Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 70: Think back

Chapter 236

In late May, in the midsummer season, the Song Army marched to Yaoshan with Wu Jie as the commander, and set up a camp 30 miles away from the Jin Army. Among them, probably because of the pressing summer heat, the Jin army chose to build a village on the edge of the water, while the Song army chose to build a village on the mountain in order to maintain the vision of responding to the cavalry raid.

Of course, the two sides are cramped between Yaoshan Mountain and Wulong Mountain. The district is more than 30 miles long and more than 10 miles wide on the plateau terrain. It is next to the water and not far from the mountain; the gentle **** at the foot of the mountain is far away. Mizusawa is also very close.

And this combination of highland, waters, hills, and ravines also made the routine small-stock temptations of both sides after the establishment of the village difficult and complicated.

After all, it is the so-called dead horse running on the plains, shallow water can flood people, this kind of broken terrain, if there is a satellite perspective, with the light green of summer, it may look like a smooth road, but in fact it is running and walking. Once you go, that's another matter. For scouts and small groups of troops, a lightly shallow puddle, a ditch two to three feet wide, a small forest, and a low hillside are all potentially lethal environments.

In fact, just two days later, as the Song Army camp was gradually perfected, the Song Army and the Jin Army also learned each other's camp plans. After a summer shower, the two sides tacitly stopped the small groups of troops. Kill.

But this does not mean that the coaches of both sides will stop testing.

On the afternoon of the day after the shower ended, Wu Jie took the initiative to send an envoy to visit Yan Lou's room and asked the other party to complete the unfinished singles show in Fangzhou. In response, Lou Shi calmly replied, saying that he was the head coach of the Jin Jun. If he wanted to go heads-up, it would only be Yuwen Xianggong who would stand up against him. As for Taiwei Wu wanted to come over, he had his second son to do it for him.

Wu Jie was not angry at all, and continued to write a letter the next morning, saying that since Marshal Lou did not want to be singled out, it would be better to agree that three days later, the two sides will be under Yaoshan and the two armies are in the middle of the camp. , Line up the battlefield, and then unite the armies of the two sides to fight for life and death.

The letter was sent out in a hurry again, and this time, Lou Shi also quickly replied, but he agreed directly.

The news broke out, and the entire Song army was shaken.

"Speaking of which, there was a quarrel in front of you?"

In a broad camp somewhere on the foothills of Mount Yao, Zhao Jiu was sitting on a small stool with his head down and eating melons.

"Yes." Yang Yizhong held hands to each other, his expression a little helpless.

"Are Liu Xi and Wu Jie again?" Zhao Jiu continued to face each other.

"No, this time it is Wang Dewang Deputy Dutong and Liu Qi Liu Jinglue." Yang Yizhong quickly explained. "Vice Wang said that he will be the vanguard in three days and that all cavalry will be handed over to him for use. He also said..."

"It's also said that the soldiers and horses of the West Third Road are incompetent, unable to fight, and are waste?" Zhao Jiu swallowed a mouthful of melon, and said casually.

"No, Wang Fudutong said that the soldiers and horses on the West Third Road were poor and the cavalry was useless to the brothers Liu Qi and Liu Xi." Yang Yizhong immediately corrected it.

"It's too poor."

Zhao Jiu made a symbolic condemnation, then dropped the melon skin directly, then stood up with a slight touch of his mouth, walked to the side of the clearing, and took a few deep breaths while looking at Yaoshan with green eyes.

The air is fresh after the rain, and it is also at the foot of Mount Yao, which is more refreshing.

why? Of course, it is because of plant photosynthesis that oxygen is created.

However, at this point, Zhao Jiufu was in a trance again.

Besides, Zhao Jiu has been an official for three years, and some things have been blurred, and the books in his account basically only recorded the'Song Dynasty figures, common sense, and experience' that he thought of and encountered at the beginning. At the moment, instead, they gradually recorded the knowledge of later generations that suddenly came to mind.

This is not a deliberate consideration, let alone one's own positioning... For example, is he an ordinary college student, or is this an ordinary Zhao official family... Wait for who I am, where I come from, and where do I go? Philosophical thinking.

Even more than just a small book, many of his behaviors and many remarks are, in the final analysis, just out of a kind of survival instinct.

Because in the past three years, Zhao Jiu is very clear about what kind of state he is in... In the first year, his life may be lost at any time, his official identity may disappear at any time, and the small exiled court around him may also perish at any time, Zhao Song The country may be subjugated at any time; in the second year, the situation seemed to be better, but it was still overwhelmed by the golden army; in the third year, the situation was much better, but in fact, the two hundred thousand golden army His existence still makes this country and himself seem shaky.

In this state, many times, Zhao Jiu hid his own feelings, deep thinking, and those who belonged to the traversal to have specific ideas deep in his heart.

In the past three years, he dare not enjoy life, dare not stop the phenomenon that he is not familiar with, and except for the first time, he dare not even spy on the lives of the people at the bottom...because he is afraid that he will do it. Shake the anti-gold determination.

