At the foot of this big mountain, the perennial temperature is quite constant, unexpectedly, not long after, Lu Wei found that there was a piece of raspberries that grew very thick, and those raspberries had already hung fruit, red and fresh, which was particularly lovely.

However, looking at it like that, it's really wild. Lu Wei stopped the excavator and asked his sister Lu Shan to come and see.

As a result, the little girl reached out and picked a few, stuffed them into her mouth and tasted them, hey, don't say it, it's quite sweet, and there is a lot of water.

"Wow, brother, brother, brother, hurry, you can eat a few too, it's delicious, I can't imagine that there are so many raspberries here."

Taking the raspberries handed over by his sister, Lu Wei looked at it and felt that there was something to do here, and when the time came, he could transplant these raspberries into his vegetable garden and water them with the immortal spring water, which should have a lot of surprises.

The workers in the back all saw it, so Lu Wei told them to pick and eat it, but don't cut off the raspberry seedlings and kill them.

These raspberries, Lu Wei deliberately picked up the thick seedlings and looked inside, obediently, there were really many fruits, red, black, green, yellow, one by one.

Watching the workers smiling and stuffing this thing into their mouths, Lu Wei saw a business opportunity again.

Okay, I must hurry up and get some immortal spring water out, I have to try it quickly, time is running out.

continued to work, and this raspberry naturally let Lu Wei stay.

Just like the hawthorn tree, it also slipped to the side and paved with stone eggs.

Lu Wei had already thought that these paved edges must be evenly sprinkled with tall fescue grass seeds before the next rain, and at the same time, old thorn trees and breeding pepper trees should be planted on the edges.

This is a shelterbelt for the entire vegetable field, which can not only prevent the livestock from coming in and abuse, but also prevent people with ulterior motives from destroying it.

When these are done, then on the side, plant the intervals of the irons, not only install high-definition surveillance cameras.

Anyway, if you want to do it, you have to think about doing it well in advance, so that you don't have to make up for it in the future.

No matter what you do, you can't do without the heart of guarding against others, and you can't take it lightly if you invest so much energy and money.

While Lu Wei was cleaning up, he was thinking about the blueprint of his vegetable garden in his mind, and he thought about it a lot, and the more he thought about it, the happier he became.

In the future, it is estimated that his vegetable garden will not only grow some vegetables, but also some high-value economic fruits.

Hehe, in this way, there are multiple ways to make money. You still have to have a market.

Lu Wei has thought about this matter more than once, and he has to implement it quickly, otherwise, the longer it drags on, there will be big trouble in the future.

Their place is a mountain village, everything is fine, but it is far away from the city, but now the traffic is very convenient, come in and go out, as long as there is a car, there is no big problem.

Now we have to contact those reliable buyers, whether it is vegetables or fruits, in Lu Wei's plan, there will be some amazing results in the future.

What he didn't tell anyone was the magical fountain of immortality. Look at it, it's not old, it's still a spiritual spring, what a great temptation this is for people!

While clearing the wild trees and grass, while paving the stones behind it, you don't have to say it, it's really pleasing to the eye.

Anyway, this is a big project that can't be completed in a short period of time, Lu Wei is not in a hurry, take your time, as long as you do a good job of this edge before the heavy rain comes, it will be very good.

He pays attention to the weather forecast every day, climbs the mountain every day, looks at the sky, looks at the clouds, and looks at the direction of the wind.

For the sake of himself, this is a big project that has been rolled out.

Three excavators started at the same time, and the diesel fuel consumed, of course, was extremely fast.

At this time, Lu Wei had already gone to the gas station to refill it twice and came back. After all, this oil tiger is in the swing, as soon as it starts, the oil will be poured out like flowing water.

However, what is gratifying is that the dozens of acres of mountainous land have all been cleaned up of stone lumps, and drainage ditches have been dug out one by one.

Even the cleaning and laying of the ground edge is about to be completed.

What made Lu Wei even happier was that after he entered the grass house, he made half a bucket of immortal spiritual spring water, and when he got home, he scooped it out and directly poured the two pots of aloe vera planted by his sister Lu Shan.

In addition, he specially filled a bottle, ran to the edge of the courtyard wall of his house, found two wilted mushroom taro roots, and poured them directly.

Then he took a photo of the aloe vera and mushroom taro when they were just watered, and he went to the mountains.

Anyway, the azaleas that I only watered once in Shanghai grew so well.

I believe that this aloe vera and mushroom taro will definitely not disappoint you.

I don't know why, Lu Wei has special confidence in this immortal spiritual spring, as if he is very sure in his heart.

After the edge of the mountain was completed, Lu Wei arranged for the workers to make several roads vertically and horizontally in this large area of the mountain according to his own ideas, and then paved some stone roads along the stones that had not been used up, and then leveled them with an excavator.

Lu Wei contacted the town's construction company and asked the family to come over and pour asphalt directly, and this thing was done for three days, and the road in the mountain was smooth and wide, leading to the village road outside.

That's right, with a road, you can get rich. This also responds to the call of the country, if you want to get rich, you must first build roads.

To build a road here, Lu Wei deliberately drove to the city's agriculture and forestry station, and bought thousands of catties of tall fescue grass seeds according to the area of his home's land, and then bought several high-power submersible pumps and thousands of meters of water pipes.

If it doesn't rain, he thought, the survival rate would be very high if the workers would draw water from the puddles in the mountains, water the edges of the ground first, and then sprinkle the grass seeds.

Moreover, Lu Wei also had a little more cautious eye, and deliberately took several buckets of spring water out of the Immortal Spirit Spring, and secretly poured it into the two big puddles.

Lu Wei thought that although the puddle had not yet been cleaned up, the water in it could still be used, and the tall fescue grass watered with this water would definitely grow very well and vigorously.

At the same time, he specially instructed the workers not to spray directly on the edge of the ground when pouring water on the edge, but to water it from the edge like sprinkling, so that the edge of the ground that had just been made would not collapse.

Also, be sure to water the hawthorn grove and raspberries a little more. When watering, avoid the heat and sun, and do it in the morning or evening.

The workers, as well as Lu Wei and Lu Shan, and even their parents were directly involved in these things, and they were busy for nearly a week.

During this period, Lu Wei ordered a lot of steel structures from the city, with color steel tiles, and set up two quite large warehouses directly on the edge of the two large puddles.

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