Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 5: The boat is afraid of falling

In early April, in the early summer, Wende Hall, the first court meeting after the official returned to Tokyo in Luang, was chaotic.

There are three main sources of this confusion:

One is that in the absence of money and food transfers from the Southeast, many things that should have been logical are difficult to unfold, and everyone can't help but complain.

The other place is the chaos in Guanzhong. When northern Shaanxi was unable to counterattack at all, the debate on how to deal with Qu Duan, Wang Xie, and Wang Shu has reached its extreme...

Wang Shu was a civil servant who had no problem with his position. He was the absolute chief of civil servants before Yuwen Xuzhong entered Guanzhong. He was also the representative of Song Dynasty there. This time he led the army against the Jin army, but he was defeated and lost. Teacher lost ground

Wang Xie was a bandit or rebel, and he left after hearing the wind, but this time he was ordered to fight, but he was completely defeated, and after his defeat, he fled all the way from northern Shaanxi to Fengxiang, which was obviously a waste of failure. , But this waste is still obedient on the surface;

As for Qu Duan, this is the most controversial person. His arrogance and domineering have become the consensus of the entire court. In this battle, he first rejected the enlistment of his serious boss Wang Shu on the grounds of losing. He did not participate in the war at all, but after the defeat of Wang Shu's entire army and Wang Xie escaped, he maintained the defense line with his own strength, confining the Jin Army's offensive to northern Shaanxi, so that the Wanyan Lou family could not take advantage of the situation to expand the battle. In the end, it was Central Plains' lazy walk north...In other words, it seemed that he was the one who mastered the truth and was misunderstood by everyone.

Under this circumstance, it is no wonder that up and down are arguing and don't know how to deal with these three people.

But the first two things are okay, they are still more or less the case. What really makes the situation out of control is undoubtedly the violent reaction of the civil servants and generals to Liu Yu's proclaiming emperor.

Relatively speaking, Zhao Guan's family sitting on the throne was really indifferent and a little too indifferent.

To be honest, looking at the courtiers who knew their attitudes but were still filled with indignation, the official Zhao family didn't know when they started to wander away. He just kept thinking, what is the current situation?

The question is actually very simple. Why did you feel so embarrassed in Nanyang before, but you don't have the current feeling of powerlessness? But now, when you have spared your life in exchange for a victory, the country has at least looked like a country on the surface, but instead feels that things have become a mess?

But from another point of view, unknowingly, I have been Emperor Zhao Song for nearly two years. From the beginning I wanted to run and jump into a well to commit suicide to "return", to the moment I doubted that I could not control the situation, I could only Said, time is really a killing knife.

But thinking about it this way, not to mention that compared with Nanyang, it was only relative to two years ago. What is the current situation?

What could be worse?

At that time, the Zhao Song court was just a small exiled court, and the danger of national subjugation was just around the corner.

At that time, I didn't know anything at all. I could only install wood carvings and find Li Gang's waste... Of course, it's not much better now... But it's still progressing.

But in a nutshell, some things, whether it's the so-called'Hebei old things', or personal issues such as Fei Pan, since I've'admitted' in front of Zongze that day, there is no need to cover up...what we should face , In general, some things need to be closed.

"Officials... Your Majesty!"

Lu Yihao strongly recommended and Zhu Shengfei, the newly appointed minister of rituals, made a big call, but did not get a response from the Zhao official family for half a day. In this regard, the good-tempered Zhu Shengfei did not say anything, but it caused Xu Jingheng and Xu Xianggong's dissatisfaction. "The court book is talking to your majesty!"

"I am guilty." Zhao Jiu, who is like a sculpture today, finally made a voice.

Xu Jingheng was stunned on the spot, and immediately became embarrassed: "The minister did not mean that..."

"How do you say that?" Zhao Jiu continued. "I am guilty, but there is no way for me? Wanfang is guilty, but I am alone?"

"We are guilty, and there are no ten thousand ways. Ten thousand ways are guilty, and the sin lies with me... from "The Analects of Confucianism. Yao Yue Pian"." Xu Jingheng, out of the instinct of a Confucian master, made corrections and reminded Zhao officials, but quickly awakened. Although this official has been rejecting the banquet for a long time, it is definitely not the time to give a lecture. It is more than that. The official suddenly came to such a sentence, which is quite frightening. "But the meaning is the same, bow is what you mean, and the officials don't need to care... and what you just discussed is just how to refute Liu Ni, and just look and listen, where is the sin of the emperor involved?"

"It's okay if you don't make a joke." Zhao Jiu's face was expressionless, and his tone was calm, but it made the officials at the front of the palace who had been with the official for more than half a year and more than two years panicked in their hearts. "However, I'm just talking about Liu Ni... People sent me a message and we criticized it. What's the point?"

"The minister is exactly what he meant." Someone behind obviously didn't realize that the atmosphere was wrong, and couldn't help but interject. "To deal with Liu Ni, it is time to use the soldiers to wipe out, and the canonical punishment can be used to watch and listen. What is the use of trivial words?"

"That's not what I meant." Zhao Jiu raised the volume slightly, but his tone was still calm. "I thought that since Liu Yu had sent a message about all my faults that day, why should I take the initiative to clarify the crime, so that I can see it right?"

Lu Yihao's absence is the first time in Tokyo for the first time in many years. There are so many people and everyone has a strong desire to express themselves, so the order can't help but get out of control for a while.

