Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 33: domineering

Qin Huizhi's involvement in the political struggle at the highest level of the Kingdom of Jin is basically a dimensionality reduction attack, because although the top leaders of the Kingdom of Jin are getting degenerate and internal conflicts are getting more and more fierce, they are not degenerate and fierce after all For the sake of death.

Moreover, most of the nobles of the Golden Kingdom this year have also come out of the Golden Horse and Iron Horse. Few people devote all their energy to internal political struggles. They still have the unanimous determination to the outside world, and they still have external expansion and military aggression. To make up for and ease the simple internal thoughts.

Therefore, Qin Hui's knowing blow, but it really had a miraculous effect.

In June, after a series of trials and discussions, and after a lazy mediation, the senior officials of Jin Guo did a series of simple but influential actions in the Mansion of Marshal, the highest military decision-making body, as expected by someone. Personnel changes.

King Jin Wanyan Wu Qimai took the initiative to abandon the post of Marshal Du, and he was replaced by Daikin’s first hero, who was also the de facto first man in the army. The third prince of Jin Guo, who was responsible for inducing the reserve team to sit in Yanjing. Duo changed from the right deputy marshal to the left deputy marshal, which does not make much sense; while the marshal Zuo Jianjun Wanyan Lazy jumped to become the right deputy marshal, which seemed to be hot; in the end, the fourth prince Jin Wushu also He rose to the rank of Marshal Zuo Jianjun and successfully entered the highest level of the army.

The previous appointment was actually okay. The last appointment was quite controversial at first, because most of the generals thought that Wanyan Wushu was a bit watery. He led the troops out last winter. Although he also had military merits, he lost a lot in the end. Don’t Compared with the generals of the West Route Army Wanyan Loushi, Wanyan Gushen, Wanyan Yinshuke, and Wanyan Balisu, they are within the East Route Army and are far inferior to those of General Ali and others.

In a word, this person's record does not seem to be qualified to serve as the key position of Marshal Zuo Jianjun, which may actually become the commander of the First Army.

However, the will of the highest level is there, and the internal affairs of the Wanyan family are beyond the reach of others.

However, in late June, after the personnel adjustments of the Metropolitan Marshal’s Mansion were completed, as the three brothers Nian Han and Wanyan failed to meet again in Yanjing under the lazy matchmaking of Wanyan Tart, the two sides stopped entangled and Wanyan Tart was lazy. They also simply fulfilled their promises and wrote directly to the Huining Mansion, asking the host to make an early decision.

However, how can Emperor Jin Guo make a decision for these two families?

If you can make a decision, you still need to worry about whether your son can be the emperor all day long.

Therefore, the benefactor Wanyan Wu Qibui officially issued an edict. There are only three sentences in the edict:

First, the emperor of the Song State is the heart of the Song State. Because of his existence, Hebei will be turbulent. The Song people in the Central Plains will be united and cannot be left alone. Wherever this person is, he will chase him somewhere.

Second, we should learn a lesson from the Song Dynasty this time. After the war, we must support people like Zhang Bangchang and use them to rule the Central Plains.

Third, although Shaanxi and Longyou are barren, they are strategically located and cannot be left alone.

In other words, no matter how the mud is made, Wanyan Wu Qimai still formally ordered the crusade against the Southern Song Dynasty as the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, and it was directed at Zhao Jiu himself!

After receiving the imperial decree, the two sides facing each other in Yanjing no longer struggle, but immediately put aside their prejudices and reached a consensus-immediately mobilize the whole army, and when it enters autumn, the whole army will march from north to south, first sweep the Hebei Rebels, and then The soldiers were divided into many ways, and they crossed the river together to destroy the Song Dynasty.

Of course, the Du Marshal, as the Du Marshal, especially emphasized that the main force of the West Route Army was responsible for the attack on the Fifth Road of Shaanxi, and could only send some troops to fight from the Xijing Luoyang and Huazhou directions.

But at this time, Wan Yan Wushu was already satisfied, because Mo said that the West Route Army was still willing to send some troops to assist, but the West Route Army did not come at all, this time he also had a hundred thousand people!

A hundred thousand golden army is enough to destroy the Song Dynasty and sweep the Central Plains. What donkey carts are needed?

"The minister thought that this person should not be indulged easily!"

"Xu Xianggong, I also thought it was not easy to indulge him, but what if he doesn't indulge him now? Is he going to be arrested? What arrest? What if it's true?"

In the early autumn, in the evening, there were still cicadas humming constantly, but the weather had gradually cooled down. In the palace in Nanyang City, the two rulers were arguing over each other, but Zhao Guanjia, who was sitting behind the imperial case, was a little absent-minded.

"Yuwenxianggong." Xu Jingheng was serious. "I never said to apprehend him, but to pay equal attention to grace and power... If you can't properly display the authority of the central authority and force him to give in, what will the central office use to organize the western army in the future? Could it be that the officials will be taken into the military camp again and again? Are these people?"

"In fact, it's not a bad idea." Zhao Guanjia interjected out of instinct.

