Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 60: Thinking

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"I'm sending troops when I forcefully violate the sky..."

In late April, it was an undoubtedly serious summer. The weather was getting hotter and the heat was hard to cover. Fangzhou, Jushui entered the estuary of Beiluoshui, and the Wanyanlou room, which was soaked in sweat, sat not far from the riverside. Under the shade of the trees, looking at the surrounding soldiers crowded in the shade, I can't help feeling in my heart.

Let’s also say that this time out of northern Shaanxi, the Lou Shi concentrated most of the West Route Army's Meng'an Muke, but did not bring a full complement of Han'er troops. This not only significantly improved the combat effectiveness, but also made some things too obvious. Up:

First of all, as the weather gets hotter and hotter, the elites born in Liaodong and Yanyun have become more and more difficult to adapt to this kind of heat, not to mention that many Western Route Army female elites simply came from Hushui (now Harbin area). Lou Shi did not dare to imagine the scene of continuous rain when the battle lasted until the end of summer and early autumn. It was not only a disaster for the cavalry in his hand, but also a disaster for his body.

Second, the northern Shaanxi region is a typical hilly plateau on a plateau. This special terrain allows cavalry to fight in local battlefields, but it is difficult for them to take advantage of strategic mobility. This makes logistics difficult, and large-scale mobile warfare has almost become A kind of extravagant hope.

Therefore, in Lou's view, this battle may indeed be necessary in terms of national strategy and private needs, but when it comes to the current battle level, it is a battle without time and location... the only hope It is the people who have reconciled, relying on this group of elite cavalry of the Golden Army core from Liaodong, Yanyun, and even pressing out of the tiger water, relying on their own determination to fight in a battle.

The sun is slanting west, and the main force of the Golden General who has been working so hard has rested for a long time. As the crowd calms down, the Golden Army gets up and goes to Beiluoshui and Jushui to go to the heat, while the Han'er Army is in the deputy capital. With a quick scolding, he began to camp on the riverside under the scorching sun.

At this time, the whole army's head coach Lou Shi still leaned under the original big tree, closed his eyes and focused, and no one around dared to disturb easily... Of course, Lou Shi had already stopped thinking about anything at this time, but Focus on the current battle situation.

In other words, Wanyan Lou's room led the West Route Army's essence to the south this time. The specific strength is about 50,000 to 60,000. Among them, the elite soldiers under the pure Meng'an and Muke system barely barely 40,000. There is also one. Twenty thousand Han's replenishment soldiers can be regarded as archers and auxiliary soldiers... The reason for this is that under the Meng'an Muke system, ten thousand households are infallible, but there are often only five or six in each Meng'an. One or even four or five tactics, and if the average household wants to earn enough 10,000 soldiers, they are often four to five thousand cavalry under the regime of tactics, plus four to five thousand additional soldiers.

But this time, in order to ensure the rapid dispatch of troops and to ensure combat power under limited logistical conditions, Lou Shi did not mobilize too many auxiliary soldiers...Those soldiers and horses were handed over to the nominal head coach, and it should be almost here at this time. The third prince in Hezhong Mansion was Wanyan Eruduo.

As for these five to sixty thousand people, at the moment, there are only three to four thousand people left... This is not to say how much the Lou room has lost, but a natural division of troops and consumption.

First of all, it is naturally necessary to defend and stay behind the troops. Under such terrain conditions and supplies, no one dares to slight this aspect. However, there are too many gullies and ravines along the way. It seems that you should take a photo of a stockade wherever you are. Soldiers are average...not to mention, there are still Yan'an Mansion and Luojiao City who are about to rush.

Secondly, it was Wanyan Huoxue who led about 10,000 people along the way, divided the troops from Yanhe early, went south along the Yellow River, captured Danzhou, and spied on Tongzhou.

There is no way to say that the live girl performed very well. Danzhou easily captured it. As for being blocked in the same state a few days ago... It is not good to say that it should be like this, because the man stationed in the same state is the first general of the Southern Dynasty. Han Shizhong and his imperial camp left an army of thirty or forty thousand people, and there is a serious Liangshan mountain range between Danzhou and Tongzhou. In addition to this weather, if 10,000 people can really penetrate through Tongzhou, the living girl It can really replace his father's position.

Therefore, after arriving at the intersection of Jushui and Beiluoshui, the Wanyanlou room theoretically had 70,000 households in his hands, but only about 30,000 or 40,000 troops.

