almost there?"

Wen Xu reminded the two of them.

Xu Daxin didn't understand, so he turned his head to look at Wen Xu and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's time to go down and cook. How about enjoying the sunset while eating?" Wen Xu pretended to be stupid when he saw this guy, and immediately said it very bluntly.

Xu Daxin replied: "Are you sure you want my help with cooking?"

Hearing this, Wen Xu suddenly felt that he was a little tired, because Xu Daxin had no problem cooking, but Guan Jian was his cooking skills. How can I give my stomach to others.

"Hey, worry about your life!"

Wen Xu didn't say anything, just turned around and walked a few steps, bent over, to the side of the plank road that came up, ready to climb down.

"I'll go down and do a favor too!" Xie Yan felt a little embarrassed and stood up from the stone.

When Xu Daxin heard this, he stretched out his hand and pushed Xie Yan back on the stone: "Don't make trouble for him, for cooking, even a rice porridge guy can come up with a way to talk about poverty, if you want to talk to him To be a friend, you have to get used to him doing what you eat, and applauding after eating! Don’t mess with other things.”

Hearing what Xu Daxin said, Xie Yan took advantage of the situation and sat back on the stone slab, thought for a while and asked Xu Daxin, "Brother Daxin, have you known Wen Xu for a long time?"

"It will be about two years until today," Xu Daxin said.

"Two years? I thought you two had known each other for a long time," Xie Yan said.

"We met and there was a little episode"

Being mentioned by Xie Yan, Xu Daxin thought of the process of getting acquainted with Wen Xu, and couldn't help talking about it with a smile.

"What else? He really is...".

"At that time, I also thought this person was interesting, so I wanted to see more, and we became friends just like that!" Xu Daxin didn't hide anything, and even mentioned Zhuo Yiqing incidentally.

While the two were chatting, Wen Xu climbed down and returned to the camp below to start cooking. Today, Wen Xu still makes porridge, but the main flavor of the porridge today is not dried meat, but Wen Xin’s homemade shredded fish and some nuts. One-third of the rice in the pot is served with one-third of the red bean rice. Then there are nuts and shredded fish.

As for the ginger before the porridge, after the porridge was cooked, Wen Xu even threw a few stalks of coriander and a handful of chopped green onions into the porridge. Wen Guangcheng and Wen Yuanzheng had already turned a blind eye to it. Anyway, as long as there was something to eat, there would be no problem for the two of them.

After the porridge was ready, Wen Xu reserved some for Dong Liang, Da Hua and Er Hua, and Wen Xu would not feed them too much, because these days, Da Hua's dinner is at night or early in the morning, and Wen Xu waited Only when others are asleep or have not woken up can they be opened for feeding.

Then, together with Guangcheng and Yuanzheng, the three relayed the pot to the top.


Wen Xu put down the pot, straightened up and yelled into the air. ...

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