Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 68: back and forth

When the war comes right now, there is no point in any calculations. It is just a breath of life, equipment, horses, and courage. But no matter what, the generals are always an extremely important part of this. At least how to fight them. Have the final say.

Thanks to Yue Fei’s strategy of division of troops, the original frontline commander of Changshe City, Pu Chahu Balu and his ten men, were lured to Changge by Ma Gao and others. Therefore, at this time, the Jin Army’s frontline was really The commander temporarily became a young tens of thousands.

Da?? is the younger brother of Da Tiao Buye who died before, and he is the successor of the Da Clan of the Bohai clan in the Golden State Army...Of course, it is okay for the Da clan to say that it is the Bohai clan, because the word Da is the leader itself. It came, and the Bohai family established the Bohai Kingdom, known as the Haidong Shengguo, as early as the Tang Dynasty, but it was later destroyed by Yelu Abaoji.

It is precisely because of this, coupled with the Bohai uprising in the process of the rise of Jurchen, trying to establish the Great Bohai Kingdom. When the Wanyan Aguda period, this big clan with great prestige and strength in Jurchen's initial turf was immediately acquired. The Wanyan clan's sincere wooing and alliance, the two parties generally married, and the Da clan actually enjoyed the kind of detached status second only to the clan in the Kingdom of Jin.

how to say?

This Jin Guogui, who has just become a tens of thousands of households, is not that he has no experience in the military, or does not understand the military methods of the Jin army, nor is he not desperate in previous wars... But, facing the face of Wan Yan, I was lazy to convey it. With the order of the army, and the two vigorous reinforcements, this Dawanhu hesitated a bit.

He suddenly didn't want to go desperately anymore.

There are many reasons and they are very simple... For example, his brother died in the hands of the Song people, and if there is no accident, he should have died in the hands of the owner of the Yue character banner in front of him. He was a little bit embarrassed; for another example Before the army gathered here, the fourth prince Wanyan Wushu abandoned him when he was selecting elites. He couldn't help but feel resentful; for example, these days, Wanyan Tart and Wanyan Nianhan have been planning to set up in Henan. Everyone knows about vassal states, and what makes this Bohai imperial family unacceptable is that a few newly descended Han people can easily establish a country and become an emperor, in charge of hundreds of millions of people, more than a dozen prefectures and counties. But their dignified Bohai royal family and Wanyan clan's in-laws can't even divide a state and a county... so the grievance is even heavier!

In a word, I don't know when, this general Bohai didn't want to fight hard, at least he didn't want to fight his own life!

However, the Jin Jun has strict military discipline. Since the right deputy marshal personally ordered him to lead the cavalry in, he can only lead the troops in!

"Follow me, go chisel in with me!" After a while, after turning some messy thoughts in his mind, he suddenly raised his cowhide handguards and cheered up. "I am invincible today!"

The two newly supported Meng'an (Team of Thousands, Commander of the Thousand Commander) and Da??'s own core Meng'an also shook up suddenly when they heard this, and worked hard each!

Immediately, the three complete Golden Army Meng An, all of which are fresh forces, are also the largest mobile force that can be organized in a short period of time on the battlefield. They began to line up a tight formation—heavy cavalry moved forward and clamped. With spears, the cavalry without a vest automatically moved backwards, with bows and arrows in hand, and followed Wan Hu Da??, slowly moving to the side and back, as if to widen the distance and make room for the charge.

The densely packed Golden Army cavalry began to flow on a large scale. The vests, armors, spear points, and bows and arrows began to shine with a chilling light in the spring afternoon sun... Even if the charge has not yet begun, the Golden Army himself has already The adrenaline soared unconsciously at the beginning, and the whole army began to cheer up, but Song Jun couldn't help but start to worry about the battle... This was the instinctive reaction of the two sides because of their respective war experiences.

Everyone knows how terrible the hard chisel of the Golden Armored Cavalry is!