Of course, most of them are the true core combat power of the kind of ‘unbeatable.’ This kind of soldiers and horses, with only 10,000 people on that day, can rely on the Lou Shi to break the Western Army by 200,000, so there is nothing wrong with it.

After counting the troops in his mind, Lou Shifu began to think about the path of his main force.

This main force is basically marching along the Beiluo River, and the two most important defensive nodes on the Beiluo River are both upstream... One is the Diaoyin Pass, which Quduan has been operating for a long time, but on the flanks. Danzhou lost its strategic role after breaking through the partial division of Wanyan Living Girl. Defender Wu Lin chose to give up and retreat; the other was Luojiao City beside the main road of North Luoshui, but it was easily broken by the army led by Lou Shi. , The guards, Wu Jie and Wu Lin, were divided into two, one heading west and the other south, and walked away in embarrassment.

Therefore, at the moment, Jin Jun has taken all Panzhou and Danzhou, and has officially pressed into Fangzhou and peeped at Tongzhou.

And from here on, without mentioning the partial division of Danzhou, the road facing the main force here is divided into three.

One of the roads naturally follows Beiluoshui and continues to the southeast from the east bank of Beiluoshui. The road ahead is not elsewhere, it is the same state where Han Shizhong is stationed... This is a relatively'king way' On the road, the army will follow this south, with Danzhou live female army on the flank, and the important city of Luoshui’s east coast is in hand, which can ensure that the road is worry-free, and it can be calm and complete with Danzhou. The female pincer hitting Han Shizhong can also attract attention to another major force such as the third princes Wanyan Zoriduo and Wanyan Wushu from the Hedong side, so that they can cross the river easily.

In fact, this is also the decisive battle place that most people guess.

The other way is to go south along the North Luoshui River, but to take Huazhou from the west bank of the North Luoshui, and then go to Fuping and Sanyuan on the border of Huazhou and Yaozhou, and formally turn into the Weibei Plain. ... Once this is done, Han Shizhong is likely to be forced to abandon Tongzhou and turn around to help Chang'an, and the Hedong army will naturally cross the river smoothly.

On the third road, it is also necessary for soldiers to come to Jingzhao, but from here to the southwest, it is to break Fangzhou City, and then turn to Yaozhou in the southwest, as long as it breaks Tongguan (Later Tongchuan) and Huayuan (Later) Yaoxian), the gateways of Weibei, such as Fuping and Sanyuan, are also in sight.

There are three roads, from west to east, Yaozhou, Huazhou, and the same state. Any one can be taken, but one must be chosen. It is ridiculous that the three-way division of troops is ridiculous... and among them, Lou Shi had already rejected most people's guesses in his heart. Of the same state.

This is not to say that Lou Shi was really afraid of Han Shizhong, but he was worried that he would be wasting too much time in the same state... The road in northern Shaanxi was too difficult to walk, and it had been delayed for a lot of time... If the same state delays any longer, not mentioning the possibility of consuming oneself to death, but only to toss for more than a month, it will be unbearable for Lou Shi.

Moreover, at the moment, not more than before, Lou Shi vaguely felt that even if he defeated Han Shizhong, it did not necessarily mean he won the decisive battle. On the contrary, if he entangled with Han Shizhong in the same state, would it give the Song people more time to gather? At that time, more troops will continue to gather around the Weihe River regardless of Han Shizhong's defeat in front of him, defending Jingzhao? Will the food and grass of the Hedong army be out of supply?

The land is right and the people are wrong, and there is a Zhao official who is determined to fight behind, and it is impossible to analyze and treat the Song people with the eyes of the past.

In the past, the idea that Song Jun from the front would be defeated by a thousand miles after a victory in the front was absolutely unacceptable.

But if you take the other two roads, that is, if you just leave Tongzhou to invade Weishui and force Han Shizhong to withdraw troops, you must ensure that there is enough back road protection on the west bank of Luoshui. In other words, whether it is Huazhou or Yaozhou, Fangzhou Zhoucheng They should have been won first.

"Wulibu haven't come back yet?"

At this point, Lou Shi slowly opened his eyes, looked at the already yellow sun first, and then asked Wan Yan Mouyan, the second son who was assisting a knife servant not far from his side.

Wulibu is the meaning of accumulation in the Jurchen language. It is not too much to call this name among Jurchen officers. It is as common as a Han Chinese named Zhang Facai.

However, what Lou Shi asked about Wulibu could only be Jiagu Wulibu. This was one of the two full-amount hezamengs brought by Lou Shi’s expedition...

I must say one more thing here.

