Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 58: Shaanxi people

Chapter 224

Zhao Jiu did not immediately set off for the imperial conquest after Tuogu at Yiyoumen. In fact, after ensuring the loyalty and action of the center through Tuogu, he first convened a comprehensive meeting and clearly put forward a strategy to keep the pass at all costs. The goal, in turn, required the entire court to exert all its actions to guarantee military operations.

Of course, the most important point is that certain military arrangements must be made before the imperial conquest.

As a passive defender, how to deploy troops and generals is always a huge problem...After thinking about it, it is almost the same as the last time. Zhang Jun needs to defend the Huaihe River and Jingdong, and Yue Fei needs to mention the front of Kaifeng Mansion and the Daming Mansion. The Jin Army confronted each other, otherwise, what about the forty to fifty thousand people gathered by the East Route Army to the Daming Mansion once they go south?

The troops that can be dispatched in a short period of time seem to be the same ones last time, and the number of these troops and the speed at which they are brought together in Guanzhong has long been known by the Wanyan Lou Chamber through the last strategic investigation...this is a scheming, helpless yang. The horror of Wanyan Lou's room has begun to show its signs.

Of course, whether Zhao Jiu or the entire Song Dynasty court, it is impossible to wait and die.

Therefore, as the Zhao official family officially started to drive west after the meeting, the southeast imperial army's northward transfer order was immediately issued. At the same time, the Guanxi, Central Plains, Lianghuai, and even the Bashu and Southeast regions, the imperial court also issued the conscription'Rebels'. The reward of the'civil army' is to provide official ranks, titles, and places for students to encourage powerful and powerful families to contribute, contribute, and contribute money.

And these are the contents of the newspapers that Liang Jiaying, who accompanied the army and Jinshi, read a few days ago.

As for the first day of April, Secretary Liang saw the arrival of Jin Wu Huang, the official family and the imperial squad went straight into the camp, and his identity was reported and the handover was completed. He was still from his own year, that is, the Jinshi and No. In the daily life, Lang Yu Yunwen received the task of reading newspapers... In Yu Yunwen’s words, the officials have given explanations more than once. This is the most important task for the soldiers to join the army. No one should be negligent or misinterpreted... But wait until Secretary Liang has received today’s share. After reading the Di Bao, he was stunned on the spot, and then dizzy and flustered for a while.

However, this time it’s not that Guangzhou Jiayingzi has little knowledge. The serious scholars who went directly with the imperial front are all panicked. Some cried on the spot, some were frightened, some beat their chests and their feet, and some even wanted to go to the sacred book. , It was just stopped by the pre-guard squad who had already prepared.

Without him, this time the Dibao directly recorded the incident of Zhao Guanjia Yiyou Mentogu!

The article was written by the client Lang Yu Yunwen himself, and then submitted to his old friend Hu Quanhu for editing and editing. Except for the content of cursing the Taishang Daojun emperor, all the rest were entered... Faced with this kind of strong sentiment, In addition, there are serious political events related to the country’s origin and movement. It is quite unusual for these young political elites to have these reactions.

They don't even know that this supplement has caused confusion in the Taixue as early as when the Taipai students copied the Dibao. Fortunately, Guo Zijian Jijiu Chen Gongfu had some courage, and the guards who led the Guo Zijian directly blocked the door. Otherwise, these Taipui students might have gone to burn the house of Zhao Huangshu's house because of the fact that Zhao Guan's family had already gone on the expedition the day before!

As for the extremely innocent Da Zongzheng Uncle Zhao’s family, they demolished their door two or three days earlier after receiving the message. Then the family’s sons slept in the yard under mosquitoes and dew all day and night, and they didn’t dare. Back to the room.

However, returning to the front, after the emotions were vented, everyone had nothing to say-at the moment of the Great War, the emperor is determined to this end, how can he be a minister?

After a while, there was a lot of trouble, and all the soldiers who accompanied the army had to take their own attitudes, and went to read with the officers in the army...The Imperial Front was no better than others, because there were so many civil servants and scribes, so it was cut. The practical "Jinshi enters the capital" is something that every soldier must read.

"Officials, Shuchen bluntly, is this really useful?"

Entering summer, the sky got darker and slower. The army’s large tent and the Privy Council all agreed that Liu Ziyu watched for a long time through the open door of the large tent. When he turned around, he couldn’t help but stand in the dark. , Zhao Guan's family, who is also looking at the situation outside with his hand, speaks out. "The matter of trusting the loneliness is related to the country. It is already a bit horrible to put this kind of thing on the Dibao to let the officials, scholars, and students know. As for the ordinary soldiers... The military salary is sufficient, the rewards and punishments are clear, and the grace and power can be used together. Tell them These, they may not know what righteousness is!"

