Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 55: Candidate

"Do the officials really want to use Yue Fei?"

Unexpectedly, after a moment's pause, it was Lu Haowen who was speaking this time, not Lu Yihao, who was becoming more and more prestigious.

"I don't need him, who else can I use at this time?" Under the snowflakes, Zhao Jiu turned his head and glanced at Dazhai, the main force of the Golden Army, which was gradually growing to the north, and then sighed.

No matter whether Lu Haowen, or the others, he was startled at first, and then all showed a little emotion...because as the official said, who else can he use at this time?

In addition, the reason why the official Zhao used Yue Fei naturally does not need to be said. For him as a traverser, the two words Yue Fei are already reasons. The three words like Han Shizhong are generally the basic courage he dares to operate in this year. . But even if this reason is aside, who can use it for the moment?

It must be known that at this moment, looking around the entire battlefield, that is, the Tokyo Left-behind Division still has some surplus of soldiers, and can make some moves.

Therefore, no matter who is going to preside over the situation in Tokyo.

Zongze is certainly available, but according to Zhao Guanjia's guess, it should indeed be seriously ill.

After Li Gang passed through Jingkang and the southeast turmoil, everyone has lost confidence in his military level.

Li Yanxian is definitely available, but Shaanzhou is the connection point between the Central Plains and Guanxi and Hebei. It is the most important node in itself. Its survival depends on whether the Songjin frontline can be maintained to the Yellow River line. And don’t look at the situation in Shanzhou now a little better, it’s just that the main force of the West Route Army has not come to Shanzhou. Once Li Yanxian is allowed to lead troops in Tokyo, will it immediately attract Wanyan Lou's room or Wanyan Yinshu can counterattack Shanzhou? , When the time comes, the door will be opened, and the confluence of the east and west armies of the Golden Army is called a dead end.

For the same reason, Zhang Jun should not be easily dispatched, otherwise the Jianghuai door will be opened, and suddenly there will be a golden army partial division heading south to Yangzhou, and the fun will be great!

And after deliberation, even in the eyes of the central ministers, Jingdong and Jingxi here, at this time, I really have to say that there has been a little record and a little trustworthy. In fact, this is the townsman who was a death row prisoner a year ago. Make Yue Fei.

Therefore, it is necessary to use it. There are not many warlords available now, but it is impossible to give him a super-rank title, otherwise it will be a bad thing.

For this, look at Li Yanxian, Han Shizhong, Zhang Jun, Qu Duan, and the rebellion in the Southeast.

Why did Li Yanxian change his name to Kangjin?

Wasn't he dissatisfied with Li Gang's military strategy from the beginning, slandering the prime minister Li Gang was a military waste, so that he was wanted?

Han Shizhong watched the new official's ascend to the throne in Nanjing, looked at the soldiers and horses that were gathering, and drank too much and said something in his heart-‘We are the first in the world’!

What do you mean?

The rest are just waste!

As for Zhang Jun and Qu Duan, they are all old Western soldiers, so there is no need to mention them.

There is also the rebellion in the southeast. You get Wang Sunchen to go up. The name is big enough, but he hasn't joined the army for decades. Who is convinced?

Oh, there is also Liu Guangshi who is dead. He doesn't care about his status, and he seldom refuses to convince him. He just likes to beggar his neighbor.

Where are things in the army so simple? It's one thing to be an arrogant soldier, but the essential problem is that if you want so many people to give their lives to one person, you have to come up with some evidence.

Not to mention, nine out of ten soldiers and horses of the Tokyo Left-behind Division are refugees from Hebei and bandits from the two capitals. If it is really bad, these people will not have much psychological pressure to turn around and become bandits.

However, there is one thing to say that it was really a bit unexpected when things came to the current situation, because Zhao Jiu was very careful in Nanyang before and took this difficult situation into consideration.

The Zhao official family did not know the life span of Zongze in history, but probably knew that Zongze died of grief and indignation in Tokyo, plus this person’s age was there, so he did it at the beginning, and also for the sake of To ensure Yue Fei's performance, a special insurance was set up.

And this insurance is exactly what Jingdong’s two-way system set up.

Zhang Suo set up a camp in Huazhou very early, and got along very well with Zongze. A considerable part of Zongze’s department will have been handled by Zhang Suo. More importantly, this person, like Zongze, is a Bole of Yue Fei. There is no doubt about the trust in Yue Fei...So according to the original plan, even if Zongze went wrong, Zhang Suo, an officer in Nanjing, would take over the Tokyo left-behind department, and Yue Fei would definitely get better because of this. Strong protection and broader space for play.

But it's useless to say that... Kong Yanzhou defected and Zhang Suo was martyred!

"This matter is not so simple, so stroke it a little bit more." It was probably after waiting for Lu Yihao's words for a long time, Lu Haowen had to hesitate to continue. "The official family...I don't know if the official family has thought about one thing in Nanyang when considering other situations?"