At the head of Changshe City, Cheng Min, who was looking at the battle in the southeast of the city, couldn't help but look at Han Shizhong. "Open the city gate, and I will rush with Wei Jun on my back, and I will definitely be able to pull one or two Meng'an!"

Han Shizhong, who was dressed tightly and sat on the edge of the collapsed city wall, was playing with a dagger in his hand. Hearing that he did not look at the battlefield, nor did he look at Min, he just shook his head slowly: "It's not time yet, wait. !"

Cheng Min shut up immediately, but Wang Shan, the governing officer of the Tokyo Left-behind Department, hesitated a little: "Taiwei, this is probably the last chance. Once Yue Fei, the 10,000 people who crossed the river first, is defeated face-to-face, there will be troops behind. I'm afraid I won't be able to follow whoever is in the king's banner, and the defeat is set...Why wait?"

After all, Wang Shan is a guest general, and the two sides have worked hard together in the city for two or three months, and they are somewhat affectionate. Therefore, Han Shizhong directly told the truth:

"Because the Jinjun is too urgent... How long will the war have been going on before you have to be hard-headed?"

Whether it is Wang Shan, Cheng Min, and Xie Yuan, who has just returned from a tour of other parts of the city at this time, each is stunned.

And Han Shizhong, who was sitting there, turned his head and looked at the group of Jinjun cavalry that had already begun to separate from the southeast of the city, and then slowly started under the banner of the big flag, with a sneer on his face:

"It's a great thing to wear hard, but is it such an easy thing? As soon as it goes down, the face-to-face army is not guaranteed, but the Jin Jun himself has to be taken a large piece of meat... and the Jin Jun is so hurried and does not count the casualties. , I can only say that the real killer who came to help Master Wang this time is still behind, and they have to take care of the 10,000 people who have crossed the river as soon as possible!"

"Not bad." Xie Yuan was the first to echo. "As for the fighter plane, the clear water stretches for 20 miles. The Golden Army has laid countless pontoon bridges on it. As long as the reinforcements have backs, the fighter planes will definitely be there. And our soldiers and horses in the city have been trapped for months, and there is no extra energy. You have to wait until it is necessary to strike before it will work... But if you can't hang out at this time, it will make the lazy hesitate!"

Looking at the Jinjun brigade running under the city, Wang Shan looked solemn, but nodded again and again... To be honest, he was also puzzled that he hadn't seen the soldiers and horses of the Tokyo left-behind division, but others, Zhang Yong, Sang Zhongna A few people are all about loyalty. Since there is a large amount of reinforcements here, they will definitely come.

The horseshoe of the Golden Army swelled and rushed straight to the river. Yue Fei's discipline was strict, and they couldn't help losing their colors, but they could only tighten the formation as much as possible under the shouts of the officers, and Zhang Xian, who led the White Army, desperately led. Hundreds of cavalry in his own area opened the distance from Yue Fei's banner...This was not to escape, but to seek room for charge. After the Jinjun made the formation, he rushed back and protected his brother and officer.

Just now, as soon as Jin Jungang assembled, Yue Fei, who understood Jin Jun's intentions, realized the seriousness of the matter...At this time, Wang Yanbu almost rushed in, and had no strength to assemble and fight, and then crossed the river from other places such as the area north of Qinglushui. Formation of effective support; In Yue Fei’s view, the best way to deal with Han Shizhong’s in the city is to hang around, to ensure that Wanyan Tart is lazy and distracted and splits troops to deal with it. At the same time, the reinforcements led by Zhao Guanjia did not arrive, and stayed. The own troops on the east bank of the river were also unable to provide full support due to the blockage of the pontoon passage... It was really smashed, and it was really broken!

But on the battlefield, such worries are meaningless. Only a moment later, the banner of the big flag suddenly accelerates, and then the three fierce golden cavalrymen are almost like tigers descending down the mountain, in terms of military discipline, morale, and morale. With the support of his fighting instinct and the blood surge, he rushed to the river viciously with his own households, and then collided with a pottery, broken mentality, and violently collided with the infantry formation of the Song army in front of him. .

