Shao Song

: Apology and update description, and response from the book review section

Be straightforward.

the first.

It is my fault that the update is unstable, but there is no way. I write for 1,800 days and update 1,300 days. It is really three days of fishing and two days of surfing the Internet.

Because in essence, it is always difficult for me to regard writing as a core job. I hesitated for a while when I made an appointment, but later things kept me on the sidelines.

I have to finish the work first, and then make sure that the life of a person living alone is compulsory, and then I will consider the code word.

This inertia and delay are especially obvious after working from home after the epidemic.

This is true, I’m sorry, but it’s really hard, so you’re free to scold you, I know it’s wrong...Including the swear words that someone knows about privately swearing at me, my brain hurts in the middle of the night, and I didn’t say anything. , It was only after he replied that he suspected of cursing me to die suddenly before he could not help but question one or two.


I did not ask the administrator to delete posts on this matter. In fact, I have not appeared in the administrator group for four or five days. Most of them are doing voluntary work.

The only change I have made is the deletion of the apology at the end of the previous chapter... This is because a book friend found me to express his dissatisfaction. He thought that the words of kowtow apologized hurt my self-esteem as a writer and also offended him. He doesn’t I feel that I am qualified to accept someone's kowtow... My fault, I deleted it, but this chapter says that it should not be affected. If it is affected, it is a work injury, not who deleted it.

As for why there is this single chapter... It's very simple. Someone in the book review area called the administrator gdx, and it was over the line... But if it wasn't for the administrator to see the gdx screenshot in the middle of the night, I would get up and peek at the screen. do not know……

I repeat, I never read the book review area, and I don’t care about the book review area, except for the fine articles of book review activities and the need to find a dragon.

Not arrogant, but no time!

After posting a new chapter, read this chapter and say that watching the screen of book friends at night is the main way for me to understand the minds of book friends.

Third, in any case, gdx and gtz are intolerable.

Please leave those few.

Especially the ‘gdx’, I don’t understand the mentality of a person reading dozens of articles and sending out dozens of articles in this chapter... But I can accept it, but I can’t accept gdx and gtz...

I can do it because you ky, in fact, I just said it, because someone knows the updated thing, I am not too angry when someone knows that I am swearing in private messages...

The administrator has a problem, go to the group to order me private chat, complain to me, he is wrong, I apologize to you on their behalf, and discuss it well, and it can basically be resolved

But you can’t use this disgusting vocabulary to openly insult the administrator...this is a red line.

So please leave.

Here, I must reiterate and remind everyone of one thing.

That is, for writers, administrators are core enthusiastic book friends who provide free services. The relationship between them and writers is not a subordinate relationship, but a cooperative relationship.

In other words, it is the author who owes the administrator, not the writer commanding the administrator. There is really a contradiction, and the priority of the administrator is higher than the author.

For those who feel that they are being oppressed by the administrator instructed by the author, I can only say that the mentality of the victim is too strong.

What's more, this matter is really not instigation, I am afraid it is just the day-to-day management carried out by the administrator in order to purify the layout.

I don't know who deleted it now, and I didn't ask.

Finally, say a few more words.

Except for the early ignorance when I first wrote about the movie king, I have been writing for four to five years, and in four to five years, I have never asked for any votes or subscriptions. In essence, I know that I am unable to update, and I also know that most readers are actually there. The mentality of a superior consumer uncle.

At the beginning, I was unwilling to endure the kind of personal insults similar to charity by asking for votes.

And to be honest, compared to bad writing and bad character of the author, the thing I hate the most is that the ticket is not given to you. Did you see it? I tore this ticket... I didn't ask for a ticket. , I don’t need a vote...Really, I’m very happy that you voted for me, and I have nothing to say when you vote for others.

But really don't engage in this kind of game between writers and readers.

