Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 758 Mentally retarded?

The way back to the village is naturally easier, and all the things that should be consumed are also consumed. Some that are not useful, but those that can be useful in the future are piled up on the platform along the wall groove, which can be said to be light. . Not to mention that each of the four old men put on a horse, and a motorized mount was vacant. The rest of the people along the way took turns to rest, so that the progress of the team immediately increased.

Wen Xu was still leading the team, but on the way back this time, Wen Xu casually waved the machete in his hand from time to time, leaving imprints on the trees, so that the guides who came over in the future could follow along the imprints.

It only took two days to go back. In the evening, Wen Xu's Zoroastrian expedition team ended their historical mission and disbanded. When they returned to the village, they naturally went to each house to find their own mothers. Wen Xu also returned to her warm nest.


After breakfast, we went around the village. The little sun in the sky rose and the temperature of the whole Wenjia Village also rose. It can be said that the weather has entered summer, and the jujube flowers on the branches of the old jujube trees are already in full bloom. Clusters of small yellow jujube flowers are almost all over the branches, and from time to time, a small bee buzzes around the small flowers and sticks.

At this time, Wen Xu was the third child, Qingming, a small book and a reclining chair, all three of which were laid together beautifully under the jujube tree.

"You are an older cadre than a veteran cadre!"

Shi Shangzhen came back to get things at this time, saw his husband's appearance, and said with a smile. As soon as Shi Shangzhen came back, there was the sound of fluttering wings above Wen Xu's head, and he didn't even have to guess that it was Snowflake that fell on the jujube branch.

As for the orange cat, he has been honest these days, the little thing doesn’t follow Shi Shangzhen anymore, and wanders around the village all day, preparing to hook up with a cat girl from time to time, I don’t know if there is any result, anyway, it’s almost night out Can't see its shadow.

As soon as Wen Xu looked up and saw his daughter-in-law came back, he stretched out his hand and swayed his thigh, and said with a snap: "Lady, come and sit here!"

Shi Shangzhen pouted at him, ignored him at all, and walked straight into the room.

Before Shi Shangzhen came to the door,

The door opened suddenly, and Guang Jing happily ran out on two short legs, giggling while running.

As soon as the little guy went out, he saw Shi Shangzhen standing at the door, and suddenly stretched out his hand and ran towards Shi Shangzhen, while running, he kept calling with his greasy little milk: "Mom, mom ".

The son rushed over, and Shi Shangzhen hugged his old three in his arms with one hand. Just as he hugged him, he found that the fishing cat chased him out of the door, and when Guang Jing saw the fishing cat, he immediately giggled louder, and He kept hiding his face on Shi Shangzhen's shoulder.

"Is there something wrong?"

The old Taoist followed the fishing cat out of the door, holding Guang Jue with one hand and Guang Heng with the other, and nodded to her when he saw Shi Shangzhen head-on.

"Well, master, I'm coming back to get something! Are you guys skinny?" Shi Shangzhen said while putting down Guang Jing in his hand, because as long as he holds one, the other two will definitely come over.

"My child, it's better to be firmer. Go and get something. I'll take the child out for a walk, so I can exercise more to grow taller." The old Taoist said, stretching out his hand to signal Guang Heng to grab his younger brother's hand. The child was already holding hands, so he took the three little things out of the yard.

With an old Taoist taking care of the children, Shi Shang really felt much more at ease, even more at ease than being taken care of by Wen Xu, but when the old Tao said that he ran and grew up, Shi Shang couldn't help but frowned. Many parents were afraid that their children would not grow up well. He is tall, but now Shishang is really afraid that his own children will grow too tall, because if these three little things are taken out, they will look like other children who are about three years old when they are a little over one year old. It is believed that these three children are only over a week old.

Shi Shang really has no objection, but it is troublesome to grow too tall. Shi Shang really means that it is almost 1.8 meters long, and no matter how tall it is, it is not suitable. But she also knows that this matter is not up to her to do whatever she wants.


