Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 47: Pinglu

On the afternoon of the last day of the third year of Jianyan, the Xingning Army’s Jiedu Envoy and the imperial army under the command of Li Yanxian received a New Year’s Day reward from the imperial court in Pinglu City, Shaanzhou, as well as the latest information delivered by the army. The first issue of "Di Bao".

In other words, this "Dibao" is a serious dibao here in Li Yanxian, because the two-character Dibao is the mansion established in Kyoto by the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, and the original intention of the Dibao was also from the beginning. It refers to the process by which the imperial court posted relevant information about major events, and the people in the mansion copied it and reported it to the local counties and vassals... Isn’t it true that it was used on Li Yanxian, a handsome party?

Less gossip, Li Yanxian, the Xingning Army Jiedu who is supervising the retreat of some troops and civilians from Shaanzhou and Hebei Province to the south, first earnestly received the reward, and then he was kind to entertain the messenger. After everything was done, he ignored the general Shao on his side Yun, there was a constant stream of sergeants and sergeants under his feet, sitting directly on the head of Pinglu City, and opened this report with the sunlight above his head...

No way, this freshly delivered Dibao is much heavier than the previous half-year receipt, and the paper is also extraordinarily acquainted, combined with the "thank you list" that he saw last time in the city of Shanzhou, Hebei. I thought something big happened.

However, Li Yanxian looked from the beginning to the end, but the more he looked at it, the more he couldn't get his head, because there was really no big thing beyond imagination, but the records were exceptionally detailed, and the layout was neat and orderly, but he couldn't help but look carefully.

For example, there was an entire Dibao related to personnel dispatching. In addition to the transfer of officials from the central government, there was actually some commendation for the fighting hero of Zhang Rong's Xiao Wu Xun.

For example, XX took seven heads in a certain tone; XX took an unnamed head with a silk gourd helmet lined with it, just like a general; XX heads the boat carrying a gunpowder bag and rushes to the port first, attacking the same First board...Anyway, Li Yanxian who looked at him felt a little bit of a grievance, because his contribution was greater than Zhang Rong. His Shanzhou soldiers were more fierce than Liangshanpo's naval forces, and they had always been more tragic, but he didn't even have time to remember his name. of.

This is a fact.

After Jingkang, the whole world collapsed. Han Shizhong and Zhang Jun both just fled to find the'new official house'. Only Li Yanxian, who was suppressed, left idle, and abandoned by superiors repeatedly, tried to survive and led a group of defeated soldiers in Shanzhou. This crucial place in the world was pulled back from Jin Jun abruptly.

And Shaanzhou is a place where Shaanxi is divided between left and right, and the north and south are Jiahe. It is itself the key to the world. Not to mention that the main field forces of the Song Army are actually divided into the Imperial Camp and the Guanxi Soldiers and Horses, while the Jinren are actually divided into the East and the West. This leads to how important Shanzhou is at the intersection of the four major forces. How important.

In fact, if Li Yanxian had not regained Shaanzhou on that day and forced Wanyan Yinshu to end his rampage in Jingxi ahead of schedule, it would be hard to say whether Zhao Jiu and the little court could gain a foothold in Nanyang.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Li Yanxian will not do anything from now on, as long as he insists on keeping Shanzhou, then he will be indispensable among the top heroes in the world in the future.

Therefore, to a certain extent, the Xingning Army Jiedu was absolutely qualified to maintain his arrogant posture in front of all the other Song Army.

After a while of commending Zhang Rong’s subordinates, Li Yanxian reluctantly regained his emotions and went to look at the records of political documents. He stared at some of the information occupying a huge page and shook his head again and again. Zhang, but couldn't help being stunned.

It turned out that from this time on, the Dibao was all things that had nothing to do with current affairs.

For example, in the penultimate one, there is an "Qi theory" of the great scholar Hu Anguo; there is an explanation about the regulations of the new dibao written by Hu's editor; there is also a New Year message sent by the acting official in the tone of Lu Xianggong; There is also a discussion by Chen Shuxiang about why the city of Tokyo is so strong...

The last one is even more absurd.

On this piece of paper, half of them are nonsense poetry and essays... That's fine, and the other half is a story with a mediocre script and no signature.

It’s about Zhang Yongzhen, the water **** of the Huai River, who was actually an ancient man in the past many years. He was born in the Yanhuang tribe, but how did he meet immortals, be taught immortal methods, and then start a battle, how easily he could become twenty-high in the law. Zhang, how do you kill countless demons and kill demons, so that you can smash the swords of demons and create a fourteen-zhang sword. Finally, on the day of the sword, how did this man follow the Huangdi and Jiuli Chiyou to fight in Zhuolu, and kill the Chiyou brothers five of the 81 people in the battle. This is a great achievement, so after the war, he was sealed in the Huaihe River.