"What's the matter?"

"This matter was mentioned before by Chen Shangshu, and the minister was quite agreeable." Lu Haowen turned his head and glanced at the old rules. This action caused another Lu Xianggong to look on with cold eyes, but Lu Haowen was getting closer before he cared about it. Under the snowflakes, pointing to the shadows and lights on the north side, he turned his head and said sternly. "The Jin Army was afraid of our artillery, so he didn't dare to approach the city and did not make a siege, but is the Jin Army really powerless? It is understandable that they are surrounded by three and one, but there are so many cavalry, it is really impossible to block the messenger Why? Why just let the messengers come and go?"

"I knew what they meant that day." Zhao Jiu glanced at the Golden Army Camp outside the city with a hand, and was frank. "Hey, since Nanyang's city defense is excellent, we simply use this strategy to force us to dispatch. Once we dispatch, we will inevitably reveal flaws. For them, it is a fighter... But this is a scheming. Saying that Han Shizhong is in danger, Tokyo is left behind at the backwaters, and the situation in Kansai is worrying. They are all fake, right?"

Lu Haowen opened his mouth, but finally nodded: "The official understands in his heart...but the minister has another question. Since the official knew that the golden army outside the city was attacking his heart, he deliberately sent the predicament of the north front line. , But why do you want to force dispatch? So what exactly does Yue Fei want to do? Just take over Zong’s stay in Tokyo and take over the affairs of Tokyo? From the current point of view, Zong’s stay in Tokyo should only be seriously ill, and Yue Fei is not restrained in Tokyo. ..."

"Lu Xianggong." Zhao Jiu sighed. "The old rules only tell you that the enemy is deceiving, but have you ever told you that sitting in the dry city is the way to wait for death? In the situation in Nanyang today, isn't there a counterattack weapon like a new artillery car?"

Lu Haowen and Chen Gui tied their hands slightly, but they didn't refute anything.

And Zhao Guanjia also simply pointed out: "I want to save Han Shizhong...Han Liangchen can't die! He is my gut! I don't dare to think that once Han Shizhong dies in the Changsha, who can support the overall situation in the future? Yue Fei is certainly a good talent. But you have also said that he is only twenty-seven, and the sword has no eyes. If Han Shizhong can flourish in my life, God knows what will happen to him in the future?"

On the city wall, everyone was speechless, but no one was surprised. According to the official's previous care of Han Shizhong, this reason is absolutely credible.

"Of course it is understandable that the officials want to save Taiwei Han. The general of Han Shizhong is indispensable, but where are the soldiers?" At this moment, Lu Yihao suddenly joined hands and asked questions before Lu Hao asked. "According to the military information collected by the Privy Council in the past few days, although Wanyan Tart is lazy to deal with the soldiers, he himself should be sitting under the city of Changshe and besieging the Changshe himself, and the surrounding soldiers and horses, from the Yeluma 5 in Zhongmou to the south The lazy son-in-law Pu Chahu Balu, he has a total of 40,000 soldiers and horses in his hands, and more cavalry...So if you can't clear the siege in three or five days, you will only be annihilated by the army of golden people...There must be an army!"

"Not bad." Lu Hao asked nodded seriously.

"There are 20,000 to 30,000 in Tokyo city, and 30,000 to 40,000 in the south of Kaifeng Mansion. Let Li Yanxian give up Hebei and stick to Shaanzhou. If he can't, he can gather some more, plus the remnants of Liu Bao and Tianshi... all gather. One hundred thousand is unlikely, seven to eighty thousand will always be available, right?" Zhao Jiu replied sternly.

"Does Tokyo leave it alone?" Shangshu Chen Gui of the Ministry of War immediately faced each other anxiously.

"If you save land and lose people, you will lose both people and land. If you save people and lose land, you will lose both people and land." It was the chief minister Lu Yihao who answered the old rules. "Of course Tokyo City is important, but it's not as good as Han Liangchen... To save Han Liangchen is Tokyo's loss, and sooner or later it will be able to fight back! But as it is now, the cities of the Five Rivers will fall one by one, and then Tokyo will again What guarantee?"

The stereotypes were momentarily dumb.

"I thought about it carefully." Zhao Jiu quickly stopped the fight between the two. "Tokyo is only two hundred miles away from Changsha, and the Jinjun’s nearest Tokyo is Nakamou Yeluma 5, ten thousand people, fifty miles apart... Siege and relief are not the same thing. If you can assemble soldiers to rescue Han Shizhong, then Turning back to Tokyo for rest and recuperation, Yeluma was too late to capture Tokyo."

Everyone fell into thinking again.

But after a while, Hu Yin said in earnest: "The official said it is reasonable, Han Shizhong, a famous general in the dynasty, can't help but save!"

Immediately afterwards, Scholar Kobayashi was no longer silent: "Han Shizhong really wants to save!"

