Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 39: Keep on

Bad things always seem to happen together. In just a few days, Yue Fei has experienced a series of events such as the defeat of friendly forces, the betrayal of his colleagues, the destruction of his jurisdiction, and the death of his benefactor. He finally suppressed all kinds of anger in his heart. He just stabilized the line of defense at the edge of his jurisdiction. In the absence of reinforcements and instructions, there was a serious incident within the Yue Family Army that was absolutely infighting!

It was definitely infighting, because the conflict was between his uncle Yao Wang and his closest little brother, Zhang Xian, the deputy commander of the Chinese Army, who actually led the White Army.

As I said before, Yue Fei’s father died early, and his younger brother Yue Fan was not very old, he was just a juvenile posture, not a few years older than Yue Yun. In this case, his uncle Yao Wang who escaped from Hebei with his mother was actually him. The only elder of blood relatives...whether you kiss, your mother's family, let alone this situation now?

In fact, in accordance with the tradition of prosperity and prosperity these years, Yue Fei also gave his uncle the status of commander early, but let him lead a reserve soldier to manage the transportation of grain and goods in Jeju on a daily basis. It is only this serious military situation that he will He was transferred to the front line, but it was still a close appointment in front of the account, not a person in charge of the army.

As for Zhang Xian, there is no need to say more. Even though Wang Gui, Tang Huai, and Yue Fei himself, the four brothers are young, but they advance and retreat together, born to death, years before and after, they are really siblings.

In this case, while Yue Peng was furious, of course he had to inquire clearly in person... However, after asking, Yue Fei became more and more furious!

It turned out that it was Yue Zhenfu's uncle who had a rogue habit, indulging his subordinates to rob Shanzhou and Yingtianfu fleeing gentry's property, and then Zhang Xian caught them in public and needed to be dealt with. However, Yao Wang believes that he is Yue Fei's uncle, and has received tribute from those sergeants. How can he be bullied by a junior on the other side?

In the end, Shuangyi openly fought outside the camp, but remembered that there was another person on it, so after the other people came forward to persuade peace, there was not much damage, and the matter was immediately handed over to Yue Fei to deal with it personally. .

Besides, who is Yue Pengju?

This person is a rare person in this world, and after the First World War in Liang Shanbo, combined with his simple mentality of saving his hometown in Hebei, he is the most profoundly convinced from the heart that the army must have the heart to defend the country and save the people. It can be a big thing! If the plunder is endless, how is it different from the Jinren?

Otherwise, how could Zhang Xian bite the bullet against Yao Wang's elders? It's not that Yue Fei's life all day long.

Therefore, the result of the disposal did not exceed the expectations of Zhang Xian and other close generals, but it was beyond the expectations of Yao Wang and all the new generals... He was deprived of his title of commander, and was reduced to a general before the account, while Zhang Xian was credited with a transfer of military merit.

This incident also greatly shocked the newcomers Li Kui, Xu Qing, etc. Afterwards, under the leadership of the two, the newcomers with the chaotic control title asked for an order together and took the initiative to request their title to be downgraded to the commander... this It's a digression, no need to say more, and the matter seems to be let go.

In this way, in the next few days, Yue Fei sat in an isolated place and saw Kong Yanzhou lead ten thousand people around Jeju, and proceeded from Jinan's Shunjishui to Nanjing Dacheng along the route of the Jinan army, and coordinated with the main force of the Jinren to control Nanjing. To rush, Yue Peng, who is completely at a loss about the situation in the west, is very anxious, but does not dare to act rashly. Even Yanzhou, who is inevitably empty at this time, dare not touch it. He just asks people to retrieve Xu Qing and other Hebei refugees in Yanzhou. It's just the family members.

And time flowed until September was approaching, and Yue Fei just got a good news. Before the messenger rushed back, a group of nearly five thousand soldiers and horses followed the Heshui River upstream from the southeast. From here.

In this regard, Yue Zhenfu naturally made people to inquire in advance, but the news that he inquired about did not make people feel relieved.

