Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 31: Shop Theory (Happy 30th Birthday to Uncle Xiong)

Entering July, if you say that there is no new fan story, you are deceiving yourself, because at the end it is still a troubled time and wartime.

However, from July to August, North Korea handled many incidents, most of which were obscured by Enke incidents. The past is also a fact... After all, this round of recruiting scholars is definitely not the case of Nanyang. The hastily conferred officials are comparable.

For one thing, this is the first opening of the branch after the old capital. It is of great political significance. If the whole process goes well, and then the court will defend Tokyo City in the next'autumn queen', then even if the Song Dynasty is still at a disadvantage, it is still at a disadvantage. Under severe military threats, we are still facing the reality of vast territorial destruction, but the situation can be described as'stabilized' to some extent.

Second, since the war this year actually came to an end as early as the first month, even the Central Plains had time to carry out a certain amount of spring plowing and replanting, coupled with the suppression of the Southeast Army’s chaos and the victory of Jingdong, so although I dare not say that the locals Political and economic order have been greatly restored, but the minimum personnel and transportation have undoubtedly recovered to a certain extent.

In addition, coupled with Zhao Guan’s and Lu Xianggong’s strategy of “compromising and recompromising”, this time the opening of the course also included the examinations of decent state students and Tai students; outstanding officials went to the palace to confer officials; The wealthy families who redeem the refugees in Hebei grant the status of state students and Tai students; they even allow military children who meet certain conditions to participate in scientific research...

In a word, the scale of this round of scientific examinations is huge.

Of course, this is also the inevitable demand that the officials of the Central Plains are almost empty after Jingkang.

In addition, the officialdom is still in the old capital. For the Jiangnan Bashu scholars who were busy or waiting before, it is undoubtedly a strong moral and political stimulus. Therefore, the opening of Enke and the revival of Tokyo are not allowed. The people who already had fame in Shao gave up the original hesitant attitude and returned.

Of course, it's hard to say how many of them came to see the situation, and how many people returned in good faith.

But no matter what, with this scientific examination, plus this year’s autumn harvest has begun from south to north, the collection of materials, brilliantly, the city of Tokyo, which has been broken for three or four years, has regained a somewhat prosperous state of prosperity. It is unavoidable that some people temporarily forget about the "Autumn Queen" and relax a little, so that they become intoxicated.

However, in August, with the completion of the classification of the'righteous' who bought the refugees from Hebei, the state students' entrance examinations were over. Seeing that the final hall of the grand period was approaching, suddenly there was some news from the west, which attracted the government. In addition to the momentary shock, because the matter was too clear to cover up, the incident quickly flowed into the market and attracted no mathematics discussion.

As for the great students, especially those who have just passed the exam and are about to take the hall exam, who can control their mouths?

Officials or several comrades?

The Zhao official's house and several Xianggongs are really going to go, they are afraid they are talking louder, for fear that the official's and the Xianggongs will not hear it.

All in all, this incident quickly became a focal event in Tokyo, especially in the inner city Suzakumen, south of Xiangguo Temple, the old Taixue, Guozijian as the core place, surrounding restaurants, small shops, and even neighborhood stalls, You can smell the matter being discussed repeatedly.

Among them, on a side street just south of Xiangguo Temple, there were a number of restaurants and shops...It stands to reason that in the opposite Xiangguo Temple, all kinds of ordnance were being made day and night, the noise was constant, and the persevering sergeants were often blocked from coming and going. The business here should be bad. But in fact, because there are rumors that officials have repeatedly visited the surroundings through microservices, they have instead made the business of these stores prosperous. This is especially true when there are too many students.

"Zizhi and Binfu, you two are from the middle of Sichuan, maybe you can tell the whole story?"

The shop is on the street table. He speaks with a loud voice. He is called Hu Quan. He is from Jiangxi. Because of his direct and fierce personality, he is very old (28 years old). It is the so-called Big Brother among the small groups of Tai-Students that are common in Tokyo today.

