Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 68: Strategy

Chapter 234

Wu Jie is not a hypocritical person. He has been in the army when he was a teenager, and who has been in the Western Army for 20 years will be hypocritical?

Therefore, after only a moment, Wu Jinqing bowed down to the Prime Minister, first confessed that he was frightened... and did not kneel again because the Zhao official’s family supported him... and then confessed that she wished to serve the country and the emperor.

But without hesitation, he seized this opportunity firmly.

And Zhao Jiu also nodded, and the handsome position was decided accordingly.

Of course, things can't be that simple.

Moreover, that evening, Wu Jie followed the official family for dinner. He wanted to express his general view of the battle in order to obtain the official approval. However, Zhao official family declined directly, saying that Qing was tired from afar and was about to rest. , And then declined the past.

As a result, Wu Jie had no choice but to sleep in the side tent of the Chinese army in accordance with the official arrangement, only a few dozen steps away from the large tent of Zhao official's house, but tossing and turning again, always awake.

Of course, this is understandable. When the king saw him, he entrusted the country with important tasks. This made Wu Jie, who had been born in a good family and had been in the army for 20 years, extremely excited, and the official family was next door, which made people quite nervous. More than that, as Wu Jie carefully thought about today's appointment, before the feeling of sleepiness began to rise, the feeling of anxiety replaced the sense of excitement, and then he became more and more awake.

In other words, the first thing to think about is the battle with the Jinren.

Wu Jie has been in Fangzhou for a long time, and he is a rare general. He naturally has his own thoughts in his heart, but it is clear that this battle is related to the overall situation, the country's luck, and even the life and death of officials... He will also read the report. it's naturally uneasy.

Secondly, it is the question of his own identity. Although the officials have entrusted the overall situation face to face, Wu Jinqing still finds it troublesome, because although he is also a veteran of the Western Army for more than ten years, the so-called senior general of the Western Army is also A dignified manager, there has been a rare victory recently... I am afraid this is also the root cause of the blue eyes of the officialdom... But anyway, once you take over the commanding position, it is destined to attract dissatisfaction and jealousy.

Because serving as a commander means that you have to bear the lives and deaths of one hundred thousand people in the army. This is not a simple question of who gets up and who gets down, nor does it mean that the number of heads won is more, and the accumulated merits are higher. Quantitative indicators, and then the emperor can do what he can with a finger, but to say that at the moment, except for a candidate like Han Shizhong who is enough to overwhelm everyone, it will be destined to cause dissatisfaction among the rest of the people and other factions:

Let Liu Xi come up. Given his qualifications and background, the Guanxi Army on the Xisan Road might be convinced, but the Yuying Army and the Quduan of the Beisan Road, as well as their Wu brothers, would certainly not be convinced.

When Wang Yuan came up, let’s not say that the soldiers and horses of the Sixth Route in Guanxi, even the imperial army would be dissatisfied, because the imperial army knew better than anyone that Wang Yuan had been involved with the rebel Kang Lu in Mingdao Palace, and he was in Liu Guangshi. The cowardice in the incident was fatal for a military commander.

In the position of Wang Yan, the commander-in-chief of the Eight-character Army built the festival early thanks to Yanling's military exploits, but he was very bookish, so it was not only the Western Army who refused to accept it, but also the gang of Wang De in the imperial army.

Just let Qu Duan come up, everyone dare not dissatisfied...because everybody also knows that whoever dares to show dissatisfaction on his face will really dare to kill whoever Liwei...but he is still dissatisfied, otherwise. He would not be driven out of northern Shaanxi by a scholar Hu Yin.

So for the same reason, his Wu Jie is in power, and his brothers have been running the Beisanlu soldiers and horses for more than a year. Perhaps they will naturally support them. But why should the imperial army and the various ministries of Xisanlu be convinced?

Seniority, background, official position, and fame are just superficial issues. What lies inside is actually a matter of factions and hilltops. This is a traditional vice in the military and an unavoidable thing. And this kind of problem becomes more prominent when the armies rush to merge.

Therefore, in any case, Wu Jie knew that he was destined to face the difficulties and frustrations of the other army generals tomorrow.

