Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 17: The benevolent should shudder (continued)

May is about to go, and June is about to come. Since Pan Xianfei has hinted at Zhao Guan’s family more than once, she wants to have another child... Once or twice, Zhao Guan’s family naturally feels quite touched. Three or four times, I can’t help but feel that only fun is left. Saying this five times and six times makes me feel a little dry, but seven times eight times I feel a little irritable.

As a result, at the end of this month, the official Zhao’s official decreed that the two princesses should be brought up together by the concubine Pan Xianfei who had been raised... The effect was excellent, and Pan Xianfei finally stopped saying this.

In addition, Zhao Guan’s family also formally received the Korean envoy Jin Fushi, the man who opened the history of the Korean peninsula’s thousand-year-old political ideology, and may also be the most competent historian of the Korean peninsula (this person has systematically compiled The history of Goguryeo, Silla, and Baekje, and the unification of the three countries into the Korean peninsula’s first official revision history), the politicians who supported the three generations of Goryeo monarchs through various internal and external crises, are undoubtedly a politician. Outstanding people.

However, such a meeting between Jie Jie and Zhao Guan’s family seemed calm, and the performance of the two was a bit old-fashioned to the point of perfunctivity. Both the guests and the host enjoyed themselves, only emphasizing the long tradition of friendship and the necessity of non-governmental business activities. Nothing more.

In the final analysis, since the Zhao Guanjia understands that this Jin Fushi is a pragmatic person, it has no mentality to ask for a bargain from him... Although there are gaps in Goryeo, to be honest, it is too early to say at this time, and keep an eye on it for the future. can.

As for what Jin Fushi thinks over there, it's not quite clear.

But according to Wang Lun, Jin Fushi should not be as calm on the surface. Because before this person entered the palace, after inquiring about some things from Jingkang, his evaluation of Zhao Guan's house was said to have been very high. This important Goryeo minister and famous historian believes that there are still some problems in the Zhao official family, but they are compared with the "Holy Lord"... For example, compared with Guangwu, it can be regarded as a three-seven-seven Guangwu.

More than that, the ambassador Jin admired the literary and artistic level of the Zhao official family.

Needless to say, the "Cyan Jade Case" is the "old work of Yi'an Jushi" Jin Fushi is said to have done careful collection and sorting, and this person read the article in the capital province after finishing the work by the scholar Kobayashi, Zhao Guanjia and After Yue Fei's signed prose "Good Horse Pair", it was copied on the spot, saying that he would take it back and show it to his prince.

However, after entering the palace, facing the entire luxuriant palace, the Korean messenger and state minister who had been lacking in the expression of the "official misery" in Wang Lun's mouth before fell into a strange silence. The meeting with Zhao Jiu was even more lackluster.

Not to mention the rush of the envoys of Lie...After all, some results have been achieved...and the boring life of the Zhao Song official family is also continuing.

Time entered June, and finally there was a sudden news about the war, but the source was a bit weird-the former rebel Song Jiang Yu Bu Shi Bin, the one called Shi Dalang, suddenly appeared in Xingyuanfu (Hanzhong) area, and then Openly proclaimed the emperor, and led the army to try to capture Xingyuan City.

Shi Dalang originally surrendered to the imperial court with Song Jiang. Later, Song Jiang died of illness. He remained under Zhang Shuye's general. Later, after the Jingkang Incident broke out, Zhang Shuye led the king of soldiers and became the only minister of King Qin who broke through the blockade of the Golden Army and entered Tokyo. , And Shi Dalang was basically certain that he had returned to his old business amidst this chaos and became a military thief.

It’s just that no one thought that this servant would have been living in Kansai or Shangyong all the way, so that he suddenly appeared in Xingyuan Mansion today, and even dared to openly claim the emperor?

This incident is one of the few things that aroused the sorrow of the Zhao official family... It is important to know that Shi Bin Shi Dalang’s birth and name are the standard prototype of Jiuwenlong Shijin, compared to the former deputy capital of the imperial army. The one-year-old wife who ruled Ma Gao and Li Bao, who was nicknamed the sickness, should be appropriate, and Jiuwenlong Shijin was undoubtedly the life idol of Zhaoguan’s third grade primary school, but he would eventually recognize the idol in this way. The presence.

However, knowing that Guigui knew, Zhao Guan's family did not make any response.