Amidst the noise, some people knelt down and pleaded guilty, some panicked, some hurriedly refuted... Xu Jingheng was also stunned for a while, he stood there, very suspicious that Zhao Guan's family was still angering himself because of previous things, so he would use this kind of thing. Embarrass the officials here.

After all, this kind of punishment is almost the lowest political posture of an emperor. How can he punish himself because of the other party's curse?

If that's the case, wouldn't it be a confession?

It’s not even right to say not to recruit yourself, because this official has just resisted the invasion of the Golden Army and then returned to the old capital. There is no reason to sin against himself, right?

If this emperor has sinned against himself, how should these civil and military officials deal with themselves? If you really want to talk about responsibility, Liu Yu, a serious scholar and an elite of the Song Dynasty, became a rebel and became the emperor. What about these scholars?

But soon, whether Xu Jingheng, Lu Haowen, and Wang Boyan became successful, they immediately realized a serious problem, that is, whether the official is joking or exasperating, but if he doesn’t stop it, it’s really good. Let Kobayashi's scholar give out an edict for self-crimination! He can even send it directly to various places in the army through his own channel... That is really to learn Baolongtu, ‘it’s better to go home and sell lotus root’!


In a panic, Xu Jingheng turned his head back abruptly, and then sternly scolded it. "Where is the servant at the palace? Record the people who have lost their behavior immediately! Where are Yang Yizhong and Liu Yan? Quickly lead the prince to purge!"

There was a sudden noise in the hall, and a sudden silence.


In this silence, Lu Haowen took the lead and led the other two chief executives to pay a formal salute, solemnly. "This time, Liu Ni's words are ridiculous, and it is not worthwhile. The pseudo-Qi kingdom is not only a country established by the Jinren, but also a mere seven states. It is also divided and occupied by the generations of Li Cheng and Kong Yanzhou. The shape is ridiculous... As for guilty of this?"

Do you guys know it's not worth it? Do you also know that forms are ridiculous?

Zhao Jiu felt weak in his heart, but did not show on his face: "Needless to say, my will is determined!"


Lu Haowen was almost desperate. "Liu Ni's words are really not worth refuting..."

"I think I still have to refute." Zhao Jiu replied calmly while sitting in the throne. "Liu Yu's essay probably cursed me with two meanings... one is'to make peace with one's fate, and then try to stealth; to raise soldiers and enter the guard, but to protect yourself', the other is'bear father and brother' …The former is his forcible speculation, although it is not worth mentioning, but the latter is the truth, I have to give the world people an explanation."

Lu Hao asked the following, these bureaucratic elites of the Great Song Dynasty almost immediately woke up, but they reacted differently.

The middle and lower classes, or relatively speaking, the middle and lower classes, and most of the new officials, the universality is a sigh of relief... Because according to these people's understanding, Zhao officials are avoiding the truth and avoiding the most serious moral accusations. After that, the focus of the problem was on filial piety and complained to the people of the world, so it would be able to win the support of public opinion... After all, everyone knows that this second sage Beishou is an objective reality, and Zhao Guanjia’s "bearing father and brother" is also one. Very helpless objective difficulty.

However, some people, especially those who have been in contact with Zhao Jiu for a long time, from a few chief executives to Hu Yin and others, are almost all pale. Because they understand the official's true attitude towards'father and brother' better than anyone else.

Not to mention anything else, the remarks he said at the Genyue site a few days ago were certainly suspected of buying people's hearts, but his disgust and resentment towards the second sage in his words could not be faked.

In other words, once the official explained the problem of "bearing father and brother" to the guilty decree, according to his character, nine out of ten times, he must completely liquidate the fault of Jingkang’s change in the name of the guilty decree, and then will The responsibility for the change of Jingkang is officially and publicly delegated to the'Second Sage'!

Of course, the word ‘push’ seems a bit wrong.

After hesitating, Hu Yin almost gritted his teeth and went out to bow before trembling: "Your Majesty...Chen...Chen..."

"How are you?" Zhao Jiu calmly looked at the young Confucian master.

"Chen... please take your majesty back and die." Hu Yin was almost crying.

"My intention has been decided." Zhao Jiu sighed. "Hu Qing, you have followed me for nearly two years, and you should understand that there are some things you can't avoid."

Hu Yin was completely helpless, but he shed tears.

Most people around still think that Hu Zhongcheng is loyal and commendable. UU reading does not want the officials to self-defeating their reputation... However, such as the chief executives, Xiaolin scholars, etc., they know well that Hu Mingzhong is young and gentle. However, a master who has profound knowledge above Confucian Confucianism and Daoism was forced into a corner by the officials.

Before Liu Yu proclaimed himself emperor, his reaction was the most violent, because it was because his ministers disobeyed the emperor and seriously insulted his beliefs; now officials must publicly condemn the blame, even if it is through the method of'crimination of oneself', but In fact, the “two saints” must be touched, which is also difficult for Hu Yin to accept.

After all, the word Gangchang is the theoretical basis for Hu Yin and his group to insist on fierce resistance against gold.

Because there is a general rule, so there is hatred, so it should be fiercely against gold.

But the official Zhao used this way of sinning himself, bypassing Gangchang on the surface, and giving most of the Confucian literati a superficial view... Therefore, there were many sensible people present, but none of them were so fierce.

Hu Yin alone is too straightforward to get around this curve.

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