Therefore, when a few people gathered today, it was still this person who opened his sleeves before serving the food.

As for the so-called Zizhi, whose real name is Chao Gongwu, he is a man of twenty-five and sixty-six, but he just smiled bitterly: "Brother Bangheng (Hu Quan), my family is originally from Jeju, and only then did Jing Kang move to Shuzhong to avoid disaster. It has only been two years there, and I don’t know a few key figures in the middle of Shu. If you ask me about this, don’t you ask the blind?"

Hu Quan didn’t care when he heard the words, and Fu directly murmured in the audience: “What about Binfu, what do you say? Your family is a famous family in Shuzhong for hundreds of years, and Zhang Caosi (Zhang Jun)’s family is also a famous family in Shuzhong for hundreds of years. There must be contacts, and what's more, now the father should be listening to orders under Mr. Zhang Cao. There should be some insights, right?"

The person with the word Binfu is only in his early twenties this year. He is clearly the youngest in this group. After thinking about it, he also shook his head: "Don’t hide from Brother Bangheng, if you let the foolish man guess, he can always guess. ,but…"

"Then take a guess." Hu Quan simply interrupted before he finished speaking. "Thousands of miles away, do you need to see it with your own eyes to tell?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the room laughed, that is, many scholars and students on the surrounding tables also pricked their ears... After all, the famous door in Shuzhong, and the father of this person seems to be Zhang Jun's subordinate, it is not easy to say it. What about the parties.

"If you let the foolish brother guess, Zhang Caosi (Zhang Jun) can do this kind of thing only by seeing and hearing in the middle of Shu." The youngest so-called celebrity student in the middle of Sichuan immediately faced each other. "But this matter may not necessarily be caused by him."

"How to say?" Hu Quan couldn't wait.

"As a result, although Zhang Caosi (Zhang Jun) took the responsibility of the five-way transshipment, he was only a transshipment agent and did not make any extra effort. Therefore, this matter must be approved by Yuwen, otherwise it will be clear and clear. Random behavior." The young man said frankly. "Secondly, this Wang Xie was the first general in Kansai officials after Qu Da's departure. It is related to the military affairs of Kansai. Now, instead of the former Wang Jinglue, he is the two-way military envoy of Shaanxi. I am afraid that if there is a war, he will have to take over the five-way military. Yes, it is Hu Jinglue (Hu Yin)... Therefore, if you want to deal with Wang Xie, it is more like Hu Jinglue who has more duties, at least let Hu Jinglue know."

Hearing Hu Yin's appearance, in the corner of the shop, there were two people waiting silently for food. One was older and the other young, who were like father and son, both equipped with scholars. Hearing this, they almost raised their heads together. I expressed my concern a little bit.

"Yunwen, are you trying to say that this was the work of the three Kansai members, deliberately planning to kill Wang Xie, and Zhang Caosi was just a knife?" The food began to be served, and Hu Quanwu poured his own wine. But he still opened his mouth and came, regardless. "Moreover, since the three major members are working together, it can be said that the official has long been informed, and even if we are the official before, it may be because of his instruction, but we don't know it, and it is the news? "

That Yunwen, the young man with the word Binfu, was naturally Yu Yunwen after the famous sect in Shu, after the prime minister of Tang Dynasty Yu Shinan. After hearing this, he was slightly hesitant, and he nodded slightly again... be regarded as an endorsement of Hu Quan. The way out.

Not only that, the people around were also thinking a lot, but the elder of the two in the corner shook his head slightly.

In other words, the so-called recent shocks are nothing else, but the re-emergence of the Kansai war between the generals, and compared with the seizure of Jingluo Wang Shu by Quduan and the lashing of Yushi Zhongcheng, this time is even more excessive, but it is The five-way transfer from Bashu made Zhang Jun suddenly act, and directly slaughtered Wang Xie, who was the highest military officer in Kansai!