There are three reasons:

First, this is just a small riot. Except for Shi Dalang’s proclaiming emperor, which is a bit shocking, the other performances are no different from ordinary soldiers and thieves. Moreover, considering the delay in message transmission, considering the blockage in Hanzhong, it is very It may be the ripples caused by Liu Yu's proclaiming emperor or the missing news in northern Shaanxi. There is really no need to make a fuss.

Second, Zhao Jiu just set up the leadership structure of Yuwen Xuzhong-Zhang Jun-Hu Yin for Kansai, which can be properly tested...In fact, since this official came to the throne for nearly two years, many people have gradually I have found out the tempers of some officials, and like to be the shopkeeper, for the courtiers, it is undoubtedly a big advantage for the officials.

Third, life in Tokyo is boring and boring, but officials are also very busy, such as interviews with Korean envoys that are useful and useless, and that they are useless and useless.

For example, recently Zhao Jiu was inspired by the problem of the Goryeo monk, and he was really poor, so he moved to go to the temple for alms.

He first led Pan Xianfei and Madam Wu, plus two little princesses Zhao Shenyou and Zhao Foyou, that is, the Zhao Song royal family was full, and went to the Daxiangguo Temple in Tokyo... However, in the end he was disappointed. Because in the Jingkang Change, the search by the Jinren was aimed at the entire city and the center of Zhao Song, and was squeezed out of the air. This kind of search level is too high, and Daxiangguo Temple cannot be exempt from the vulgarity because the Jinren respects the monks. Therefore, the floating wealth here has been transferred to the Jinren's waist cleanly through the hands of the Song Dynasty court.

In all fairness, the Daxiangguo Temple is now the same as the Zhao Song imperial family, basically only the ancestral house with a huge floor area is considered to be of some economic value.

Only the monks of Daxiangguo Temple are not like Zhao Song officials who can run around the world. After all, they are more diligent. They have never stopped weeding. Therefore, the Xiangguo Temple, which is located on the east side of the Royal Street and covers a large area, is still Excellent, the value of real estate development should be stronger than that of the Zhao Song imperial city.

Therefore, based on the principle that thieves do not go empty, Zhao Guan’s family decided to forcibly requisition Xiangguo Temple, which has a lot of vacant land and rooms, as a military battalion, exclusively for Kaifeng Prefecture Yin Chengui to dispose of various military weapons and weapons for city defense. The monks of Xiangguo Temple should also use their culinary skills to cook food and water for the civil servants and sergeants.

Of course, judging from the panic on the face of the master, Zhao Jiu didn't do everything in the end. He just said that the country is in distress. Maybe Tokyo will face a siege. Everyone must bear it for the country.

When the two rivers are regained one day, Zhao Jiu will naturally return the right to use Xiangguo Temple, saying that he must not be able to open a branch temple in Yanjing and expand the scale of the industry... and even left a signed document with his paintings. .

At the end of the document, Cangzhou Zhao Jiu's four characters are getting better and better.

What about the masters of Daxiangguo Temple? I could only confess with this document, recite a few words of Buddha, and then recount the respect of the Zhao Song imperial family to Xiangguo Temple for hundreds of years.

Of course, these words are definitely expressing the determination to coexist and die with the country, rather than reminding the Buddha of the Zhaoguan family not to be deceived, otherwise?

It must be known that the current Tokyo city is much more lively than last year, but the number of males among the people is definitely not as large as the 200,000 imperial sergeants.

Besides, there are already tens of thousands of imperial soldiers near Tokyo.

Not to mention, after all, there was an official who promised to branch the temple and gave it back to the clerks?

Ever since, that evening, Zhao Guan’s family turned the world upside down, and after personally rang the famous morning bell of Daxiangguo Temple, both guests and hosts enjoyed themselves. After Zhao Jiu's family enjoyed a world-famous Suzhai from Xiangguo Temple, they also Satisfied and left.

After leaving Xiangguo Temple, I probably felt that the results of Xiangguo Temple’s alms were not enough. Zhao Guan’s family unexpectedly resumed their journey the next day, but only with Mrs. Wu, who was convenient to travel, went out of Tokyo all the way to the west without stopping, and again in the Xijing area. Turning slightly south, it seems to be the ancestral court of Zen, Dengfeng Shaolin Temple.

In other words, unlike the hapless Daxiangguo Temple, Shaolin Temple is located in the Shaoshi Mountain. There are many Buddhist believers in the Golden Army, but they have not encountered systematic burning and looting.

Not only that, or it can be said that on the contrary, Shaolin Temple has gradually risen and grown from the Tang Dynasty, and now it has reached its peak. Not to mention sitting on more than 10,000 acres of land, the Guangsi base has 540 acres, thousands of towers and pavilions, and thousands of monks.