This is because although the coming general claims to be the reinforcements sent by Zhang Junbu, he is not a named officer in the Yuying You Army, or he can just say it bluntly. This person is one of the army thieves and local tyrants who had previously ruled in Yizhou. He just surrendered. Zhang Taiwei was only a local tyrant in Yizhou in January.

Kong Yanzhou’s trouble was first, and his hometown of Yizhou was also on the edge of the Song Dynasty’s control. If this person is in chaos, it is not too reasonable... I don’t know why Taiwei Zhang sent this person to help?

But after all, it's a serious reinforcement, and I can't ignore it.

Ever since, I heard that the army was approaching. For the sake of prudence, Yue Pengju personally cited his own army and the White Army, and because of the emptiness of Yanzhou behind him, Wang Gui and Fu Xuan, who had just sorted out the foundations of the family, were coming together. Five thousand soldiers and horses entered the territory of Shanzhou and met at the junction of Heshui and Henggou.

On the last day of August, the two armies finally met across the river.

In other words, by this time, Yue Fei’s messenger had already turned back and brought a message that Hu Cheng was indeed sent by Zhang Jun. By this time, Yue Fei had already let go of his three-point distraction; when the enemy’s army arrived, Yue Fei observed for a while, and saw that After the opponent had no intention to fight, he let go of the three-point distraction... So, Yue Fei did not wear armor, weapons, or horseback. He only led Zhang Xianpei and a knife to take the initiative to go on the pontoon that he had built on Henggou beforehand. , Meet Hucheng.

And Hu Cheng didn't disappoint Yue Fei either. This person was the same, just dressed in casual clothes, and only guarded with a confidant general with a sword, and went on the pontoon to meet.

So far, the hostility between the two sides has basically been eliminated. After they met, they exchanged a few words, then each put down the block, shaking hands and saying joy, as if the misunderstanding was eliminated, and there was no sense of defense.

At this time, Yue Fei learned why he was here as the other party.

"Yue Zhenfu doesn't know something." Although Hu Cheng, who was about 40 years old, was an army thief in a separatist regime, he seemed to have read a book. Although he smiled bitterly on his face, he spoke eloquently, and he was slightly in harmony with Yue Fei. "My Taiwei Zhang was in the Huaiyang Army under the Pi, and Nanjing fell and Xia Pi was naturally shaken, and my Taiwei was greatly favored by the officials. How dare to neglect? So he immediately sent Liu Bao and Lieutenant General Tian Shi to quote 20,000 yuan. The main force tends to Suzhou and Bozhou, trying to move closer to Taiwei Han to the west, trying to support the official flanks from the south. But Nanjing fell, and there was no news about Zhang Zizheng, and Taiwei Zhang knew that he was the two nearest neighbors. For one aspect, I couldn’t ignore it, but I had to let the people who were originally in Yizhou deal with it here..."

Yue Fei knew that this was obviously because Zhang Jun guessed that Zhang Suo would end up in nine out of ten. Nanjing could not be saved, and he did not report hope to himself, Kong Yanzhou, and Zhang Rong. So as soon as he heard the news, he sent a new one. The descending miscellaneous brand control came to falsely respond to the story.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Yue Pengju nodded seriously: "Taipei Zhang actually did a good job."

"Who can say that there is a mistake?" Hu Cheng smiled bitterly. "What about Yue Zhenfu and the subordinate officer? The subordinate officer is a newly descended body, and he has fallen into a Jedi surrounded on three sides, but Yue Zhenfu should stop thinking about the reinforcement of Taiwei Zhang... Just now, Yue Zhenfu It is said that Zhang Zhenfu's defeat can only protect Liangshanbo. Obviously, he can support Jinan at most for us. The Nanjing cavalry of more than 10,000 golden cavalrymen and 10,000 Kong Yanzhou infantrymen, I am afraid that we only need to work together to deal with it."

"I can't deal with it, I don't have to deal with it." Seeing that the other party was a bit gentle, but also sincere, coupled with the emergency of the military, Yue Fei simply held the other party's hand to frankly tell. "I think the Jinren's posture is to hold on to Nanjing, to support the flanks and back roads for the war on the west, and there is no intention of surging... more than 10,000 Jurchen cavalry, 10,000 Kong Yanzhou's soldiers, and a strong city. Let's add With 20,000 people together, the combat power is uneven, and it can't be beaten at all."