Qu Duan, who was in the same account, sneered instinctively, and wanted to ridicule, but when he caught a glimpse of the official side and stopped to look at it, he abruptly suffocated.

"Liu Qing's words are extremely true."

Unexpectedly, Zhao Jiu, who turned his hand back to the seat after hearing the sound, did not directly refute the opponent at all. "If you want soldiers to spend their lives, the supply of military pay, rewards and punishments are the most fundamental things. Without these, it would be ridiculous to use empty words to influence the soldiers... But since the establishment of the imperial soldiers and horses, the court can be said that the power of the country has been nurtured. Soldiers and security of military pay, although there are still many disadvantages and chaos, it is really impossible to do more in this area for a while. At this time, it is also helpless to urge it before the battle."

Seeing the official's turn around, several guards in the tent immediately lit a candle, Liu Ziyu also personally put down the wide tent door, and then turned around.

"As for saying that the soldiers understand righteousness?" Zhao Jiu opened the map and continued to laugh. "Do you understand? It’s best to understand, and it’s okay if you don’t understand. Everyone is spending their lives. It’s not easy for the military scribes to let them sit idle. As long as there is one in a hundred who can understand, it’s worthwhile for these jinshis to sell a few. It’s silly."

Liu Ziyu became speechless, but could only nod his head.

At the same time, as the lights in the tent were lit successively, the faces of many entourages in the tent were also illuminated in addition to the bonfire outside the tent. Among them, there was the prince Wang Boyan... and below the prince, the Privy Council’s officials were responsible. There are no fewer than 20 or 30 people in the army, editors, and **** responsibilities of Hanlin bachelors, dormitories, and living men, accompanying the imperial camp and imperial squad. There are no fewer than 20 or 30 people, but the early generals are full of tents. .

It was in such a state that Zhao Jiu began to ask Hu Hong to lay a map.

"Officials, in fact, it’s better to enter the customs..." The guard at Baoshuiguan who came out of the customs was actually a scribe, and after a famous sect, he was a new commander of the Eight-character Army. He was called Fan Yihong. See You can't help but be careful. "If you enter the customs, you will have a big house, and you can eat more casually."

"I'm so lonely, why would I think of a big house?"

Zhao Jiu didn't raise his head, rubbing the simple map and saying. "Leave aside this, today I got the military situation. After talking about the Wanyan Lou room sent his son Wanyan Huo female to attack Danzhou (southeast of Yan'an, next to the Yellow River, now Yichuan), Wu Jie hurriedly left Luochuan to support. The result was defeated by the Lou and his sons. Danzhou was helpless and directly surrendered. However, Danzhou was lost, and Juanzhou (the main road of Beiluo Water leading to the Guanzhong Plain in the southwest of Yan'an, and the area of ​​Fuxian County) suffered from both sides. Flanking, coupled with Wu Jie's serious loss of troops and horses, how do you think we should deal with it? Should we defend or withdraw?"

"Never mind here!" Qu Duan was about to speak, but it was Liu Ziyu who stepped forward again, facing each other. "Officials, although at this time, except for the clues of the Lou room, the military situation is vague everywhere, even Taiwei Han is still on the road, but since Yujia will enter Luoyang, the military situation is being predicted. The minister thought that it was time to make a plan for this trip to the west as soon as possible, so as not to change the military affairs ahead, and we cannot have a fixed number in our hearts!"

"What kind of rough?"

Zhao Jiu's face is opposite. "Does the Privy Council have something to say?"

"Yes." Liu Ziyu raised his voice. "Now that the situation is becoming clear, it is the Jin Army attacking the east and attracting the east. Nearly 200,000 troops of the East and West Route Army... more than 50,000 troops have joined forces to try to use the name of the mansion as the node to live in Jingdong to contain the imperial camp. The former army, the imperial camp and the right army; and the 150,000 people joined forces to the west, intending to annex Kansai..."

"This is nonsense!" Qu Duan finally couldn't help but interject. "The Privy Council is in charge of the country's secret military affairs. These things have been known as early as a month ago. As a result, at this time, what important military conditions generally come to the Imperial Road... Is the Privy Council doing things like this?"