The story is very simple and clear... Before Song Jiang Yu Dang Shi Dalang claimed the emperor in Xingyuan Mansion (Hanzhong) and attacked Xingyuan Mansion City, and because there was already Yuwen Xuzhong and other envoys in Guanxi, the imperial court But it did not interfere too much.

Therefore, it is almost a matter of course that Wang Xie, who knows Fengxiang Mansion, is the nearest military minister in Kansai who is much higher than other generals. He immediately controls the capital and enters Hanzhong to suppress the rebel military.

However, this guy has quelled the rebellion in Hanzhong for several months. In the east, and the Puppet Qi have been at war and they are all over. He is still fighting against the rebellion... and what's more, last month, it was In July, he actually let Shi Dalang get out of the Hanzhong ravine!

No one knew whether it was a surprise attack on the Ziwu Valley or a deliberate trip to Qishan. Anyway, Shi Dalang suddenly appeared to the west of Chang'an, preparing to fight Chang'an.

Then even more absurd things appeared. Before, Hefengxiang Mansion, Xingyuan Mansion, Xihe Road, and Bashu Fourth Road Reinforcement Forces, and even the defense of Wuguan guards and the imperial army to control Xin Xingzong, but always Shi Dalang, who could not be taken, was attacked by reinforcements on the Jingyuan Road dispatched by Hu Yin and died in one battle, leaving his head in a different place.

It is said that only five thousand congregants led by Wu Jie, Jingyuan Road Soldiers and Horses Superintendent, participated in the war.

Wang Xie has said about this. He meant that Shi Dalang's elite had been wiped out by his General Wang in Hanzhong. Shi Dalang who ran to Chang'an was just an empty shell, so the credit for the hard work is still his. Of course, Wu Dujian also has merit, but it's a trick... Don't say it, this statement still has some truth, at least the logic is very fluent, it is difficult to refute.

Ever since, Zhang Jun, a transit envoy of the Bashu Fifth Road in Lizhou (Guangyuan and Jiameng area) next to Xingyuan Mansion, sent a letter at that time, saying that he would personally bring a large amount of money and supplies to Xingyuan Mansion. Lao Jun, let Wang Xie wait for him before returning to Fengxiang Mansion.

And the rest of the drama is almost exactly the same as what Zhao Guan’s family did in Yanling that day... Zhang Jun Qingqi entered Hanzhong and entered the barracks. He first found Liu Qi, who was regarded as his subordinate, to protect Liu Qi on Xihe Road and Longyou Du, and then let Liu Qi connect with him. Bringing together all the soldiers, horses, and generals, they entered the Xingyuan Mansion City and went to see Wang Xie.

By this time, Zhang Jun had in fact grasped the control of various troops in Hanzhong.

However, Zhang Deyuan is a cultural man after all. No matter how imitated it, he won’t lose his loyalty like someone. He first ate with Wang Xie and talked about laboring while he was eating. After eating half of it, he got up to the toilet and came back. At the time, Wang Xie was already out of breath.

It is said that even Liu Qi has a Confucian style and did not do it himself, but tied him up with a soldier, and then suffocated him in the mat with wet linen, without a drop of blood leaking out.

In other words, this kind of thing, although Liu Guangshi, Ding Jin, Fan Qiong, and even Du Chong’s matter are the bottom line, even if you close your eyes, you can think that Wang Xie must have the same way of killing Liu Guangshi, but before After all, it was the Zhao official family's ruin under the authority of the emperor, and the Zhao Song official family's mischievous behavior, everyone has been used to it for many years.

This time, Zhang Jun used a mere transit agent to do such a thing, but it inevitably made the city of Tokyo, which was immersed in the cultural atmosphere before, to be frightened for a while.

Not to mention, in the special geographical environment in the middle of Shu, after Zhang Jun killed Wang Xie and took over the military power as a transit envoy, it would be great fun if someone burned down the plank road or something.

Then, it is no wonder that the Yushitai have been on the impeachment, and the students of the Taiyuan have a lot of discussions.

"Actually, it's no wonder!"