The so-called Hezha Meng'an means to guard the army. Before the founding of the country, only a few people, such as Aguda, Wu Qimai, and Nianhan, were eligible. There were only six in total. After the founding of the country, many nobles raised them. It is probably iron. The real origin of the Buddha, but in any case, these six are still the most elite, and Nianhan is also really magnificent. His two battles, Meng'an, all brought Lou Shi... one is Jiagu Wuli this time. Replenishment led, one led by Pucha Huzhan.

As for Lou Shi’s questioning about Wulibu now, it is because according to the Jin’s marching tradition, once the battle is won, in order to ensure that the victory is expanded at a minimum cost, they will often send a very elite cavalry to follow forward and try to scare the city, or With the defeat of the army expanding the results, and this time following Wu Jie, it is precisely to lead a team of Jiagu Wulibu.

"I'm back... I have made an order with Ba Lisu, and I didn't dare to bother when I saw that my father was closing his eyes to rest up his mind." Mou Yan hurriedly stepped forward two steps to answer. "But according to him, Wu Jie didn't panic to the point of panic after escaping into the city of Fangzhou Zhou. The city was still tightly guarded, so he didn't succeed. Instead, he suffered a small loss, so he simply withdrew back."

Lou Shi's expression remained unchanged, but he just nodded: "The Wu brothers are rare generals. You can know from the fact that they have been able to gather the troops after several defeats and make up for the losses...."

Wan Yan Mouyan also nodded: "Indeed, the Wu brothers are actually quite effective in fighting. At the beginning of the year, when they were ambushed by the elder brother by the river, it was not mentioned that they were rushed back and forth by the cavalry in the field. But in Luojiao a few days ago, their brothers really didn't lose many soldiers. Wu Jie took away four to five thousand, and Wu Lin also took away two to three thousand."

"Your brothers are not as good as their brothers." Lou Shi nodded again, showing no expression on his thin yellowish face.

Mou Yanben just followed his father's words and said casually. Hearing the other party's conclusion, he was naturally dissatisfied with it, but he did not dare to say more.

"Go find Ba Li Sulai." Lou Shi didn't care about the second son's thoughts at all, just casually ordered. "Thousands of thousands of families in the army, Deli Meng'an, have also called in. I want to give an order.

Mouyan dared not neglect, but left in a hurry.

After a while, I heard that the commander-in-chief was recruiting. The Wanhu and deputy marshal Wanyan who accompanied the expedition this time was below the speed, Wanhu Wanyan Tuhesu, Wanhu Yelvma Wu, Wanhu Wanyan Sali drink, Wanhu Wan Yan Zhehe, plus two Hezhameng Anjiagu Wulibu and Pucha Huzhan, a total of a dozen people rushed to the riverside.

Almost everyone of the ten or so people brought a few guards, but for a while, it made the surrounding area of ​​the tree noisy for a while.

However, when Lou's room, sitting cross-legged under the tree, raised his head, he just looked around, and the noise was immediately eliminated. That is to say, he inherited his brother's silver skill to be in the West Route Army. This time he has a deputy who handles daily military affairs. After all, Yan Ba ​​Lisu immediately put his hands together and stood upright, as clever as a mouse that saw a cat, and did not see the majesty of daily confrontation with the Fourth Prince in the Wanyan Wushu Army in the past.

"Wuli make up." Lou Shi didn't have unnecessary nonsense, and glanced directly at one of them. "How about the city of Fangzhou? How many soldiers and horses are needed to lay the ground?"

"Return to all." Jiagu Wulibu also solemnly handed over. "The city is not big, but the surrounding terrain is troublesome. There are ravines everywhere. If you want to attack the city, you can only cross the river from the north to attack. However, in addition to introducing the city of Jushuirao as a moat, there are also rivers on the north side of the city. A mountain stretches to the river, and the nearest mountain is several tens of meters high. The mountain is still full of stones and potholes. The Song people have prepared a stockade on it, which controls the road and open space to the north of the city. The open space is not large. It was just two or three thousand people spreading out... I got an arrow there, and after a boring discussion, I only got a glimpse of the rocks on the mountain and came back."

"That is to say, the soldiers and horses can't be spread out, and Wu Jie has already prepared for this city, he must first pull out the village, and then attack the city?" Lou Shi frowned slightly.

"That's what it means." Wu Libu handed over again.

"Can you go to the south of the city?"

"Perhaps, but we don't know the terrain. I am afraid that we will be fainted in the valley, and the villages on the road are will take time."

"Who is going?" Lou Shi nodded, no longer cares, but directly looked at the group of extremely quiet ten thousand households.