Even as early as the Renzong reign, Shaolin Temple took the initiative to open a semicolon in Tokyo, trying to compete with Daxiangguo Temple.

Moreover, there is always a tradition of martial arts in the temple, and there are countless tenant labors. The ordinary army, thieves and bandits are afraid of religion or the strong power of Shaolin Temple. They often dislike the trouble here. In addition, the Shaolin Temple has superb methods and wars. In the early days, some people dealt with vulgar objects in the city of Dengfeng. Regardless of the monks and laymen, Song and Jin, as long as there are soldiers and horses crossing the border, they all have a figure and expression, so harassment is rarely encountered.

Therefore, when the Zhao official’s family came to worship the mountain this time, Niu Gao and Da Cui’s two commanding officials, plus the imperial squad led by Yang Yizhong himself, surrounded thousands of sergeants, naturally alarming the monks and many monks in the temple early. While hurried out of the mountain to welcome, while panicking.

After all, no one is a fool. The official Mingdao Palace scraped Daozu gold powder, Xiangguo Temple received other people's temples for military use, and the rumor that he was almost lying in the palace before trying to be brave, transferred from Dengfeng to Shaoshishan early.

In addition, everyone knows that the imperial court has caused serious financial difficulties due to military expenditures, so that the southeast grain silk continues, and the imperial court's civil and military are still half-paid... Then dare to ask, which monk has not survived. Are you careful?

Sure enough, when the two sides met, the Shaolin monks knelt to welcome the official's house into the temple. Before entering the mountain gate, the master master took the initiative to express his concern for the country.

If you ask carefully, you actually have to donate tens of thousands of stones, plus three boxes of gold and silver, and the remaining money is nearly 200,000 yuan!

Such a handwriting, such a determination, naturally made the Zhao Guanjia feel that it is the world's number one temple that can last for 1,500 years. This vision, body, and determination seem to be three points better than Jin Fushi!

It made him feel embarrassed to want to scrape the gold powder.

Of course, in order to protect such an ancient temple, Zhao Guan’s family continued to ask for two hundred monks to be enlisted in the army in front of the mountain gate, and collected 5,000 acres of land outside the city of Dengfeng, together with the tenants, as a military village, and at the same time also demanded The Shaolin Temple tries its best to ensure the basic food rations for the refugees from the south of Hebei passing through the city of Dengfeng.

After all, according to Zhao's official family, the military and civilians are one, the monks and the laymen are one family, the Song Dynasty has strong soldiers and strong horses, and the people are prosperous, so that the Shaolin Temple, the common precious property of the Song Dynasty, can be better protected.

In this regard, although the masters of Shaolin Temple were a little startled, they tried their best to express their understanding and recognition from the Dharma.

Thus, the host and the guest celebrated again.

However, the next day, when the Zhao official family was looking at the grain, money, and the face of the crops, and preparing to put a stick of incense on the Buddha at the Daxiong Hall, there was a noble minister who was accompanying him, but he couldn't bear it.


Da Zongzheng Zhao Shi, who had just returned from Yangzhou, appeared seriously. "When you arrive in Xijing, why don't you go to worship the emperor's tomb first, but worship the Buddha first?"

Zhao Jiu was startled slightly, and then he wanted to explain: "Didn't you tell the emperor about this matter yesterday?"

"The officials were all perfunctory words yesterday, and the officials also knew what the officials were thinking."

Zhao Shi?? continued in front of several entourage ministers in the hall, as well as a group of Shaolin monks with serious faces facing each other. "The minister knows that the official family is seeking wealth for the country... but why not avoiding the ceremony? A few days ago, Xu Xianggong and Zhu Shangshu from the Ministry of Rites said that since they returned to Tokyo, they asked the official family to restore the old system and make up for it. The ceremony was to inform the ancestors and pray for peace with the two saints, but the officials thought about him, and then went to the Daxiangguo Temple in person, and then came here again! Dare to ask the officials, what can be done with one will, Why do you want to do it yourself? And why do things you should do yourself do? Why do you think that the official's eyes are so different from what we expect?"

Zhao Jiu's complexion has long been restored, but he is standing upright in the Daxiong Hall, under the Buddha's lotus platform, smiling and facing each other: "These words...especially the last two sentences, did the emperor want to say it a long time ago?"