Everyone came to the table and ate a lot of dishes, and then forced the young Yu Yunwen to drink two glasses of wine, and talked about his expectations for the upcoming hall examination. The atmosphere gradually improved, but Hu Quan, who was loudly speaking, suddenly stopped drinking and sighed.

"No wonder what?" Chao Gongwu put down his chopsticks and asked while wiping his mouth... Young people don't need to talk about communication at all, because everyone can't help but talk about character.

"No wonder this matter will cause such turmoil." Hu Quan sighed relative. "I also just thought of the truth... Have you ever counted it, how many years have Song Jin fought?"

"Does this count?" someone at the table answered casually. "Jingkang is one and a half years, Jianyan is two and a half years, exactly four years!"

"That's right, the two countries have been fighting across the board for four full years."

Hu Quan kept shaking his head. "In the past four years, the Jinren came every autumn and every year, from Hebei to Central Plains, life was suffocated, a thousand miles away...Zizhi's family traveled to Bashu from Jeju, and then this time, they must have seen a lot of knowledge, so I won’t mention it, it’s me. Looking at the rise and fall of local bandits and soldiers from Jiangxi, and the dilapidated towns that I have seen along the way to Beijing this time, I also feel that this world is enough to call it a chaotic world."


Yu Yunwen thought of the internal turbulence in Bashu after Jingkang, and the experience of traveling down the Yangtze River to Jingxiang, and from Jingxiang to this point. It is also unspeakable...especially those almost vacant cities, which really made him as young as 20 years old. The vibration.

"And in troubled times, if according to Yunwen's guess, if there is the consent of the minister of law, what is the big deal for a court official to kill a military officer who has mistaken the country? Is it more serious than the change of Jingkang? What system is currently in place, who, Anything should fall on the anti-gold. However, people are determined that there are always people who are unwilling to think about the changes in Jingkang, and they are unwilling to think about the two decent emperors of the Second Holy Church being locked up in the North and being humiliated. Even more reluctant to think about the fall of the two rivers and the tens of thousands of people to be slaughtered. They only think that the officials now seem to be somewhat capable. They have guarded the Yellow River and are still in the old capital, so they want to shrink their heads and enjoy a moment of peace in Tokyo. As a result, Zhang Caosi from the west side acted like this, but he easily uncovered the scars, which seemed a little untimely. This is the fundamental reason for such a movement..." Hu Quan continued to talk unscrupulously, but it was also regarded as a scar. It was revealed in public, so that a few tables of scholars and students in the restaurant were embarrassed and silent.

Hu Quan didn’t pay any attention at all, but continued to reveal the scars more: “But have these people ever thought that after this Enke, as long as the weather turns cold, it is impossible to say that there will be Jinjun movements? I don’t know, I will come again when the time comes. After the siege of Tokyo, after this Enke, how many people would learn to take the pseudo-Qi Liu Yu and Hong Ya and easily follow the thief?"

The scene became more and more embarrassing, but the people at the table have been getting along for a long time, knowing the temperament of this Jiangxi talent, but dare not come to persuade, just shook his head.

On the contrary, Yu Yunwen is regarded as the youngest little brother among the people, and he is outstanding in learning, has a good temperament, and usually has many people to look after him, so at this time, he was right to say:

"Brother Bangheng, don’t worry. Not to mention that I just guessed randomly. Even if there are really one or two wrong people in the DPRK, it has nothing to do with the overall situation. The officials and the ministers always understand... Don’t say anything else, this Daxiangguo Temple Day and night, Tokyo City has deep trenches on all sides, reinforcement of the city walls, and clearing and digging of the Bian River. Obviously, the center has no intention of slack."

Hu Quan immediately nodded, but shook his head slightly: "This is the theory, and not the theory... Now, what about the future? I'm afraid that the official is young. After only two years of cheering, he will be confused by others. It is not that he has not been unsuccessful. Confused..."

As soon as this remark came out, even if the autumn heat had not cleared, this restaurant would inevitably become cold for a while.