"I'll go!"

Everyone looked at each other, and at this moment, Wanyan, who was already a little impatient, suddenly stepped forward, but he bulged his chest and leaned back to answer. "I'm the best at speed and foot combat!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was a burst of laughter under the shade of the tree, and the surrounding attendants laughed more.

Moreover, as a famous general of the West Road Army, Tu Hesu definitely has no shortage of classic battle cases. It was him who killed the seed divisions in Taiyuan that day. But this time the foot battle he was talking about refers to another battle.

Specifically, after breaking Taiyuan that day, the Golden Army swept Hedong, and when it hit Shizhou (now in Lishi, Shanxi), the Song Army succeeded in resisting the Golden Army several times by relying on the mountain road. Seek help in Taiyuan's Sudden Speed. Suhe hurried to Shizhou, observed the terrain, and thought that he should dismount and fight.

As a result, the Jinjun general who presided over the battle didn't know whether he was timid or was trying to find reasons for his defeat in the battle, so he told Tu Hesu, saying that the Song people would be able to use the magic method, and he ran up with the magic seals tied to his feet. The speed is faster than the horse, and if the Jin army abandons the war horse and fights with the Song people, it will be even more difficult.

As a result, Tu Hesu sneered on the spot, and then let the whole army dismount and start a mountain foot battle with the Song army, strangling the Song army in Shizhou to death... The history books call it "the death of death".

Lou Shi was actually dissatisfied with the arrogance and frivolousness of Suo He Su, but for one thing, Su He Su was indeed a brave man in combat. Secondly, as the weather got hotter and the soldiers gradually became tired, he was about to use his opponent's momentum; After three years, he was really unwilling to continue to drag on the road.

Since then, Lou Shi smiled under the tree and said, "So, Fangzhou City will be handed over to Tuhesu. You should have ten Meng'an and 47 Machi. It should be enough, and the Han'er Army will give you whatever you want. Invoke... Let’s rest for one day today and go back tomorrow, how about it!"

"It's all in this one day, and I will send someone to pick you up into the city tomorrow night." Su Hesu immediately replied.

Lou Shi didn't speak, and directly raised his hand slightly. Below the pulling speed, Suhesu and others dispersed, leaving only Lou Shi to continue thinking under the tree... and it didn't take long, as the sun grew more and more. To the west, the light yellow sunlight began to shine on Lou's face, which made him react a little bit after his sallow complexion was originally sallow, but he looked at the no longer dazzling sunset for a while and was meditative, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Not to mention how the golden army's first general enlightened Dao under the tree, only that that evening, almost at the same time, the northern part of the city of Fangzhou, which is only 20 miles away from the mouth of the Juluo River, is also under the tree by the river, the same. A general with a sallow complexion was thinking about the situation... but it was Wu Jie and Wu Jinglue who had lost consecutive battles within a few months.

However, unlike Lou Shi's irritable complexion but always indifferent, Wu Jie and Wu Jinqing thought for a long time, but suddenly they wiped tears under the tree, and the tears couldn't stop flowing down.

The officers around who were ordered to entourage looked flustered, and many soldiers who were digging a horse pit on the road nearby were also shocked to look back, which made the entourage more embarrassed.

By the way, at this time Wu Gong (Yizi Wu, brother) was protecting Hu Jinglue to Ningzhou. In addition, the previous Lian Chan losing streak and now the main force of the Jinren is twenty miles away in a severe situation...More importantly. Yes, these people who have followed Wu Jun for a long time know that this newly appointed manager in the Kansai Army is famous for reading history books, and he likes to be moths in the books. No one knows if this is going forward. What will be the result of the stubbornness... Therefore, no one dared to persuade for a while.

However, Wu Jie and Wu Jinglue cried more and more sad, and the more they cried, the greater the movement. The surrounding officers really couldn't hide. After pushing each other, there was a leader commanding officer called Wang Xi, who was born in the Deshun army. , Who was regarded as the confidant general of Wu Jie's fellow township, was pushed and staggered out of the queue by his colleagues, and then forced to bite the bullet and ask:

"Jinglue, didn't Yuwen Xianggong fail to pursue our defeats in Danzhou and Juanzhou, but instead just promoted you to a managerial officer? Why are you crying?"

"That's because I, Wu Da, still knows what shame is!" Wu Jie immediately turned her head back when she heard the words, and then sternly scolded each other, but restored the old and stern demeanor of Yi. "In the beginning, Qu Da Nasi left office, no one in northern Shaanxi was available, and the court and officials reused me, but now I have been defeated and defeated, and the Kansai generals have gathered, but the officials and the court still treat me like this. , How can I be ashamed?! You should also be ashamed! We must defend this Fangzhou City this time!"