Such an absurd story was actually placed on the Dibao. Of course, Li Yanxian, who is both civil and military, dismissed it, but he couldn't help but read it two or three times in a row. Then he gestured to the city wall in his heart for how much a fourteen-zhang sword is. Long, this talent is still not enough to put away the Di Bao, and hand it to the side of the staff, let them copy a few, and distribute to the various civil and military officials under them.

However, up to this point, the army, baggage, and people pouring into the city were still endless. Li Yanxian had to continue to sit on the head of the city, and then continue to talk with Shao Yun, the guard of Pinglu, who had stood dry by his side for a long time.

"Taiwei, what can be said in the newspaper?" Of course, Shao Yun couldn't help but ask.

"There are not many major events, that is, the officials have continuously inspected Taixue and Xiangguo Temple Army Square in the past few days, so as to comfort the elders in Tokyo." Li Yanxian continued to sit still, just lightly downplaying, and smiling at his confidant general. "Besides, it was to commend the Liangshanbo thieves for their was the last time I thanked the group of nobles for borrowing money."

Shao Yun nodded again and again: "The officials have worked hard...but I still find it absurd to borrow money, so I asked the Muzuo around me several times before I believed it."

Li Yanxian shook his head, but asked casually: "Do you think it is absurd for the officials to borrow money from others, or do you think it is absurd for these nobles to lend money to the officials for military expenses?"

"Both." Shao Yun was sincerely right.

"I don't think it is absurd." Li Yanxian smiled frankly. "Although the official family is young and acts a bit frivolous, but the anti-golden meaning is firm and resolute. Normally, there is also quite a bit of courage. In order to raise military expenses, the palace has almost stopped income... I have been in and out of the palace several times, see It’s clear that love knows that you can’t fake it... But now Tokyo is getting better, and rich people come back with money. How can he be so embarrassed to borrow money?"

"The official family is indeed a good official family." Hearing this, Shao Yun sighed with emotion. "I often think that the official family and Taiwei are actually quite alike..."

"What's this?" Li Yanxian was stunned. "Not to mention how the emperor and his ministers can make good comparisons. Just don't talk about these fictitious things. The officials and I are not the same in age, experience, and habits..."

"I didn't mean that." Shao Yun immediately explained seriously. "I just think that the Taiwei is like the official family. Not only is the anti-golden thing unambiguous, it is also very good for the subordinates... After the formation of Heyin, the official approved the governing official Zhazi and sent it directly into the palace. My and eldest brother (Shaolong) After discussing it together, I couldn’t write a few words. I should give the official a monthly greeting. As a result, the official replies very carefully every time, asking me whether my army is short of money or weapons? Is there a place to settle? How is my family? How many children have been married? Whether public or private, is there anything to worry about? These are the same as Taiwei you usually do."

Li Yanxian nodded slightly, but smiled again: "Since you know that the official is a good official, how can you find it ridiculous that he borrowed money?"

"Because I always think of the official family and the Taiwei very much, and I also know that if the Taiwei is here, I would rather starve to death than go to the high officials and nobles to borrow money, because the Taiwei is an arrogant man. People, the more prominent the nobles, the more they have to shake their faces..."


Since Li Yanxian was silent, Shao Yun only thought that he had said something wrong, and did not dare to say more for a while. Therefore, the tower was silent for a while, with only a slight south breeze stirring, and the noise under his feet was noisy.

But after a while, the envoy laughed again and again: "It's not that you Shao Tong's eyes are more poisonous... I really look a little like the officials, but those nobles are nobles to me, in the eyes of the officials. But it's just idlers, so the officials don't care and borrow at will."

Shao Yun didn't understand for a while, just nodded.

And Li Yanxian also continued to sigh with emotion: "As for how those nobles are willing to serve the country, they are actually still in the official family, because after all, the official family is the official family, and the people below must stare at him... the official family must resist the gold. People don’t want to fight against gold, but slowly they have to fight against gold; the official family emphasizes military affairs, and the people below look down on the officers and soldiers, and slowly they also have to look at the officers and soldiers... This payment is also reasonable."

Shao Yun nodded even more: "I know this truth... it's like marrying a hunk family. The hunk family has a temperament when it enters the house, but slowly, it depends on the temperament of the mother-in-law and her husband in the end. To be finalized."