"So, isn't it just right to sit down?" Hu Cheng was moved by the words.

"What I mean is to ask Hu control to sit down for me." Yue Fei said bluntly. "And I myself have been greatly favored by Senior Minister Zhang, Zongliu Shou, and the officials, but I must never sit and wait here..."

With a move in Hu Cheng's heart, he instantly understood what the other party meant, and then was slightly moved: "Does Yue Zhenfu want to entrust Jeju to the lower officials and lead his troops to the west? Zhenfu's loyal and righteous people admire him, but the brothers met for the first time. Can't afford to be so trustworthy."

Yue Fei sighed slightly: "The situation is like this, on the contrary, I have added to the chaos of the reign...Today, I have been sitting in desperation for the past few days. I have already thought about it. I originally had 13 thousand people. Recently, I have Li Kui. Five thousand people and Xu Qingyin three thousand people converge, totaling about 21,000 people. And now that the Hu control system is here, I will let my subordinate Wang Guiyin six or seven thousand people stay, and then weed out some old and weak people. Put together seven or eight thousand to assist the Hu control system and defend the city together, so that you will have twelve thousand soldiers and horses, and I will introduce the remaining twelve thousand elite soldiers and horses through Puzhou to the west of Tokyo to find the clan to stay behind. ……what do you think?"

Hu Cheng thought about it for a while, and obviously he still felt a little unbearable in his heart, so he had to refuse.

When Yue Fei saw this, he hurriedly said: "If there is a change in the military situation, Jeju can't keep it, and there is no need to worry about the control system. I will be grateful if I try to keep my subordinates and family members from retreating to Xuzhou and Yizhou."

Before Hu Cheng heard that the other party wanted to take the initiative to find a battle, he was shocked in his heart. At this time, he saw that the other party was so sincere, and he had to entrust everything as soon as they met, and he was more loyal. Therefore, this person thought for a moment, and simply gritted his teeth. But he held the other hand with the other hand, turned around with the other hand and pointed at the person behind him and said:

"The Zhenfu doesn't avoid danger, how can the next official refuse to resign? This is the brother of the next official, Li Zhang, nicknamed "Tian Diao". The next official is a scholar and doesn't understand military affairs. It was only because his family was quite famous in his hometown. Pushing to be the leader, marching and fighting, and rushing into the battle, rely on this brother... Let him lead the only two hundred horses in the lower official department to take a trip with the town."

Yue Fei had seen the majestic generals behind him a long time ago, and he smelled such words, why not please? He immediately abandoned Hu into his hand, stepped forward and staggered to hold the smashing hand.

However, as soon as the two sides shook hands, the face of the stunned eagle changed, and he directly applied force on his hand, trying to drag Yue Fei down! However, Yue Peng used his inborn supernatural power, and this basic set-up effort was even better. He had already stabilized his body in a haste, and he didn't even move. On the contrary, this smashing eagle almost fell.

But at this time, listening to a wind that was not too familiar came from behind his ears, Yue Fei suddenly woke up, but it was too late.

In an instant, the sound of an arrow hitting the flesh came clear, Yue Fei turned his head, only to see that his brother Zhang Xian had already shot an arrow in the shoulder. Obviously, he was too late to draw his sword, so he could only hurriedly cover himself with his arm.

However, Yue Fei, who was slightly relieved, looked back, but it was a rare frustration, because he was seeing Wang Gui and others grabbing one person from the bank of Henggou, and then directly peeled off the helmet, revealing his uncle. Appearance, self-sacrifice.

"Let Hu control the joke." Yue Fei looked there for a long time before turning around, but he revealed the first wry smile he had met on the bridge today. "I will come as soon as I go..."

Hu Cheng didn't know the identity of Yao Wang, so naturally he had nothing to say.

And a moment later, Yue Fei and Zhang Xian came back, let the military doctor catch Zhang Xian, cut off the clothes and the arrow shafts in public, and sprayed the wounds with spirits and cut out the arrows with the "Military and Health Regulations" handed down by Zhao Guanjia. It seemed that there was no serious problem before turning his head to look at his own uncle Yao Wang, who was already pale.