"Once or twice is fine, but Yanneng will do it again and again?" Xu Jingheng was furious upon hearing this. "Moreover, there are a few people who seem like Han Shizhong who are actually loyal. Zhang Boying and Han Shizhong are credible, but what if you meet a real thief next time? The official's statement is very wrong!"

Zhao Jiu came back to his senses, and then nodded slowly, because it was too right... He knew that Han Shizhong was credible, and Zhang Boying was likely to be credible before doing it. How dare he change it to someone who has never heard of a name? go with?

Of course, everyone didn’t mention Zhai Chong. It’s not that Zhai Chong is credible. In fact, everyone knows that Zhai Chong is credible, but some people don’t think it is necessary to go. , This matter is not the same as what is being discussed.

However, after Xu Jingheng had overwhelmed the audience, he had nothing to say for a while, because he could only overwhelm others, but he couldn't solve the immediate predicament.

What's the dilemma?

We have to start with the root reason why Xingzai came to Nanyang.

In other words, there were objective and realistic reasons why the dispute between Nanyang and Yangzhou represented the main battle and the main peace in the previous year.

For example, judging from the data before the Jingkang Rebellion, in the entire south of the Yangtze River, except for a small number of troops stationed in the Suzhou-Hangzhou area, the rest of the Song Dynasty basically only has some scattered Xiang troops and native soldiers. One piece is about 20,000 to 30,000 people.

Moreover, according to the universal view of this year, the Southeast has no military tradition.

Uh, this kind of regional discrimination probably means that people in the Yangtze River Delta cannot be the backbone of China, and the Osaka Division is a shame to the imperial army. I don’t know why, anyway, there is a market, and some have become the mainstream of public opinion... Li Gang and Hu Yin, the standard members of the Southeast University who have the right to speak in the courtroom, like to black out themselves every day, and they often write letters saying that only soldiers from the northwest are considered strong troops.

So at this moment, what does it mean for you to travel to Yangzhou and even cross the river with tens of thousands of troops in the army?

Everything from scratch? Build an army from scratch? Also use Southeasterners to form troops? Can this kind of army overcome Hebei and welcome the Second Saint?

To Nanyang, to put it plainly, it was aimed at the remnants of the Western Army at the time, the high-quality soldiers in the northwest, and the war horse trade with Qingtang.

With the skeleton of the Western Army, recruiting high-quality soldiers from the local area, and then swapping some good horses with Tibetan compatriots, this is what you want to fight against gold.

Of course, for Zhao Jiu, he does not believe in the quality gap between the soldiers in the northwest and southeast, and he does not have the habit of regional discrimination as an engineering dog.

Moreover, in actual operation, with regard to the quality of soldiers, Zhao Guanjia now thinks that the refugees in Hebei and Hedong may be more suitable. These people have a natural desire to fight, and using them as soldiers can effectively avoid affecting local production.

However, in any case, if you want to fight against gold, especially if you want to push back within ten years, it is impossible to ignore the Western Army and Kansai.

Otherwise, Zhao Guan would not come to Nanyang bitterly with many shortcomings.

So back in front of me, Jin Ren retreated for two months, Chang'an also regained, Kansai seems to be calm, even Wan Chengmao successfully recruited Zhong Xiang... Yes, Zhong Xiang accepted the Dongting Lake town given by the center. He made this messy official position, and promised to wipe out Li Xiaoyi, the thief who was running around the Dongting Lake for the Zhao official's house... Wan Tuqing did his merit!

But the official Zhao family wanted to master the Western Army, did you master it?

of course not.

The reason is simple. Two generals, one named Qu Duan and the other named Wang Xie, took the lead in controlling the situation in Kansai after the chaos. The three most important prefectures in Kansai, Jingzhao House, Fengxiang House, and Yan'an House. Wang Xie controlled Fengxiang House, while Qu Duan controlled Jingzhao House and Yan’an House.

The nature of the two is completely different.

Among them, Wang Xie was the one who ran to Hanzhong before and persuaded Zhao Jiu to go to Chengdu. After that incident, Zhao Jiu had already sentenced him to death and asked him to go to Fengxiang, hoping that he would not harm Hanzhong. A game of chess across the country.

But Qu Duan is different. Although Qu Duan’s background is relatively humble, his father is after all a war-dead imperial squad Zhi. He himself was made an official when he was three years old, and he was good at writing articles when he was young... The words specifically refer to him, but "Neng Wen Neng Wu is Qu Da".

In other words, this person should be a standard general of the Western Army, a ‘owner’. It is precisely because of this that in the process of regaining Chang'an, the servant killed Liu Xiliang, a commander of the same level, and reported that this person was a deserter. The center pinched his nose here. Then the servant took advantage of Chang'an to have two branches. The troops fought, launched a surprise attack, wiped out and annexed the two troops together, and the center pinched its nose to recognize it.

More than that, the center here is still here under Yu Wen Xuzhong's suggestion to appoint him out of Yan'an Mansion... This is basically Li Yanxian's treatment after regaining Shanzhou.