And this also raises two other serious questions... you must know that whether in the army or in the officialdom, if you want to suppress subordinates, it is nothing more than name and reality. However, the problem now is, These two things, Wu Jie seemed to be difficult to obtain right now.

The official commander Xiangyu Wenxu guarded the Dragon Dragon in the Chang'an Old Palace, confused people, and then personally held the Privy Envoy's banner in the camp. Then, whose banner should he use Wu Jie to give orders? I'm afraid it is very likely that I will borrow the banner of Yuwen Sanggong with the official, and then actually borrow the official name to do things... If the name is not correct, the words will not go well. Is this a handsome minister or joining the army?

As for the reality, it’s even more terrifying. Counting from the year before, the soldiers and horses of the North Third Road have been fighting against the Lous Department, and the losses were so heavy that they now have to gather the border walled soldiers to enrich the troops. In terms of the number of troops, Beisan Road is far behind the Imperial Army and Xisan Road. What's more, Wu Jie’s core and most trusted unit also had to stay in Fangzhou because of strategic needs... Then dare to ask him what Wu Jie can use to suppress these arrogance. Warriors?

A handsome official who gives orders, commanding an army of 100,000, wouldn't it be ridiculous not to have his own Chinese army?

No, he doesn't even have his own guard!

Everything is just looking at the holy family.

However, after thinking of this, Wu Jie was relieved. Anyway, he was trusted by the officials to command a hundred thousand people here, and it was better than sitting and defending the city in Fangzhou... Within a year, three battles and three defeats, but even I have become a manager, and now I have only won one game before I can come to the imperial front to take on this important task. What is the real name?

Do you use it? Let the officials give him those two roads back Weijun?

All you can do is to give your ideas as much as you can. If you don’t use it, you don’t need it.... It’s natural to win. It’s a good deal to keep the official family back to Bashu.

All in all, within one night, Wu Jie went from excitement to apprehension to relief, plus a day's exhaustion, but finally fell asleep.

But after this sleep, Wu Jinqing woke up again, but she was actually awakened by the heat. She turned over in panic, only to find that the sky was already bright. Not only that, there were not many people inside or outside the army tent where she was lying, only one pot was used. The clean water, a cotton face towel, and a set of finely-cut and precious cotton robe are placed in the tent...

This year, cotton was originally more precious than silk. After Jingkang, the Wuling rebellion in the southern tip of Huguang and the northern section of Guangnan has been going on for four or five years. The imperial court was unable to quell the rebellion, and cotton production fell further, making this material even more precious.

Therefore, when Wu Jie looked at it, he knew that this was a gift from the official, and then he was not polite, but hurriedly threw down the sweaty lined clothes, wiped his face and upper body in the tent, and then put it on directly. This expensive cotton robe with a waist and sleeves, embroidered with brocade flowers, obviously has the shape of a military uniform.

I heard the movement outside the account. At this time, the imperial squad officer personally delivered breakfast, but it was a chilly melon and a half-urn chilled millet porridge. Wu Jinqing is not an unseen person, she naturally knows This was soaked in the well water, which is the most relieving heat, but because I knew the big thing was ahead, I didn't hesitate to pour out the rice porridge in the urn. After drinking it happily, I walked out with a touch of my mouth holding the melon.

After getting out of the account, Wu Da was completely flustered when the sun was already approaching Zhengnan. He simply threw the melon in his hand to an armored soldier in front of the door, and then hurried to the Chinese army's account.

However, at this time, seeing this General Wu finally out of the account, the few sergeants who had been waiting between the Chinese army’s big tent and the side tent also turned around in a panic, and then rushed directly to the Chinese army’s tent, fighting hard. drum.

The rumbling of the drums meant to gather generals. Wu Jie knew that he was waiting for him, and was even more panicked, so he rushed into the military tent, but saw the young official sitting in the front of the Central Army yesterday. Behind him stood the imperial squad’s direct and deputy commanders Yang Yizhong and Liu Yan. On the left are the imperial courtiers, the people from the capital, the living man, and other not-so-acquainted officials. On the right is the imperial king who I met last night. Yuan stood with the two leaders of the Beiwei army from Kanto.