Li Yanxian was at a loss for a while, but after a little thought he nodded again and again, because what Shao Yun said, for example, really made sense.

People can change, whether they are affected by ears or eyes, or flattery, they will change unconsciously. What's more, they are talking about the official family, the emperor...The king of Chu loves a thin waist, and many starve to death in the palace. The official family must resist the gold, and the whole dynasty is naturally a "righteous man"!

In this way, the two sighed for a while, talked for a while, and put aside the matter of the newspaper, but in the end they returned to the military.

"Taiwei, I wanted to ask before, if the people from Liang Shanbo really made a home on the Yellow River, then Xiao Wu Xun's credit did not cheat, wouldn't it be worry-free afterwards on the river?" Shao Yun asked first. "Can we also get some Antai here in Shanzhou?"

Li Yanxian returned to his senses and shook his head again and again: "How many rivers can you control with thirty ships and a hundred boats? It's nothing more than keeping the section of the river in front of Tokyo. He just wants to support, and I feel sad about Sanmenxia... and Don’t forget, the Pujin Floating Bridge in Hezhong Mansion has always been in the hands of the Jinren, and it’s useless to come to support it."

Shao Yun was slightly disappointed.

"It's not just that." Li Yanxian stared at the team's tail that had been revealed in the distance, and then sighed faintly. "Have you ever thought about it. If Tokyo faces Dahe and is controlled by Zhang Rong, the Jin army loses this entry channel, but will attack from both sides. We can't say here that we will be attacked by heavy Jinmen... and once we attack, If it's someone else, Wanyan Lou's room is not so easy to deal with."

Shao Yun was stunned, and then turned his gaze to the team under the city. Then he spoke in a low voice, "That's why Taiwei disregarded the New Year and abandoned many towns in the north. Should he give the big guy an urgent order to retreat as much as possible?"

"Yes, I always thought that the golden man still had to go south, and at least Wanyan Lou's room would definitely come back." Li Yanxian finally got up from the top of the city, but looked north with his hands behind his back. "Today's New Year, we will postpone it for a while, but it's only today. Tomorrow I will personally take the old and weak women and children and some soldiers and horses directly back to Henan...Here, I will leave you with five thousand people and enough food and grass. When the golden army comes to attack, you are in Pinglu, I am in the city of Shanzhou. Let’s try our best to stand by the river, this is the best; but if the golden army is strong, you don’t have to be taboo. You can defend and defend instead of crossing the river. Whether it’s Henan or turning to Zhongtiao Mountain, it’s all the same way!"

Shao Yun was silent for a moment, and solemnly saluted the city.

In this way, due to the festival of the day, as the only commander in the imperial army who has no restrictions on establishment and freely controls a fixed amount of 30,000 yuan, Li Yanxian is the master and ordered the distribution of rewards and food to comfort the many retreating soldiers and civilians inside and outside the city , Pinglu’s surroundings are rarely lively and joyous, and it can be regarded as a fairly stable New Year in the turmoil.

However, at four shifts in the evening, Li Yanxian, who was staying in the state capital, suddenly received an urgent report from the scout.

Among them, Wanyan Sabayi defeated Jijin, a key town in the east of Hebei, in Shaanzhou with a partial division of 5,000, but Wanyan Lou's own banner suddenly appeared in Tongguan, the westernmost part of Henan, in Shanzhou.

It’s not a military miracle that Wanyan Lou’s breach of Tongguan is not the first time he has breached Tongguan. Moreover, Tongguan has long been destroyed and damaged several times during the battle between Song and Jin. Xiongguan is purely a key stronghold with defensive functions.

Even Li Yanxian can imagine the specific route of Wanyan Loushi's it is nothing more than Pujin crossing the river, and then rushing southward.

Only the real military commander of the Jin Guoxi Road Army was deliberately here, and he personally led the cavalry to carry out this raid... he came prepared, fearing that it would be difficult to deal with.

But it's going to rain Niang to marry, and Jin is to come, what about Song Jun, who has no strategic initiative? Besides, Li Yanxian had already guessed that this person would come.

If you have to sigh with emotion, you can only say that no matter what, the war has restarted. Moreover, the Jinren launched such a raid one day before the arrival of the fourth year of Jianyan, but they have maintained their military tradition of invading southward every year. .

The news spread, in the first month of the fourth year of Jianyan, Henan and Guanxi were shaken.

PS: Thank you 76 Moe, beef jerky~ classmates!

The last one~ is it a cow's tail?

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