Zhao Shi??returning to his senses, he was also a little frustrated, so he handed over and said, "The officials, the veterans do not mean to criticize, they are just a public heart, and they have no intention of harming the authority of the officials, otherwise they will not wait. When I came to such a distant place, I just started admonition."

This is the truth. At this time, the only ones who can enter the Daxiong Hall are Zhao Guan's house and a few noble ministers who have returned from Yangzhou, a few close ministers headed by Scholar Kobayashi, plus a few immovable Zen monks... Niu Gao is simply outside the mountain gate. , Yang Yizhong also only stood outside the hall.

Of course, and more importantly, this is a religious site after all, which naturally has a kind of political shielding. After everyone has spoken, it doesn't count when they go out.

"I know, and this is the problem." Zhao Jiu replied quietly when he returned to the front. "Everyone is public, but their respective'publics' are completely different. Why? In fact, the emperor's uncle has been in Yangzhou for more than a year, and I have been there for more than a year. The experiences are different, and we have already thought and thought. It's different. Goodbye now. I should have made it clear. This is my mistake."

"Chen Gong listens to the edict." Zhao Shi ?? bowed his head to face seriously.

In fact, it’s not just Zhao Shi?? The other people in the hall, from close ministers below Kobayashi, to the rare nobles in Tokyo, and those immobile Shaolin monks, plus a lady disguised as a man, Mrs. Wu, they all stand upright. He raised his ears.

"In the change of Jingkang, I lost all my parents, brothers and sisters, and when I was displaced, I saw that the people of the world have similar sufferings, so I gradually developed empathy, and I have the intention to regard the people of the world as my parents, brothers and sisters; as for the emperor. The uncle and others, even though they lost the family of the emperor’s father, still carry some empty shells as family members of the emperor’s father, and even want me to pretend to be a puppet to be a substitute for some people, without thinking of the living in front of me in the least. ...This is the fundamental reason why we always go wrong after you return to Beijing."

"The old minister... the old minister still doesn't understand." Zhao Shi tried to face each other.

"It doesn't matter if you have to be straightforward... I once swore that in this life I will resurrect the two rivers, destroy the Golden State, plow the court and sweep its acupoints, and unite the world... Has the emperor heard of this?" Zhao Jiu still did. The look remained unchanged, and he kept smiling.

"Slightly heard." Zhao Shi?? answered immediately.

"Then dare to ask the emperor, if I want to do this kind of career... if it is done, at least I will be better than Guangwu? And if you want to achieve this career, you should learn from the ancient sages above Guangwu? "

"This is natural."

"Then why don't you want me to learn Guangwu? Instead, you want me to learn from those who have not regained Yanyun and Pingdi Xixia for hundreds of years, and then unified China?" Zhao Guanjia's expression remained the same. "Not to mention, there are still people who want me to learn from the people who have ruined the clan's jiangshan and their own northern hunters, but let the world be humiliated! How can I do such a thing if I am willing to be inferior? Pray for peace and blessings. , They are also worthy?!"

Zhao Shi?? was dumbfounded, and then couldn't help lowering his voice, and eagerly relative: "Officials, your world is originally the world of your ancestors, and your throne is also the throne of your ancestors!"

"The ancestor's world was originally the world offered by the people of the world, and the ancestor's throne was originally the throne offered by the people of the world!" Zhao Jiu was still not angry, and could actually smile to each other. "But now that people's hearts are lost, Zhao Song's world and the throne are crumbling, I should reorganize people's hearts... Besides, water can carry boats and can overturn them. Hasn't the emperor ever read a book?"

Zhao Shi?? completely stunned.

"Uncle Emperor," Zhao Jiu saw this, but said slowly, calmly and right again. "You did not publicly admonish in Tokyo for my, I am grateful. And for your dignity, I also gave you a sincere answer from this place... But when I go out, I won’t recognize some of the words, and the provincial ministers will be awkward again... Please forgive me."

After saying this, Zhao Guan's family turned around, and in the midst of silence, snatched Xinxiang from the somewhat sluggish Shaolin Temple host, and then roughly shook his hand toward the Zhuang golden puppet at the front of the body, and then inserted Xinxiang at will In the forehearth.

Fu took another long breath.

I have to say that being an independent husband is sometimes nice... no wonder Zhao Ji can fall into that kind of respect?

It must be taken as a warning.

Thinking of this, Zhao Guanjia folded his palms again and bowed slightly to the puppet before turning around, like a wooden sculpture.

PS: Good night...and happy holidays?

I haven't slept for 21 hours, so I can't afford to sleep.

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