In other words, the scholars and students around have already heard the general details of this table. Obviously, this group is a group of young students who are extremely active.

Of course, groups like Tai students naturally fight, not to mention that today's officials are not allowed to negotiate at all, so if you want to be an official, you can only fight, so I don’t say that ordinary Tai students are those unusual Tai who come to Beijing by redeeming the refugees from Hebei. The students are everyone who is the main warrior.

So the problem is not here, but it is that this loud-sounding student from Jiangxi has some suspicions of'reprimanding the public' to discuss the old affairs of the officials in public. But the so-called old things of this official at the moment are connected with the words of the imperial student and the accusation of Chengyu, and people can't help but think of Chen Dong who died unjustly.

It can only be said that this person is so unavoidable, there can only be a real species, and God is infallible!

In fact, as soon as this statement came out, not to mention that the surrounding scholars and students were silent for a while, that is, many people at the same table did not dare to speak. Only Yu Yunwen, who was young, did not change his face, and discussed as usual:

"Brother Fool still thinks that Brother Bangheng has been worried. The official has rushed to the throne as a prince. At the beginning, he didn't have half-divided calculations and plans. That's why he was confused by Huang Qianshan and Kang Lu for a while... Later, everything seemed to be determined. In the past two years, it has been almost unshakable."

"I still have doubts." Hu Quan still shook his head calmly. "It's not only for the officials, but also for some people... But if you are talking about the officials, since this time, if you can be taken, you will naturally do your best to be a minister, and always speak frankly. Only. There are only some people who are not deliberate, but circumvent the country. But these people can manipulate the scriptures and confuse everyone. They can't help worrying that they will be incompetent in the future, so that they will be confused by this generation if they sit back and watch the officials."

The few people in the seat were relieved.

Chao Gongwu also took the opportunity to ask: "Brother Bangheng encountered and heard what happened?"

"Yes," Hu Quan picked up his chopsticks and suddenly laughed. "Do you remember? I first entered Beijing, because I am a similar age, and I am a southerner, so many people in Taixue see me having a lot of friends, and they all think of me as the younger brother of Hu Jinglue..."

The people in the room also laughed.

But amidst the laughter, one person suddenly thought: "Speaking of which, I have recently heard that Hu Jinglue's father and younger brother have also come to Tokyo, and that they were summoned by the official as soon as they entered Beijing. Brother Bangheng is referring to this? But Hu Jinglue My father is a well-known Taoist in the world, and his younger brother, who is the same age as Brother Bangheng, is also quite famous. Isn't it right?"

"Of course it's not right!" Hu Quan said seriously. "I learned about the sacred words of Hu Jinglue's father, Juan Guomian, from Liu Zihui, and I feel quite ridiculous!"

Liu Zihui is the younger brother of Liu Ziyu, who has been ordered by the Privy Council, and his comments are naturally credible. Hu Quan is a man in Taixue. Liu Zihui, who is similar to his age, also has contacts with him. It is also common to tell some political secrets.

As a result, the shop was a little quiet again, and many people listened upright, except that the father and son in the corner turned a deaf ear, just bowed their heads and ate their food as usual.

"How do you say?" Chao Gongwu was still the first to hold back.

"The officials asked him how he should respond to the current situation... What to keep Tokyo, promote loyalty, select talents, and military first, it can be called the theory of Taoist masters; persuade the officials to personally worship the imperial tombs, open more banquets, and beware. Officials form a party, and it is tangible...but in the end, this person actually urged the officials to raise their spirits!" Hu Quan finally showed sarcasm. "The officials asked him what is qi? What is the use of qi? He said, qi is the way, and nourishing the qi is nourishing the Dao, and the victory or defeat of the army, the strength of the army, and the courage and cowardice of the generals are all supported by the ruler. The qi is directly related. If the official has a strong qi, then the decree will reach the world, the barbarians will serve, and the world will be stable... it is ridiculous!"

At this point, Hu Quan has gradually become angry, but the few people in the seat are obviously a little cautious about the "qi" in the mouth of famous Taoists. It seems that some people really believe it, but it makes Hu Bangheng completely angry.