"Qu Fu Du Tong!" Liu Ziyu is also a recognized bad temper, how can he tolerate Qu Duan, Dang Even yelled back. "Today is the first day of April. What day is the month before? What's more, there is also the Yiyoumen incident, the Dachaohui incident, and then the march is here! Besides, the military situation is serious, and some news is always confirmed... "

"As you confirm this, the official family was ruined long ago!" Qu Duan was not afraid, and skipped ‘Month Before’ with a sneer. "Don’t think I don’t know, you have a private grievance with the Taihang Mountain Horse Extension Manager, and you are always selfish about the message he sends, so that you abandoned your public husband for your own sake when you were in Nanyang last time! I only ask you, and you confirm it again and again. How about? Ma Jiao has deceived you? People were thrown into prison by your father and son, and the golden man released him, but he abandoned his family to fight against the gold. Why should such a loyal man deceive you? Just because To have hatred with you? It means to have hatred with you, you must have no hatred with the officials, and with the people of Lianghe, Guanxi, and the Central Plains! Let me say that you, a civil servant like you, use swords and guns. I learned some furs of soldiers and horses, but I just pretended to be, Jingkang's change was because of the state affairs being controlled by people like your father and son..."

Liu Ziyu was still patient before, but at the end of hearing, the other party actually said that his martyr father was completely unscrupulous, and even sneered suddenly, and then chanted in the account one by one:

"Don't go to Guanzhongxing for a career, but come to go fishing on the river."

There was a moment of silence in the tent, and Qu Duan's face flushed with suffocation.

At this moment, Zhao Jiu, who had been listening quietly to each other, suddenly laughed: "Yang Yizhong."

"The minister is here." Yang Yizhong followed the sound forward.

"Roll up the tent door again." Zhao Jiu quietly ordered. "Let the officers and soldiers outside, as well as the jinshi officials accompanying the army, see the movement here clearly and be curious."

Yang Yizhong was startled, but he passed the embarrassing Qu Duan and Liu Ziyu, and personally rolled up the curtain.

"You go on." After the account door was reopened, Zhao Jiu pointed at Liu Ziyu with his finger.


Liu Ziyu took a few deep breaths, suppressed the anger in his chest, and continued to report to the official. "A good instructor knows that the Privy Council believes that if you want to defend or fight, if you want to win this battle, the most important thing is isolation."

"How do you tell?" Zhao Jiu's spirit was slightly vigorous.

"It means doing everything possible to prevent the various ministries of the Golden Army from gathering in Guanzhong." Liu Ziyu's breath gradually calmed down. "The golden army is divided into three, but in the end it is only the army entering the pass that has to do its best to match up, so..."

"Therefore, the most urgent task is to try to stop the reinforcements of the enemy in Taiyuan from the Lou room." Zhao Jiu was surprised and said directly. "But Danzhou has been lost. What if Jin Jun crosses the river to support from Yan'an and Danzhou?"

"No." Qu Duanqi explained before Liu Ziyu. "The officials don’t know that the upper reaches of the Yellow River, starting from Longmen, have many mountains and narrow roads. If the golden people want to gather from northern Shaanxi, only the Yanhe River in Yan’an Prefecture can be used as a food road between Hedong and Hexi. From Yan'an Fucheng, make a circle and then go south...This way, the Jinren already has Yan'an Prefecture, Jinning Army, and Hewai three prefectures to requisition grains nearby. The supply of 50,000 to 60,000 people is already the limit, and it can’t be too much. Back then, the Five-Road Faxia was defeated without regard to logistics, and Lou Shi had to be three points better than the civil servants of the current court."

Zhao Jiu slowly nodded: "I understand what you mean... It's not that Lou Shi didn't want to assemble a large army at the beginning, but that northern Shaanxi had limited troops. He had to count on the Hedong Golden Army to support him from the Hezhong Mansion, so you want me to be in Shaanzhou. , Put heavy troops between the same prefecture, try to isolate Pujin and Fenglingdu, and block most of the enemy in the east of the river?"

"That's exactly what I meant." Qu Duan still answered first.

Zhao Jiu slowly nodded, but shook his head for a while: "Can Li Yanxian's soldiers and horses in Shanzhou defend the two states?"

"Not enough!" Qu Duan was right. "The enemy's one hundred thousand, even if they guard across the river, they will also get six to seven thousand, which can still be sharply opposed..."

Zhao Jiu was silent for a moment, because he understood Qu Duan's meaning at once, and when he went to see Liu Ziyu again, the Privy Council, which had just fought with Qu Duan as if he was killing his father, agreed to the decree, but did not say a word. hair.