In addition, there was an empty seat on the side of the case where the official was sitting, which made Wu Jie excited again.

However, when the official Zhao saw Wu Jie coming in, he only smiled, and gestured, letting the latter stop slightly to Wang Yuan's side, but was not in a hurry to let him take a seat.

Wu Jie quickly adjusted his mood and stood in the tent.

After a while, with the sound of the drums, countless generals poured in. Wu Jie squinted and found that besides Liu Xi, Liu Qi, Murong Wei, Li Yanqi, Qiao Ze, and Zhang Zhong, there were many other familiar faces. People he didn't even know, until the majestic Wang De, and three former generals of the Western Army under Liu Guangshi's command, Qiao Zhongfu and Zhang Jing, entered together, but he was only standing behind another general. This is for myself, to gather all the surrounding imperial soldiers and generals.

It can only be said that, fortunately, this place is still eighty miles away from the Golden Army camp, otherwise after the sentry cavalry found out, the Wanyan Lou room designated to call in desperately.

"Trouble trouble Zhuqing waiting in Qianying for a long time."

With Zhao official's words, Wu Jie blushed more and more, but he himself was always yellow, so he didn't show up. Regardless of how rich Wu Jie's psychological activities were, the official didn't make extra words, and he was straight to the point. "Today's meeting is nothing but one thing... Although I went to the front line personally, but after all, it is not military. As the saying goes, there are special skills in the art industry, and there should be generals who will take charge of the overall situation. Especially at the moment, in Kansai, Han Liangchen and Li Yanxian There are great and important tasks, so I can’t get away easily, and among the army hastily combined, the Guanxi Sixth Road, the imperial camp, and several units, need someone to take charge of the overall situation for me..."

Up to this point, many people have turned their slightly surprised eyes on the yellow-faced Wu Jie... Yesterday to now, there are rumors everywhere that the song is riding an iron elephant into the camp, and this battle will be the result. I didn’t see Qu Da’s red face when I entered the camp today, but I saw Wu Da’s yellow face, and this person was wearing a uniform of such a flamboyant cotton robe, standing so close to the official house, how can I not let him? Surprised?

Sure enough, Zhao Jiu didn't bother to sell it at all. He sat still, without even turning his eyes, he said directly: "Wu Qing listens to the order!"

"The minister is here!" Wu Jie immediately stepped out and bowed.

At this time, the Hanlin scholar Lin Jingmo suddenly went out again, and stood between the official family and Wu Jie, and then opened a bright yellow silk silk in public, shocked that the full account of the generals came out, and bowed behind Wu Jie... They are not civil servants, it is too common to kneel down.

Regarding this, Lin Jingmo only paused for a while and began to declare publicly: "The province: the saints move in the heavens and the earth, the teacher must be famous; the king controls the power of China and foreign countries, and the soldier who responds wins. It is a strategy of relying on the backbone, and coping with the fear of foreign insults. , Succumb to all the merits, give birth to everyone. Youwu doctor, Chungju governor, Jingyuan Road Jinglue, the founder of Baoding County, five hundred households in Baoding County, Wu Jie Zhongyi is based on talents, and wise and brave, he is said to be an outstanding man..."

Hearing this, everyone understood that it was Wu Da who was in charge.

Moreover, the officials were so enthusiastic that they took off their pants and fart and specifically moved out the decree. Obviously, they wanted to warn everyone that his importance to Wu Jie was unshakable, and no one was allowed to provoke the authority of Wu Da's servant.

However, Lin Jingmo kept reading, and soon read a sentence that stunned everyone in the account:

"...Therefore, it is specially authorized to control the six roads of the Guanxi, the deputy capital of the imperial camp, add Taiwei, lead the western army Jidu envoy, and supervise Han Shizhong and Li Yanxian outside the Guanxi army and civilians... The master will implement it!"

The first few titles are no more, nothing more than meant to facilitate the handling of this war, but after hearing the term "Jie Du" of the Zhenxi Army, Wu Jie only felt confused in his mind and thought of a lot of things overnight. , At this moment, he couldn't say a word.