After thinking for a while, Shi Shangzhen shook his head, and thought: Because other people's children are not tall, I am worried because the children are too tall. Shaking off the thoughts in his head, Shi Shang went straight into the house, took his things and left the courtyard.

Now only Wen Wen is left at home. He covers his head with a book. Others think he is sleeping, but in fact he is using his spiritual consciousness to feed the thin little eagle in the space. Of course, after a few days of feeding, the little eagle is not only It's not that she's thin anymore, and she's also growing in size.

"Eat a little more and grow bigger," Wen Xu muttered.

Wen Xu fed the little eagle with shredded meat. At this time, all the hairs on the little eagle's body grew, and it looked a bit mighty. Judging by the feathers, Wen Xu knew that the eagle he took out was The white-shouldered eagle has brown feathers all over its body but a white strip on its shoulders and head, which is particularly conspicuous and easy to recognize.

The vulture is good, but it's a pity that Wen Xu always feels that the IQ of this white-shouldered vulture is a bit problematic, because every time this little thing flies, it always hits a tree. Let's put it this way, it hardly knows how to turn when it flies. It can only be up and down, and it doesn't know how to fly sideways, and it doesn't even know how to turn sideways, let alone circle around, so this thing doesn't fly far, either it lands or hits a tree in the space, which makes Wen Xin very upset is depressed.

After feeding the eagle, Wen Xu saw that it was flapping its wings and preparing to fly again, but this time it was still the same, and it hit the tree with a bang and fell down.

"Hey!" Wen Xu sighed. At this time, Wen Xu regretted that he had thought so much about what he was doing, so he just took out the big one. It's not for nothing that a nest of eagles grows small. No, no, I just fished back a stupid eagle who doesn't know how to turn but only knows how to go up and down.

Seeing Xiao Diao hit the tree again, Wen Xu felt that he had to find a way to correct it, what could be the solution? Wen Xu soon thought of showing it a video, to let it know how other eagles fly! Doing so might teach it how to turn in flight.

Thinking of this, Wen Xu withdrew his consciousness from the space, ready to stand up and enter the room.

Who knew that he had just stood up and turned around quickly before he came, when he heard old master Chi's voice coming from the door.

"Hey, I knew you were home"

Old Master Chi was very happy to see Wen Xu, he waved to Wen Xu and said, "Come on!"

"What are you doing?" Wen Xu asked curiously.

Although he didn't understand why the old man called him, he still walked towards the old man involuntarily.

"Go to my house!"

Seeing Wen Xu approaching, the old man immediately pulled Wen Xu's arm with a smile, pulled him, and made Wen Xu walk side by side towards his house.

"What are you doing, early in the morning?" Wen Xu asked curiously.

The old man smiled mysteriously, and walked into his house with warmth.


Wen Xu couldn't help being a little dumbfounded when he saw what was in front of him. There were two kittens in front of him, but after a closer look, they were not kittens at all, but two little tigers. The little things seemed to have opened their eyes not long ago and could barely walk. It's still not easy, and it's crawling around in the cardboard box, looking very cute.

"Fuck me, old man, when did you switch to poaching?"

Wen Xu squatted next to the two little tigers, observing the two little things, but did not reach out to touch them, because if the two little things had mothers, it would be a bit troublesome if they smelled human. The tiger would even kill them, and Wen Nu would not reach out to touch them until he figured out the reason, even though they were quite cute.

Mr. Chi smiled and said: "There is no such thing as poaching. Yesterday I took the students to see the old tree in the west mountain. Big Hui kept barking when it was near the old tree, and then we followed it. In less than ten minutes, these two little things were found, and when they were found, the two little things were hidden under a pile of dead branches."

"Then you brought them back, where's the tigress?" Wen Xu asked.

There are tigers here in Wenjia Village, so if you don’t say anything, it is definitely a South China tiger, but now that the tiger cub has gone somewhere in the tiger’s mother, it is a problem. There are too many possibilities in the forest. Maybe the tiger mother died, or maybe the tiger mother abandoned the two newborn cubs.