In fact, I was impressed by the fact that after the actor wrote more than one million words, I learned other books to subscribe at the end of the chapter, which caused a reader’s dissatisfaction. He ky me face to face in the group, thinking that my Asking to subscribe offended him because he only subscribed half of it. As a genuine reader, he shouldn't bear the hints and reminders in the book while reading.

This incident has had a profound impact on me, so I have never asked for a ticket since then, nor have I asked for a recommended ticket or monthly ticket, nor have I called for any pirated corrections.

And every time I tell everyone in the group that there is no increase in rewards, because it is impossible to have the ability to fulfill the contract. For Nagagan to trick newcomers into rewards, I just kick people directly... I told a very old book for this. Friends have had a big conflict and have been deeply impressed so far.

The reason for this is that since the subscription turmoil, I have gradually realized that readers have never seen writers with an equal mindset. The vast majority of readers have a mindset of eating fast food with a mindset. It depends on the attitude of the waiter to treat readers.

The so-called I write slowly, you slowly read this sentence when you opened the book, but it will not be smooth sailing. I had predicted it a long time ago.

last of the last.

I repeat, I'm sorry about the update.

But this kind of apology, including bang bang bang, is essentially sorry for not being able to fulfill the contract. It is an apology for a person who has promised to his friend for not doing it.

It's not that the merchant kowtows to the consumer's apology based on business demands.

Writing still has to talk about self-esteem independent of business.

Even if the cruel reality under the big waves and the nature of business transactions make this self-esteem seem ridiculous and self-deceiving...but the faces must be given to each other.

Current affairs are difficult, it is a pleasure to picture, why bring in that cold thing outside?

If I can't do it, I slap myself in the face, and your curse is a reasonable negotiation with me...This is the relationship between people and there is no problem.

And the writers and book friends naturally assume a kind of virtual friend role, and it's not a big deal to curse a few words.

But when you scold someone, you bring into the consumer uncle mentality, and then you have to take the Kanban girl who is obliged to help with scolding...This is beyond the boundary.

Because kanban girls, that is, administrators, have the highest priority in this special triangle relationship...For writers, they are kind people who are paying readers and volunteer to help. Then they get along more daily, and they will be good friend.

They are all living people, independent people, like trash writers, young and vigorous or mature and gentle, or have a family and a mouth, and some are even successful people... They are helping trash writers with this book. Core readers!

I don’t understand why, in the eyes of some people, administrators are vassals of trash writers?

I can't support myself, and can I still support them?

And the words of gtz and gdx not only tore through the tacit understanding of their dignity, but more importantly, they are essentially a wrong understanding...The administrator is the reader! Not a writer's helper! The author is in their niche.

Any writer will not tolerate other people's personal insults to the book management coordinator.

Still the same sentence, gtz and gdx, please leave, I can't wait for you guys... to lk to post, to report, I must have my own attitude on the surface.

I don't allow others to be attacked for no reason because of my fault!

Having written so much, it actually means the same thing. Although the Internet is essentially a commodity, it is still a cultural product after all. Everyone can be happy, even if it’s scribbled, you can scribble happily, and the relationship between the author and the book friend It could have been a little simpler, what would it be like to go online?

This is a network.

So many words were typed on the bed without glasses in the morning, and later found to be blocked after posting...It should be that the official review of the starting point was stuck.

In short, there must be omissions and some sensitive things I will definitely have to be scolded by the administrator later... I can even imagine that everything is standing and standing, while making money and acting as force, think Fuck the thing about dragging the watch over or something.

And I also know that there are too many book friends. Compared with writers, it is an asymmetric group. People have all kinds of ideas. The best way to do this is to lower your head and be a tortoise.

I even dare to assert that some bookmates must feel that this single chapter has affected their normal reading... Many of my leave slips are deleted every other day because some people feel dissatisfied and think that this single chapter in the text affects the reading experience. Tell me specifically about this.

This single chapter will also be deleted when the next chapter comes out.

The next chapter is tonight.

But gtz just can't stand it.

Above, it's not bang bang bang this time...Anyway, some people will feel upset.

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