Song Jun has tried his best. During the charge, the crossbowmen tried desperately to shoot at each other with the opposite Jurchen archers. The arrows on both sides were raining down, and the wailing was caused by the sound of shouting and flying arrows. Cover it up, and the moment the two sides touched, the spearman stood still like a fence, and watched the dazzling golden armored cavalry hit him so straight.

However, this charge cannot be resisted by courage.

In an instant, after the frontiers of both sides almost died together, countless golden cavalrymen relied on inertia and almost abruptly smashed themselves and their horses into the Song army formation... and then in a sort of almost silenced the noise. Under the state, completely shred the Song army formation in front of them!

From a distance, it was as spectacular as a stream of iron breaking through a dike.

With this gouging, the entire battlefield seemed to fall into a moment of silence, and there was no doubt that everyone came to the conclusion in an instant that the Golden Army chiseled still won, and the Song Army in front of him was defeated. . As the Song Army formation was completely shattered, the voice instantly returned to the battlefield. The next moment, everyone watched as the three golden soldiers settled under the leadership of the Da??, and the unbridled ravages and slashes instantly exploded. Song Jun in formation!

There was a stampede on the pontoon behind the group formation, and countless Song Jun still wearing armor fled into the river water in the early spring, easily stepped on the thin ice and fell into it.

This confrontation was so clear and shocking that Wang Yan on the other side of the river could no longer bear it. Instead, he immediately ordered the hordes of the army to take a break from the lower reaches!

Condescendingly, Han Shizhong and Wanyan Tart, who saw the most clearly, reacted completely differently after a slight loss. Han Shizhong stood up and laughed out loud; Wanyan Tart's complexion turned blue, and at the same time he clenched his hands tightly. The knuckles of the horse whip turned pale.

"I'm going to kill this Bohai dog bastard!" After two full breaths, Lazy had just whipped the horse whip to the ground, obviously angrily. "I want to skin him alive!"

The people around me looked at each other, no one could it be possible to kill the only frontline commander in this situation? How to kill it?

Moreover, they are not violating military discipline at all, okay... This 10,000 households indeed led the army into the Song army by himself! It's just that he didn't go to chisel the largest solid formation with the flag of Yue, which had three or four thousand people. Instead, he went to chisel the army formation with the flag of Xu and just over one thousand people next to it. .

That’s right, the Golden Army has a large family?? At the time when the entire battlefield was the most anxious, he took advantage of what might be the best fighter of the Golden Army and organized the strongest assault with great effort, but he led the lazy reinforcements to him. With his own headquarters Meng An, he slammed into the army of Yue Fei's commander Xu Qing.

The results of the battle were fruitful, and Xu Qing himself was martyred in the first time. Hundreds of Song troops died on the spot, causing the collapse of hundreds of Song troops and the collapse of nearly a quarter of the battlefield.

With such a result, it’s no wonder that Han Shizhong, who is sitting high and looking far away, laughed out loud because of the collapse of the friendly army, and it is no wonder that Wang Yan will order the whole army to cross the river and expand the battlefield desperately. No wonder Yue Fei and his subordinates Zhang Xian, Fu Xuan, Tang Huai, Li Zhang, Li Bao and other generals fell into a weird state of silence.

After Han Shizhong laughed, he saw Wang Yanbu starting to cross the river in a large area from the upper reaches, but he was ready to sit down and wait for the opportunity again. However, at this moment, on the east road of Changshe City, it gradually fell silent because of the arrival of Wang Yanbu. Direction, but smoke and dust billowed again.

Han Liangchen just looked at it for a moment, and couldn't help but wink at each other with his brother Xie Yuan—obviously, conjecture belongs to conjecture, but when all the reinforcements of no less than 60,000 arrived, they were still a little unbelievable.