Behind him, all the generals in the camp were all astonished.

Among them, the generals in the imperial camp are okay. After all, they have been convinced by the authority of the Zhao official family for many years with the central battle. However, many of the Kansai generals have been sensational, especially Liu Xi. Du raised his head and tried to get up several times and shouted injustice, but several times he met the bright yellow silk and bowed his head.

In the final analysis, this is one of the reasons for the existence of the generals in the Song Dynasty... They have been graces for generations and generals from generation to generation. For them, they are soldiers and horses of the Western Army and the Royal Family of the Song Dynasty. Only both sides have stood firm. Only then can there be generations of prosperity and wealth.

The officials and the central government can deceive or conceal it, but it is extremely difficult for them to have any apparent and process hesitant gestures, let alone opposing gestures.

How did the teacher die? I knew it was death to accept the will, but I still went with death.

How did Liu Guangshi die? In the midst of the turmoil, I brought more troops to the front of the imperial court, but they were dragged by the official’s hands, and it was his two generals who held their hands... Here, at least four parties are present!

"Chen...Chen will die without hesitation!"

After reciting the imperial edict for a few breaths, Wu Jie got up messy and took the edict.

"Let's stay here, there's one more thing." Zhao Jiu saw everyone standing up, and was not in a hurry to confront Wu Jiu, and then he stretched out his hand to the two of them in the seat. "Zhang Xian, Tian Shizhong."

"The minister is here."

"The minister is here."

Zhang and Tian each had a sudden heartbeat.

"At this point of you two, Pengju and Boying must have already explained it. I hope you will observe the Minister's Day and don't shame your father-in-law and righteous brother... The army, directly listen to Taiwei Wu's dispatch, I want you to do the same thing with Taiwei Wu, Yue Pengju and Zhang Boying...This is a military order, understand?" Zhao Jiu stared at the two seriously and inquired.

"The minister will follow the holy will!"

"Chen Zunzhi!"

Zhang Xian and Tian Shi each had an exciting spirit, and immediately responded.

And Zhao Jiu nodded, stood up again, and went straight down to support Wu Jixu who was holding the imperial edict, and then almost dragged the opponent to the position where he was sitting before, and then pressed it down. This was just aside. Sitting down in the side position...Yang Yizhong and Liu Yan were expressionless, and they actually left their original positions and turned to the side behind Zhao Guan's house. When Zhang Xian and Tian Shizhong dared to neglect when they saw this, they stood up to Wu Jie with their swords. Behind.

In the second half of this process, the Zhao official's house remained still and speechless.

Up to this point, Wu Yan and the generals in the tent were in a trance, but after a while, as the breathing became even, Wu Jinqing immediately became awe-inspiring... The courageous and strategic Wu Da didn't know yet, unless he broke the Lou room, Otherwise, the only way for this kind of grace is to keep the official family and enter Hanzhong after the war, and then squat oneself to thank the official family for their kindness. This is a mere way.


At this point, Wu Jie, who was determined in his heart, no longer looked at the appearance of the official Zhao's house beside him (in fact, he didn't dare to look at it), but directly spoke to the countless generals in the account with the same solemn expression. "Don’t gossip. When I was in Fangzhou, I thought about the battle day and night, thinking about how to face Lou Shi... But I thought about it, but there was one thing that I didn’t understand! Wu Mou is not talented, dare to ask everyone, Lou Shi said. Then, why stayed in the south of Baihe for a few days and stayed there? The official sent troops from Chang'an. As for this place, he just didn't move, so much so that he just waited for me to set up camp and gather all the troops calmly?"

There were dozens of high-ranking officers in the account, and none of them made a sound... This was not because they wanted to embarrass Wu Jie. Official Zhao's house was nearby. The embarrassment was not something they could give now. They were just a little embarrassed.

But Zhao Jiu waited a while, seeing no one respond, but simply swept down his side. Wang Yan, the deputy chief of the imperial battalion in the first position, panicked and wanted to go out.