And now, Zhao Jiu knew that there was no second way to deal with this matter: "Should Han Shizhong go to the same state?"

"It's Taiwei Han."

Liu Ziyu also spoke solemnly again. "Officials...Tongzhou is the lost Danzhou to the north, Luoshui to the west and south, and the Yellow River to the east. On the Yellow River, although the Pujin Floating Bridge has been burnt down, the ferry is still there. It is the Jinjun. Crossing the river from Hedong is the best place."

"This place is surrounded by water on three sides and mountains on one side." Wang Yuan, the commander of the imperial capital, who had not said a word, also interrupted. "This terrain can be defended with tens of thousands of generals and elites, and it can't be a miraculous effect, but on the other hand, if you pity the soldiers and horses here, once you take advantage of the enemy, you will be strangled... Officials, you must not hesitate at this time, and you must not spare any elite or general! After all, we are weak, so if we can, we will try our best!"

Zhao Jiu nodded heavily, and at the same time looked at Wang Boyan, the army chief who had been silent, and Wang Boyan immediately bowed his head. Seeing this, the official looked back at the scholar Kobayashi who was aside.

Scholar Kobayashi understood, and directly bowed his head and wrote the imperial decree with the assistance of Hu Hong.

"But if Han Shizhong, Yue Fei, Li Yanxian, Zhang Jun, and Zhang Rong can't move lightly, can I only use the imperial army and various troops in the Guanxi to fight against the Lou room?" With absolute rationality and correct will, Zhao Jiu's face is still hard to look.

"Officials, Shuchen said bluntly, this was originally the reason why Lou Shi attacked from Yan'an... That place was the northwest of the country, and the imperial army would have been difficult to go there. If in the end the whole army of the imperial army and the Shaanxi Sixth Route Soldiers and Horses can really be united. It is already a great blessing to take Yu Lou Shi." Liu Ziyu replied boldly. "However, no one knows where the war is going!"

Zhao Jiu even nodded... Isn't that the truth?

The Wanyan Lou's room has not hesitated to go south for tens of thousands of troops for strategic investigations. Isn't it to figure out the strength, support speed, and range of support?

It would be ridiculous if there were no such calculations this time.

From the current point of view, this arrangement is the most rational and correct in the end.


"What were we talking about at the beginning?" Zhao Jiu came back to his senses, but he was a little dazed for a while.

"Danzhou has been lost, and Wu Jie was defeated for the second time. Now there are not many soldiers and horses in Haozhou. Are you defending or abandoning?" Qu Duan stepped forward and reminded carefully.

"Is that guarding or discarding?" Zhao Jiu stared at Qu Duan inquired.

"Keep it and abandon it!" When the twilight was approaching, the sergeants had already gone to eat, and under the lights, Qu Duan stared at the expressionless Zhao official's house, his eyes burning for a while.

In response to this, Zhao Jiu said nothing, and then looked at Liu Ziyu, Hu Hongxiu and others.

Liu Ziyu first glanced at Qu Duan with a serious face, and then stepped forward to face each other: "The Privy Council also thought it should be guarded and abandoned!"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Jiu's expression remained unchanged, just raising his head to signal.

"Return to the officials, this is exactly what the minister was supposed to say on behalf of his colleagues in the Privy Council..." Liu Ziyu seemed to have thoughts a long time ago. "If Guanzhong wants to defend, one is to isolate the Hedong army as much as possible, so as not to make the Guanzhong Jin army too powerful; the other is to rely on the hills and mountains of northern Shaanxi as much as possible, resist layer by layer, but do not need to fight deadly or decisively with it, but to Try to consume and exhaust their elite cavalry in the mountains of northern Shaanxi, and at the same time have to divide their troops to guard everywhere, and when the heat is hot, when they are too tired, let go again, or ask for battle against the mountains, or Enticed under the strong city..."

Zhao Jiu slowly nodded, then went to see Qu Duan again.

"The minister sees that way too." Qu Duan quickly answered. "Northern Shaanxi is the key to this battle. It can be guarded and not abandoned, but it must be resisted and harassed, and a useful army must be preserved. When the enemy's army becomes weak, our army will gradually become stronger. Then it will either fight or defend according to the situation."

Zhao Jiu nodded his head and wanted to speak, but he closed his mouth.

But at this time, Qu Duan knelt directly in the tent, and kowtow in response: "The official! If the official still uses Wu Jie to guard Juzhou, I am afraid it is not enough!"