"Wulang, uncle was confused for a while!" Yao Wang had already calmed down for so long. Seeing Yue Fei and seeing him, if Wang Gui and the others hadn't held him down, they would be gonna beg for mercy immediately, regardless of etiquette. "Let's let your uncle go back to Jeju City to be a coachman for your mother, and don't want to be rich in the army..."

"Uncle is really confused." Yue Fei squinted and looked at his uncle, slowly facing each other. "If you said early in the morning that you were in the army for wealth, how could I let you join the army? But if your uncle insisted on saying something'for a while,' Goro, I couldn't believe it...Your behavior today, isn't it because I punish you in public last time? Why did you dismiss you from office, and then sorrow it? Don’t you get your thoughts from Xu Qing’s story about your behavior today, thinking that after killing me and pushing me to Hucheng, causing the army to fight, then take advantage of the situation. My uncle's identity goes to help Yue Yun or Liu Lang (Yue Fan), or even take advantage of the situation to separate it?"

Yao Wang spoke openly, but didn't know how to refute it. In the end, he could only gritted his teeth and said, "The foolish thing has been done, how is Goro going to deal with me?"

"As your sergeant, today is your subordinate assassinated the coach; as your uncle, you want to kill your nephew and steal your nephew’s foundation; for you, a Song citizen, you are not looking at the golden man at this time, When the two armies fought, it was an authentic Song trait..."

"I just wanted to get a sulky breath!" Yao Wang listened seriously, and immediately recklessly explained. "There is no such vicious mind! Think about it, someone else's family becomes a general, the army is all private property, and the soldiers can build a house for the family to do business! Junzhou is regarded as a private property, so why are you different here? Gold, silver, money, silk, and grain have passed through your hands like running water, but all of them fell into the army. Your old lady has few servants to serve! I..."

"No need to say more." At the beginning, Yue Fei stood there quietly listening to a few words, but after hearing it, he felt impatient. "The country is in danger to this point. The people in Hebei have died in the tens of thousands. Zhang Zizheng in Nanjing has been martyred. Even the Xin Daozong's kind of government has not lost dignity. You obviously came from Hebei and saw the tragedy with your own eyes. Saying this here? It's my fault. From the beginning, I should tell you the rules in our army...Wang Gui and Fu Xuan, you two control each hold his hands!"

Wang Gui had detained Yao Wang, and he instinctively pressed it when he heard the words. Fu Xuan who had avoided Wenyan also instinctively stepped forward to replace Tang Huai.

"I'll take care of my brother!" Zhang Xian, who had just finished bandaging next to him, jumped up and held his saber forward. "Brother don't have to ruin his reputation in vain!"

Tang Huai didn't say a word, but he also looked up in shock.

"Brother." Wang Gui also held down Yao Wang, sweating profusely and raised his head to persuade him. "Yao Wang is absolutely culpable today, but you don't need to do it yourself to bear this bad reputation!"

"What reputation, shouldn't it be wrong? If you say it shouldn't, the officials should not commit suicide Liu Guangshi, but if the officials don't kill Liu Guangshi personally, Da Song died last year!" Yue Fei pushed open Zhang Xian. While pulling out the knife from the opponent's waist that hadn't had time to pull out from the bridge before, he walked around behind his uncle and watched Fu Xuan and Tang Huai with his eyes.

Both Fu Xuan and Tang Huai were helpless and had no choice but to bite the bullet and change positions, and then the former exerted force to hold down Yao Wang.

"Goro, do you dare to kill me?" Until this time, Yao Wang still couldn't believe it. "How do you and your mother..."

Then just halfway through the conversation, Yue Fei didn't hesitate, and only one knife was convenient for the two armies to pierce the neck of his uncle.

The two armies were in a commotion across the river, but after a moment, as Yue Fei turned over and mounted the sword, the Yuejia army on the north bank of Henggou was instantly awe-inspiring. Thousands of soldiers all lost their voices, which then affected the soldiers and horses of Hucheng Yizhou on the other side of the river.

As for Wang Gui, Fu Xuan and others in front of him, they were completely panic-stricken.