Moreover, since the perfect charge in Da??, Lazy has been completely plunged into rage and chaos.

And Wang Yan's crossing the river made this emotion even more out of control-because Yue Fei's flag was still flying downstream, and the soldiers and horses of Yue Fei's east bank of the river continued to provide full support. Most of them still couldn't solve this force, and they had to face it if they were lazy. Facing a dilemma, how many soldiers should be divided to stop Wang Yan, and how many soldiers should be kept to guard against Han Shizhong behind him?

Frankly speaking, even after the emotional breakdown, Tia Lazy is still sensitive to one thing, that is, he is really going into a hard fight today!

As for whether Pu Chahu Balu can return aid in time, it is not whether he can solve the problem of the Song Army brigade at the moment, but whether he can protect his own army!

It's not bad to be able to force the opponent back at that time!

However, unexpectedly, Han Shizhong in the city remained silent after sending out troops again to the riverside to block the Song Army.

Ever since, on the banks of the clear waters, the Song Army on the east bank began to use the existing pontoon bridges on the river to open the battle line on a large scale and expand the scope of the battlefield in order to show their numerical superiority, and the golden cavalry began to come and go constantly, using their own The toughness of the army and the mobility of the cavalry can barely support...In this case, wanting to reorganize the large-scale charge before is tantamount to idiotic dreams.

It seems that the two sides are about to enter some kind of tormenting tug-of-war... which made Ting Lazy relax a little bit, because according to past experience, this kind of endurance and toughness battle is often the final result of the Golden Army's victory.

But only a quarter of an hour later, looking at the reinforcements coming from the east bank with smoke and dust again, Lazy was completely plunged into panic.

Because I don’t know why, with the arrival of the last more than 20,000 expected reinforcements, the entire battlefield, the Song army, with as many as 60,000 to 70,000, began to gradually enter a state of excitement...

"It must be Hu Yin, the head of the Song Army!" A Han was demoted to explain a little. "In the past, Song Guoshuai was so courageous, I didn't know that Hu Mingzhong had this courage... But the marshal, don't worry, the Song army chief has no commanding ability, and this kind of morale will be evil after a blow."

Tart was convinced by this statement.

But after a quarter of an hour, I don’t know how many drums it was. Song Jun’s inexplicable morale was still not vented, not only that, following a strange yellow flag with three tails, coming to the riverside from far and near. Then almost for a while, I walked on the pontoon bridge, and directly led a team of elite troops into Yue Fei's strongest formation, and the entire battlefield fell into a manic state.

Countless Song troops almost disregarded their formation, swarming across the river from pontoons everywhere, and the cavalry of the Golden Army who kept coming back and forth could no longer hold back the situation for a while.

And just after the big flag with a tail was set in Hexi, UU Reading has been quiet and excessively quiet in Changshe City, suddenly the whole thing fell into a boil, and in a lazy and almost frightened posture. , Opened all the city gates—the thing he feared the most and the person he feared the most, after being silent for more than half an hour, suddenly came out.

"Take down the pontoon!" Just when Tia was in a panic, Zhao Jiu came to Yue Fei's formation. After dismounting, he took two deep breaths before barely recovering some heartbeats, but after he recovered his heartbeats, he was the first to recover. Turning his head to tell Li Qiong who was following. "Take down the pontoon bridge behind us, and then tell everyone that after crossing the river, they will take down the pontoon bridge! Tell them that today I still have them, and there are more than ten thousand golden soldiers locked together... There is only one house. You can go out alive!"

Li Qiong was stunned for a moment, then turned around in the silence of Yue Fei aside.

PS: Thanks to the book friend, he changed the human empire and the book friend Tom Ding... This is the 61st Moe and 62nd Moe of this book... Thanks for the support of the two classmates, I am grateful.

Then to be honest, although the tooth still hurts today, I can only make an appointment to go to the tooth extraction tomorrow, but because I regained contact with many old classmates, I was unexpectedly very happy.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction website mobile version reading URL:

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