Unexpectedly, in the face of Qu Da's behavior, no one in the account had extra reaction except Fan Yihong, who was in Poshuiguan, who seemed to know that he would do it like this.

"How to say?"

Zhao Jiu didn't change his face, but he just appeared curious. "I heard people say that being able to write and martial arts is Qu Da, courageous and conspiracy is Wu Da... This Wu Da is as famous as you, although he has lost two games, it is only a disadvantage in the field, so he can't defend Huozhou?"

"Officials," Qu Duan on the ground was frank, eager and right. "Being brave and conspiring is basically to make up the number of characters to compare with the minister... If Wu Da is brave and conspiracy, why would he fail like this?"

Zhao Jiu finally sneered.

"Officials, ministers didn't mean that." Qu Duan explained quickly. "Actually, if you really just guard the land of a state, the Wu brothers can just have one. If you are brave in the field, the ministers are not as good as Wu Da. But the problem is that, from the current point of view, Huozhou will inevitably fall, and Huozhou After the fall, it was time to gather soldiers and horses to retreat in an orderly manner, and then back to Jingyuan Road and Huanqing Road to continue to resist steadily... How to dispatch three groups of soldiers and horses from several states? How to lure the golden men into the west? How to harass the golden army in many ways? Wu Jie is a little lacking, because he has always been a subordinate of the minister and has no such prestige!"

"Then who has this prestige?" Zhao Jiu did not hesitate, and opposed coldly.

Qu Duan opened his mouth to speak, but through the swaying candlelight, he couldn't make a sound several times under the gaze of the Zhao Guanjia after the case... After nearly a year, he returned to his dream hometown to regain military power and participate in the war. The opportunity is right in front of him. But under the gaze of this official, he dared not make a sound.

Dining outside the tent, this is the most lively time when the sky is completely dark in the former barracks, but the big tent under the dragon's bow has long been silent.

Everyone is watching Qu Duan.

And Qu Duan is also thinking about everything:

Don't go to Guanzhongxing for business, but come to go fishing on the river.

Thinking about it now, with this poem, the Zhao official’s family, whose personal authority is at least unshakable, could have killed him long ago, or he could deny his eager request...even if he didn’t brag this time, Huanqing Road and Jing The soldiers, civilians, and military officials on Yuanlu and Yanju Road all persuaded him, because after all, he had saved all the roads in northern Shaanxi during the previous Golden Army invasions.

But having said that, why didn't you kill it?

Why did this official just keep looking at himself and not just deny it?

There is only one answer.

"Guanjia!" I don't know how long it took, Qu Duan almost exhausted all his energy before making a sound. Once he made a sound, he couldn't control it completely and burst into tears for a while. "The minister is wrong! Please join the army with the minister, and the minister should do his best for the country!"

After the candle fire, Zhao Jiu slowly nodded at first, then shook his head slightly, sighed again, and remained silent for a long time.

Seeing this, Qu Duan felt nervous, but gradually became disappointed and desperate.

But unexpectedly, after waiting for a while, the official Zhao's house, who was in unremoved armor, didn't say a word, but suddenly got up and went to the corner of the tent behind him. UU read www.uukanshu. However, com took a set of bows and arrows, turned and placed it on the case, and then said to Qu Duan:

"Qu Da...This bow and arrow is what I am used to. You take it... If you continue to defy the orders, lynch your subordinates, see your friends and fail to save them, you will either use this bow and shoot at me, or you will be in your old days. Find an acquaintance in the robe and let him strangle you to death with this bow... We monarchs and subjects have no third way!"

At this point, Yang Yizhong stepped forward and handed over his bow and arrow to Quda on the ground. At the same time, Zhao Jiu also turned to the side of Xiaolin Bachelor: "Let Hu Yin be the leader of Shan For military and political matters on the North 3rd Road, add Wu Jijingyuan Road Jingwei, add Wu Lin Yanjun Road Soldiers and Horses Superintendent, Yuying Deputy Du Tong Qu Duan resigns, turn to Huanqing Road Jingwei... military situation is urgent, and his imperial decree, Gold medal, let him go immediately overnight!"

When Qu Da heard this, he was ecstatic for a while, and he took the bow, but felt relieved.

As the saying goes, twenty years of army and horse, return today, a heavy load, all the time needed.

PS: Thank you for the 78th cute crow classmate... On the top of the spit, on the side of the spit... Is this the source? So it means the crow can dance?

(End of this chapter)

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