"Today's incident, it is said that my uncle sneaked on me. In fact, the root is still the looting thing that day." Yue Fei looked at the sergeant in front of him, flatly raised the blood-stained knife and raised his voice to face each other. "In order to prevent any of you from misunderstanding and making this old mistake again, I will tell you again in public today... I, Yue Fei, joined the army four times, the first time to make ends meet! The second time I joined the army to make a living, how much I also have the meaning of being promoted to gain fame! But from the third time I experienced the Taiyuan War, I saw the entire fall of Hebei Hedong, the golden people slaughtered and plundered indefinitely, and wantonly slaughtered the city and looted the city. Since then, I have been wholeheartedly trying to get rid of the gold. Dog, rejuvenate the two rivers! There is no longer any thought of getting promoted and wealthy! As for Yuer and so on, as for you, if you want to be promoted and become wealthy, go elsewhere and don’t get under my Yue Fei!”

At the end of Yue Peng's speech, he only echoed the roar of the autumn wind like thunder.

The whole army didn't say anything about the horror when they heard it, but it was the words of Hu Cheng and Li Zhang who were curiously looking on the bridge. They both lost their color after hearing these words. In addition to the previous good impressions, they were awed by awe.

However, Yue Fei confessed, and then looked to Zhang Xian to his side, but he raised his sword and said, "Come here!"

Zhang Xian quickly dragged a newly bandaged arm forward, ready to receive the knife, but Yue Fei was not in a hurry to give it to him, but immediately confronted him: "If there is a penalty, there is no reward... Last time you stopped this person. Looting the scholars and people, this time you saved my life again and saved me from a catastrophe, and you are promoted to the commander of the former army!"

"Here..." Zhang Xian hurriedly responded, and then took the knife.

"One more thing." Yue Pengju watched his little brother continue to speak, but lowered his voice again. "I thought you were the youngest and most ignorant of our brothers, but recently you have a tendency to behave quite a lot... As a town governor, you are naturally promoted to an official position, but as a brother, you are I can't help but show...I'll change your name based on this!"

"Let my elder give orders." Zhang Xian was still a little at a loss, of course there was nothing to say.

"Zhang Zizheng set himself on fire. His son Zhang Xian did not know if he returned to Nanyang, and Zhang Xian happened to have a similar name to you... I naturally didn't let you adopt the word, but said that the word Xian is better than Xian, because Xian is governed by law. It means that you were picking Yao Wang before you were enforcing the law, so you want to change you to Zhang Xian.” Yue Fei said slowly. "I hope you can remember what happened in the past few days. If everything is done without losing the rules, it will become a powerful weapon!"

Zhang Xian...that is, Zhang Xian. This is the elder brother in everything, let alone change the name of the same pronunciation, hoping to encourage myself? Immediately bow down under the horse to accept it.

Yue Fei quickly got off his horse, helped Zhang Xian up, and sent the medical officer forward again, so he could do a bandage again.

In this way, a few days later, on the third day of September, Yue Fei, a Jeju town caregiver who received a small number of reinforcements, left Wang Gui, Hu Cheng and others to guard Jeju, and hurriedly introduced a selection of 12,000 people, including Fu. Generals such as Xuan, Zhang Xian, Tang Huai, Li Kui, Li Zhang, Xu Qing, and countless envoys of all sizes, hurried across Jishui from the north of Liangshanpo, trying to cross Puzhou to help Tokyo.

As soon as the Yue Jiajun arrived in Puzhou, he encountered a local hero Li Bao who crossed the Yellow River and led three thousand sailors ashore, trying to take the Puzhou occupied by the Jinmen. The two sides converged and easily seized the empty Puzhou, and Yue Fei At this time, I knew that the other Wanhu Yinlubu was crossing the Puyang River from the west, passing through here to the south. It was also learned from Li Bao that Marshal Wanyan Nianhan, the Jinrendu Marshal, was now taking the seat of the Daming Mansion behind Puyang, and there were countless troops converging there one after another, and Li Bao was unable to gain a foothold in the upper reaches. .