However, at this moment, Li Qiong, the guardian of Li Qiong diagonally across from him, got out of the queue first, and answered, "Return to Taiwei, Li Qiong, the commander of the army at the end of the imperial camp, thought that Lou Shi was waiting for Hedong. variable!"

"What variable?"

"Either wait for the Hedong reinforcements to gather from Longmen, or wait for the Hedong Golden Army to forcefully cross Pujin, or wait for the Hedong Golden Army to raid Shanzhou and succeed." Li Qiong said in a positive tone. "Or wait for the success of such surprise attacks as the Hedong Golden Army's raid on Luoyang."

Zhao Jiu sat still, his expression unchanged, but just let these people discuss military affairs.

"Not bad." Wu Jie nodded heavily. "And if he waits for these things, what shall we do?"

Li Qiong was silent for a while, even Wang Yan and another Wang De, who was about to go out, just winked at each other, standing upright separately...Wait, what can we do? Then wait till chant.

"Wait, it will be." Wu Jie suddenly sneered. "The Jinren and I are separated by a big river, and from the East China Sea to this point, it stretches for thousands of miles. Along the way, there are several natural joints along the Baoshuiguan, Tongguan, and Weimu ancient roads. The battlefield is divided, and the left and the right are difficult to support. , Wherever a big victory is, it is difficult to affect our side for a while... but on our side, once the victory is determined, it is enough to end the battle... Therefore, the only thing to worry about is the gathering of Jinjun reinforcements!"

Everyone was speechless, and many people didn't quite understand what Wu Jie meant by what everyone knew.

But Wu Jinqing did not rush, and continued to ask: "Li control system is very good, but there are people who have other opinions. Why is Lou Shi still there?"

"Perhaps it was to escape the heat?" Xihe Road made Liu Xi's complexion as usual and walked out to face each other. "After all, most of the golden people are from the north, and they are afraid of the heat. Wasn't the Taiwei reliant on the heat to win the battle before in Fangzhou?"

"Liu Jinglue's words are very reasonable." Wu Jie nodded immediately. "Anything else?"

"Perhaps it is also because of the fear of Master Wang." Qin Feng Road Scripture made Zhao Zhe hand out. "This time the officials ordered the battle, the whole army marched in a certain degree. The imperial army first occupied the four cities, and then the three soldiers and horses came to the camp. There were no flaws in the front and the back. It will be presumptuous, and the golden army is intending to do something. , May not dare to come."

"Well said!" Wu Jie was right. "Everyone is very good... I knew from Fangzhou that the strength of the Golden Army is undoubtedly strong, but there is a reason for its strength... First, the soldiers are tough and endurance, second is the cavalry coming and going, and the third is the heavy armor. , The four are sharp and sharp..."

"But now the heat is unbearable, the golden horses are thin, the soldiers are tired, and the terrain here is complex, the soldiers' tenacity and the benefits of the cavalry have been greatly weakened..."

"Moreover, since the official came to the throne, they have been united in one heart and repeatedly died with the Jinren. Our army had long known that the Jinren were only humans after all. They can be wounded, dieable, breakable, and victorious, so morale has gradually increased..."

"As for the benefits of weapon attack and killing, Jurchen has heavy arrows, and our Western Army has always used the divine arm bow wisely..."

"The armor gap cannot be avoided. Before Jingkang, although our army had many armors, many of them were poorly made. After Jingkang, many armors were lost. Officials set up workshops in Xiangyang Lilu and Daxiangguo Temple. They were quite effective, but they were mostly used for imperialism. Battalion... But now that the armors of the enemy and our armies have been fixed, whoever wants to make up one or two in one or two months, I am afraid it will be too late."

Wu Jie sat in the main seat and talked freely, and the generals standing below, and even the few central civil servants, almost all looked at each other, and the turmoil became more and more obvious.

Without him, as the newly appointed Taiwei Wu kept expounding his own concept of war and his views on the current situation in the Kansai region, almost everyone gradually realized the strategic intentions of the Taiwei Wu, but didn't realize it. He also had guesses from the faces of the rest of his colleagues!