I saw him directly slap his chopsticks on the table, sternly, and all the shop people were shocked for a while: "It's so ridiculous, but Liu Zihui actually thinks this is useful... I want to say, if it is a government official in the future The other side is to persuade him to raise his qi with such a waste, and then the officials really go to raise his qi, not to mention regaining the two rivers, I am afraid that Tokyo will be gone again!"

These words finally caused the two people in the corner to raise their heads together, but after a while, with the old man as the first, they lowered their heads and ate slowly together.

"Really absurd." The youngest Yu Yunwen also flushed. "The courage of a general lies in whether the officials can reward and punish properly; the strength of the army depends on whether the armaments, food, grass, and money are adequate, and whether the soldiers are properly trained; as for the victory or defeat of the army, it lies in observing the destiny and doing everything... if you have the skill to nourish your spirit, Why not go to the river embankment to help dredge the Bianhe River! No wonder Hu Jing has been with the official for a long time, but he is recognized by the world as an unknown soldier. It would be weird if such a father was raised up since he was a child!"

"I have decided." Hu Quan saw that everyone except Yu Yunwen was hesitant, but he suddenly got up and looked around in awe. "After three days of the apse test, I will fight for my future this time, and I will also express my thoughts straightforwardly to see and hear!"

The people around were stunned for a moment, but no one dared to persuade them.

"Me too..." Yu Yunwen probably drank a few rare cups, and he was too young to respond excitedly.

"You don't have to be like this." Hu Quan said seriously. "Yunwen, I ask myself for the knowledge of people of knowledge, and I have long seen that although you are young, you are a person with a big heart. You are more capable than me in articles and mouths... If I can be a yushizhongcheng in this life, You are the mastermind... Therefore, after three days, I will do it for myself, and you should cultivate your character, concentrate on your career, and wait for the future... You must know that the country is in danger, and the government’s thoughts involve all the people in the world. You and I have the heart to save the world, and How can one surrender the position of the official side to those who are pedantic and slanderous?"

As soon as these words were spoken, no one in the audience dared to be neutral, and they all stood up to express their comfort. The pair of people in the corner who looked like father and son finally raised their heads in amazement and lost their attitude for a long time.

In this way, a group of students with excess energy, after having a meal for half a day, finally dispersed, but did not know where to go to stray again, and at this time, the father and son in the corner who finally finished the meal. Only then finally spoke for the first time.

The younger, that is, Hu Yin's cousin and foster brother, Hu Hong, said carefully: "Daddy, let's go to the Bian River embankment and hire a woman who can cook, right?"

Those who are older are naturally Hu Yin’s adoptive father and uncle Hu Anguo, and the so-called ‘pedantic generation’ of the instructor’s family. uukā shook his head more than just: "The country is difficult, and the river is also hard... This time the officials did not believe my doctrine, and several officials also said that my doctrine was absurd. I wanted to return to my hometown to teach, but the war after the autumn was unclear. , You can’t abandon your father, just stay and accept the post of the library...At this time, our father and son have no power to help the country, so we can just leave some, why waste manpower?"

Hu Hong wanted to say something but stopped, but he could only pause.

PS: First of all, I would like to thank the Seventieth Moe. In any case, I must first thank Shangmeng for this kind of thing that represents the greatest support for the author and the readers themselves. Tiger Skin King Kong Gourd Baby is also an old book friend... Thanks .

Then, today is Uncle Xiong’s 30th birthday... I didn’t want to wish him a happy birthday, because he already has a family, a wife, and even both children and ghost bears (if I remember correctly), and I’m the same as him. Years old, but just a socially fearful single dog living in a rented house... inevitably panic acid.

But when the grief is over in the middle of the night, I still have to wish him a happy birthday, and then go to comfort myself with a bottle of Fat House Happy Water.

Finally, I wish all book friends all over the world to embark on the road of realizing... Good night.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction website mobile version reading URL:

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