A group of military officers knew that the other party cried so much. They wanted to say this to motivate themselves and these people. In addition, they retreated to this city, and found that the army had been built outside the city, and the military supplies were piled up like a mountain. There are no less than dozens of faceted crossbows on the hillside military village outside the city and the city’s head... I knew that the other party would stand here, and they all responded, saying that they would learn from Wu Jinglue and be ashamed.

"Ashamed!" Wu Jie looked at him coldly for a long time, and his tears were all puffed away by the yellow dust raised on the road. Then he got up and continued to yell at his subordinates. "Do you think I don't know what you think? Each of you only thinks that I am hypocritical, forcing you to die... Of course I am trying to force you to die... But do you usually lack rewards or are the rewards and punishments unfair to you?"

Hearing these words that seemed to be true, the confidant generals such as Wang Xi, Wang Wu and other soldiers from Deshun immediately couldn't bear it, so they stepped forward to fight, saying that they were going to defend this military village on the hill outside the city.

However, the second general in the lead just opened his mouth without finishing his words. As a gust of wind swept the loess dug out from the road works, the two of them were full of sand and dust for a while, and they were a little intolerable, so they could only shut their mouths, and Wu Jie also cried again. The flow does not stop.

The manager was helpless, so he turned his back, covered his face with his hands, and continued to yell at each other: "I only ask you, how do you know that I am not ashamed today? You don't usually study, but you know that the north is here. The deep part of the mountain is where our ancestor Huangdi’s tomb is located? And is the court’s envoys fake? Is the official generosity fake? Even Qu Da came back alive and became a general manager, can you say Officials treated us warriors cheating? Under the ancestors’ mausoleum, the court met me with such kindness. If I retreat and lose again, what face will I live in?"

This is a serious statement. The two generals Wang Xi and Wang Wu took the lead. The generals knelt together, vowed to swear, and claimed that they would never retreat, otherwise the sky would be thundered.

Wu Jinglue wiped her face clean for the second time, but asked coldly: "If you retreat again, what if there is no thunder in the sky?"

The generals were one at the top and two big. In the end, it was still Wang Xi who drew his sword and held his blade to each other under Wu Jie's gaze: "Then please deal with military laws."

"Of course it can be handled by military law." Wu Jie stepped forward and took the knife and stroked the front with his hand. "But if you want to deal with military law, Ben General knows that you can't really be convinced...Because of several defeats, I, Wu Jie, also lost together. If you want to deal with you, shouldn't you deal with Ben Jiang first?"

At this point, the generals are really gone, so no one said anything this time.

"That's all right." Wu Jie returned the knife to Wang Xi, and then said coldly. "We have written off all the previous things... From today on, we will learn from the old rules of the officials on Huai Shang, and set a new rule. If we dare to retreat behind me without authorization, we will not forgive!"

The generals only felt that today’s mess can finally be done, and they each breathed a sigh of relief, and they swore again... This time, there was no wind and sand again... But when the generals swear the gambling curse, Wang Xi and the others Taking advantage of the situation, Wu Jie was invited to enter the city from the suspension bridge. It is said that the officers in the city had gathered together to celebrate the newly appointed Wu Jinglue.

But Wu Jie's face turned dark when he heard this, but instead, he headed towards the cottage to the north. After walking a few steps, he turned around in the generals' dumbfoundedness, and continued to say coldly: "Ben You will know that today, no matter how much you say in your heart, it is to cut out your heart and liver for you Western army bastards. You may not be able to believe it with your bastard, and I have to lead by example to convince you... More than four thousand soldiers, divided into two, jumped out of some good shots and I, Wu Da, I lead the mountain, you go to defend the city, this city can be broken, but to break this city, we need my manager Death, that's all."

With that said, Wu Jie never looked back, and even jumped over the busy road project and went directly to the army village on the opposite mountain.

And when he walked to the mountain top camp fortifications, he raised his head with a strange stone and looked around. The so-called east is the main force of tens of thousands of elites, and the people in Changan in the south are said to be officials in private. It was so dark that Ningzhou to the west was where Hu Jinglue was absolutely acquainted with his brother, and deep in the mountains to the north was the mausoleum of the ancestor Huangdi... He looked at it for a long time, bowed his head, and walked towards the middle of the village. But it was the third time that couldn't help but shed tears.

As for the officers who had been following him, naturally they quickly followed.

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