"Although the Jinjun is strong, it must be invincible!" Wu Jie finally snapped. "On the contrary, if you wait here for the reinforcements of the Golden Army to gather, you will be hopeless by then. But now, the main force of our army has gathered, and Wu Lin and Li Yongqi have also arrived in Ningzhou. Therefore, when the enemy's military strength is the greatest, we will send the army north. , Approaching Baishui! The three generals Qu Duan, Wu Lin, and Li Yongqi gathered in Fangzhou, and rushed to attack Beiluohekou camp, and forced the Jin Jun to fight quickly!"

Everyone looked pale, but they just went to see the young man sitting beside Wu Jie.

Zhao Jiuqing knew that some things would have to come out by himself, but he sighed slightly, and first asked Wu Jie: "Wu Qing, what you wanted to tell me yesterday is different from what you said today? Is it because I worship you today? Being handsome, you have the intention of being eager?"

"Guanjia," Wu Jie tried to bow her hand, but was stopped by the other side raising her hand. "If you say that the minister has not been grateful for the official's favor today, no one will believe it, but taking advantage of the hot weather and the greatest opportunity compared to the strength of the army, the idea of ​​taking the initiative to attack, there is also a strategy of attacking the north and the south. But it was the thought of the ministers in Fangzhou, and it was not a temporary change."

"I see." Zhao Jiu forced the sigh in his heart, but he got up and looked at the generals in the account, his expression unchanged. "Zhuqing...I ask you, does any of you know Beiluo Water and the hydrogeography around Baishui to here better than Taiwei Wu?"

The generals were speechless. Many of them were veterans of the Western Army. I am afraid everyone knows the hydrology and geography along the Beiluo River, especially the positions of the two armed forces, but who dares to say that it is clearer than Wu Jie, that is to say. Cowhide.

Let’s also say that the positions of the two armies are located at the junction of the Weibei Plain and the hilly area to the north, and it is the Qu Duan and Wu brothers who are facing the Anti-Golden Army in the north of this area. However, even Qu Duan left here a year before returning, Wu Lin is no better than his brother... because it was Wu Jie who fought a big defeat on the other side of Luoshui near here last year! This year, we lost Danzhou and Juanzhou in the vicinity of Beiluoshui in the upper reaches! Then he won another game at Jushui River Mouth in Beiluoshui just now!

Wu Jie really knows this area of ​​hydrology and geography best.

"Then I will ask you again, since Jingkang, who of you has fought the Lou room the most times? Who has won the most battles with the Lou room? Who has the most recent combat experience with the Lou room?" Zhao Jiu continued to inquire. . "Which of you has the most troops in the battle against Lou Shi?"

Everyone was silent, because everyone knew that this person was Wu Jie.

And everyone is also awakened, why the Zhao official family must promote Wu Jie to sit in this handsome position.

Zhao Jiu saw that the generals were silent, but he just got up and left a few cases. UU read the book before the generals, and looked around left and right. His words were flat: "Don’t hide it from you, I heard Taiwei Wu wants to give up. This swamp, this city, this Dazhai is close to Baishui, and my heart is also apprehensive, even a little scared... But I also want to ask you, if I don’t believe Taiwei Wu in this battle, who should I believe? If anyone boasted in the previous few questions that they could pass Taiwei Wu and had other strategies, even if they stand up today, I can't say that I am overjoyed... Is there anyone?"

The four of Wang Yuan, Wang Yan, Wang De, and Liu Xi were scanned by Zhao Jiu, each silent, and Liu Xi simply lowered his head.

"If there is no one," Zhao Jiu looked around for a week, but laughed hardly. "Convenient to follow the military order! And if someone does not speak today, but will not be able to fight in the future, or accuse Taiwei Wu of today's decision based on the future battle situation... it does not matter."

Everyone was stunned.

"Because if this battle is lost, I'm afraid I won't be able to pursue military gains and losses with you!" Zhao Jiu continued to laugh and check the many generals in the army, and then looked back. "Wu Qing, since you have considered the overall situation a long time ago, you don't have to worry about it! Because I have also considered it long ago and have no doubts!"

Wu Jie, who didn't know when to stand up, had blue veins on her lips, but she nodded heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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