Puyang is a world-famous city with a strong city, and due to the special geographical situation of the Yellow River (the lower reaches of the river branch into four or five roads), it is connected to the Daming Mansion. The golden man occupies these two places and can firmly control the main roads of the Yellow River. In this case, the gains and losses of Puzhou next to the Yellow River are actually meaningless.

Therefore, Yue Fei urged Li Bao to abandon Puzhou with him, and took advantage of the situation to go west to support Huazhou and Tokyo, where the enemy’s situation was unknown. Li Bao, as a local hero in Jingdong on the Yellow River, hated the golden people. See you again Yue Fei's soldiers are not vulgar, so he also complied.

Besides, Yue Fei led the army to the west with all intentions, and actually didn't know much about the battle situation in the west of Puyang. And Zhao Guan's house far away in Nanyang, after the initial chaos, at this time finally learned a general situation from the information gathered from various places.

"Speaking of which, the golden men are divided into five groups and cross the river together to make a surprise attack?"

In the Yushan camp, Zhao Jiu looked at the rough map for a long time, and then tentatively fumbled on the map and asked Liu Ziyu.

"On the east side of the two roads, Ali smuggled into Jinan and Jianlu reinforces the crossing of Puzhou, all succeeded, and attacked Nanjing (Shangqiu), Zhang Zizheng was martyred, and Jingdong two roads fell apart again, but they were actually cut off by Yingtian Mansion (Shangqiu). ; The two roads in the middle, Yeluma Wu from Huazhou and Wanyanbari from Baoshuiguan in the west of Zhengzhou, together raided, trying to outflank Tokyo, but were blocked; the westernmost way, Wanyan Saba tried to raid Li Yanxian, but He was first discovered by the Red Turban military in Hedong, but instead, he joined forces in Jiezhou to lure the enemy deeper, set ambush, and directly defeated the opponent?"

"It should be like that." Liu Ziyu was silent for a while and told frankly. "Actually, it is generally expected by the Privy Council. Jingdong Zhang Zizheng is the weakest, and the Tokyo Zong left guard is the strongest... Only Zhang Zizheng was raided and died in a hurry, which is a big mistake; and Li Jinglue can force the opponent back, But it was an unexpected joy. And the key now is where are Wanyan Nianhan, Wanyan Loushi, Wanyan Wushu, and Wanyan Tart? Will they cross the river? When and where? It must be investigated carefully!"

"Yes, this matter is the most important thing! In addition to this matter, the two principals must quickly discuss the military merits of Li Yanxian, who is connected to the big and small Zhai, and Li Yanxian's three Shao (Shaoyun, Shaoxing, Shaolong), when this is the time. He must be particularly rewarded; then he will send a note to Lu Xianggong in the city, asking him to discuss matters such as the gift of Zhang Zizheng behind him, and the family members who stay in Nanyang should also focus on preferential treatment. In fact..." Zhao Jiu solemnly responded, but said In the end, he inevitably got stuck and continued to sigh. "Actually, I should have told Senior Minister Zhang not to care about the palace. I really forgot about it."

"Here!" Liu Ziyu responded solemnly, facing each other again and again. "Officials, please don't worry about Zizheng is a minister and keeps the official festival. This is what he did voluntarily and should be encouraged, not because of his sorrow."

"The officials thought so too." Lu Yihao stepped forward, rarely the same as Liu Ziyu. "The model of Minister Zhang Zizheng, his behavior is to tell the people of the world that the Song Dynasty also has the system of martyrdom! Just like the brother of Li Xueshi (Li Ruopu) (Li Ruoshui) and Liu Canjun's father (Liu Yun) in Jingkang, They are all such heroes. And when the officials are in such a posture when they are about to fight, if these people know what to do, they will feel that they are not worth it!

Upon hearing this, Li Ruopu and Liu Ziyu saluted again.

"I know." Zhao Jiu looked down at the map, guessing the location of the gold man's main force, while waving his hand again and again. "I don't know how serious it is, but I just stopped, just because I haven't seen many faces with Zhang Zizheng, I can't remember his appearance for a while, and I will inevitably feel sad."

Below Lu Yihao, everyone in the military house almost lived together, just like Zhao Guanjia did just now.

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