Mr. Chi said with a smile: "We have been guarding for about four or five hours, and we haven't seen the tiger mother coming. Fortunately, someone in my team brought milk, or these two little things would starve to death."


After hearing this, Wen Xu let out an oh, but didn't speak.

"What do you think we should do with these two little tigers?" Old Master Chi said.

"What should I do?" Wen Xu looked up at Mr. Chi and said, "What do you think we should do? Other than calling the Forestry Bureau, what can we do? You can't prepare to raise it yourself, right? This thing is not easy to raise, let me tell you !... ".

Before the warm words were finished, seeing a strange smile on the face of Mr. Chi, I couldn't help but suddenly said in my heart: "You don't really plan to raise yourself!"

Old Master Chi smiled and said, "It's not me raising them, I want you to raise these two little tigers!"

Hearing what old master Chi said, Wen Xu quickly waved his hands and said, "That's not okay! What should I raise them for?"

Mr. Chi said: "Anyway, your family already has big flowers and two flowers, so what's the point of raising two more tigers!" At first, I thought that Wen Xu would happily accept this task, but who knew that it would be a bit of a big deal for Wen Xu to refuse such an old man? do not understand.

"You should keep it yourself, our house is small now, and besides, all the cranes in your yard are flying, so it would be nice to raise two of them to run on the ground!" Wen Xu said hastily.

Wen Xu even let go of the overlord in the space, so how could he raise two cubs? The most important thing is that this thing is not found by Wen Xu, that is to say, it cannot be kept in the space all the time, and has to be taken out from time to time. And most of the time has to be outside, there are already three little boys in the house, why should I cause myself this trouble!

"Besides, why can't you send it to the Forestry Bureau? Your consciousness is not good enough," Wen Xu said immediately.

Mr. Chi listened and shook his head: "Do you think my awareness is worse than yours? When I first picked him up, I immediately thought of the Forestry Bureau. Unfortunately, I got news from my side. Now our city zoo and provincial zoo There is no shortage of tigers."

Hearing this, Wen Xu hurriedly said: "This is a good thing, it just happened to be handed over to two zoos, one for each family, and those people should serve them like they are serving the uncle?"

"After you go in, you can't come out again! It's not so comfortable in our Wenjia Village. Can the animals in the zoo be as nourished as the overlord in the village?" Mr. Chi said.

Grandpa Chi didn't want the two little tigers to stay in the cage all day long, or wander around in a small area. He hoped that the two little tigers could return to the forest.

Naturally, Wen Xu also understands this truth. The zoo has cages, and not only does the village have no cages, but no one feeds messy things. The average quality of Wenjia Village tourists is not comparable to the average quality of zoo tourists.

But this is not the reason to keep the two cubs!

Especially on the old man's side, he is not ready to raise it yet, let him raise it, how can Wen Xu be willing, just getting a stupid eagle on his side is already enough of a headache, and two more cubs, Wen Xu's life will not be lived up.

"You really don't want to raise it?" Old Master Chi said.

Wen Xu shook her head, and said affirmatively: "I really don't want to raise it, and it would be troublesome to raise such a big cub."

"Hey, I can only send it to the zoo," the old man said regretfully with a long sigh.

As soon as Wen Xu heard that her family had got rid of the possibility of being a nanny, she immediately said: "There is no way to do this, we can't raise this thing privately, it is against the law!"

After finishing speaking, Wen Xu chatted with the old man, then turned and went back to his small courtyard, and watched how other eagles flew with his silly eagle.

It was almost noon, and Wen Xu heard his daughter-in-law's happy voice coming from the courtyard: "Wen Xu, Wen Xu, come and see our new guest!"

Putting away the eagle, Wen Xu went out to take a look, the first thing she saw was the box containing the little tiger, and she yelled in her heart: "Not good!"...

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