Anti-gold, anti-gold!

Everything is for the anti-gold, and the anti-gold is for everything. This is because the Golden Kingdom and the Golden Army are always moving around you like a tiger, and you don't even have a fence.

Before the expedition, Zhang Jun took his hand to tears, saying that within three years, if you bear with each other as your country, you will surely win this time... The second half of the emotional conclusion is not mentioned, the first half is indeed the truth, but it is impossible for Zhang Deyuan to know. However, what other people endure is profit, but what he Zhao Jiu Zhao Guanjia endures is his own personality and sensibility.

The Duckling has been pretending for a long time, and sometimes I wonder if I am really just a Duckling.

Of course, it certainly doesn’t seem to be the case to outsiders... This is not just because he, an official, somewhat withstood the pressure, saved the Central Plains and Lianghuai, and returned to the old capital, but also because he always abandons his rationality at the final moment. Use the most drastic means to promote national events.

No matter how you look at these behaviors, they seem to be more emotional than rational.

In fact, sometimes Zhao Jiu didn't know himself, whether his words and attitudes when facing the civilian military commanders were the ones from the performance or did he really show his sincerity? Every time those decisions are made, are they rational or emotional? Is it reckless and ignorant every time you are forced to make a decision, or is it a strong release of sensibility?

At least this time, Zhao Jiu was really confused about the various incidents and decisions Pan Guifei had made after her pregnancy.

Of course, whether you release your sensibility or follow rationality, there is nothing left to say until now. Or in other words, it is precisely because there is nothing left to think of, that I emptied myself, and these weird thoughts that were almost equivalent to standing a flag appeared in my heart.

As for setting up flags, Zhao Jiu is even more in debt.

"The melon here is good, the sunshine is enough, so it's big and smells good." Zhao Jiu recovered, but suddenly turned around and gave orders to Yang Yizhong, who was full of stunned face. "Stop writing, let the messengers who reported on the military situation in Chang'an pass all the way, along the way to Jingyao Zhang Jun, Chang'an Yuwen Xianggong, and Chang'an Wu Guifei each said a word, and said that after the end of the war, I will invite them to Yaoshan. Eat melons here...As for these melons and fruits, distribute them to the lower class.

Yang Yizhong listened blankly, but turned his head after two steps, and looked at Zhao Guan's house motionlessly.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Jiu took his hands and didn't care. "Zhengfu thinks melon here is not good?"

"That's not what I meant." Yang Yizhong couldn't hold back after all. "Officials, three days later, it is inconvenient to say that a decisive battle..."

"Nothing like that." Zhao Jiu shook his head again and again. "Lou Shi and Wu Da are not corrupt scholars. Wu Dalian's behavior is just testing something, and if I am Lou Shi, I will just use this reply to entertain us. After three days, we still cannot close the camp, making us futile and impetuous." At this point, Zhao Jiufu laughed again. "Actually, the fight will really start in three days. Is it delaying our handing over and eating melons?"

Yang Yizhong was silent for a while, nodded, and then turned around to dispatch the messenger and distribute the fruits. But before he took a few steps, Wu Jie, who saw the yellow face, walked over, accompanied by Bachelor Kobayashi, and quickly bowed his head to salute.

"Deputy Marshal." Wu Jie hurriedly arched his hand at Yang Yizhong, then came to Zhao Jiu quickly, and then arched his hands again, with a grim expression. "The minister took the liberty to guess... I'm afraid that the living girl has already gone to the Beiluoshuihekou camp in Fangzhou, where the minister's brother and Qu Da are going to be frustrated. The strategy of fighting head and tail is afraid that it will lose out."

Zhao Jiu nodded but laughed again: "Actually, it is not a loss... 20,000 to 10,000, only if it is smoothed out, there is still a military advantage, and the scale of the local battlefield is increasing. Small, for us, on the contrary, the better we can command."

Wu Jie breathed a sigh of relief immediately, but his expression remained stern: "It is true. After all, if there are no living girls, there will only be 30,000 soldiers in Lou's room and 10,000 soldiers from the Han army. How can we treat us 80,000 soldiers? I'm afraid that he will avoid the battle and wait for reinforcements from Longmen. If so, it would be difficult to attack with the strength of our army..."

Zhao Jiu nodded, but shook his head again: "Jin Qing, I'm not as good as you in the war... In the future, you don't have to report everything about military affairs. You can be the master... In this battle, you can only treat me as I am. One shot is a dragon."

Wu Jie bowed his head to face each other, but came and went in a hurry, and Yang Yizhong only then followed Wu Jie slowly down the mountain.

PS: 150k is agreed, but 132k is actually added in this chapter... Don't say anything about being a nonsense person starting today... Keep your accounts! I owed 18k last month.

But to be honest... I always feel that bookkeeping is a more depraved beginning, man!

(End of this chapter)

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