If you go to the town again, you have to buy some nets and big copies, otherwise it will be a trouble for these loaches and eels to be slaughtered in the future. You have to consult those agricultural and forestry experts and ask them how to fish more conveniently and less easily hurt these treasures.

Yes, it's a baby bump, because, any one of these things is one of those hundred yuan, hehe, if this loach is slaughtered for 10,000 catties at a time, then he can receive one million yuan at a time.

Thinking about it, I feel that I have to laugh out loud, hehe, these things can't be made public, and even my parents and little sister can't say it, get rich, you have to do it quietly, otherwise, the tree will attract the wind, and it will be easy to get into trouble!

Lu Wei didn't go today, and poured immortal spring water on those raspberries alone, he knew that blindly urging would definitely backfire, and occasionally once or twice, it could have a positive effect.

When Lu Wei arrived home, his parents and little sister all turned off the lights. At this time, he felt hungry, it turned out that he didn't have time to eat at night, this is not good, he has to find something to eat. Otherwise, you'll be so hungry that you can't sleep.

Sneaked into the kitchen and looked around, but I didn't expect to eat it except for a plate of fried chili. This is really pitiful, Lu Wei is almost messy when he stands there, but this hunger is rolling and unstoppable, what should I do, it is impossible to ask my mother to get up and do it for myself now.

Let's do it yourself, order some noodles, and just eat some of this chili. Before he could start firing, his mother came out dressed in her clothes.

"Weizi, didn't you eat at night...... I thought you went out to eat with Li Xiang, so I didn't leave you a ......."

"It's okay, Mom, I'll just order some noodles to eat by myself, you go to sleep quickly, it's cold at night, don't catch a cold......."

"You can do it yourself, don't make it too late, go to bed early after eating, and you'll be busy tomorrow......."

Mom told me again, and slowly went back to the house. Lu Wei lit the fire and began to boil water, noodles, good cooking, Lu Wei has been in Shanghai for a few years, from knowing nothing about cooking, he has forced himself to become half a chef.

The noodles at home are still wide, which is very suitable for Lu Wei, he likes to eat wider noodles and thinks the taste is better, which may be Lu Wei's own prejudice. I put down half of the noodles, add cold water twice, skim off the foam on the surface, and after a while, the noodles are ready.

Covered a sugar egg at the bottom of the bowl, pinched a little salt, took out the noodles and put them in the bowl, stuffed for four or five minutes, before they were served, and ate them with chili peppers, but I didn't expect the noodles to be delicious, maybe he was hungry.

It was the pepper that was surprisingly spicy, and Lu Wei took a bite, and his forehead was already sweating. decisively gave up the chili pepper, and divided the bowl of noodles by two.

I glanced at this pepper again, and thought to myself, the green pepper I planted, the expert of the agriculture and forestry station, once said to himself, a little spicy, that is, slightly spicy, this green pepper, that is, a little more spicy than the steamed green pepper, is just a little more.

And steamed green peppers, that is, a kind of green vegetables, without a trace of spiciness. This kind of green pepper can only be used as a side dish.

And the self-grown green pepper is eaten as the main dish. Now Lu Wei is a little woodened by this huge spicy pepper, spicy tongue and lips, and thinks that his horn tip green pepper can't be so spicy, otherwise, it will definitely affect sales.

Not everyone likes spicy food, such as Lu Wei himself, a pinch of spicy is acceptable, if it is so spicy that his forehead is sweaty and his tongue is wooden, it won't become poison. This kind of pepper is not desirable, and I will not grow it myself.

His mouth became quite numb, and Lu Wei had no choice but to drink the noodle soup to offset the spicy feeling. It took a long time and brushed my teeth twice before the spicy energy finally passed. Lu Wei took a bath, lay on the bed, and brushed the net for a while, and became a little sleepy.

However, when he was about to fall asleep, he deliberately checked again, the habits of hawthorn, I didn't expect that this kind of fruit tree can only bear fruit once a year, alas, the yield is not low after planting, but if it is watered with immortal spiritual spring water, will it be able to bear fruit twice a year, Lu Wei thought about this question and fell asleep.

It's very strange that when he came back from Shanghai, during these days, whether he was busy or idle, tired or relaxed, Lu Wei had never dreamed, maybe he dreamed, but he forgot everything when he woke up.

But tonight, as soon as he fell asleep, he began to dream. The content of the dream was chaotic, but as soon as he saw Tang Xiaoyu's jubilant face in the dream, Lu Wei woke up. Looking at the dark room, Lu Wei fell into deep thought.

What's wrong with you, do you really fall in love with Tang Xiaoyu? Probably not, I haven't had this kind of mind for so many years, why does it appear in a dream now? Is it because Tang Xiaoyu brought me Boss Fang, the god of wealth, or Tang Xiaoyu promoted raspberries to myself, and I was moved in my heart and wanted to thank Tang Xiaoyu? instead of real love?

Lu Wei thought a lot, but his thoughts were very vague, and then he almost heard the sound of a rooster crowing in the distance, so he fell asleep very sleepily. I overslept until my sister came and knocked on her window, and then I got out of bed.

Mom had already made breakfast, washed up, hurried to breakfast, and ran out into the garden. The workers had already arrived, and within half an hour of his arrival at the garden, the cart carrying the raspberry fixing material had arrived.

Lu Wei asked his little sister Lu Shan and her father to drive a Kubota excavator to turn over the soil, cultivate the ridges, and arrange workers to dig pits and bury organic fertilizer on the basis of cultivating the soil.

This time, these raspberries are heavily fertilized, and with the water of the automatic irrigation system in the future, it will be difficult for the raspberries to grow well. In the morning, under the hard work of two excavators and more than 20 workers, the foundation work of the ten acres of land was finally completed.

This time, the automatic irrigation system uses drip irrigation, that is, the roots of each raspberry are watered directly, and it is not the kind of sprinkler irrigation. This has the advantage of saving water and avoiding waterlogging in raspberry greenhouses.

Of course, drainage ditches are indispensable, and Lu Wei refers to the practices of those professional raspberry bases on the Internet. If you simply let him sit there and think, even if he thinks about it for a day and a night, he can't do it so comprehensively and systematically.

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