However, now that Chang'an has regained, many things have become clear. Only then did the center know that Liu Xiliang was not a deserter at all, but had just regained Fengxiang, and was preparing to regain Chang'an's heroes! Qu Duan killed others at this time, merged with them, and then went to fight Chang'an. What was it like?

In Chang'an, the center knew from the beginning that one of the two warring forces was under the banner of Song Dynasty, because the leader of this rebel army was appointed by Li Yanxian in the neighboring Shanzhou, and through Li Yanxian, he could not wait to present the credit for regaining Changan. But how to say it? It was really difficult to distinguish between the Rebel army and the thief army these days, so the court did not care too much about Qu Duan's actions.

However, only now did the center know that Qu Duan, after conquering the two forces at the same time, surrendered the leader of the thief army, but beheaded the leader of the rebel army with the appointment document of Li Yanxian...

After these two incidents broke out, there was a fierce public sentiment in the court. It was the official Zhao's family who had always treated military commanders well and didn't know what to say.

Besides, Zhao Jiu certainly knows the **** of the Western army, and the more they can fight, the more bastards. Han Shizhong, Zhang Jun, and Wang De are all Western soldiers, and they are all bastards. Wang De also came back because of the old lieutenant Yang Weizhong a few days ago. Worrying that the military power of the army in the imperial camp would be taken away, there was trouble, and the old Taiwei Yang took the initiative to go to the southeast to protect the queen dowager after only a few days. Now when he is in the imperial camp, the army is under control... but these people's bastards. The **** with Qu Duan is not at the same level at all!

And the most important point is that Zhao Guanjia did not see where Qu Duan showed a military level comparable to his bastard! I fought a battle with the Jin Jun and indeed won, but it was his subordinate Wu Jie who led the fight independently.

Do you think this is over?

After Nanyang learned of all this, at the suggestion of Yu Wenxuzhong, the province officially sent a document to Chang'an via Wuguan, and asked Qu Duan to come over and explain the two things.

As a result, Qu Duan turned a deaf ear to the Changan father and cried and shed tears, saying that he was loyal to serve the country. However, the central villain was suspicious of the country. Entrusting him with military affairs and ten years of operation, he will surely be able to raise a 200,000 army to regain the Central Plains, restore Hebei, and welcome the Second Saint!

After finishing the Zhazi, he led the headquarters directly to Yan'an in northern Shaanxi to take up the post, ignoring the central office's documents.

Now, the center was disgusted by him, and even Zhao Guanjia wanted to tear him... because Zhao Jiu got the exact news that before he left, he was in a pavilion outside the city when he cried and shed tears at the old man in Chang'an. There is a poem written on the pillar of the poem, and there are two lines in the poem.

The so-called:

Don't go to Guanzhongxing for business, but come to go fishing on the river.

This is something that I'm talking about, who I'm mocking, I don't need to say more, and Zhao Guanjia doesn't have the habit of being scolded at the nose without being angry.

But the problem is that Qu Duan directly led the troops northward, but the center had nothing to do with him.

Yu Wen Xuzhong and Xu Jingheng had been talking for a long time. Although Xu Jingheng, a hardliner, won, he didn't know how to deal with this person.

"Exempt him from knowing the Yan'an Mansion's dispatch!" Xu Jingheng thought for a long time before he came up with a plan. "Add a remote county defensive envoy..."

"No." Zhao Guanjia immediately denied. "It's autumn, and the golden man will come just as he says it. Chang'an is dilapidated and can't hold it at all, while Yan'an Mansion is the first to take the brunt, but he can guard it... But his Yan'an prefect, if he can't say he dares not even defend Yan'an. "

Xu Jingheng is rarely frustrated.

"Guanzhong must be presided over, who will go to Guanzhong?" Zhao Jiu paused for a moment and made the last effort.

Everyone looked at each other and recommended candidates, but as Yuwen Xuzhong and the Ministry of Industry Shangshu Lv Yihao took the initiative to invite generously, the others also stopped the recommendation. After all, no one can compete with these two... However, in the face of these two candidates, Zhao Guanjia still hesitated.

It must be known that the importance of Guanzhong is beyond doubt, but the problem is that these two may not be able to master the situation.

For example, Lu Yihao, this person's age and seniority is the highest in the palace, but he was captured by the golden man when he was presiding over the overall situation in Hebei, which seems to prove his incompetence in terms of appointment.

For another example, Yuwen Xuzhong has the identity of the pivot and has been dealing with Kansai matters, but he may not be able to control the situation either, because he himself is a weak person. In fact, this person's firm anti-gold stance and courage to do things are not so much a sense of mission, but rather a sense of guilt as an envoy to gold in Jingkang that day.

However, if this is not good, and the other is not suitable, who should be allowed to go?

In the silence, as Yang Yizhong came from outside the hall regardless of etiquette, and then publicly passed Lan Gui and handed over a note, the Zhao official's still made up his mind: "Yu Wenqing will go to Guanzhong, and Lu Qing will add the secret deputy envoy."

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