"The minister also thought he would be saved!" Yan Xiaozhong, who had not said a word, finally ignored his friendship with the old rules and did not hesitate to hand in hand. "Otherwise, how can the people of the world see the sincerity of the official family?"

On the head of the city, a minister, an internal system, a Nanyang Fu Yin, and a Yushi Zhongcheng expressed their approval for the emperor, and this matter cannot be changed.

In fact, Lu Haowen did not insist anymore. Instead, he handed over and returned to the crux of the problem: "If this is the case, plus the fact that Zongliushou’s illness cannot be made public, he can only find a minister as Zongliushou’s deputy, and then Supervisor Yue Fei went south to integrate the Tokyo left-behind department."

"It can only be so." Zhao Jiu was silent for a moment, after all he gave up the possibility of making Yue Fei directly handsome, but he was still a little worried. "But I'm afraid that Tokyo Sakon can be a handsome minister and can't let it go to Yue Fei."

"Don't worry about officials." Lu Haowen sighed slightly. "The minister thought about it, there is still a good candidate... Now that Tokyo deputy left-behind Quan Kunyan is trapped in Huazhou, and Taiwei Lu is trapped in Xiangcheng, there are only two candidates, and the official wants another to look after Gu Yuefei. For those who have an affair with Yue Fei, one more Wang Yan has to be removed, so that there is only one last person, and this candidate is just the right one."

Zhao Jiu's heart moved slightly, but he didn't have time to think about it. Instead, he blurted out: "I know who you are talking about. The last person is naturally the former Daming Mansion and Yin Duchong who is now in Kaifeng Mansion... But didn't he escape from the Daming Mansion? Is it usable? Do you dare to fight? I faintly hear people say that he is killing him?

"Officials, the current situation is that there are only a few people with this qualification at the moment, and this person is doing his job." Lu Haowen said eloquently. "The most important thing is that this person and Yue Fei are hometowns."

Zhao Jiu suddenly felt that his fellow villagers this year were a guarantee of greatness, but he obviously had no impression of Du Chong's name, and he didn't know what the historical image was about, so he hurriedly looked back at Yang Yizhong.

On this occasion, Yang Yizhong had no room to intervene, but as a data query device used by the Zhao official family, Yang Tongzhi still ignored the thin snowflakes that had accumulated on his shoulders, and bowed very quickly to give the answer:

"Returning to the officials, what Lu Xianggong said is not bad. The two are originally from the same hometown, and they have a good relationship... Yue Fei is one of the few martial artists who is enterprising in study, and Du Dayin once spoke in Tokyo in the middle of the year, saying that there are many Xiangzhou heroes. , But most of them are rude people, and only Yue Peng who can associate with him in the friendship of the same country... Although these remarks may be mocking the Tokyo left-behind commander Zhang Yong, who is also from Xiangzhou, he can still be more or less. I can see that Du Chong and Yue Fei are getting along well."

At this point, Yang Yizhong paused for a while before speaking in a low voice: "Not only that, Du Dayin’s eldest son Du Song and third son Du Kun are both in Xiangyang; while son-in-law Han Ru and second son Du Yan, at this time All in the city."

This is what it means that hostages can rest assured.

Zhao Jiu was relieved for a while, but shook his head slightly.

In other words, when things have come to this point, he doesn’t know yet. There is such a good candidate in Tokyo. It can even be said to be a natural candidate. The qualifications, current official position, and hometown are all the most suitable... and Lu Yihao came to Nanyang for the first time. It is not clear that personnel matters are understandable before long, but Lu Haowen, who took part in arranging official positions in the first half of the year, has been delayed until now. He is obviously still conservative and unwilling to take the initiative to make trouble.

Of course, it's still the same sentence. It's better to have a way than nothing. And Lu Hao asked whether he provided such a suitable candidate under his persecution, so what more do you think?

Ever since, Zhao Guanjia was relieved and exhausted, but made a decision: "Then send the envoy to Tokyo, without writing to the letter, in case it is intercepted by the Jin army, let the envoy enter Tokyo to see Tell me about it!"

"Officials!" Lu Yihao interrupted quickly and added a little. "You can send an irrelevant decree to appoint Yue Fei's official position, and let Du Chong's second son, Du Yan, be an envoy... The officials can understand the official sentiments; and Du Chong can understand the official sentiments when he sees his parents and children, and he is grateful. By then, he will be afraid of difficulties, and his son will be able to convey the official sentiments clearly. Those who didn't dare not to go south to save Han Liangchen, it was hard not to reuse Yue Fei's."

Hearing this, Zhao Jiu almost completely relaxed: "So, you can look forward to it! Go ahead and let Du Yan go out of town overnight! Don't delay!"

Everyone bowed their hands together, and didn't say much.

PS: After checking carefully, Du Chong should have served as Zongze's deputy after going south from the famous mansion... Judging from his qualifications, it is only natural to succeed Zongze.

At that time, Yue Fei was generally regarded as Du Chong's love general...

Wonderful book house

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