After Lu Wei was done, he didn't think about going home immediately, he slowly began to walk on the asphalt road around the garden.

After the first greenhouse is all done and the seedlings are planted, the raspberry is transplanted.

Put those hawthorn trees first, after all, those trees have already hung fruit.

First use the immortal spring water to pour, harvest a season to try, if the market prospect is good, there is a fixed market, then transplant in, set up a hawthorn base.

All these tasks must be pushed forward step by step. Just like these gardens that have begun to take shape in front of us, if you are in a hurry, a hammer in the east and a mallet in the west, it will definitely be a mess in the future.

It's much better to calm down and do things than to run around with a fly without a head.

Of course, no one is going to have trouble with money.

Because of what they do, people with a little brains can see the future harvest and fruits with the naked eye.

Far from it, take this raspberry as an example, no, the estimated income today can reach five figures, if it is not in supply, it may be even higher.

By the way, this income is still in the hands of Shanshan's little girl, and now, she, she hasn't even reported to me, what is she thinking?

! Thinking of her lovely sister, Lu Wei's heart swelled with warmth.

can't lose her, Lu Wei has been saying to himself in his heart, what he told her a few days ago, go to the city to show her a house, these days are so busy that her feet don't touch the ground, this matter can't be delayed any longer, otherwise, she will be suspicious.

In this world, in addition to his parents, only this sister is his own relative now.

Forget it, I don't want this raspberry money, just give it to her. This amount of money is enough for her to buy a set of cosmetics.

Speaking of this cosmetics, I don't know if this immortal spring water, if it is used to wash your face often, will it also have the effect of beautifying and nourishing your face

? Thinking of this, Lu Wei suddenly had an urge to take a bottle and put it in, you think, this spring water is so effective for raspberries, does it also have a good effect on beauty?

This can't be tested on my sister, my sister is so beautiful, what if it breaks down and can't get married in the future?

Of course, it's no problem to raise her for the rest of her life, but will she be so sad in her heart that she ...... it


about it, Lu Wei didn't think of what to use to test the beauty effects of this immortal spring water.

Later, as I walked, I felt an itch on my arm, so I patted it with my hand, obediently, there was a mosquito bite.

I grabbed it twice, and as a result, I suddenly felt that on the skin that was bitten by mosquitoes, there was a scar from a naughty fall when I was a child.

What Lu Wei thought was to take this immortal spring water, pour a little bit every day, apply it to this scar, and after a while, see how this scar will change.

With his mind decided, Lu Wei quickly walked out of the garden and walked home.

Lu Shan hadn't slept yet, and the lights in the house were still on. Lu Wei went to the faucet, took the water and washed up, then went into the shower room to take a shower, went into his room, and prepared to go to bed.

"Weizi, I heard that there are raspberries picking in your garden, so ask your sister-in-law to bring the children over tomorrow and pick some to eat......."

This is the WeChat sent by Wang Hai.

Unexpectedly, after a while, WeChat rang again.

"Weizi, there are raspberries in your garden, how does that thing taste, I see that this matter is spread in the circle of friends, I will come over tomorrow morning to see it......."

This is a WeChat message sent by Li Xiang.

"Okay, come over at noon tomorrow, I'll call Xiaofa and have a meal together......

After returning to the two hairs, Lu Wei leaned on the head of the bed and brushed up Douyin.

I specially checked the knowledge related to raspberry transplanting, and also checked the theory of polyculture of yellow eel and crayfish.

At this time, Lu Wei, who was already a little sleepy, suddenly realized that the matter of going to the crayfish seedlings had not been completed today.

So, I looked up something about crayfish seedlings on the Internet.

This check, it doesn't matter, I suddenly found that it was almost twelve o'clock.

"Brother, have you slept, I suddenly remembered, do you guess how much our raspberry sold

today?" "Ah, Shanshan, why haven't you slept so late, aren't you afraid of panda eyes

?" "Brother, guess, guess how much money you earned

today?" "Is there eight thousand?" "

Haha, you underestimate your sister and me too much, it's more than 10,000 today, it's 10,000 ......."

"My God, so much, give it all to you, buy a few more clothes, you've worked hard during this time, Shanshan."

"Wow, it's really fake, brother, it's all for me, wow, brother, I love you so much......".

"Go, it's so big, it's not in shape, hurry up and sleep, I'm going to be busy tomorrow." "

Okay, brother, good night......."

Unexpectedly, I sold so many today, more than 10,000, my God, this raspberry can still be done.

This time, Lu Wei was stimulated again, lying on the bed, a little tossed and turned.

Even after he fell asleep, he dreamed that he had transplanted a large raspberry base, and with the warmth of these raspberry seedlings, his huge mountain vegetable garden grew raspberries ......

As he looked at the raspberries and laughed, his window was knocked ......

a loud bang"Ah, who's ......".

"Brother, get up, you lazy worm, the sun is on your ass......."

When he heard that his sister Lu Shan was harassing outside, Lu Wei was covered with a quilt and didn't pay attention to her ......

"This damn girl, she slept so late last night, and now she wakes up so early, what kind of demon is this...... Don't let me sleep well, hum ......".

As soon as he thought of going to buy crayfish fry today, Lu Wei jumped off the bed with a carp.

It was early in the morning. The workers must have been in the garden and started to get busy.

Lu Wei went out, ate some breakfast made by his mother, and drove his pickup truck to the garden.

Sure enough, the workers took advantage of the fact that the temperature had not yet come up, and they were all hurrying to lay the film on the frame of the built greenhouse.

And Lu Shan also drove the car early, arrived at Raspberry, looked left and right, and then saw him coming, so he drove out with a buzz.

"Brother, no one came to pick raspberries today, I went shopping......."

Before Lu Wei could talk to her, the car disappeared.

Think about selling raspberries for two days, I earned more than 10,000 yuan, this thing is really valuable, and I didn't make much effort, it was nothing more than watering the immortal spring water a few times and applying a little organic fertilizer.

This thing can really bear fruit, and after picking so much, it still looks fruitful.

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